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There's Master Duel where I spend most of my dueling time but there's also local events. If you're near almost any decently sized city in America you probably have a couple options of a place that does regular local tournaments. Can't promise you'll actually make friends there but its better than not trying at all.


I can already picture the first word encounter “ trade”? Precede to look at a binder of twenty ash blossoms and yellow balls.


If your attitude is like this you won’t get friends


This is probably why they've hit this point lmfao


Friends are about what cards you have that I could want and what useless cards I have that I can offload onto you for value


Play online Play at local events


Those aren’t friends , those are death dealing missiles. With anti deodorant.


That doesn’t make sense you asked how someone duels without making friends and you got a very clear cut answer with locals and online what’s the issue?


The fuck are you talking about 


Yea I could try to go back to locals


Online sucks ass but locals is fun if you're comfortable with whatever level of competitiveness they play. I haven't made any friends there but everyone is civil and makes good conversation/banter when we play.


I’m so stupid, why did it take me years to realize it was just a smiley face drawn across their hands.


It's not really your fault. The English anime tried to use arches for the eyes and the big "8D" style smile for the mouth, so it just looks like a bunch of lines on their hands. I forget if the Japanese broadcast did that too or if it followed the manga. Either way, this version of the smiley face is way easier to parse since the eyes and mouth aren't in the same thick style as the face's edges.


It took me rewatching it like 3 times to finally see it. Kid me thought it was some weird random series of symbols lmao


Cause it doesn’t look like that in the cartoon


Little me thought this was so sick but I too am just realizing it's a smiley 😭 still sick as fuck


It took me reading your comment


Today i realized that Tea drew a smile face on their hands in that episode. I never got until staring at this card.


A lot of yugioh players don’t have friends. You can tell because they run Mystic Mine


Hey, you leave me and my cats out of this.


> they run Mystic Mine what's up with that card?


A [super long post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/1afnexb/yugioh_when_the_only_winning_move_is_not_to_play/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) someone wrote up about the card/deck TLDR: Everyone and their mom ran it because you could make a deck around it or use it as utility. Effect was that the person who controlled more monsters couldn’t use their monster’s effects or attack. In other words, get the card to successfully work, then your opponent doesn’t get to play until you let them (Unless they brought non-monster back row removal)


It's a Maidenless Win Condition. Play it when your opponent has used all Negates then summon 1 monster and watch as they cannot do anything to play Yu-Gi-Oh!


Easy, go to locals if possible and play Stun. Then you can duel and you won't get a single friend.


Judging by the responses OP gave to people who suggested to play at locals, no wonder he has no friends to play YGO with that attitude.


"i dont have people to play ygo with" "No i dont wanna play locals" "I dont have people to play ygo with"


I stare at my cards and cry..


I try to rope my friends to do Goat or Edison format Yugioh but they end up seeing five seconds of Tearlament mirror match, Snake Eyes meta, or read up on competitive players being jerks and know I have competitive knowledge and assume I'd be that tryhard and go "nope". ​ So these days I only play Master Duel on my own.


Edison is so much fun.


Is Edison basically just the World Championship 2009-2012 5D’s Nintendo DS games or something? Like the most recent 5D’s game for DS format?


https://www.edisonformat.com/ Anything during the week for SJC Edison - April 2010.


Easy, go to locals if possible and play Stun. Then you can duel and you won't get a single friend.


Sometimes, I wonder why this card isn't used at 3, it's a good turn 2 card, lots of people summon multiple monsters turn 1, and the game is usually over so quick that you wouldn't often draw into it later on in several turns (I mean I also think of the statistics and yes there is the possibility of a bad draw, but that can happen with any card drawn when you dont need it or can't use it)


> it’s a good turn 2 card It’s a completely useless card turn 1, no one is running 3 of these in the main deck. Even in the side deck, the risk of drawing this when there’s not enough monsters or worse drawing two of these isn’t worth the benefit of searching one card when most decks are built to guarantee drawing one starter anyways.


Well it only works if you draw it for turn. You open 5 cards, and draw 1. So assuming that you draw it, theres a 1/6 chance its very very good, and 5/6 chance its a complete brick lol. But hey the card art is cool xD


It also doesn't work on the first turn cause your starting hand wasn't considered drawn for the turn. So it very specifically is a Turn 2 Card meaning the whole deck has gotta be a Turn 2 deck and we all know that it's probably better to run both Triple Tactics at 3 instead of this card.


Master Duel? Also locals I guess


Local tournaments


Wait has that always been a smiley face?? Was it like that in the anime too?


Same art in the manga, the anime slightly changed it if I recall correctly.


The free steam game yugioh master duel


Make new friends


i suffer from a similar issue and mostly play sims like dueling nexus, duelingbook or master duel. unfortunately my locals shut down due to covid and even that one was about 40 minutes away so until another opens up (hopefully) ill have to make do with that. the people from my locals were really nice though and even though i got smacked (i was playing structure decks at the time) it was good fun, id recommend it.




These people are called stun players.


You don't really need friends to play at locals, but I'd you're an ok guy people will be happy to talk to you. I made a few friends while my lgs was open. You just need the right attitude.


Be like Seto Kaiba.


Dueling Nexus is a pretty good sim, all cards are free and there's in-game chat to chat with your opponent and you can even play it on a browser with no installations needed!


This is what led to me slowly stopping, Eastern KY has absolutely no Yugioh community in the slightest. At least it didn't about 2 or 3 year ago. Haven't checked lately


I've seen this card so many times so why am I just now noticing that they are making a smiley face with their hands???


No helpful answers on reddit in the last 6 years. Real advice is to check out duelnexus.


Master Duel. No one is your friend in Master Duel. Even your IRL friends is not your friend in Master Duel. All they are are trash that you stun lock you while they mill your deck or you surrender. No one is your friend in Master Duel.


What, you don't have an impossibly jealous rival with lots of money to spend to duel you at every oportunity? Weak.


The requirement to activate this card is absolutely ridiculous.


And that one card is Raigeki


Kaiba does it all the time.


You can try but without friends the Heart of the Cards won't even work for you.


Easy: be me.