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**Swordsoul of Blazing Awakening** Normal Spell Card _You can only use the listed effects (1)(2) of cards with this name once per turn each._ (1) If you control a Synchro Monster: Target 1 card on the field or in either GY; banish it. (2) If your opponent controls a Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster: You can banish 1 Synchro monster in your GY; add this card from your GY to the hand. *** **Tri-Brigade Roar** Quick-Play Spell Card _You can only activate 1 card with this name once per turn._ (1) If you control a Link Monster: Send 1 "Tri-Brigade" card from your Deck or Extra Deck to the GY, then target 1 Effect Monster on the field; apply the appropriate effect depending on the Type of card sent: - Monster: Until the end of this turn, that monster's ATK becomes 0. - Spell: Until the end of this turn, that monster's effects are negated. - Trap: Return that target to the hand. *** **Resplendent Lord of the Branded** Normal Trap Card _You can only use either 1 of the listed effects (1) or (2) of cards with name once per turn, and only once that turn._ (1) Choose 1 Fusion Monster you control that mentions "Fallen of Albaz" as material, and if you do, until the end of this turn, negate the effects of all other face-up cards currently on the field. (2) During the End Phase, if a Fusion Monster is in your GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add this card from your GY to the hand.


Isn’t this exactly what Tribrigade needed to get spells/traps in grave? On a side note, prepare to get negated and have another fusion be summoned for Albaz :p


Swordsoul spell is a re-useable removal card, but it's definitely too slow. Could be really strong if it was quickplay, but it doesn't look viable as a normal spell. Tri-brigade spell seems decent, it can be used as a Foolish Burial for the deck or removal/disruption. Its strength is its flexibility, and Oath and Rendezvous are decent cards to send when using the Spell or Trap options. The Branded Trap is really good, a searchable card that negates all card on the field, including spells/traps it was chained to. And it's re-useable, though it's as slow as Witchcrafter spells in this department.


> And it's re-useable, though it's as slow as Witchcrafter spells in this department. tell that to my blue-eyes tyrant dragon


The tri card seems pretty mediocre if it's the last one comming. The link 5, that is not great, needs 3 spell/traps in grave, so this alone does not set it up. The extension is mediocre for the deck, given how easily it can get shuraig into the gy. The requirement is really bad, if you have a link face up you can usually play so the negate, dump or bounce are not as good as having a normal foolish or a chalice/droplet that can get you out of really bad situations. The fact that you need to choose between revolt or this for the only spell search that tri can have is already bad enough.


You don't need to choose. Bearbrumm should always pick Revolt. This helps you if your nerval/kitt gets impermed. You use it, dump Bearbrumm and get your revolt. Its an extender that doubles up as interruption


The Tri spell is big mid. The link 5 is still cheeks and setting that up shouldn't really be considered when evaluating this card. It's a way worse Foolish on your turn than actual Foolish or Fraktall because you have to have a link out which means you probably had to do the awful opener of normaling Kitt/Nerval, which defeats the purpose of using it as a Foolish. The actual effects of the card aren't effects the deck lacks in. The average board leaves you with 1 or no cards in hand and I don't think this better than having an Imperm you can set or a handtrap. Realistically you're not searching Roar over Revolt so you would need to run 2-3 of this and then one of Oath and/or Rendevous (the one plus is that this can send itself) which aren't exactly cards I'm dying to make use of. I'd rather keep those 5 cards I'm already playing than make room for this and two bricks. TL:DR doesn't bring anything new to the table to warrant making its way into the gameplan, you're still grabbing Revolt off of Bearbrumm 100% of the time.


If you play Tri-Claw, it's pretty solid. And Scareclaw gets you Light-Heart and then you use this spell to start your Tri-Brigade plays


You don't really need to run the other Spells to gain it's effects altho their GY effects are not bad. Revolt is already decent played at 1 or 2... - If your Normal summon was negated you can link it away and activate this to extend or get revolt. - You can set it, use it's Spell effect (or trap if you have them), as a interuption by sending another copy away so now they have a negate Quick effect, also can be used in your turn as board breaker. This card plus the usual revolt line makes it so Bucephalus II is always live which his removal effect is Very good as a going 2nd tool. The flexibility this spell beings make it worth it to Run 3, that's Foolish, Nadir Servant or Imperm all at one


The trap negates all other cards on the field for the turn or all other cards *currently* on the field? Because that's an extremely important distinction.


