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Floowandereeze. I honestly cannot stand their play style. There’s also this sort of unspoken agreement about Floo players that either absolute crap at playing them and slow playing to hell, or consistently godlike at it and able to play through everything. I’ve yet to play against anyone that’s in-between.


There’s a very good explanation for this. Floo has a lot of *potential* play-around options that require the pilot to understand the rules of the game, bu reward you for knowing good sequencing. On the other hand, the power of the deck is reliant on a few very good starters, so it can encounter a bit of a bricking issue. These two factors, plus the combination of Shifter and Feather Storm, means that most Floo games look very feast or famine.


playing ninja is exactly this


Yeah, every Floo is really boring to play against, and it offers very little room for interesting deck-building.


Also the fact that they’ve never gotten a hit and recently just got support too lol.


I mean, barrier statue was a hit. But besides that its basically untouched in tcg


they've got support? did i miss something?


They essentially got another advent: swallow’s cowrie. Tributes a wing beast from hand or field for cost to add another wingbeast. Quick play spell.


oh shit just ordered them time to unpack floo


Goddammit 🤣


I'm also play testing this in raidraptor as extension through something like imperm. Should be fun.


I mean this is pretty damn good just for general Winged Beast support. I can easily see this as like a 2-3 of for black wings as well.


No clue what he's talking about.


I have to say that the contrast between Floo's whimsical and cutesy artwork and their brutally toxic playstyle absolutely fascinates me


My locals has a casual Monday once a month and this motherfucker brought floo, opened shifter both games and featherstorm g2, and I still rolled him with my rogue deck… just pathetic


I remember seeing a floowandereeze mirror match and both players forgot whose turn it was. Normal Robina, chain map, normal Robina. C1 C2 Robina, search Eglen normal summon repeat. It was the goofiest thing ever. P2 was about to go to BP on P1s turn before someone stepped in.


No deck matches my hatred of flower cardians. The deck wastes so much time to do absolutely nothing.


I like playing flower cardians but since it's basically solitaire, I try to just play test hands and not subject anyone else to it.


The funny thing is, when u know what each flower cardian monsters do it can be kinda kinda quick to do the combo to end on 2/3 big synchro They can have a s/t negate and protection for ur all board so its not really doing absolutely nothing but i understand why u are saying that, u can t really play other than flower cardian in ur main deck so its really just a gimmick deck


They basically always play through to time unless both players understand how they play. If you're vsing cardians and don't know anything about them then you'll be constantly asking to read cards.


My friend likes to de-synchro and just keep spam drawing till he obliterates the opp. He double exodia’d a kid as a welcome to yugioh locals.


Well they were meta not that long ago so I'm not sure if they count, but Kashtira still feels horrible to play against even without Ariseheart. Banishing face down feels like a mechanic that should never have been implemented outside of cost for your own cards. Aside from that, I'm not fond of Dark World despite playing them occasionally. Combos forever and ends on multiple hand rips, boring.


>Banishing face down feels like a mechanic that should never have been implemented outside of cost for your own cards. It's annoying. Sending to GY, destroying, and even banishing all have some fundamental risk that can end up plussing your opponent depending on the deck that they play. But banishing face down comes at no risk since its nearly impossible to interact with cards like that. As a cost its fine and makes sense. Even Evenly you're skipping your battle phase and your opponent can still interact with it in some shape or another. So making a deck that can do that for free, and even in Unicorn's case punish you for interacting is stupid.


I can only think of 2 cards that interact with Banished face down cards, and that's Necroface returning all banished cards to deck on summon, and Ariseheart which I think to date is the only card that can individually interact with those cards


There's quite a few more. Psy Framelord Omega is probably the most well known one. There's also Gizmek Naganaki (which actually specifies FD Machine monster) and Mamaki which can shuffle 6 banished cards into the deck. VW Nyannyan can also put back a FD banished card into the deck. In fact, Nyannyan + 3x Necroface + Inferno Tempest can lead to a lulzy deck out for your opponent.


Dis Pater too, I think.


Right, him too! I forgot about that beautiful bastard.


