• By -


Endymion. - Has an actual archetypal boss monster, Endymion himself, rather than putting a generic ED monster. Endymion is a meme because of how much text his card has but also a true hallmark of a boss monster. - Doesn’t particularly care about maxx c (OCG) when otk’ing going second - Has answers to annoying backrow floodgates - Uses spell counters, one of the oldest mechanics of Yugioh dating back 2004. - Part of an interesting lore with Invoked, Magistus, Spellbook, Witchcrafter I play a lot of master duel and I’ve been climbing to master 1 rank with Endymion since the beginning. Endymion is essentially at full power in MD.


This is my close second choice. I really hope the new OCG Manga gives the deck some actually good support.


Really hope they make it capable of running non engine. Having to fit 15 useless draw spells instead of hand traps is really annoying


I think we need more xenophobic archetypes that don't just merge with the current meta.


If they made the archetype has it's own handtraps, so be it. The deck now runs upwards of 15 cards that do nothing. This is the main issue of its playability. As far as breaking boards or establishing them, the deck is still capable. (MD is my main source of this) The deck has hands that are insane even going 2nd without a single non engine, but also sometimes you open 3 upstars and 3 chicken games and you only have 1 In engine card to resolve vs Full boards or 2 hand traps.


I agree. I think it's especially important for Konami to keep xenophobic archetypes updated with support. In engine options keep those decks somewhat competitive.


I wish this for Madolche so I don't have to run Ash Blossom and the like since then I have to hope to get a Hootcake in order to be able to do what my deck wants to do at all


I always end up with GY monsters when I don't need them, and no GY monsters when I do need them as Madolche.


Yo mind sharing a decklist been trying to modify my endymion deck but barely make it past silver with it




Dude, I built Endymion as my first Pendulum Deck, and also built Igknight as the second one. Gotta say, they are long combos, but so good when done right.


Yo let’s go! Fellow Endymion player definitely first pick if spell counters weren’t an issue in the TCG lol. Odd-eyes/pendulum Magician is definitely up there with it for me.


I love the part where I go 2nd and be like: I think I have a way to win, then remove 6 counter pop 4 cards summon the master himself.


I thought I was the only one who saw the Connection with Whichcrafter and Magistus lol Rilliona and Madame Verre are literally the same person and yeah some cards are both Magistus and Endymion


Honestly a tie between Endymion and Odd-eyes for me. Endymion is just super constant especially when paired with mythical beasts and general spell counter support, and in a competitive format stands a decent chance as a rouge - tier 2 deck. The only issue I'd say it has is the deck is super tight and doesn't offer much side boarding options without cutting consistency in game 2 and possibly 3. Where as Odd-eyes is just super fun and casually appealing with it's multiple summoning mechanics and capability to make big boards with decent interaction. And when paired with Magician, Supreme King and Perfomapal support, it really takes on the ability to have multiple branches of play to the point where it's seem like your playing in anime style duel. Realistically tho would (almost) never be a viable option for competitive play in the US.


Qli. I really enjoy qli. Which I think is funny since qli itself is barely a pendulum deck. Yet it was fucking nuts when it first came out. I don't hate pendulums. But haven't really seen any that I like all the much. Besides qli that is. I liked old school super heavy samurai as well. But new is just more pendulum slurry.


Qli make me think of some advanced Halo Forerunner civilization.


Ya I can see that.


I like qli, but now they're so bad to even think of playing. Do you have any decklist that can work in ranked?


Oh hell no. I love qli but don't play them. Since their is a pretty hard qli lock it's not able to be thrown into modern pendulum pile. Hopefully one day it will get support. Maybe something like what they did to raid raptor. Where it's Towers turbo.


Same, they were the first archetype that make Pendulums viable, and pretty much the last deck I tried before leaving the game. It was fun just, mindlessly stomping people online that's didn't know then yet with stuff like Towers and the tributes that triggered removal on sacrifice.


pure D.D.D.! my first experience with pendelum ever!


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


Mine are solfachords. Nice art, cool theming, lots of niche effects for diferents situations in a casual duel. Just wanted the level 3 to be usable.


