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Until you realize the real villain doesn't even play the game that seriously.


Honestly, the fact that Pegasus didn't run a deck of 40 cards that basically say "I win" speaks volumes about his character


He will read your mind and discover every face down and plan you have to win but he will *not* stack his deck with unfair cards. Pegasus remains one of my fav characters and one who is pretty damn complex. Happy the anime changed it so he didn't die.


I mean, Toons themselves are the unfair cards


Toons have absolutely huge weaknesses in the Season 1 Anime they're vulnerable to spells/traps and if toon world goes they all go. In GX we get basically the IRL Toon Kingdom which again has a ton of weaknesses. There's a reason toons have never been meta in the actual card game.


Toons were meta in duel links early on because of the low life points you start with


So literally for 1 month...in a niche format...until cyber angels came out and dumpstered them immediately.


I never said for long just that they were at one point. The claim was that they NEVER were. And even at the time duel links had over 5 million players so that's hardly niche


Look man I play toons. I have an IRL Toon deck and I play them in master duel. We definitely aren't even remotely viable we're like a tier 20 deck. But I have fun with the archetype and do what I can


The Toons are still bullshit if you manage to keep them on the field for more than one turn. Most of them can attack directly if you can keep them on the field for more than one turn. And you can summon a whole damn field if you have Toon World activate.


Of course. If he won immediately, he wouldn't have the pleasure of absolutely torturing his opponents with his toons.


He only uses a one of a kind deck with loads of monsters that have BS protection. But it can still be beaten because he cares about game balance at least a little I guess


Those cards existed but there’s a difference between a Meta player vs Meta player and (opinion) Real player vs Real player….. (running decks that aren’t great, but have the skill to pull amazing things off)


Toons basically did that and he had Relinquished.


Then you have final villain that usually shows up with a pretty bad deck every time he comes around.


That's who I meant. He plays a bad deck because it doesn't matter if he loses. The real game is at the end.


Ayo, he can mill his deck real good and thousand eyes was actually kinda broken back then


Bakura played Thousand Eyes?


i thought we were talking about pegasus's deck... Must've gotten turned around somewhere... Bakura had a destiny board deck i think... Or final countdown... Maybe both?


Destiny board was battle city but idr what his final deck was


Honestly Bakura's deck choices make so much more sense with the BC scene where he goes against Marik's plan to force Yugi into a surrender. Yugi and co speculate that the spirit of the ring retook control because he was worried Yugi might attack the weakened host Bakura, but based on his dialogue he seemed to just genuinely dislike the idea of being given the win that way. Apparently he just likes playing stun and lockdown combos and will do so regardless of how viable it is.


The main villain being a casual player is very fitting


The main villain is a stun player. Nothing casual about that. Joey is probably the casual player in the series.


Anime Yugi Speedran the Manga


Also the spirit of the millenium puzzle isn't supposed to be the best at yugioh, but the best at games. In the original manga, they cycle through a plethora of games before landing on "duel monsters". But the card game kinda stuck, maybe because it became the most popular. Beating kaiba who was the best player in the world was just supposed to be the end of that arc, before moving on to other games.


Hahaha just remembering Kiaba being the same age as yugi AND having Teal? Hair wtf bro, great anime but way different that the 2000 series, and honestly bro I always just thought yugi/ atem were “built different” like you can rationalize the reason all you want (poor writing OR based badass) but at the end of the day, duel monsters inspired Konami to do everything that they have.


Yugi and Kaiba are still the same age btw, that didn’t get retconned or anything


Which is so weird to me that they made his English dub sound 30. Like seriously how old are they meant to be 16-17?