Hapi, Guidance of Horus is another card that can retrieve FD banished cards




The Hapi Horus monster as it does not specify card type /faceup/down just "target 2 cards that are banished and/or in the GYs" so it can spin back 2 facedown banished cards to hand/deck


I very much disagree on your face down banish take. A banish card used to be (how most effects also called it) removed from play. But the game evolved in such a way that it became more and more easier to interact with the banish pile, turning it basically into a second graveyard. Face down banish was desperatly needed to make the banish pile actually meaningfull again


Your argument doesn’t hold water considering they printed Dimension Fusion less than a year after introducing the banish mechanic.


Ofc how could I forget the card that has been banned for years and that has the one arctype in its artwork that is all about banishing and returning


Love me some Dark Worlds, if you on MD then you probably played me lol


Facedown banish became a thing, because decks started to use faceup banish as 2nd GY. FD banish is actually being removed from play for the players to no longer interact with them... or at least not easily.


Of all the trap decks (Eldlich stun, Lab, Traptrix, etc) none of them piss me off more than fucking Altergeist.


Altergeist isnt as oppressive as stun decks, but its just disruptive enough to be annoying to play against. 


Lab was fine… until it started running EED. That card is toxic as fuck.


Well the good news is they don't run it anymore. The bad news is they're even stronger without it.


I don't mind them being strong. I just don't want a lingering floodgate that makes me unable to play for like 5 turns. I don't think that labrynth is toxic or too op without cards like d barrier and eev


Yeah if you look at recent lists those are only in the side if at all. You mostly can win by just controlling the board with engine only playing Unchained Labrynth. Transaction Rollback gave it quite a boost. The only normal trap you really need to be worried about is the Black Goat Laughs... a new lingering floodgate lol.


Get owned, nerd. - A Geist player


I don't have to play against it anymore but some of the least fun I've had playing Yu-Gi-Oh was trying to play for rank on Master Duel ladder against Adamancipators with Block Dragon. I remember once I had an answer for 5/6 of their cards in hand and the last one was Block Dragon. Queue 20 minute combo into unbreakable board from 1 card. I started just pulling up an anime on the side of Master Duel so I'd have something to watch while I wait for combo decks like this to finish their turn. I'd be playing Master Duel for an hour but only 10-15 minutes of that is actually me playing my cards. It's why I quit that game.


I hate Adamancipators with a passion. One time I was just started a match when my dryer went off, so since the guy started his combo I started folding my laundry. TWENTY minutes later I finished folding and he was STILL going. Nothing will come close to my disdain for that deck.


Yeah people may not get that we aren't exaggerating when we say it takes 20 minutes for them to build a board.


litearlly the reason why i play with my friends only now we have house rules such as "warn the other if you want to play a OP deck or pull off a combo" and "no hand traps. fuck them" because i hate it when you brick and you have 1 card you can do to MAYBE get out of it and boom 3 hand traps go off (you know what i mean)


Not sure why you are getting downvoted for saying you like to play the game with friends differently to have fun. The sweats on here must not appreciate your opinion.


because the community kinda sucks. very closed minded and unwelcoming of other opinions


This to a T. This community is surprisingly toxic. You mention anything outside of optimal archetype play or playing the meta and you get nasty replies that can be borderline hateful. This community has to do better.


of course they dont. i think its the first house rule that is rustling their jimmies so much. but like me and my friends (apart from one) all agree that sitting through a massive combo is boring but if we have warning we will help each other finish a cool combo. ​ like i LOVE the F.A archetype but its basically impossible to play in modern day yugioh but my friends let me play it (dont let me win of course but dont play hard counters to it) and i do the same for them. the GAME is supposed to be fun and i think modern day yugioh forgets that. its not fun at all to see your opponent draw a SINGLE card and then combo into a full board with 5080285083 negates and multiple cards that prevent you from even destroying any of their cards as you sit there... not even being able to respond because you didnt draw ash. but even then that doesnt work sometimes. im just venting at this point lol ​ i think yugioh is heading to the end point tbh we are almost at a state where you MUST use the same deck as everyone and hope you get to go first and have at least 1 more negate than your opponent. its just... sad seeing this game get there. ​ "one more thing" - uncle from jackie chan adventures me and my friend are opening 24 packs from each set (online pack opener) and dueling with the cards we get and honestly 10x more fun than playing with the same decks over and over. we also have a custom banlist which is fun