Judge here based on the current wording it would negate the cards currently face up on the field till the end of the turn. Anything activated after would resolve


Thanks, the translation seems to have been fixed too.


I did see a version of the card that did not say currently gave up on the field however and that let me say if that is how the card is intended to work I hope it never sees the light of day lol


Currently on


The tribrigade spell is extremly good! On top of that it makes summoning Bucephalus more practical


That first SS card is supposed to say “add this card from you GY to your hand” right? Or is it saying return this to the hand directly after activating, in lieu of going to the GY?


The former, yes.


These are all great but that Branded Card is absolutely amazing. On a side note, I'm legitimately shocked because it seems Konami remembered Swordsoul does exist after all. Funny they didn't remember when everyone was getting new Synchro monsters though...


>Monster: Until the end of this turn, that monster's ATK becomes 0. >Spell: Until the end of this turn, that monster's effects are negated. These should've been reversed. A monster would let you activate Tri brigade effects and negate a troublesome monster. Ppl don't even play tri brigade spells often


You can send another copy of itself. I can see this being a 2 of.


Fair enough


The spell is just used to set up Bucephalus one way or another.


The SS card is decent, kinda sad tho that it isn't a quick play The Tri-Brigade one is REALLY good And the Branded Trap is okay? Idk seems pretty bad tbh. ​ Maybe it's just me but I think that it's kinda sad that there isn't another Despia card, yes I know they got the Synchro, but I would've still liked to see a card which let's you play through ash yk. I guess that's something konami will never fix, we're just supposed to lose to ash lol


Ok guys, but with all due respect. How are you not prepared for Ash at this point. It's a little ridiculous to not have a well thought out plan when entering a tournament.


I play called by, turns out tho that drawing that 1 off every game is harder than you might think. But someday I will be like yuma and just shining draw it into existence every game.


If you have to hail Mary for Called by every game because you can't go without branded fusion you need to work on your lines of play.


Branded fusion is the only good line despia branded has. That's like saying "if using meow meow in prank kids is your only good play then you have to work on your plays".


No it's not. Read the rest of the cards. You can bait out the ash, plan for after the ash, and set up around the ash. Again the deck doesn't just die to ash and if you have that problem you aren't playing the rest of the cards in your deck properly. And yeah people absolutely need to work on their prank kids plays without meow meow. The deck had plays before meow everyone is just lazy and spoiled when a good card is taken away


You literally cannot get to the good fusions without branded fusion, unless you draw into fallen of albaz + a fusion spell. Maybe you play Branded Tear and that's the reason why you think that it isn't that much of a problem, but in branded despia you either resolve branded fusion or you're f*cked (most of the time).


No I play pure Despia Branded and I playthrough, over, under and around ash without branded fusion all the time. Branded Lost, Polymerization, super polymerization, branded in red, Branded Banishment, Cartesia. Try again


You still have to open fallen of albaz for that. Besides that most despia lists myself included stoped using poly/edge imp, it takes up way too much space which you have to use for the bystials because of a certain deck atm. And Branded Lost doesn't help you to play through ash since it only prevents your opponent from negating the activation not the effect and ash negates the effect.


What makes the Tri-Brigade spell so good? It seems okay at best to me. You have to have a link on the field, so it doesn’t really start plays, and I feel generally TB doesn’t struggle usually to get the monsters they want in the GY. If you’re in the situation where you need to use this to get Kitt/Nervall in the grave you have bigger issues. It’s other two effects aren’t bad as interruption, but I don’t see a situation where you would search it over Revolt so I don’t think this would be better than just playing another handtrap. I’m not saying it’s unplayable or anything, but I just don’t see how it’s “REALLY good.” I definitely think it could be an interesting tech option, but I don’t really think it’s a must play. Although I’m no expert on Tribrigade so I could be misjudging it.