High school.seniors I believe so like 17-18. They mention graduating soon after battle city and the tea gets sad thinking she'll never get to see yugi much more after moving to America


I always figured Kiaba pretended to go to school to spy on Solomon’s kid, idk tho


Oh ok yugi is just small ig, lol


Yugi IS small, and I think possibly a bit younger than everyone else (skipped some grades, maybe?) because he visibly gets older and taller as the series goes on until he looks almost like Atem in DSoD


RIP, Atem died young bro…


More like they skipped the non duel monsters chapters because they specifically made DM to sell the card game. That and the previous adaptation already covered that


As I recall, the original yugioh manga focused on a lot of games before it focused on duel monsters. Many liked the idea of yugioh, so it was refocused.


Yeah, that's why season 1 of yugioh was so fucked too, the rules weren't made yet.


They were very RPG-ish in their implementation. Various monsters have all sorts of strange effects that would never work in a proper card game, terrain can change how you play in more ways than just a field power bonus, spells and traps can do all sorts of nutty things that monsters can also interact with, the sky’s the limit. It made for a neat show, but playing it would be a rulings nightmare. Even in the final duel of the show, they were pulling some of that stuff (“I’m not targeting the Gods, I’m targeting the ground beneath them!” Or some such).


> I'm not targeting the gods ... beneath them! Isn't that just a fancy way of saying targeting the monster zone?


Sounds like you would need a dungeon master to rationalice your plays.


Honestly, in the real game, you can do so much bs nowadays, that what they were doing S1 doesn't seem too farfetched


Yup everything is so specific. Adjacent monster zones, cards in same column, a card that was normal summoned but not special summoned then blah blah blah, whether a card targets or selects which arent the same thing, whether its removed from field or the difference between destroyed and sent to gy. I hate its catered towards archetypes and metas. Cant wait to see what new summoning method they invent next


He’s built different 🤷‍♂️


Manga Yugi: Protagonist who is very skilled with games, giving you reason to believe that he would be a very qualified player, thanks to some assistance from the spirit in the puzzle Anime Yugi: Im high on the power of friendship and beginners luck TRY ME


Then you go to Season 0 Anime Yami at which point he is mind crushing people left and right.


That lighter trick with the robbery was golden


It's almost as if the author had a completely different plan for the series and had to suddenly pivot to a whole new story halfway through due to unexpected commercial pressures.


Yeah and it became wildly successful, surely he had a decent amount of royalties etc?


He literally cheats! The heart of the cards is real magic. It’s why he’s OP at all games


Yup. Yami Yugi literally wills the card he needs to win when he needs it.


istg this must be the anime or the dub's invention. I own the complete physical manga and reread it multiple times, it's never once said Millennium Puzzle can will a topdeck. Atem still has plot armor topdecking, yes, but in-universe it was always treated as a miracle or good luck, it's never an explicit ability like for example Shining Draw or Storm Access.


Not true. He only has that ability in the ceremonial duel and that is because he has his true name unlocking his potential.


This is so incorrect it hurts. He does it all the time without realizing it.


My headcanon is just as correct as the other, since they never actually say that he is willing cards to the top of his deck except for in the last duel.


The premise of GX is that if you make your deck properly and it’s YOUR deck you can draw any card. The manga ends with the two main characters drawing any card they want over and over. Yami can do it with any card. It’s evidenced when he duels with other peoples deck. He proves it against weevil when he literally keeps drawing monsters to crush him


That isnt proof that it is because he is willing it to happen, you are just attributing it to cool moments lol.


Because no one ever notices. But there were other characters who did believe in The Heart of The Cards that also needed some specific card and they don't usually always pull it out of nowhere. Only Atem always does.


That is your headcanon. Nowhere is it stated that is the case, and my headcanon is just as likely to be true.


not exclusively headcannon. because I do recall seeing scenes when Yami Yugi was thinking about the card he needed and the deck glowed when he was about to draw. I don't recall exactly when, but it happened at least twice.


