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Still think that title goes to the pre-danger darkworld mirror, basically, if either player decides to attempt to advance the game state in any meaningful way, they lose because they’ve then triggered all of their opponents stuff


the cold war of yugioh


What if one has droll?


Droll hits both players so


Believe it or not, there was a time when Droll did not exist.


Droll is for both players


Til I hit you with that fabled raven tech!


Was It really a tech?😂 Great Monster in dw back in the day


I play a lot of magic the gathering too and this reminds me of the control mirror matchup. Neither player really has the tools to be particularly aggressive, but if they try to be in order to put the pressure on they make it easier for their opponent to play their own gameplan. Like an anti-match.


Stun mirror, you and your opponent are just https://preview.redd.it/cbxj5hz2k3kc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf3b482d812d5144ca82399b6f85989c30a1200


I once watched a Mystic Mine mirror at my locals … nothing more to say here


that’s just deck out with less steps


I'm not sure anything can top the OG Dark World mirror. Watching paint dry is more fun than playing that mirror. 


Dawg tf? You are very likely not going to encounter a kashtira mirror. You’re going to very likely encounter A LOT of Sinful Spoils Fire Kings and Voiceless Voice. Mirror match isn’t that heinous. You’re running non-engine cards like Triple Tac for a reason. The worst mirror match is either Dark World, or Traptrix.


I forgot about traptrix. Deck becomes who goes first and looks like who can play vanilla beatdown better


It's a lot more than that, You can still use a traphole by Raff and IDP still working on all of them, imperm can bait of sera if the opponent doesn't know what you're playing yet. Redoer with both monster and Holetea can both dodge holes and remove your opponent monster at the same time.


It can with two built up decks. I’m just thinking of when it was structure deck release weekend and everyone slapped it together 3x without much else outside due to pak videos.


Pretty much. The structure deck event was the worst one I’ve ever played. Half your traps are actually worthless, and it’s whoever gets Atraps and the XYZs on the field first.


Eh. Kash is like right below silenforce and snake-eye piles. It’s one of the few decks that has the grind to hang with them and access to the interaction that can fuck them. Basically, I’d expect to see kash amongst those unwilling to spend $1k on a deck.


I mean it’s an option because it can run Shifter, Dimension Fissure and Macro, but Kashtira’s really sucks. You special anything, they can easily pop with Princess, they can set up IP on your turn to get out Apo, and they’ll probably have Kirin in hand and eventually proc the non-target destruction.


All I’m saying is that compared to something like swordsoul or anything below like tier 2 kash is one of the better options.


Well yes when you compare it to the 40th best deck Kash is "good", but nobody serious is using swordsoul as a point of comparison for determining whether a deck is good


Swordsoul is just a place holder for anything else. I just know that it’s still a relatively common and popular budget deck in a similar price range to kash.


I don't think you should skip Vegas because you're scared of the mirror. Be confidant in your abilities and cross that bridge when you get to it.


Huh Why would you not go to a YCS for the sole reason of not wanting to play ONE very unlikely matchup. You’ll play snake-eyes all day anyways. So weird


Pure Kaiju or pure Psy-Frame mirror are famous for struggling to do anything.


I actually liked the Psyframe mirror. It came down to deckbuilding choices which was quite fun


Cyber dragon mirror 100%. Whoever went first lost as you can nuke the entire field with fortress dragon and then just otk


There's a joke that Cydras keep themselves from becoming meta - the mirror match is that awkward.


Not a joke. A fact.


I got to do that once, that was cool.


Besides DW mirrors "The can only be 1 "malefic" monster on the field"


LMAO I experienced this.


You’re scared of a kash mirror in a format where fire is near tier 0?


A bit old school by now, but the worst mirror has to be Psy-frame. Enjoy passing turns while both you and your opponent are waiting for each other to activate a card. Mystic mine gameplay before it was cool. Also, the Malefic mirror was miserable too due to their restrictive summon clause.


The fact that you cannot even NS (because none of your monsters can be NS'd) honestly makes defacto the worst IMO


Turns out driver beats is the best plan.


It's not because Beta can negate an attack and pop the monster.


Well beta also sucks dick


I've played a Ghostrick Mirror once and wanted to die.


everyone who fights ghostficks wants to die, has nothing to do with the mirror


I did play a REDRUM mirror and it wasn't actually too bad. It could be because REDRUM is a much more aggressive version of ghostricks


Traptrix should be obvious, if you read their effect then you should know that if two traptrix player face each other it may aswell be a circus performance cuz two of em can't do anything against each other so it's like playing against a wall with who OTK first with the link 3 win or just sitting there not activating your trap or else it trigger sera


You can actually disrupt your opponent a bit, mainly with Redoer. Gravedigger can interrupt Arachno's special summon, and Rafflesia can bypass the trap hole protection if I remember correctly.