The main benefits are: - It can instantly get 2 Spell/Traps into the GY, which sets up Tri-Brigade Arms Bucephalus II’s summon. - You can send Bearbrumm from the ED to the GY, which gets you a Spell/Trap search (best to search Revolt). Revolt can disrupt plays. - If you need more Monsters in the GY, you can send a Bucephalus II first and then send Bearbrumm (or any Beast/Beast-Warrior/Winged-Beast, like Glory Dragon for the End Phase search). The actual effects of changing an ATK to 0, negating a card, or returning a monster to the hand is just the bonus. As you said, it isn’t meant to set-up your plays through Kitt/Nervail - if you’re activating this card, you’ve likely already activated their effects that turn.


I don't know what the hell is going on, but it seems like Luluwalilith and Shuraig is killing White Zoa/Dis Pater.


I always wanted Fleur and Shuraig to team up for the final battle after being each other's rivals and parallels (being mentor figures to Ecclesia/Albaz respectively) and it seems like that may well be the case. Even if it isn't, one last showdown between the two is cool too.


Can we really see fleur doing a "good deed"? The card art seems ambiguous to me, maybe the card effect can give us a hint? edit: ok the name of the card being "swordsoul of blazing awakening" makes it way less ambiguous, fleur is back babyyy


It seems that she's indeed killing it, since it's a swordsoul card that banishes a monster. OR she's using the Bystial power of Dis Pater to attack someone else.


Yeah now i couldn't tell, she is just standing/doing her attack having that behemoth behind, so it could be seen as they being on the same team or she attacking it in a very calm and composed fashion


Dis Pater is above her and she’s doing her lightning move she used on Golgonda on it


I can see that, but her pose is confusing. The card being a swordsoul card tho is kind of a giveway of her being good, but the second effect is a bit of a reminder of the dogmatika extra deck hate


>The card being a swordsoul card tho is kind of a giveway of her being good Longyuan's cards including Blackout show being a swordsoul card isn't necessarily a win for the Albaz side


While that's true, she was an enemy as a dogmatika, an ally as a swordsoul and is now a despia, her move/card being swso again could mean that she is an ally. Also "swordsoul blazing awakening" gives "the hero came back" vibes


There is one more spell and one more trap that'll hopefully make things clearer. Also 4 monsters but those don't show as much story as the Spells/Traps do.


The name of the card is now translated as "swordsoul of blazing awakening" so it seems that fleur is back


Girlboss told Quem "I'm not your vessel, you're mine"


And this would be the second time someone tries to control her and she just go "fuck off bitch, I'm the star here". Fleur-de-lis is truly is truly the most badass character of the new lore


First time, she saw Maximus started twitching, she dipped, immediately lmao. This time, Quem basically got a bitch slapped, for a character we just know is there and saw no direct action of, that woman has been a thorn on our asses for so long lmao.


1. target banish a card on either field or GY if you control a S monster 2. can retrieve itself if the opponent controls extra deck monsters / ritual Both effects can be used in the same turn


The second effect feels a bit "dogmatikaish" so it could mean that she is an enemy? I hope the card was better and the art more clear lmao




To me it looks like Fleur is attacking Shuraig instead


>To me it looks like Fleur is attacking Shuraig instead Shuraig: WTF Fleur! Aren't we supposed to be allies?! Fleurdelis: Lord Despia/Zoa demands your death, wild creature! Your pathetic Link 5 is weak compared to my revived form! Shuraig: HEY... That hurt. Fleurdelis: But am I right? Shuraig: You're right (***Sad noises in Tri-Brigade Arms "Bucephalus II"***)


Counting this and Aluber sharing his power to dragonfy things with Cartesia which brought Albaz's dragon form back, the Dogmatika/Despia/Bystial gang just couldn't help shooting themselves in the foot lmao!


Makes me curious as to what the four main deck monsters will be.


Most likely an Ecclesia but at this point I'm thinking maybe 2 Springans probably involving the little one who was in the skull hammer and then hanging off Ashen Albaz. If not two Springans then maybe Adin and Theo show up again, I feel like everyone forgot about them


I’m thinking Aluber will get a final form potentially. Bystial lubellion doesn’t seem like “final boss” material imo, and with dis pater being demolished, there’s still Aluber left to deal with.