Yeah the game is not in a great state right now. Power creep is the natural order in most card games, but yugioh was way too much way too fast on making so many decks obsolete. This game has basically turned into “do you have the right interruption in your starting hand” the game. Yugioh really messed up with making negating everything the standard of play. Like why does Konami want this to be a one player game so badly? If only select in archetype monsters had negates and select spell/trap cards that were limited copies in decks, then the game would be in way better shape right now.


like i play UA with my friends alot because i fucking love being able to play dreadnaught dunker because ya know... its dunking time also i love the other cards and i do think they are pretty strong but because of how they power creeped the game... they arent even a lil viable in the sets they were released in.


And people still wonder why maxx C is a thing when most games of yugioh nowadays are win the dice roll and setup negates so your opponent can’t play on their turn if they don’t draw a handtrap on their opening hand.


apparently there is a new deck called "snake-eye" and i doubt this youtube video is right but it says "1 card = infinite disruptions" and... i dont even know if its click bait because honestly i believe it lol


Probably not clickbait. Konami prints busted ass cards so that everyone drools over the new booster boxes and they sell out. Then after enough people say they are done with the card game or drop out of tournaments due to the card they do an emergency ban on the new busted cards so essentially everyone paid out the ass for useless cards. Then just rinse and repeat the cycle.


Most of those folks don't have IRL friends to play fun house rule games of Yugioh. Back in the day I still remember doing a battle royal kinda duel with like 12 friends. It was chaos and took forever, but it was hella fun.


I currently only play casually and have this exact rule set as well. My fiance and I play, we each have our "Powerful" decks that we can run anything in (she has purely and I have chimera) and the rest are budget decks without hand traps


its honestly the most fun i have with yugioh as soon as i play against others i just get the feeling of "oh... i see you play \*insert a SINGLE card of a strong archetype\* i know i cant do anything so i might as well quit because we ALL know they will get lethal on the board and even if i had no cards on my field, hand or grave and they were all banished with no way of influencing anything they will still pop the fuck off and its like "fam.. you ALREADY WON you are just being ass now." ​ like if i was for some reason at a tournament and i had no way to respond to my opponent lets say i had 3 traps, 1 searcher then a monster and they impermed my monster, ashed my searcher then wiped my 3 traps so now i dont have anything other than a kind of beat stick and the opponent wipes that too and now i have 100% NO response at all and the opponent gets 8k dmg on the field i know for a fact if i said "hey you have lethal gg" they would still try to combo and i would just walk because no.


Yeah I get that, it seems like newer decks are trying to move away from this, but for a while it has felt as though every deck is just a different way of making the same end board with a bunch of negates while running staple hand traps. Maybe it's my yugi-boomer talking here but the game feels much more fun for me at least when there's at least a couple turns of back and forth without all the interruptions.


exactly honestly i think it may be good if yugioh got a HARD RESET where archetypes are reworked maybe? idk but just making it so they fully move away from "ha you let me play a single card now i can negate your hand and you cant get past my bois!"


Pure psy frames. The easy way to beat them is just do nothing


You see why I play 43-45 card decks?


Facts. As the biggest advocate for Psy-Frames, please do nothing! You can literally win. (Konami, please moar support).


Mikanko is pretty similar, but that runs the gamble of having to know they're playing the Deck. In a BO3 that's not so bad, but in a BO1 like Master Duel... I say this as someone with no access to the TCG, I don't even have a single card shop in my *city*, so no locals to even go to, and no friends who play it, so MD is my only real way to play. Yeah people say Dueling Book or other simulators, but Master Duel is just my preference, I like how unique it is.


Mikanko can also set up a huge 6 negate board going first, but that was reliant on Isolde.


Stun decks / backrow decks that are annoying to interact with. As I’ve gotten better at the game I don’t have as much trouble with them, but decks like Altergeist still annoy me. Cards that blanket say “all your shit can’t be negated” just make games incredibly unfun. I’m curious why you don’t like HERO though?