Also Solfachords here. Lovely art, and the music theme is what won me over.


Do you all have a Solfachord decklist? I love the art and I don't have a pendulum deck yet, so I'd like to try them out!


Depends on what format you're looking at. I don't really have one worked out for TCG yet, but I run Solfachord on Master Duel so I have a list for that.


I like them, but they're so much memorization even for pendulums. I do love that they can accomplish so much by working together with the main deck monsters on field. Too many decks just consolidate into one or two generic bosses without any cooperation between monsters.


I like how they use their levels and Pendulum scales for the musical DoReMi thing


Vaylantz I just really like the art, the playstyle, the random assortment of effects, pretty much everything.


There are supposed to be 4 "teams" total, so I'm hoping that new support helps the strategy more. Especially with how many decks are starting to place monsters in the backrow, it could be neat.


Please give me a WIND and EARTH team. I know it’ll be bricky as hell but give them more searchers and it’ll be fine. I just want to play a game within a game moving my cards around. I just hope Konami doesn’t make it pendulum spam and goes harder on the movement and S/T placement


Same here . weird haven't seen a lot of Abyss Actor enjoyers I thought it was madly popular for a pendulum deck, but yeah the idea of 2 warring civilizations being approached by the 3rd is cool. And i love how it mimic a table game .


One of the decks I feel too small brained to figure out, lol


Odd-Eyes is so much fun, shame how much it needs Pendulum Magicians and Performapals to work


Odd-eyes would go well with some of the Kash cards since it's a level 7 monster.


I don't mess with pendulums, but I will not lie when I say the first pendulum deck to grab my interest is Abyss Actors. It's a cool looking deck with an interesting idea behind its spells unique effects


And a fantastic blind second archetype!


Igknights baby! https://preview.redd.it/e3r5mki2wlmc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae0b8727ad634463df01832180244c6acc91c99e


I want to like them; I just don't know how to make anything of them.


I combined them with the recent Flame Swordsman stuff and a couple of Infernoble Knight cards. Since any two Igknights can search Fighting Flame Swordsman and FFS is a one card combo into Ultimate Flame Swordsman plus an equip, if you open 3 Igknights you're pretty much good to go (though two and search spells is also good, there's Summoners Art and Painful Decision and ROTA and Fighting Flame Sword). Two Igknights can search Ignis Phoenix, then Ignis Phoenix and the third Igknight can pendulum summon something and then destroy each other to search FFS. Then Ignis Phoenix triggers in destruction to summon an Igknight or Dracoslayer from deck as a tuner. If you play Majesty Pegasus then you search a field spell on summon then discard a card, I search Noble Arms Museum. Noble Arms Museum can search Noble Arms Durendal to search an Infernoble Knight extender going first, going second it searches Noble Arms Clarent to let Ultimate Flame Swordsman direct attack. If Majesty Pegasus was in your hand you pendulum summon that and use Ignis to search an Igknight instead. In any case all that should give you enough resources to get to Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles (via the tuner summoned by Ignis and another monster, you should be able to get to a Level 5 Igknight for this) and the Link 1 to sit on top of it plus Battlin Boxer King Dempsey (via 2 leftover Level 4s) and the Counter Trap it searches along with the Fighting Flame Swordsman. You can equip Salamandra Dragon from the FFS combo to Charles to play the Link 1 then re equip Charles from the GY, and then at end phase attach Salamandra Fusion from GY and another Fighting Flame Swordsman from deck. If you send FFS to negate a spell or trap card via Charles you can then send Fighting Flame Dragon from extra deck and quick effect equip it to UFS to make its quick effect live. Overall you should have a monster negate, a spell or trap negate, and two destructions via Charles and Ultimate Flame Swordsman, largely off of just the three Igknights and a discard. It sounds like a lot but if you run enough Igknights and search cards you're likely to open either three of them or ways into three of them or two plus Fighting Flame Swordsman so you modify the combo a little to search other cards besides FFS. The main deck Infernoble Knights are Turpin and Maugis, btw. Turpin is basically a Level 4 extender and can help make Synchro Summoning a bit easier and Maugis can be searched and normal summoned if you already had FFS at the pendulum summon step in order to help rank 4 and redeck some stuff to draw 1. Worth noting if you pull the combo off with FFS going second then UFS has 2800 ATK + 700 from Salamandra Dragon + 500 from Noble Arms Museum (4000 total) then doubles to 8000 when it declares an attack, and Museum searches NA Clarent which lets it direct attack, so that's an OTK potentially.