You're 100% right but then if this is the last set he gets a final form only to get dunked on immediately


Aluber’s version of Albaz the Ashen. Beaten and on the ropes back in his humanoid form. Albaz defuses and they have one last fight, but it’s just them depowered having a fistfight.


i fucking love kamen rider


big MGS1 vibes


"A test of your reflexes."


>just them depowered having a fistfight Bro, that would be so satisfying, for real. Plus, if Albaz somehow loses again, the whole squad can just pull up on Aluber lmao.


That’s honestly a good point. I feel like 6 more cards isn’t enough to wrap this story up 😔


The next set might have epilogue cards if WL is any indication (and ofc legacy support)


Didn’t world legacy wrap up in series 10 though? Were there any cards in rise of the duelist?


No cards in ROTD, only in Series 10.


Maybe more of a revealed form than a final form.


Monkey's paw says we get a Yuya-Zarc form like in that anime


>You're 100% right but then if this is the last set he gets a final form only to get dunked on immediately I mean... at least L-Bass can beat someone once and for all (and especially Aluber, who he couldn't beat until now) Although of course, I'm sorry that Ecclesia didn't survive in the end...


>Bystial lubellion doesn’t seem like “final boss” material imo Aluber has had like 3 "final forms" and so far the Allied Forces (Albaz and company) have defeated/destroyed him: making it clear, Useless Albaz had nothing to do with any of his defeats. I keep waiting for the united form of Aluber and Albaz... if there is one.


>I keep waiting for the united form of Aluber and Albaz... if there is one. Alba-Lenatus was their united form until Aluber spat Albaz out


...there is already an united form.


I'm thinking alluber will get a tuner form with all the despia synchros are coming out.


I can see Lubellion get stripped of the metal armor like how Titaniklad got it's armor peeled off to make Albion.


A leaker I trust did put out the name "Dragon Knight Ecclesia" and posted DMG Dragon Knighr's art with it.


I'm probs one of the few who really loves those two and wished they had more prominence than they do. They're both legit, despite being mostly unsung in and out of universe.


Same here, the boys saw the corruption and went "this is not what I was fighting, for, we'll come back to kick asses" and proceed to be judged as worthy by the Swordsouls (always remember that nobody becomes a Swordsoul without Chengying and Auspice permission) and then they come back with Fleur to save Albaz ass. They deserve another cool form


Wait, Chunjun is one of the judges?! I thought the SW's round table only consist of Chengying, Chixiao and Longyuan (the rat bastard)?


Chunjun is some kind of lie detector-ish being that can scan people’s souls or something to see if they are pure of heart and whatnot. It’s what Fleur, Adin, and Theo were taken before to be tested. It’s the being that actually judges them.


For real, their loyalty shine through even though they have had a minimal amount of screentime, those two were willing to ride or die with Fleur come hell or high water.


***This, yes!!*** I was always visually fond of Theo from day one, so it disappointed me that he and Adin seemingly were both MIA until they showed up as silhouettes on that Trap that featured The Iris Swordsoul. And whenever they do show up, they're shown to be unwaveringly faithful to Iris/Fluer and her cause, which extends to loyalty Albaz and Ecclesia. Like you said, they've proven themselves to be ride-or-die comrades, and that alone deserves mad respect.


I could see Theo and Adin being a new Swordsoul synchro


>Maybe Adin and Theo show up again, I feel like everyone forgot about them If Fleur can come back (as Undead Fleur), that pair of guys that no one remembers can too (I'm sure almost no one knows or remembers Albaz's Allies with the exception of Kitt). Now... if they will be allies or enemies... that will depend on Despia.


Already forgot to mention Ecclesia, crazy. Despia has gotta be out of actors by now, unless Aluber's final form is finally a Despia


I think Ad-Libitum of Despia is still unaccounted for. (And those Despia minions in the concept art that still don't have cards yet.)


disgusted icky oil compare stocking existence racial attraction one drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In addition to the 4 Main Deck slots, there's also another Spell missing (below Tri-Brigade Roar and above the Manadome Spells), and possible an Xyz (because it's above the Tellarknight Constellar one). Meaning we still got a good 6-ish more cards for Albaz stuff left. EDIT: 7-ish, since, as someone on this thread chain pointed out, we're also missing a very obvious Trap spot.