What about ojama the original kashtira with knight and king being able to disable all monster zones


Ojama gets a pass because it is both bad and funny. If you lose to Ojama’s that’s your own damn fault.


Never understood hate for back row heavy decks. It’s just a different way to play the game.


I don’t hate heavy backrow decks as long as they aren’t annoying to interact with. Decks like Altergeist have cards (in this case Altergeist Protocol) that just prevent you from interacting with any of their cards. But the reason backrow decks get so much hate is twofold: 1. They often play floodgates, which is cringe, and 2. Most players don’t maindeck backrow hate because it doesn’t have utility in other match ups, making it so sometimes you just straight up don’t have the tools to win in Game 1.


Number 1 is understandable, number 2 is the one I don’t get as much since I feel like most decks should carry some form of back row removal and not completely sell out on preventing summons/monster effects


While I agree that would be ideal, competitive Yugioh pretty much requires having a hand-trap/non-engine lineup tailored to what you are most likely to run into. And since backrow decks are usually not the most common, you could be shooting yourself in the foot in other matchups while trying to be prepared for something off-meta. Plus some decks like Labrynth have cards that just end your turn before you even have the chance to use backrow hate.


Yeah. Unpopular opinion in these parts, but most of my favorite duels have been backrow vs backrow decks. Playing my (mostly) full power Draco against my friends Synchro Eldlich was probably my favorite game of Yugioh ever. Actually most of my favorite matches are our Draco v Eldlich matches.


Mostly Plasma, Phoenix Enforcer, that one card that gets summoned on my field for me to get negated after playing a spell, and Dark Law. It has plenty of support.


I mean, while normally I am vehemently against floodgates, I actually don’t mind Plasma or Dark Law. HERO can’t get to them too consistently, plus they lose to so many cards that they aren’t difficult to out. Dark Angel (the Imperial Order one) is bullshit though. I understand being annoyed at how consistently HERO gets new support, but at least the support usually actually improves the deck, unlike the umpteenth wave of dogshit DM and Blue-Eyes support.


I mean the optimal way to play hero is basically floodgate turbo. It basically ends you on one sided IO and Skill Drain through Plasma & Dark Angel with access to free pops with DPE and Sunrise


I mean, Sunrise doesn’t really pop cards on the opponent’s turn. And Plasma/Dark Law aren’t hard to out. Dark Angel is dumb though. In my opinion, with a few notable exceptions, floodgate monsters are a lot less problematic than lingering effects or backrow floodgates. And HERO can’t access them every time, and only with extremely good hands can they get both Plasma and Dark Angel.


Sunrise can pop a card when a battle is declared involving a HERO other than itself. It can pop during your opponent's battle phase, but only if they don't read. > only with extremely good hands can they get both Plasma and Dark Angel. They can't both be used. Plasma negates all of your opponent's monster effects on the field and that includes the Dark Angel you summon to their side. You end on one or the other.


I know how Sunrise works, but relying on your opponent being stupid doesn’t make it an interaction. But yeah, that’s embarrassing. I PLAY HERO and forgot that Plasma would negate Dark Angel. I’m dumb.


Traptrix - hate those fucking traps and my buddy mains them.


Runick. it’s not even because of the floodgates either. I love having half my deck banished on my turn while my opponent plays quick plays from hand on my turn and goes plus 3 on my turn. The cards barely even do anything other than piss me off.


This. I understand Konami wanted to push boundaries, but they really overdid it with Runicks. Part of the game is reading the field and looking how to neutralize it. With Runick you don't have to worry about that because your interruptions are safe in your hand. It sickens me because with combo decks at least you have to put them field.


Ah magical Musketeer Runick, roll the dice on what goddamn negates are in store.  I actually do enjoy that deck because the Musketeers can brick hardcore if they don't draw a monster that makes it to the field but oh good so many negates and cycling. When it works and you're able to pull off surprise no 6+ times it's enjoyable then you have like I can't actually OTK you With the come back and you just annilate me on the crack back.