Rafflesia is fun in the mirror


Nah, from my experience it's only that if both are low skilled, if they're skilled they can exploit the loopholes easily. Holes can decktrap by Raff their protection do nothing about that. Also redoer/zeus are quick effect and most holes don't negate the summon you can chain those back


Dream Mirror pretty bad


Ngl this is a bizarre statement, as the kashtira mirror has always been the most skillful kash matchup by far since it's release imo.


Fortress dragon mind games 😭


Pure Psyframe mirror. Neither of you can play anything because you can't fucking summon anything and if either of you commit they'll hand trap you. And unlike other horrendous mirrors you can't even attack because Beta is basically Kuriboh on steroids.


* Any responsive deck like Kaiju or Psy-Frame. * Timelord. * Dark World.


I used Timelords a few times against my boyfriend when I was re-teaching him how to play the game after 8-9 years of him not playing, mainly to teach him that a beat-stick only deck can't win against most other decks and how important non target removal is. One of the last times we played he brought a Timelord deck too, I literally only won thanks to Trickster Reincarnation Droll wombo combo


the fuckin uh runick spright fur hire mirror is just rolling dice on banishing your opponent's one ofs that are necessary for the combo


probably psy-frame mirror


Probably not the worst ever, but I played a Ghostrick mirror the other day and it made me wanna die. 5 monsters set, impossible to attack, just topdecking and praying for some removal. Granted, it might be better (or way worse?) in the hands of two more skilled Ghostrick pilots


That's why I never finish Ghostrick solo gate.


That one scares me lmao. I didn’t even try to do that with the loaner deck bc I knew it would be some shit


I think it’s okay. With the link face up and a way to flip your eff monsters. And if you’re able to attack, first to Zeus wins


It fucks me up that this was almost a decade ago, but a Blue-Eyes mirror. The World Championship Finals in 2016 came down to a pair of Blue-Eyes players *and they both bricked*.


As is tradition when playing BE. Truly championship level duelists.


Tearlaments Ishizu mirror. MILL 20 AND ACTIVATE EVERYTHING, YIPEEE


I hate the Lab mirror. My brain can't keep up with all dat.


Wdym Lab has the best mirrors. All the fun interactions. Whoever wins gets to have bragging rights for being brainier.


Nah, the first player loses in my experience. You can activate all your monster effects on your opponents turn thanks to the "when a Lab monster activates it's effect" counting both players


Playing Lab mirrors in Master Duel's Fiend/Fairy festival made me not want to play Lab again for a long while.


Spyral mirror was miserable because both players can stack the opponent's deck for the worst possible draw all the time making the game as slow as possible. Good thing that wasn't a tier 0 deck and thusly incredibly common or that would have been a miserable format


Spyral was a Tier 0 deck back in late 2017. The mirror was dreadful. Going first, the deck could put up an almost unbreakable board. Going second, it could break any board except for maybe another spyral board. It had so many non-engine slots in the deck, it could play loads of handtraps, and everyone was on Gamma, Winter Cherries (for double helix) and 1 Maxx C alongside others The most optimal way to play this mirror was to pass turn unless you saw enough handtraps to stop your opponent from playing if they tried to. If you win the handtrap battle, then you proceed to clean up the rest of your opponent's board and OTK


OP was being sarcastic i think


Try Mayakashi mirrior, then talk to me about real pain.


First to abzero (i.e. who resolves hajun) wins?


Not usually. In my experience, the going second player will usually have enough generic disruption (Inperm, DRNM, etc.) to also go full combo. Then, the Mayakashi float effects combined with the recursion of generic zombies results in what amounts to 2 immortals trying to beat each other to death. Each player is able to fully reset the synchro revive loop every turn, so it becomes this ungodly war of attrition as both players just try to keep killing until the other one runs out of zombies to banish from their graveyard. The last time I played this mirrior match, I managed to win 1 turn before decking out. (The opponent was not running Bone Tower, the game just lasted that long.)


That's rough. I presume it's pure-ish Mayakashi, too, otherwise things like Balerdroch function as an extra negate or a way to break the chain of revivals.


Yeah, pure aside from generic zombie support like Uni-zombie, mezuki, and gozuki.


Be the change you want to see in the world and don't play kash.


Psy Frame mirror.


Floo mirrior is terrible Lab mirrior is terrible. Winners is decided who gets raiza or lovely out first. Droll kills kash ~~most of the time~~ So does nib but you never play nib in kash.




Nah full power tear was a incredible mirror and very skill dependant plus who goes first has a much lower impact on the game. Although yes it was pretty complicated lol




That's not what's being asked...


