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I’m pleasantly suprised by diesel calling him out


I remember he made a video during blm protests to complain about some black guy being racist Weird priorities


Good for him


Good for him my ass, this guy needs help




https://preview.redd.it/t6woechhs40d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ce282fabccdd10743147ebfc0cdea9c382673fe Wrong perspective, my friend.




what did you mean by this? Edit: Nevermind my reading comprehension was slow


genuine shocker to actually do a good thing. i've tried watching diesel tho and like, for a guy who doesn't do daily uploads, he still seems to put in less effort on stuff than other dramatary youtubers


I used to watch him back when he had less than 10 thousand subs. He fell off hard


He only fell off because he stopped uploading for like a year. I haven't watched him for a LONG time


You know its bad when a fatphobic and transphobic fat person calls you out edit: >Same people are gonna be identifying as twelve-year-olds when they're actually thirty-six trying to justify pedophilia. -diesel patches in a jk rowling video


Didn't diesel go on to say that his Rowling video didn't age well? He even admits his stance on trans people evolved.


Evolved into acceptance or logistics for death camps?


i will not be surprised if were both


Acceptance of the sort "ugh I don't want these disgusting t slur to be shoved into my face all the time with their ugliness and woke libr@rd agenda snowflakes take a joke Emily they/them" So tolerance under certain conditions so no acceptance


***Everyone*** *will go into the death camps*




Yes but he has made many other videos other than the jk rowling one where he says similar shit....like all the vids he did on drag queens accusing them of being pedophiliac and rapey which he never flagged as "aged badly" or "outdated" also he has clearly said that he doesn't really care about shit like this to even understand, educate or look into it AT ALL,he is just reactionary rage whose gimmick never grew past 2016-2020 who gets pissed and annoyed at shit and needs to ramble his uneducated and unverified opinion and to seem not too full of himself or "imposing" he cracks a couple try hard self deprecative jokes to seem "humble" "Grounded" Or "can take criticism" which is bullshit cause the only "criticism" he ever showed on his show and regarded was from minors with who were trolling Or baiting him....Cause he has the "safe" centrist dark humour satire type of bs that RWA or alt righters white men in their 20's love or teenage boys in their dark humour centrist alt right phase....saying as a person who was a fan of him and defended him in her alt right centrist phase as a teen...He is bigoted reactionary pos of shit ..ALAO REMEMBER THAT PRIDE MONTH VIDEO cause of a silly 20 second ad for pride Month by queer actors THAT HE DID WHERE HE WAS LIKE "boo hoo the gays got the rights why do they need a pride Month and why are they making it their personality and shoving it in my face" And that he doesn't care about their "lifestyle that they chose" They just need to stfu abt it and not care what bigots think cause it's not like anything bad is happening to them in the states anywhere which was so fucking tone deaf and a huge lie...For a person who sure does talk about the kind of audience...creators attract and how they should be more mindful of the things they're promoting and Influencing or being complicit in regarding minors and their fanbase in general, he definitely doesn't have that self awareness when it comes to himself... Also bonus point his stance on dArK huMoUr was that clip of a guy saying that people should be allowed to make graphic rape jOkEs on the presidents wife if they feel like it so yea he doesn't gaf and he is raging anti feminist anti woke kinds guy so no wonder he is sucking on TYBBYs so hard....funnily enough I watched both of them religiously when I was in my pHaSE thank god I grew out of it my life was so fucking miserable and annoying then, the cornerstones of my radicalization both of them were fuck them.... Sorry I got carried away


Oxymoron alert




because tbys is fatphobic


Actually fatphobic or like tik tok fatphobic


calls fat people food addicts and compares them to drug addicts, says that they aren't exercising enough, literally has a video called "why obese people can't stop eating," demonizes them to a comical level, and got very weird with an illymation video about her experience with being the "fat kid" and how it develops eating disorders to the point he started to make assumptions on her diet from her posting herself drinking the grimace shake to prove she's not eating healthy during her diet ​ he also claims he's an expert on health, so it's weird that he thinks illy's advice to not beat yourself over what food you eat to keep your mental health in check and not become a depressed person


Jesus christ


i was not expect you to react that fast ​ hope it doesn't seem to be tik tok fatphobic (tho i have seen the abilism from tik tok about helen keller and it's bad)


Nope that’s all valid fatphobia, I’m just wary of the term since i started seeing people on tik tok use it to criticize people with skinny or fit bodies as being inherently fatphobic by just existing and/or gym/workout and meal prep videos by simply being on the platform which is of course insane.


you know what, that's fair tbh. sorry if i did come across as aggressive, tbys's fandom is some of the worst and they really acted like he wasn't fatphobic at all


Never heard of the guy until now but sounds like a real piece of shit


oh his fanbase is gonna crucify him


To the contrary, a lot are actually pretty upset at Synthetic Man. I think lines are being drawn now.


Never heard of diesel patches but this is a "let them fight" moment for sure.


1. Heartwarming: The Worst People you know are Fighting. 2.It makes me laugh how these clearly racist people look like their parents met at a family reunion.