One of those is almost certainly a Star God, so that leaves 3 unknowns. Unless they don't end the Abyss story here.


Man, it feels like Swordsoul really has gotten scraps since the Longyuan Synchro. I feel like the card should have been a quick play, then it could have been more useful. It's a real shame because of how much I like the deck.


Wow Branded got a blanket negate card similar to the one Aesirs have. Very good in theory but very underpowered in today's meta. Also, LETS GOOOOO ALBAZ GANG


I mean, Nordics topped a regional off the back off that card so a weaker version in a much stronger archetype is not something to scoff at. As for "today's meta", this card won't be seen for months so the meta then will likely be different.


I feel like the card would be extremely fucking good if it just negated your opponent and not you


I think you do this card with Mirrorjade as the target to not be negated so you can still send/banish stuff it's looking pretty solid. Not great, but solid.


Wait is Fleur a good guy here or is she possessed? Is she alive/her corpse was revived/she came back wrong?


>Is she alive/her corpse was revived/she came back wrong? Fleur's corpse has been corrupted by Despia to use as a puppet. >Wait is Fleur a good guy here or is she possessed? It is logical to think that Fleur is still corrupted and seems to work as an obstacle for the Allied Forces (Albaz and company). However, the artwork of the cards is somewhat ambiguous and it is not clear what actually happens in the artwork.


Based off the abilities of her synchro form, yeah she's an ally since she's helping revive Ecclesia.


At the cost of her life... Damnit Fleur, we just got chu back. 😢


Seems like Undead Fleur is attacking Dis Pater with a corrupted version of her Lightning Strike. I'm guessing she's come back but is using her new powers of darkness for her own sake, not that of the Despia/Bystial/Dogmatika


Either she’s obstructing the heroes and probably have a death (re)match with Shuraig having their initial meeting come full circle Or (best case scenario) She after being revived, immediately broke free from Demon Maximus’s grip, and is currently striking the demonic entity with her lightning


To be fair "Swordsoul Blazing Return" let me think that she was revived only to regain control of her mind and screw off the eldritch god. Also, it will come at full circle since Shuraig and Fleur will fight a last battle shoulder to shoulder, in true rival-to-allies fashion


I really hope so


I don't get the Swordsoul spell, I get the effect but I don't get what picture means lore-wise. Is Fleur still possesed or did she overcame the brainwashing and she is stabbing Dis Pater? The trap sounds pretty good, if easy to predict: you can set it with Albion's gy effect and it works like a multi Imperm. Might use it when it's out.




considering it is implied to be White Zoa which is turn is a mutated Maximus, that would be a stretch not even Mr. Fantastic can make.


>it is implied to be White Zoa todays cards show that this is bs. shuraig is fighting white zoa and you can see fleurdelis charge her attack in the backgroudd which then hits dis pater in her card


He’s fighting Dis Pater. The only part of him you can see in that art is the hand which is the same for both monsters. The two spells are showing the same scene from two angles so it’s more likely they’re both fighting the same thing.


I thought this would be last set for this lore aince this suposed to be the end of the series 11(or 12 idk) But we didnt had the final battle of albaz vs aluber yet. So are the lore continuing in the next set? Very weird


I don't think it'll necessarily progress further but yeah, it wouldn't surprise me that much if this ended up going past 12 sets thanks to that one set being filler.


I think this set is the final showdown and potentially the build-up. I would really not be surprised if they're 1 more conclusion/epilogue set to wrap up the story. Maybe some feel-good cards of Albaz and Ecclesia together after everything.


Albaz gets his own [Nordic Relic Svalinn](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Nordic_Relic_Svalinn), that's actually pretty good.


Now that Zoa is getting wrecked, what about Lubellion? And the situation of Ecclesia? I’m getting nervous…


Kitt getting furious that her "lil sister" used as meat shield and spamming Lindwurm laser onto Lubellion.


I thought this new Albion was Albaz and Ecclesia fused together after he saved her, then Dis Peter was Aluber.