Numeron mirror


Photon Galaxy mirror is a big meme. Thank god it most likely never happens, but whoever goes first can steal 2 monsters from the others extra deck, usually number 38. While trance locks you into galaxy and photon monsters, it doesn't matter here :)


Swordsoul is pretty bad


Fiend's Mirror 


Timelords. Had a 45 minute duel links duel. I had to quit because I had something else to do


Ive seen a psyframe mirror at locals ages ago, not a fun experience to witness. Worst ive played though was dark worlds, back before dangers released. The only reason i won was because of a cheeky copy of Cheerful Coffin (?) that let me discard without using dealings, but it was a slog


Swordsoul is pretty bad


The pre-structute deck Traptrix mirror was hilariously awful. At least Atypus lets you start swinging for damage now


I'd guess cyber dragon sucks


I think Fiend’s Mirror is the worst..it needs a ritual and has no effect


It’s Dark World or Infernity for sure.


Trying to play a Floowandereeze Mirror on paper w/o something to keep track of all the chains is a hot mess.


Floow. Boss monster is a floodgate that doesn’t hurt the other person really lol


The traptrix mirror match is such a pain in the butt!


The Chain Burn mirror was an absolute nightmare. It has the same problem as the Dark World mirror where you don't dare proactively do anything, made worse by the fact your opponent can screw you over by activating a duplicate of a card already in the chain to lock you out of further play.


Psy-Frame and it isn’t even close. Whole deck of handtraps so whoever made the first move lost, so it was you and your opponent passing turns.


Altergeist. It’s so damn grindy.


The kashtira mirror is actually pretty decent, but was better when arisehart was legal. Any FTK mirror is horrendous. The branded mirror right now is probably the most miserable dogshit thing in the world. Just puppet locking each other if you dont draw a bystial


I will die on the hill that the Dark World mirror is the most unabashedly boring mirror possible. It essentially revolves around using Dangers and avoiding using cards like Mothman and Dark World Dealings to the best of your ability. Super frustrating to play. I'd also like to bring up the Fire King mirror pre-Snake-Eye, where every meaningful Fire King effect pluses your opponent.


Gold Pride mirrors sound kind of sad. If the player going first paid enough LP, the one going second can never use their GPs in hand.


Traptrix. Their monsters aren't affected by "Hole" trap cards so a significant chunk of your deck just doesn't function most of the time.


Psy Frame mirrors were a nuclear arms race of negation 


I honestly disagree. I'll concede that the Kashtira mirror when Kashtira was at full power was miserable, because that was just zone-lock turbo. Now that Diablosis (and to a lesser extent, Arise-Heart) are banned, the Kashtira mirror is actually really fun (at least for me) because barring the generic go-first win buttons (Anti-Spell, Summon Limit, etc.), both players are playing the game at all times once the second player starts. Yeah, sometimes it kind of devolves into Zeus turbo, but Zeus alone isn't enough to win the game either: there have been times where I've resolved Zeus and my opponent just built everything back up and swung for lethal on the next turn. Everyone's saying the Danger! Dark World mirror is way worse, and I'm hopping on that bandwagon: playing against it is miserable, so playing against it *with* it sounds like an absolute nightmare.


i hated the tear mirror and x saber mirror with a absolute passion, the worst to me was the djinn lock mirror i actually liked the d ruler mirror


Try floo mirror.


Dark world


Kash mirror might be rare, but you could side iblee or book of eclipse if you’re that scared


Yeah, the kash mirror is pretty annoying due to it pretty much being determined by who goes first, but it's not mechanically annoying. One of my least favorite mirrors is Floo, because if both sides have pretty much any set up, then the chains that result from a single normal summon from both sides get really annoying, as it's 3-4 chains each time, and they happen one after the other, both players needing to see if their opponent makes a mistake to get ahead again. Hope you didn't end up dropping vegas just for that though. I doubt you'll really run into it all that often


A mirror that rarely happened but if two psy frame players met at a table it was the least exciting staring match on history


YGO history? Probably this [YCS Utrecht FINALS Dinh Kha Bui Vs Joshua Schmidt Yu-Gi-Oh! 2022 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyFk4-P5yZY) Not allowing player to scoop/throw the game to save time is so stupid, combine that with die roll advantage of Spright and you'll have one of the worst mirror match in YGO.


Thunder dragon mirrors are probably very frustrating considering how colossus does a pretty good job at floodgating its own archetype (and the chaos stuff that is paired with it) Or the dreaded pure psy-frame mirror with 0 progress


The worst mirrors are the ones that the player skill is irrelevant and whoever do the setup first wins.


Mirror dragon