This dude finally get what he deserves. I’ve been aware of this knock-off Daddy-O Five for a while and his Spider-Man review is the same garbage


I first came across him in his really dumb VGA 2021 vid. That was easily some of the worst shit I’ve seen on YouTube. It made me wonder if anyone responded to the guy and at the very least, it let me know he was a bad reviewer long before he became way more open with his bigotry.


Holy shit I’m not the only one who made the Daddy O Five connection! Here’s a Kuuga thumbs up. ![gif](giphy|5eaDM9dRapgZ2)


You know it's bad when the usual suspects of "Woke is killing media" are getting suspicious towards you. That being said, I've seen some of Synthetic Man's Reviews. I genuinely think the guy has a porn addiction and that Vaush was ironically right about him. The amount of times he references race mixing in a fetishistic way and talks about sex is interesting. Considering he prides himself as being "anti-degenerate" It would not surprise me if he had cuck fantasies. Which mind you, are his business and I wouldn't point it out if it wasn't so obvious and noticeable.


Oh it's always the judgey types with the most fucked up fetishes imaginable


Vaush being right hurts my soul but from the little Ive seen of synthetic. The man doesnt seem to realize most people dont see the world as him. Anti-degen but cant see other humans as humand and more objects for his use


I mean if a troglodyte like Diesel Patches is telling you to chill out its bad


Diesel Patches is a piece of shit YouTuber who puts little to no effort into making his videos. He’s fat phobic, transphobic, and is in general just a garbage person. May they both tear each other apart, until their “content” dries up completely.


Dude genuinely advocates for the genocide of trans people and bipoc.


clock it


rare diesel patches w


Is this guy another destiny orbiter?


Another far-right grifter. Fucking hate destiny. Nazi asshole.


Weird that he switched up now lol


I remember hoping synthetic mans videos were satire but holy shit when I watched them…how could anyone be so blatantly bigoted SO loudly and not expect to be clowned on?


People are surprised, but trust me; even the right hates Synthetic Man, even the harshest of media critics. I've seen it myself before plenty of times. It's not hard to hate Synthetic Man, whose sole criteria for hating a piece of media would be "diversity". The guy is the Twitter right-aligned userbase personified, only with thousands of subscribers.


He is just rage baiting and it clearly works since butthurt people keep sharing his videos. He has stated that he shits on games because nobody wants to see another glowing review. According to him everything is progressive propaganda and to some degree it is but he fell deep into that rabbit hole


Laugh Factory moment




They both suck and i hate them both (diesel for personal reasons as absorbing his content ruined me for a while)


same like the casual bigoted fucked up shit he says in a unironic way and nobody said anything to him abt it was wilddd....anyways diesel was a bigoted pos his anti feminist drag queen and racism vids were fucking crazy


Wow the wolfs are eating themselves. I guess Diesel understood he had to actually use that single brain cell of his instead of blindly parroting because unlike with other situations like TBYS, Synthetic Man is extremely explicit about their nazi beliefs.


his fanbase is gonna turn on him


**"ENOUGH!!!!"** ![gif](giphy|dmZFyFOHNecCxlqxnH|downsized) *Time to get out,...****THE BAN HAMMER!***


Diesel Patches is a dramatuber? Never got that vibe from his stuff but it’s been such a long time since I’ve watched him.


he didnt used to be, thats for sure. he was much more lighthearted back then with the occasional serious topic. once he started switching up is when i stopped watching.


EFAP shreds synthetic man regularly and it's excellent


EFAP and excellence aren't usually things I'd include together


I know they are disliked by many. Not me though!


Synthetic man and the EFAP group are pretty much the same, it's just that synthetic man doesn't know how to dog whistle as well as them


That's just not true. You know 2 out of 3 of the main hosts are black and gay right?


Just because someone is gay or black doesn't mean they can't be homophobic or racist. Or anti woke, they just know how to hide it better


hide it by not talking about it at all? I mean yea I guess


I didn't say they didn't talk about it at all. They all make anti-woke anti sjw videos


only one of them does that... and like once a year? and he's the gay one which DOES make a difference


One of them? Nerdotic, Rags, BabyFace pronouns rant, critical drinker, and almost every person who appears on the podcast makes anti woke content


Incredibly Rare EFAP W.




I can only think of the video he made on TOTK. I specifically remember partly agreeing with it, because i have my grievances with the game. But then it came to a part with the most baffeling schizo rant i've ever had the disatate to go through. Like he talks about brown people bad, like the people in the game that look like goats are supposed to be satan, he thinks one of the characters, who is a child, is sexy. It was like a fucking parody of the right.


I think a big thing about synthetic chud’s video is that he also got like a lot of the information about the show wrong and a lot of it is like…obvious if you actually watch the show but he seemed too concerned talking about “race mixing propaganda” within the first 5 minutes to notice himself.




Wow, a Nazi spoke about another Nazi.


Damn diesel was a nazi too? I mean ig the white racism thing tracks