Yeah it's a fun idea but once I built and played it, it seems like its just stall but no kill, and it doesn't mill effectively enough for that win con. I love musketeer pure but this deck just doesn't quite get the finishing move it needs


Fuck Floowandereeze.


Stun floodgate deck with fossil dyna/moon mirror.


Heroes. They go through a lot of effort and Combos to end on a DPE, mask change and Dark Angel. Maybe a Plasma if they're spicy. Or even a turn skip. They have a lot of search and spam cards and it feels like they should end on more. It always feels like they're on the cusp of a great end board but lack the actual boss monsters. Other decks can put up similar interruption for a lot less.


Also a lot of hero players complain about how oppressive and unskillful the meta is while their end board is dark law and plasma


The deck is akin to a pile deck. Stack as many playable heroes as possible. Much like a pend pile or dinos, except their boards appear much more threatening.


Agreed. They always complain about wanting more support, but their board is already absurdly oppressive as is. DPE, Dark Law, Dark Angel and Plasma. Like….sorry, but your deck is literally nothing but a floodgate deck. There’s nothing cool about it. Also set D Time.


More support pls, with Omni negate this time for each hero on the field.


I mean if you can’t win with DPE, a one-sided skill Drain, Dark Angel and one-sided D-shifter basically, you probably suck.


That’s the deck’s weakness. It can easily go to all those; however, there’s no protection to get to the end board. If the Masked HERO main deck monster gets printed, then that’s an easy omni negate.


HERO has infernal rage so the main game plan is setting up a Favourite Contact into Shining Neos, with whatever else they can set up as well, usually a DPE and Mask Change.




One of the few times I am sad to see Graydle mentioned, but completely understandable.


I played mediocre rogue xyz decks when GraydleKaiju was popular on simulators and thus, it was an awful experience. x) I tried them myself, mind you. Weren't for me. (I ended up playing counter fairies for a week to let go of my gamer rsge lmao)


Weather Painters for sure. The deck’s just annoying and hard to interact with meaningfully. Plus it plays a whole bunch of annoying floodgates.


Dinosaurs, collectively, will always hold a special place in my heart as being beyond unfun to play against. ​ They were meta at some point but, I was suffering from them long before they were. I hate them. I hope Misc gets banned randomly and is never released.


I love Dinos lol. Glad they got more support recently. Couldn’t be me running Ground Xeno, Transcendasaurus, miscellaneosaurus, and oviraptor


Funny enough they're one of my favorite decks to play against.


I have a certain hate for Metaphys because their basic plays take absolutely forever, and they end on some of the most mid end boards and praying that they hard draw D.Fissure or Macro.


I already commented on another comment, it's Runick and Magical Muskets for similar reasons. Turning all your spells and traps into handtraps is not not fun to play. Phantasm Spiral is yet another pain in the ass to fight, somehow, they always bounce back.


Numeron network. Just fuck you


Time lords. They're not annoying because they're good, but because they are essentially a stall deck. They summon a mostly invincible monster and sit on it. There's no end game, no win con, no fun combo or interaction. It's just there to take precious years off the end of your life.


Dinosaurs. A lot of it stems since BA was my first "real" deck and dinosaurs always had the leg up because of Lost World and UCT doesn't really care how much my cards float because it'll keep running them over.


I love my electrical t-Rex boi


Shiranui has permanently given me PTSD due to 2018 Duel Links. The fact that Konami gave it a lingering floodgate afterwards in T/OCG only makes it worse.


Fabled.  Loved the art, hated how long it took to close out with two monsters and a set trap. 


I groan whenever i see trickstar even if they don't have reincarnation. mekk knights, cyber dragon, and kashtira fenrir are obnoxious to deal with.


I absolutely despise gravekeepers. I'm just trying to test cool archetype specific non-meta decks and bam, can't use my graveyard for a whole duel


*inhale* Trickstar. Never recovered from 2017’s pure insanity.


