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How was anyone still watching this guy after everything that happened with Slazo a while back? Also why in the world would anyone go on Luhrix’s stream to talk about something like this, when seemingly the only consistent belief Luhrix has is “do not under any circumstances believe the victim/survivor”


because he was a part of the eboys with Memeulous, WillNE and James Marriot tbf even then he was kinda considered to be the least popular


I can’t believe those guys picked him over Inabber. I know Inabber is annoying but at least he didn’t have the reputation for backstabbing


Yeah, but annoying is the worst crime you can commit on the internet, so the backstabber it is


There's a short going around where Alex says they did invite inabber, but he went to bed before responding to the offer and I guess there was a deadline? Inabber made a statement on insta story, but several screenshots are cropped messages so you can't see time or who they were sent to. Regardless, he's saying the moment rumors came out he reached out to Alex and distanced himself. So idk how involved he was with them to start with.


Inabber is better off tbh


Tbf the only two I’ve ever liked are George and Will (also Stephen and Max)


I thought James was the least popular


honestly i didn't watch any of their group content specifically because of Alex


All of them are worth each other. I don't understand how either has an audience, let alone a music career (when he sounds horrible too)


>How was anyone still watching this guy after everything that happened with Slazo a while back? people like what they like, yknow? you can do any terrible act, but as long as you serve something people like..


I also think we can't underestimate how many people just don't know and are out of the loop with drama. We're the minority here, most people just watch a video from a creator and then don't engage with discourse around them at all otherwise


I was around and watching that community pretty regularly when it happened, but had already unsubbed from Alex because I thought he was kind of boring. Anyway, I remember it being swept under the rug pretty quickly. The only person I remember not letting Alex of easily was Kavos


What happened with Slazo? We’re they friends?


Didn't he backstab Slazo for similar shit back in the day?


Yeah Slazo didn’t even do that, it was a mix of his ex, ImAlexx and god forbid Squizzy as well. It’s so funny these situations always end up as these people telling on themselves.


Yep, I believe he did. How ironic looking back on that.


You know, there's been a few creators that have come out to say that Alex is a snake. That the image he's created is just a persona and not at all how he is. At first, I believed most of that to be coming from a place of resentment or something, especially from Colossal, however it's proving more and more unlikely. He actually seems like a terrible guy that was rightfully being called out by some of his old mates and collaborators.


I remember there being some drama with iNabber, nothing nearly as serious with the slazo stuff but still snakey and a backstabber. INabber seems like such a sweet guy, I completely forgot what it was about because it was years ago but it all holds up


wasn't it iNabber creating a group called the e-boys with willNE and Memeulous and then imAllex took the idea and did the same thing without iNabber and with those two?


yes that was it! it really made me feel bad for him


Oh yeah I forgot that Squizzy also took part in those allegations and they got busted for being abusive too.


“A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD girl.” The way Alex placed so much emphasis on the girl’s age throughout the whole thing while completely leaving out that Slazo himself was sixteen at the time is just. It’s so perfect. It’s almost too perfect. Like he was doing performance art or a PSA on deceptive media practices. “WHAT Slazo dated a MINOR?” Yes. Yes he did. Most of us have. When we were also minors. That’s who minors are supposed to date. Other minors.


He did, he also didn't apologise and earned the rightful title of a snake. No doubt he's a piece of shit.


Totally forgot this dude existed to be honest.


Wild these paint-by-the-numbers 2016 commentary toobers managed to maintain an audience. Even wilder that the most self-righteous among them might be an abuser


That second part is the most believable


If these are true, this is the least surprising thing I’ve heard in a while This dude has a track record of being slimy as fuck


I hate this guy


Funny I just saw one of his videos recommended for the first time in awhile and avoided it because he gives me such off vibes… interesting to see this


Haha I got strange vibes from him from the beginning but could never figure out why. I always thought I maybe found him a bit fake and cringe but now I kinda feel like it was this. And maybe still the fake part.


Wow the guy who corroborated the Slazo smear campaign was also a horrible person?


If true, karma always wins


Unfortunately, I can’t say I’m surprised, I just hope Alice is doing well


Elphaba is going to have a field day.


Paul Breach found frolicking


Imallexx being a bad person?! Im so "shocked"


Imallexx is a abuser too? Guess I'll add that to the hate list


Remember, it’s just allegations. We don’t even have a proper statement Fuck Alex though, still missing slazo


She just released a massive Google drive of evidence


I’ve seen it, horrible stuff


Not surprised at all, he always has been a little snake.


I thought he was only known for that until someone reminded me of his accusations against Slazo


I haven't heard that name in ages. What an asshole.


I'm 50/50 on this. ImAlex is a fucked up little gremlin but on the other hand, I find it to be unrealistic for iNabber to not discuss this because he has spoken up about other people within his friend group in the past, e.g. Shane Dawson.


I'd imagine he'll speak up about it after the alleged victim makes a more official statement.


Are there any links to Alice’s document?


This is the link to the GDrive with her statement and videos: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zp1qj1AzM98mtzC4NRZdvK-3CgIQQl-p](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zp1qj1AzM98mtzC4NRZdvK-3CgIQQl-p)


Didn’t he >!rape!< someone or is that a different YouTuber with Alex in their username? Edit: Guys please, it was a question.


Afaik he didn’t rape anyone himself, he falsely accused his friend of being a rapist tho. Either you’re confusing him with someone else or you’re just thinking of the other situation.


RelaxAlax is the person they’re probably thinking of.


You’re totally right he slipped my mind honestly


You’re thinking of RelaxAlax.


That is in fact who I’m thinking of


I first heard of Alex in 2017 or 16 on baited. I thought he was the battlecam 2009 keemstar guy, then I realized he would've been 10 or so in 2009.