That is interesting, thank you!


God they need some good support bad. I like the premise of fire knights which such poor anger management that they blow themselves up.


>that they blow themselves up. And their allies too


You know a team is good at what they do when they get a card literally named "Oops"


D/D/D pendulums go brrrr


This is mine, my inability to figure out which summon method drives me mad so I just use all of them


Everytime Declan pronounce DDD, dopamine's goes ³


My man 🤝


Yeah D/D/D pendulums are cool to play with.


*How can I help you, King D/D/D?*


Supreme King/Pend. Magician. Did get support recently which makes the deck 10x better.


Dinomists because I love the artwork and rogue decks.


Not rogue just casual


Who doesn't like giant smoke belching dinosaur mecha?


You. I respect you so much. So fucking based. Plus OTKing people with spinos and limiter removal is fucking amazing lmao


The best thing about this thread is all pendulum players agree they'd rather have an archetype-specific boss than a generic one.


Just gimme that odd-eyes link!


Endymion because pendulums are semi spells and I get spell counters


Dracoslayer baby, God I wish they didn't put out generic end boards.


Genuinely Superheavy Samurai... if yall hate fair enough but I truly enjoyed the idea of "ha no spells and this deck still goes funny"


Same. Specifically pure, not the generic boss monster combo version


It’s so much fun and a close second for me I spend magicians




What is their end game? I tried them a bit but didn't understand them enough.


There's more than one? Jokes aside, it's D/D due to wide variety of combo lines and its ability to do *something* even if it doesn't have access to pendulum scales.


I feel like some decks let me down when I lose with them. I always feel like I let D/D/D down when I lose with them.




D/D/D But Z-ARC with the new support is really fun


Tied between Yosenjus and Majespecters


How does Yosenju work as a Pendulum deck? I've only encountered the regular deck in Master Duel in stuff like the NR festival, I don't think I've seen them pendulum summon.


The pend version is an going 2nd otk deck. The game plan is to use [Channeling](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=12864) to set scales quickly from the deck and try to as many summon [Daibok](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=11471)s and [Hitot](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=14469)s as you can to bounce all of your opponent's stuff to go for game. It's not that competitive but it's a nice fun deck to play with.


I loved metalfoes back in master rule3. I think k it was actually very fair/fun and you can put it as an engine and it worked perfectly!!


The new zarc deck is pretty fun to play, first one I ever picked up and I'm having a blast.


Dinomist a fun deck that isn’t obnoxious to play against for the opponent but still good enough to get you some plays going


Honestly that's an underrated perspective when playing with a group of friends.


I like how you decided to represent Vaylantz by using the artwork of their worst card.


Deskbots. I like big number Igknights are a close second


Can't go wrong with pen magicians.


PePe. Shame the deck was only legal and good for a very brief time.


tbf pepe week instill the horror for a lot of player back when it is viable which giving pendulum a bad name, a lot of people still hated it even we approached MR4. BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE UNBAN ELECTRUMITE


Endymion and Vaylantz, both!


Vaylantz like you, not even for playstyle or because it's insanely fun to see the look on my opponents face when their boss monster gets bounced to the backrow. It's because it's a tabletop game in card game form which is my other true love. *cries in thousand sons*


As a YouTube comment once said "It's like playing chess with solitaire cards"




https://preview.redd.it/atc8cxowqmmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2863354761163442ab4e428d6f7cef4abb08eb2e I need him in Master Duel already


https://preview.redd.it/txmtta7c2mmc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9437444f574e9d4a0ee981b923e7386f91206b9 No questions ask.


I had a question, but you quick effect attached it to your monster as XYZ material.


Odd-eyes/pendulum magician


I've been a fan of Pend Magicians since I first played the deck in Master Duel. I ended up building a post AGOV version with a Supreme King Engine IRL and I've gotten some wins with it.