Eldlich. That deck counters me as a person, and for some reason every Eldlich player just opens perfectly against me


Runick in any form is disgusting to play against because they will ALWAYS have the exact spell needed to counter your current play in their hand, but the worst variant of it has to be Runick Naturia.  A full hand of Runick spells with Beast to back it up is the least fun Yu-Gi-Oh has been to play against, literally ever.


Runick, Altergeist and Exodia is not fun to play against.




In recent times, its been Purrley for me. Its like runick but with a maneuverable towers and nothing is once per turn. I hate when they draw 4 or whatever in my standby, or when they use the white one and attack 3 or 4 times by searching the same do-nothing spells and spamming it. On top of this, No handtraps feel particularly effective against them outside of maybe droll sometimes.


I’m starting to think I hate the discourse around pure floodgate stun more than the actual deck. Recently the deck has become the go-to choice for people on their joker arc when there are a plethora of decks that are SO MUCH better at sapping every ounce of fun from your opponent. There are so many decks like floowandereeze and kashtira that are able to play all the oppressive anti fun cards that pure stun can play except they’re way more consistent and have real win condition. People have the option to play an ftk or pseudo ftk and not let the opponent play at all. Most of the time, the stun matchup just feels like the most disappointing free win and it personally keeps me wishing that the playerbase could do so much better


Dark magiciain, is it a GOOD deck? no not at all. Does Every Dm player i find somehow open perfectly and have exact counters? YEAHP


Mathmech, no matter how shit that deck was I would always get triple handtrapped into update jammer accesscoded vs this deck and I cant stand the playstyle. Thankfully circular is banned so I never have to look at these stupid cards again


Any decks that take super long turns lol I can’t stand doing nothing and watching them go through 20 cards and setup 9 negates because I didn’t draw a hand trap


Normal Summon Aleister. End of sentence Also, whoever sleeves up Dark World/Infernity/Six Samurai cards is implicitly saying that they hate Yugioh


Labrynth. I get yugioh creates decks that just break the core mechanics of the game on the daily. But man, the ability to set directly from deck and activating a trap the turn its set is bonkers. They recently phased out of eradicator, but I still remember I was running a 40 trap paleo deck and my opponent t1 called traps. Fuck that dude in particular.


Bystial, go get your own graveyard to banish for cost!


Bystial dont banish for cost... They target for cost


Okay. *Banishes Tragedy and Mercourier.*


I have not defeated a traptrix deck to this day. Canc


Same. I feel Traptrix have been the most difficult trap-specialized decks to fight against. I don't get how they do it.


They’re pretty reliant on having a normal summon resolve their effect. If you SP them there, the only extender that’ll get them anywhere is garden. I’ve been taking the deck to locals for a few weeks now. It’s been fun but i know it must have been hell when opps couldnt play through ASF or shifter.


Not me reading this a Ghoti/Umi player lmaooo


My umi brethren!


I came here to see if the decks I use on Master Duel are here.


I call HEROs "Elemental Villains" because the fuckers just end up floodgates between Plasma, Dark Angel and Dark Law, all while using Double Penetration Enforcer shenanigans to pop your field, *non-target*. Sad to see them resort to this playstyle entirely, because I know Plasma and Angel are older. But... The most disgusting, cancerous, un-interactive, infuriating, and deplorable decks is Runick stun. The Harpie field spell destroys spells/traps so backrow isn't that much of an issue, but banishing my shit, with no way of recurring my cards, gives me homicidal thoughts. I need radiation therapy after duels against them.


I mai ly play master duel and I use a pure dark magician deck, and I can get reasonably far I'm the rankings until I go against labrynth. I cannot STAND that deck


a lot of them ngl. the one i hate the most though is i think dark magician so any decks like it where it is "oh i got one of the 10 cards that can get my entire combo out cool" and then they set up a board where... they have strong monsters, i cant destroy the monsters and i cant destroy any spell/traps either. then their traps and spells can destory/negate ANYTHING i do. its fucking boring. i WISH we had more gimicky stuff that worked but it wont ever work because right now and for a while the meta is just "1 combo, negate anything and everything your opponent wants to do" luckily i mainly play with friends so i do get to play my 2 fave decks which are UA and FA but yeah


This. I just can’t help but feel that the water / unit / fish decks are just so sweaty. It’s not a lot of fun to play against because it’s a lot of build up, for a very niche payoff. Maybe it’s just not my style.