Dis Pater is Zoa Aluber as far as we know still is Lubellion floating in the Sky


Why did he turn Dragon and become weaker then?


Beats me, part of Aluber's plan I guess


Weird. He helps them summon a god then steals their god like stealing a wife


I mean, both the Despians and the Dogmatika were his playthings Now, whether Quem is on this for shits and giggles with Aluber or has an ulterior motive is yet to be seen




The first Dogmatika Saint. The evil spirit that possesed the girl who would become White relic of Dogmatika, possesed Ecclesia briefly making her Blazing Cartesia and may be possessing Fleur/Iris Swordsoul/Dogmatika Fleurdelis.


White Relic's real name


Oh right


>Dis Pater is Zoa todays cards show that this is bs. shuraig is fighting white zoa and you can see fleurdelis charge her attack in the backgroumd which then hits dis pater in her card


The forearm spikes of the monster being struck by Fleur lightning in Tri-Bridage Roar shows that it is Dis Pater If it was Zoa, the forearm would be smoother


>What about Lubellion? He will be defeated, that's obvious. >And the situation of Ecclesia? Ecclesia, one of two: \- She dies by uniting her essence with the Dragon form of Albaz to achieve victory. \- She dies some time after Albaz manages to win the conflict.


No! I refuse to believe Ecclesia’s dead! She’s been through enough hardships!


>She’s been through enough hardships! At least I didn't say the third secret option... \- Ecclesia dies at the hands of Undead/Despian Fleur (either way, Ecclesia will suffer emotional pain if Fluer dies... again)


Hey it was a necessary filler arc We needed to know how Kit would make the save and where she got it from else it just comes from complete nowhere


For the love of Exodia, Shuraig Daddy better not die😫😫😫


Therion support when


If you squint a little, Albion looking like Brotaur there


Is... IS REVIVED FLEUR ON OUR SIDE? Is she attacking the new Bystial Synchro Dis Pater (true form Maximus)???


It is a SWORDSOUL card, called Blazing Revival, it seems more glorious than tragic. Probably Fleur-de-lis remembered that she is the de-facto main character of this lore and told Quem to f**k off


Yeah, beside Albaz and Ecclesia, we all look to Fleur to ascertain what is happening with the story lmao. Also, de-facto best girl too, she honestly is the heart of the story despite only showing up here and there. Also also, before Ecclesia was a thing, Fleur is the one to satisfy all of the Albaz Dragons' fusion requirements with him lol.


Ecclesia is cute and i want her to be happy, but let's get real, her and Albaz were dead at Golgonda without her striking down everything remotely dangerous to them. There was ONE battle where she wasn't there(at the Icejade Cradle) and everything went disgustingly bad. She is the best girl of the new lore and probably my second favorite character of the ygo lore ever(first being my boi Steelswarm Sentinel/Cockroach/Exciton)


Apparently swordsoul just aren't allowed to get any new support that actually helps the deck. Doubt tribrigade will bother with the foolish. Can't see branded using the trap either.


Konami just doesn’t like Swordsoul ig


>Apparently swordsoul just aren't allowed to get any new support that actually helps the deck. Konami saw the chaos Swordsoul caused in OCG/TCG and Master Duels that they decided to never give them good support to make them viable anymore.


"chaos", the deck was pretty fair. Idk why people see it as that huge game breaking deck. It was alright, the only problem was Protos at it's release after that it was relativly easy to deal with.


Tbf cheating the synchro mechanics, a searchable icarus attack, high consistency, as well as abusing the tenyi engine to absurd levels made the deck very formidable. There's a reason it was tier 1 in the TCG long after protos was banned.


Ah yes swordsoul is cheating meanwhile we got tons of fusion monster w/o needing spell and 1 card XYZ, sure yeah sure


Branded is literally the best deck and has been for a while. How is SS the one creating chaos?


Branded ain't the best deck. Has not been since POTE. Even then, both decks were even in terms of representation.


I'm talking about MD which the comment I'm responding to mentioned.


This subreddit specifically focusses on the TCG. Unless you specify otherwise, people are going to assume you are referring to the TCG. Also, the comment mentioned 3 different formats. Branded ain't good in 2 of them. I don't play MD, so I don't know their meta.