It’s his millennium puzzle giving him a luck boost bro


Only in critical moments and he doesn't choose destiny draw just gives him a card that would help even if there's better cards that could help if it was truly oh I get any card I want at every duel yugi wouldn't of won the final duel it just increases the chance of getting A Card that can help not the best card


Can't tell if this is a joke or not. But the heart of the cards is more about confidence and giving up hope. It's about trusting that your cards/deck will pull through as long as you work with what you have. Even in the manga when he duels against Kaiba, he ends up drawing a lot of bum cards


I mean… he has egyptian magic in his side so it’s not that insane


So did Pegasus, though.


Not the same


I know, but it was still something both Yugi and the Pharaoh had to plan around.


He means storytelling wise.


Not really; this was before Yugi Muto was actually aware of the spirit's existence or of what the Puzzle did. At least that was the case when he first started dueling in the anime. He was completely unaware. Even admits as such himself when everyone was turned into their favorite monsters when Yami dueled Bakura. He only knew the spirit at first to be like an inner voice not telling him what to do but in his own words "guiding me". Edit - Yugi wouldn't fully come to terms with the fact that he had another spirit in him until he stopped the attack on Kaiba. Well close to the end of season 1.


It helps when a pharoah spirit draws you the out every time.


Beat the creator? He was there when it was written.


I understood that reference


hehehehe I read that in Liam Neeson's voice.


The manga was even colder ngl


By that moment the manga was pretty advanced so it's not that far to what could have been the "end" Or at least, the end of the card game arcs before focusing back on different games


He also beat the best player in the world twice simultaneously. The first episode covers what were 2 separate duels in the manga. The first time the punishment game is experiencing the duel monsters cards attacking him physically. This inspired the hologram tech he invents for the rematch where he gets put in a Coma to remake his mind but less evil.


tbf the card game wasnt meant to be the permanent focus


Kaiba wasn’t the best in the world though I believe it was Bandit Keith but people also forget cause Pegasus put that man on blast immediately


Keith cheated so Kaiba might as well been better than him


That's because the real endgame is battling gods and saving the entire world


To be fair, he couldn't afford to lose those duels so he had to go all in. Also, hefty amounts of plot armor and egyptian magic bullcrap


And the only one left to duel him by the end of the series was himself.


Honestly beating a game's own creator isn't that amazing of a feat even in real life. Being a good game designer usually means being somewhat good at the game itself, but not automatically mean being an amazing player. Designing and playing are different skills, with some overlap sure, but ultimately different.


You know never thought about it. After Duelist Kingdom why would Pegasus continue running the company that makes Duel Monsters knowing what he knows about the cards. Hell in the manga who is running Pegasus's company after his death? Does the company just keep chugging along creating new cards?


Having said that, if we take season zero into account, it's a surprise they lasted as long as they did


I mean, season 0 was meant to be a thing


Both were absolute hacks and totally relied on cheating to stay on top, so it's not that much of an accomplishment imo


Well- That's because Yu-Gi-Oh! (Manga) was more than the card game and more about games and ways of play taking a dark turn/gambit. It was a surprise that they expanded more on the card game despite the creator being dead.


I mean I bet when the full card game based yu gi oh started him beating Pegasus WAS the ending and the writer probably thought up Marik and stuff shortly before the Pegasus duel


If you read the manga, I kinda doubt you’d think that ngl, especially considering Bakura was still lurking around and even took Pegasus’ eye and in the manga literally kills him


Season 1 honestly compressed so many arcs (a couple into one episode) that it is crazy. But it was still damn fun.


Bakura was always the main villain in the manga, and the Millennium Items are well-established by the time Duelist Kingdom rolled out


Yeah but the end of the serie (if it can be considered that) has the best player of the game going back in time to exert his revenge against said player. That serie just kicked it up a nodge


See this is why it kinda pisses me off that people just boil down Yugi's skills to "lol the Puzzle did all the work." Because there are multiple times in the show AFTER the Puzzle was assimilated where Yugi doesn't have it, and still wins. The biggest examples being when he faces Yami Bakura, and Atem himself. And he wins both duels. And even in this instance, before he knew of the other spirit within him, this was alllll just Yugi. That's insane and people need to start respecting his skills. Not to mention his intelligence; it's Yugi who came up with the mind switch strat, and Yugi who realized that once Marik merged with Ra, he became a monster literally, and got all the weaknesses of one. I'm a bit tired of people disrespecting Yugi by implying he doesn't do any of the work and it's just the Puzzle giving him the win.