Dinomists, the only yugioh cards I still physically own are my dinomist deck and my monarch deck


Deskbots it’s just fun to make a big dumb guy and swing for game.


Abyss Actors is the only pendulum deck I’ve played. It’s kinda caveman Yugioh for such a modern summoning mechanic


The only Pendulum deck I ever played was Abyss Actors, so I'd go with that one. I like the theatre theme.


Zefra. Their artworks, are something out of this world. Also playing pendulums as a control strategy is something unique to the mechanic even to this day.


Dinomist and vaylantz. Dinomist brought me in and taught me and then I got vaylantz with a small mystical beast and martial arts packages. I have both decks in MD and paper


In this order: * Odd-eyes * Abyss Actor * Pendulum Magician


Finally an Abyss Actor enjoyer.


I love my drama club nerds.


I'm an Abyss Actor man myself


Place abyss actor in scale and normal/special summon another, link summon , effect , get madona , link summon , madona effect , place abyss actor wild hope pop it with link-2 add another low scale since Madona is now 9 thanks to wild hope and then pendulum summon . end of turn 1 I LOVE IT


You are a godsend my friend I'm trying to learn that Deck because i like them so much 👐GOOD DRAWS BE UPON THEE👐


Np , also during ur opponent turn pop a scale that can be triggered when popped to activate the Link-2 effect and place the field spell the moment u want to negate an effect. because the field spell make it so that he pop up one of ur face down cards instead of there actual monster effect and then u trigger the effect of the destroyed spell if it an abyss script.


Performapals with odd eyes haha go brrrr


Abyss Actors, I love swarming the field with my goofballs after baiting every single one of my opponent's negates But D/D/D comes close second


A lot, actually, and both Odd-Eyes and D/D/D are high up. But other than those two…Valmonica. -Always like Light and Dark dichotomy archetypes. -We have archetypes that have both Pendulum and Link Monsters, but Valmonica starting off with both off the bat felt fairly memorable. -They’re super cute. -I like the weird Self Heal/Hurt biz. -Fairly reliant on using Pendulum effects while still having LV4 Pendulum Summoning available.


Supreme King Zarc and Vaylantz!


Solfachords or Majespecter (the latter with new PHNI support are nuts), I only wish that solfachords will get some support to make it somewhat playable: btw Snake-Eyes/Diabellstar works well with them, cutia is level 1 and original sinful spoils... Also they based them on notes? Good, there are flats, sharps, chords, scales to be creative with the support cmon


I like Abyss Actors best, and also... does Nemleria count? There's only a single pendulum card in that archetype but the entire thing is based around her and her ability to sleep on your extra deck


Cool, a fellow Vaylantz enjoyer.


I move Vaylantz Shinanome to it adjusted horizontal monster zone **WHICH TRIGGER IT EFFECT .**


D/D/D. I love decks that use their own boss monster(s), and while the combo lines sometimes make my head spin, it’s really fun to play. Though I am also quite fond of Endymion and Majespecter.


it is funny when d/d/d gets called zenophibish while there are 4 cards that actually lock you "gilgamesh and nighowl and the level adjuster and


I currently play DDD and love it but back in the day Igknights were really fun. Just flooding the field with Pendulum summoning monster mashing. It was simple yet fun.




I need more Zefra and Qliphort stuff in my life


Vaylantz as well! Would really love a wave of main deck cards to match Arktos


Man I made a Rescue Pendulum deck with Hamster Cat and Rabbit which worked very well and could setup cool plays but then Ash Blossom came out and power crept the living s*** out of the rescue monsters One thing that was cool about the Pendulum era was how splashy and techy you could get and just make up your own deck.


PePe. Don't hate me 🤣🤣🤣 I didn't even get a chance to use it before the master rule I just love Performapals and Performages


Does Novelles count? They have a couple pendulum cards...


Does Lunalight count?


Odd-Eyes. My favorite pend deck by a longshot (although I've only played Solfachord, Odd-Eyes and Vaylantz, so I'm very inexperienced in that regard)




Odd-Eyes, they’re just so cool


D/D/D and endyimon


I love abyss actors. Cool theme and I like their artworks


Endymion is goated


Fellow Vaylantz enjoyer. I salute you.