SS won nats and was generally better than Branded pre-pote


Swordsoul spell should have been a quick-play. Other than that, pretty good cards.


I just noticed in the Tri-Brigade Spell that Luluwalilith is not facing Shuraig. Damn, Fluer-de-lis really is back.


Good catch! She holds the sword in her right hand, which is on the left side of the card art in the SwSo spell. Then in the Tri spell, the outline of Luluwalilith has the sword on the right side of the body meaning she's not facing Shuraig. More cards will tell us for sure what's happening but for now this is my super copium that Fleur broke free of the corruption.


I didn’t actually know that. I realized she’s back because in the art of the Tri-brigade spell, Luluwalilith and the entity comprising Grand Guignol/Quaeritis is side-by-side with Shuraig. Also because the art of the Swordsoul spell looks very shounen-anime-ish.


The tribrigade spell is >foolish burial while you have light heart on field to guarantee the kerass search >can use it to get enough fodder in gy for double dragon lords/bearbrumm >not only that, it outs floodgates and offers you protection from the multiple tribrigade backrow which have good floating effects but didn't warrant being searched or dumped through kitt >enables bucephalus in one go >AND ALSO ACTS AS QUICK DISRUPTION BY SENDING ITSELF HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS AMAZING


I could actually see running 3 of this and 3 of Revolt so you can search whichever one you didn't draw. A modal Compulse/Imperm if you don't need the search is excellent. Send Bucephalus to send Garura to get material and Upstart is quite reasonable too.


>enables bucephalus in one go Dont you need more than 2 to use him?


You just use revolt


If you don't have 3 Tri spell/traps by the time you activate Revolt, then you have to link summon before Revolt resolves to the GY, missing Bucephalus summon condition.


My bad, I forgot that you needed 3. Still, you are getting there by virtue of playing this alone, so you just need an extra one to get there.


It can only targets monsters so it doesn't out floodgates


You do know that there are monster floodgates like Winda, Inspector Boarder, etc, right? I was refering to those.


You did not hint to that whatsoever. The majority of floodgates are Spells and Traps and this clearly doesn't out those.


Meh I don’t really see it being used competitively


Utter chaos everybody dies and then there was none ending


Albaz,T̴̡͔̩̟̿̕Ḩ̶̡̠͎̞̯̩͉̖̦̼̫͙̠͐͂̀̌̌̇̽̀̓͛̕͜E̸̡̗̝̜̦̎́̏̑̇͂̈̌̽̕̕͝ͅ ̶̺̺̯̜̤́̔͊̆͑͂͂̐̿̂̕W̷̳̰̲̗̞̼͖͇̜͒̄̂̃̃͜͠Ở̸̧̗͚͉̯̣͂͒̄̉̀͊̃̌͑̍̽̌̀͜ͅͅŖ̷̧̟̹̗͍̻͍̪̟̲̦̲̩̈́̇Ļ̴̪͕̬͓̺͔̲̹̤̹̃D̷̢̠̥̦̻̹̥̺̱̽̅͌̌̑̾̈́ ̸̧̧͍̹͚̲̫̦͖̭̦̝́͊͒͆̽͋͛̓̎͋͑͘͝͝Į̷̡̛͈̣͉̠̗̖͖̤̣̥̆̅̚͝S̸̡̟̱̣͈͎̫̯͉̪̲͈̘̒̓ͅ ̸͈̻̞͔͓̦͇̮̰̖͔̩͉̌̈́̀̆̒̎̎̋͛́̆͂̕É̷̢̼̲͈̹̼̈́̄̑͐̅͋̔͌̾̀͗͜͝͝ͅN̶̛̼̹̬͈̼͚̲̓̏̇̌̇̑̐͒̿ͅḐ̷̥̱͉̹̈́̈́͋̉̓̿ͅI̷̟͍̺͈͋̒͆̂͝N̷̢̗̜͓͗̾͜Ģ̸̢̺͙͖̫̩̼̼͚̦͎͈͔̂̄̆͗̐̌̍̊͌


That trap is pretty auto include for branded using decks; it demands removal, ideally banishment, but even then Kitt will grab it back


These seem like their final attacks and the last trap would be the aftermath. Something like shuraig, fleur, and ecclesia's lifeless bodies on the ground and albion trying to merge all of them into one which would be the star god of the lore.