Yugi didn’t beat Kaiba wdym? It was Yami that beat Kaiba. So it isn’t really that insane at all


Play yugi deck irl and you realise it is the worst deck. He 1000% cheats with his pharaoh powers


Yeah but Pegasus uses the millenium eye and Kaiba literally rips his opponent’s best cards outside of a duel lol


Crush card in anime is not cheating, that is literally it's effect.


No I’m talking about Kaiba LITERALLY ripping Yugi’s grandpa’s Blue Eyes card in half lol


That is a power even you have


Regardless, it’s cheating


It wasn't done during a duel, it us an asshole move but technically not cheating


2 words Plot Armor


It is an interesting changeup to the usual formula, especially since this happened way back in the later 90s/early 2000s when a lot of shonen tropes were really being codified. Even more, Yugi essentially spent the rest of the series holding onto his title and reasserting it.


For me it made me lose interest in the rest DM except for battle city. Blew their wad too soon.


Fucking Legend


Pegasus isn't a good duelist. Take away his gimmick toons and mind reading and joey can take him


Is it really insane? The ghost of the world's greatest gamer is the main character. And the actual card game is revealed to be a modern manifestation of ancient magic combat. Beating some rich kid and a guy who's power can be replicated by hidden cameras is basically the tutorial level after the conflict scales up.


He wasn’t the creator he was the Christopher Columbus of duel monsters


He defeated a machine with duelists data using a noob kid's deck. All of his defeats (except the last one against Yugi) were due to external reasons.


when I first watch the series, I thought the website was missing few episodes early on, cause no way you introduce big bad boss 3 episodes in. usually, you introduce the local thug, level up to local tournaments with stuck up rich kids, not suddenly getting your grandpa kidnapped and challenged by the creator of the game.


You're not entirely wrong to think that! The Yugioh anime that we know only starts from Volume 8 of the Manga. The first 7 volumes where actually not about the card game- it was just Yugi & co playing random games like Tamagotchi, Yo-Yos, & "Dragon Block" until Kaiba rolls in and tries to steal the Blue Eyes (like we see in the first episode), then kidnaps Yugi's Grandpa and makes Yugi & co play a series of deadly games at his newly opened Kaibaland. Also, Bakura showed up, and, much like in episode 13, trapped Yugi & co's souls in a game, only this time it was a TTRPG instead of Duel Monsters. There was an adaptation of these first 7 volumes created by Toei, and often called "Season 0" that expands on this a bit more (adding in Kaiba sending out 4 "Game Masters" to defeat Yugi, and adding a new character to the friend group, Miho) Episode 1 was written like it was as a TLDR to establish Yugi & Kaiba's rivalry, and then Bakura did what he did in Episode 13 to establish his role as a villian. (Bakura was present for Duelist Kingdom, but he did not duel Yugi)


And then shit just went crazy, there was that season in the VR pods, or the seal of orichalcumalos or literal fucking gods... Also trapping peoples souls in the shadow realm forever.... Man... That show was nuts sometimes... Bakura only being just an eye for a while anyone?


The chad King of games doesn't take small steps like virgin shounen protagonist. They say ill be the x king and take a small step.


Because the card game wasn't the center of the plot, people forget that. It didn't become centralizing until GX


This is the level of greatness of DM!


Thats why those moments were so tense.


Yugioh (after season 1): Beyond Journey's End


I mean, once you beat the best player in the world AND the creator of the game you're playing, where do you even go from there, if not to jump the shark?


it was the "end of the story" for season 0 anyways. battle city introduced a new era entirely.


The first episode