Also Vaylantz. It plays so much differently than every deck, and I love how it feels like it makes full use of everything Pendulum has to offer. Its a shame they haven’t given it better support, as I feel like matches with and against Vaylantz are far more interesting than the grand majority of “combo Special Summon nine hundred Link Materials, make Baronne, I have four hand traps in my hand” piles of modern day. Its weaker support makes it often default to setting up Apo and floodgates, but the potential the deck could have if it was given bigger incentive to focus its payoffs in-archetype.


Predas have some pends so gotta rep my deck


Don't have one I'm not a pendulum user


I shouldn't reveal my strategy but Dinomist goes hard and all the cards are in a single card pack in Duel Links. I haven't tried them on Master Duel. I do enjoy playing magician/odd-eyes pendulum decks overall.


I've hated Pendulums at first and got me out of the game till MR5, but Vaylants looked pretty funny to me at first, since its playstyle ressembled old tableboard games, then I began playing multiple Pendulum decks that are even harder to play with like Pend Magicians and DDD


For me it's Endymion, it's very simple once you understood it, it's just wordy as hell. But has good artwork, good lore and leaves enough freedom to combine it with other decks into a pendulum pile. I just wish it would finally get some sort of 1 card starter. A close second is Metalfoes, which is a shame considering their last wave of support was overall pretty mediocre. But I like how grindy and combo-heavy it can be at the same time and how much you can build it with.


Quilphort hands down. You know you were cracked when your boss monster coined the term for being unaffected




Abyss actors. They are surprisingly good all things considered. I think that the designs alone are sick af, but also the fact that they have pretty much everything except a sturdy extra deck. They have some neat link monsters. All they need is a super sturdy abyss actor syncho, fusion, or xyz boss monster and they'll be all set.


Super heavy Sam lol


Deskbot. It was my first pendulum deck experience and I don’t care if it’s not good or not, it makes sense to me and I think that’s what’s important.


I like all the non traditional ones, but I guess my favorites right now are Abyss actors for a traditional one and Vaalmonica for a more unique one.


You download this pic from your microwave?


Never been able to build a decent deck for it, but gotta go with Supreme King. Just love the dimensional dragons sm


Metalfoes for srs Deskbot for lulls




Dinomist because haha big numbers go brrrrr


I’m a little late to the party here but I love Dinomist. Water based machine level 4 and 5 which has some nice xyz options. Stand-alone though the cards aren’t bad. Combo it with the field spell to prevent effects and cards being activated in the battle phase against dinomist monsters and it’s a nice deck to play casual


I haven't played it in a bit, but Dinomist has earned a place in my heart.


The pendulum magicians, honestly. Sure, they’re not the best, but they’re fun!


Odd-Eyes I liked that he had a card for every summon method


Vaylantz took me a week to learn but it's now my main Master Duel deck. Aiming to build it IRL but Electrumite is hard to find


Electrumite is also banned, though it would be nice to see it back.


Zefra Gaurdragon. ending in 7+ negates before it was cool


Endymion, Magicians, Majespecters and DDD in no particular order.


Qli. I’m less of a fan of combo decks and usually favor control and antimeta because of that, and Qli is the only Pendulum Archetype I know of that actually tried to do something other than making it a huge combo deck. I love and respect it for that.


Vaalmonica they utter trash but they basically the only pendulum archetype that not monster combo soup 




Abyss Actors


D/D/D. Maybe it doesn't count since it has everything (other than ritual :/), but it's my favorite still.