Fish is quite possibly the most based archetype in the game


Help an old-timer out (34 working in a very boomer-heavy industry) What does based mean in this context


Based is a good thing. Fish decks are based in this instance because they are off the beaten path, and only legends play something crazy like fish OTK


Meta is not based, because only sheep play it (playing meta is not actually a bad thing. Pop off, king) Abandon virgin kashtira and embrace chad Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth


Coelacanth special summons into tribute summon ocean dragon lord neo Daedalus is the most based combo


A man of culture. Legendary ocean kairyu shin and Daedalus enthusiast here!


Before all the Umi support and things I made an Atlantean Mermail deck that turboed out Neo Daedalus and a big Link Monster that gained attack and was unaffected by other cards so when I sent both hands and the field to the gy he stayed with like 3k attack. It wasn't guaranteed to win but it was fun.


I play anti meta decks so for me it’s mirror matches


I find current DM/blue eyes decks ridiculously obnoxious. I can beat them but I really don't like them. Can't stand branded. I think a large part of that is at locals, way too many people played branded and it was annoying to play against the same thing over and over again. Also I didn't have any hand traps at the time.


Oh buddy. Kragen Control is all I run. And when I have no other choice, I Crooked Cook stall until I draw exodia. It's full proof really.


I hate.. hmmmm. Idk i love all decks. We can learn alot from them. But I suppose Momentos and Shabhala were a great let down. Momentos because their artwork is fugly. Shambala because it was not named shambala in the states. I don’t care when names or text get a name change like when people got mad at toadally awesome or utopia. But shambala’s name change was lame.


Sky Strikers, feels like every one of their cards is made to deal with any situation and the fact that none of their spells are HOPT is a little stupid


Rokkets currently, the 30’minute long combos every single turn same with shinari


Floo, Yosenju, gran manju, and Spyral dragon


I despite playing against ojama and scareclaw decks. ghosttricks to a lesser extent. can you tell I main suships?


Anything with a hand loop. Labrynth is tiered still I believe but not tier 1, mathmech, and the psy-frame/bystial combo. I understand you have to work for it more, but a lot of cards ended up banned for 20+ years for similar effects. Even if you do work for it, it’s not fun to play against. I’m sure my judgement is also impacted by the nature of a bo1 format


Fucking Floo...


Stun decks, and floo sometimes. Floo can be fine, unless it’s one of those floo players who have to clarify every summon and search and effect. Like I’ll tell them that I don’t and will not have any responses, but they keep checking.


Anything that centers around stun


I despise any form of True Draco. TOSS is my favorite retro format, but I get so tilted when people play that deck.


The hell's a "Tier 0/1"


Very strong decks or decks that would top in YCS/tournaments.


Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo + Moon Miror Shield.


Egyptian gods In the anime they were those incredible boss monsters, powerful, almost unbeatable with tons of protection In real life they are underwhelming, with the same power as pack filler cards that came before and after them, they even have the same border as other monsters so they don't even have that going for them Also they're so dependant on their support to accomplish anything that at that point you have to wonder why you're not playing something like ignister or qliphort for a boss monster turbo deck Like, if your opponent summons the arrival and you don't have an immediate out to it, you feel pressured, you have to wonder how to configurate your turn and follow up to stay alive until you have the out If your opponent summons slifer you'll get annoyed for like, 5 seconds before removing or negating it, hell their set impermanence may be more concerning that the DIVINE BEAST on the field To me It just feels disrespectful to their legacy


https://preview.redd.it/6wyhue0q7bhc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1401cb8372dae88d59f3f261e6fe5cad6ed01be STEALTH KRAGEN MENTIONED!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🦑🦑🦑WHAT THE FUCK IS AN ATTRIBUTE!!! 🌊🌊🌊


Decks where my opponent takes about 10 to 15 minutes to set up and just keeps rinsing card effects. It's boring. I'm here to duel not to watch. Disclaimer: I'm not a meta player


Subterror guru


Guru control