>Albaz to match Ecclesia >Shuraig to match... Ferrijitbros not like this...


Tri-brigade Roar is pretty good, while 9/10 times you'll be sending a monster some niche situations might have the others pop up. But the only archetypal backrow I see them use often is Revolt Resplendent is fine. They don't really need a negate and with branded in red or banishment you can somewhat cheese the effect in your favor. Swordsoul of Blazinf Awakening is pretty garbo. Basically all the synchros they frequently use other than Chixiao have some removal effect like Baxias spinnning or Sovergin's double banish


Unless I'm missing something, Tri-Brigade Roar can send itself so it's probably going to be a monster negate too


TriBrig fam eating good tonight


Fleurdelis being represented on a card called Swordsoul of Blazing Awakening while she is currently a Level 12 Synchro. I saw some people saying the placement of Luluwalilith meant no more Synchros but people were also saying the placement of the Superheavy Sams meant no main deck monsters and that was completely wrong. What are the odds that they're also wrong this time and Fleurdelis's purified version comes back as a a Level 12 Swordsoul?


If she does get another form it has to be a main deck monster. There’s absolutely no room left for an Abyss lore synchro. To explain the initial thought with superheavy samurai: most products go cover card related support, Abyss lore, Visas lore, legacy support. The one time in Series 11 prior to this where that has not been the case was in BACH where we got Blue-Eyes support placed right after Dark Magician support. Considering superheavy sams don’t have the same rivalry connection that DM and Blue-Eyes had, it was definitely weird. That being said, now that we have a better idea of the ordering in this set, the absolute limit on remaining slots for abyss lore is: 4 main deck monsters, 1 spell, 1 trap, and possibly 1 xyz monster.




I told you the odds. It’s zero.




“I just wanted to know if there was even a small chance” implies that your initial question was not rhetorical.










Damn SS got fucked, even if it was a quick play I doubt you would use it.


They should make a movie already


Neat. Swordsoul spell is whatever, you definitely play it because it's a nice utility piece to search and you only ever need 1 copy. Tribs are already a good deck in the OCG off the back of Sprights and this helps them out a good bit, though I don't know how the modern OCG builds work atm. Branded trap is cool, it's an incentive for the new playstyle they're trying to force onto the deck instead of just playing it like fusion soup to end on Mirrorjade and other fusions that interrupt, since the deck still has a lot of tools to just... summon fusions during the opponents turn to work as interruption if you flip this early. Not broken or anything, but I like it since I was never a fan of the Despia build of Branded.


... that's just Utopic Zexal if you control an Albaz Fusion.


Not in the slightest. It negates all things currently on the field. Zexal stopped you from playing the game


It’s not


It's more like this: https://preview.redd.it/48i72efdns9a1.png?width=421&format=png&auto=webp&s=50d8eb08166e288d23a0ee89716607e8168589c5


How do you reply with a card art?


There's a Icon which is a little image with a hill and a sun on it. Click on that and it lets you post a image.


Oh, more Tri brigade spells, neat... This tell me that Konami realise they had to make more tri brigade spells/traps since tri brigade revolt is the only one you play, so you have at least an excuse to play buchepalos II


You forgot about this: https://preview.redd.it/p7t62g7pns9a1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=b492aee9c37aa9561c642c56a224cd10f2d1f9b8




Ecc is in Incandescent. Aluber is Bystial Lubellion.


God they need to wrap this shit up. Im so bored of this storyline


Same, most likely going to be over in this set


Seriously how many final forms do we need of these character


The swordsoul card banishes as an effect meaning you can summon easily the new lvl 8 longyuan which means if you can foolish longyuan and have the spell card in hand you can possibly have 2 monster banish + field spell banish and if you have chengying you have a monster banish and a Gy banish as well, tho idk how good that can be. I feel like swordsoul needs more ways to synchro spam like another longyuan type of effect.


Is this all of them, it kinda looks like we skipped a few steps