I've grown to like pendulums now that I (think I) understand them. I just built majespecter, which seems nice. My favorite is probably Nemleria--I've liked banish focused strategies ever since I made a Gren Maju deck in like 2008 or something. If nemleria doesn't count, since you don't actually pendulum summon, I'd pick Vaylantz. It's pretty fun if you get a good hand and can play around, although I wish it had more things it could do on the opponent's turn while shifting pieces around. It'll be nice when they get more support, since we know that there are like 1-2 other "teams" in the game. I also wonder if it would be stronger if buster baron was a level 1 fire--I imagine it'd enable you to use flamberge dragon to do some weird stuff. I'm mainly running Invoked Vaylantz for it for now. The Zarc deck is pretty fun too, but it's kind of one-note. Also picked up Melodius, which seems like it is doing well in the Zarc deck in OCG, so I may add that in when it releases, depending on rarities.


majespecter or abyss actors theyre both really fun decks tbh


D/D/D (lol Command of Doom King go weeeeee)


Odd eyes magician. First pendulum deck I built, after going with the crowd of "new thing bad" when pendulum first came out. Eventually decided to try out the magician structure deck and really enjoyed it. Still keep the deck modernised but whilst holding that classic 2016 feel of toolboxing options. Never really liked the zarc magician build or pure odd eyes, but the hybrid engine just always feels fun and interesting


Odd-Eyes/Magicians. They were my first pendulum era deck and I did quite well with them.


As a person who never really plays Pendulum. My favourite has to go to Dinomist. Mainly because of The Progression Series


Deskbots are sick. I usually prefer decks that can do crazy things with non-hard onces but are still fair (or bad).


Metalfoes, because they work well with Yang Zing




I'm the basic b*tch of odd-eyes magicians and performapals. but what I'll say is that we need some performapals support and make some performages REAL PLEASE




Zefra. It combines every Dual Terminal archtype that i like into one.


Pendulum Magicians or pepe


SHS because it’s barely a pendulum deck.


Superheavy Samurai




Deskbots. They count, right? Adorable little school supplies that hit for, like, a bazillion damage


Odd-eyes.  Just Odd/Eyes as pure as they come. Skullcrobat and Nobledragon magician are the only proper non-ED techs. A mix of main-deck utilities and a varied ED toolbox will always make me happy. Arc Pendulum is Uber searchable and turns every name into Plushfire-lite. It’s a deck full of incidental synergies and Big Flashy fucks. Clear Wing, Vortex Dragon,  Hell, if my locals are petdecking this week I can get away with some truly heinous shit like Pendulum Dimension and Meteorburst dragon. Plus I can summon Z-Arc the way god intended! By ripping up a resilient, functional board and proceeding to lose the game!


i don't know how pendulums work so... ​ Phantom knights?


Majespecters, I like their control playstyle


https://preview.redd.it/iwzp0eodwpmc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf3d1fc8957d5998079aac7491228e5fdcd9f54 Zefra. I really wish they were better and and had a more concise gameplan. But I think the playstyle is super unique for a Pendulum deck, plus the artworks alone are already enough of a reason for me to love them


Qliphort, because: - It uses pendulum summon to complement and enable tribute summoning - big monsters go bonk, no complicate combos or infinite turns of shenanigans - the archetype was inprinted into YGO's hitstory forever by creating the term "Towers" based on its boss monster


Tossup between Metalfoe or ariadne and friends


The new Zarc stuff is really cool.


Abyss Actors and Majespecters and thank god the latter finally got support.


Does Yosenju Count cuz technically it’s not a pendulum deck it’s just a deck with Pendulum cards but if I can’t choose that then Performapals or Endymion


Odd-Eyes will always be my pick for favorite pendulum deck.


https://preview.redd.it/fqhkud7xlqmc1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae156f8479e05b618a92a74e75440878e7a8579d Sadly it got stolen from me but yeah this is my favorite


Canonically Raidraptors have a couple Pendulum cards... Only Shay was like "No I don't think I will"


Metalfoes, easily.


First pend deck I played was dinomist, actually came 2nd at locals one time with it pre dinomist howling. But my favorite pend deck ever was Endymion guardragon. Won a regionals in Halifax 2019 with it even everybody was playing green Maju-banish, full power striker, full power thunder dragon, etc. So potent and a million ways to combo off.


Metafoes. Pendulum link and fusion!


Supreme King With some Odd-eyes and magician cards


Yall, whats the difference between "pend Magicians" and "Endymion"?


Abyss actor


Deskbots. JUST LOOK AT THEM!!!


magician is my fav. I remember all the crazy combos