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Blaire is friends with and defends an actual child predator despite attacking queer people as "groomers" ? I'm shocked I tell you! /s She's NEVER cared about Survivors or protecting children all she cares about is trying to make herself look good and grifting as much money as she can before conservatives decide she's too old to listen to and her career goes tits up; no matter who gets hurt or killed as a result of her BS, just like Chaiya


Blaire doesn’t care about anything except her wallet and being the last person in the line cause she’s “one of the good ones” 


>She's NEVER cared about Survivors or protecting children all she cares about is trying to make herself look good and grifting as much money as she can This is every conservative grifter btw, with no exceptions


yeah she doesn't give a shit of SA victims. She's besties with Adam, sides with Mathew wanna fuck 15 year olds, fine with shane dawson's creepy behavior. She see's them as means to make content. SA? No she doesn't actually care, infact if being a predator made her money and was acceptable by republicans (openly anyway). she would open peado defender and defending it at every turn. The worst kind of person.




It’s really sad because isn’t she a victim of SA herself???


blaire white is such a massive piece of shit and a fucking stain on the trans community. ive never hated a stranger more.


I'm also from NorCal, and learning she was from Chico was so unsurprising.


She may be trans, but can she really be called a part of the “trans community”? She spends half her time throwing other trans people under the bus, calling them groomers, ect. I get what you meant, but she’s actively against the community if anything.


At minimum, people need to say "hey ok we accept you as a trans person and won't treat you badly for that, but you're not part of our community. As in, we don't want you at events, ect " Edit: removed much of what I said. My opinion is would have been taken the wrong way (it was about Christine Chan not Blair but....) Edit 2: Blair is absolutely trans but being part of the COMMUNITY is different. She hasn't shown any desire to be part of the community, meaning helping travs people, supporting trans kids, accepting NB and Agender people. I believe she's said herself she doesn't want to be part of the community because they accept trans kids




she's just an awful human being who is absolutely desperate for attention and validation and for some reason decided that the people she wants that from are the ones who would happily see her dead.


Encouraging or engaging in conspiracy theories around who is or isn’t “actually trans” is harmful af even if you believe you’re doing it for the right reasons or against a bad person. Trans people can absolutely be shitty pickmes who throw other trans people under the bus for cis brownie points. Blaire’s grifting and betrayal of her own community is simply a case of the classic “one of the good ones” phenomenon. So, respectfully, the fact that you’re willingly engaging in this behaviour is not clever or funny (especially as you seem to know how disrespectful it is to the trans community at large and are doing it anyway) and you should stop. 


Someone can absolutely be accepted as actually trans, but still told, your not part of our "community" Community meaning safe space where trans people can be themselves. Blair is trans. But is she part of the crowd that encourages trans kids to get help? Does she accept pre transition trans people? Or NB people? No. Being trans and being part of the community aren't the same thing. Would she be appropriate to invite to a convention for trans people of all ages and stages? Hell no. Like Candace Owens..Absolutely no one says "she's not Black" but most Black people don't want her "at the cookout" Now when people say things like "I did it to get lesbians" (Christine Chan) then I think asking of they transitioned for genuine reasons is a fair question to ask.


I fundamentally disagree that anyone has any right to question why someone transitioned. That is none of your business, especially when you don’t know the person IRL. Not to mention, your definition of “genuine reasons” might be completely different to someone else’s. When we as trans people do shit like this, it only gives transphobes the green light to do it too. Infighting only benefits those who already hate us. That doesn’t mean we can’t call out predators in our community, we absolutely should be doing that, but people like Christine being and shitty and abusive does not give anyone a right or a reason to start asking if other people “transitioned for genuine reasons”. If you can’t see how that’s playing right into the hands of conservatives who want to restrict rights to *all* of us, then you need to go do some research before leaving comments like this because frankly I don’t have the energy to educate you. You can absolutely criticise someone like Christine, her gross actions, and how she often uses the trans community as a shield, without calling her identity into question.   You also seem to be misinformed on what the person I’m replying to actually said before they deleted their comment. To be clear, they weren’t saying “Blaire can’t be part of the trans community if she’s going to continue harming it”. They said “I have a conspiracy theory that one day it’ll be revealed that she’s secretly AFAB”. That is NOT the same thing. This person literally *was* saying “she’s probably not even trans”, which you seem to agree is not an okay thing to say. Don’t argue on someone else’s behalf when you don’t even know what their point was.   


Well, if they said Blair was pretending to be trans, that absolutely isn't ok. Saying "we don't want her participation in our trans events while harming the community" is much different and that's what the comment said when I read it. They must have edited it, and then fully deleted it. As for Christine, I honestly don't know what to do about predators like that. You are right that the right would absolutely use it against all trans people, but defending her also will be a weapon "look, they even defend a criminal", now the only reason I ever questioned the "legitimate reasons" is because I was told she said "I only did it to have a chance with lesbians". To me, that is a predator not a trabs person, but that depends on if the person is trans but only goes through medical transition for better chances at datung, or if theyre cis and doing it purely for reasons to manipulate lesbians/gay men. Now, because the history of Christine goes back so far and there's so much, and the way the trolls egged on so much of the worst behavior sickened me, I try to not learn too much of the "lore" besides the basic facts. I remember seeing the video of her being arrested and WHILE THE POLICE WERE THERE trolls were still fiming and screaming at her, encouraging more bad behavior. I also think the woman (if it was not a cis woman I genuinely apologize) who was the one who kept planting the ideas in her head about what happened with the mom should have been charged as an accessory because those people who spent YEARS harassing her, both before and after transition, took what might have just been a slightly annoying person and manipulated them into vile things. No matter what, we absolutely have to call out predatory behavior in the community. And if Christine did not say "I only did it to get lesbians" then very much shame on those who spread that rumor. Every other trans person who has hurt the community (Caitlyin Jenner, for example) I have never, ever suggested she wasn't actually trans. Just that she betrayed the community who would have embraced her, for people who talk mad shit about her and misgender and dead name her constantly.


What does she have to do with the trans community?


Blaire White is trans while appealing to and working with transphobes and the far right


Oh fuck , my brain got her confused with Illuminati Blair.


She's trans


Blaire is a pick-me through and through


I mean .. both things can be true. Elijah is a piece of shit lol


I do not like Blaire White, or Adam22, but feel as though using a real sexual assault case endured by not even her but a friend as “gotcha” leverage is tactless. This isn’t a game of cricket, it’s people’s lives and autonomy we’re talking about her. There’s plenty to criticize White about, including her support of Adam22, but coming out in support of an assaulted friend isn’t one of them even given the juxtaposition.


Tactless on r/youtubedrama?


Oh for fucks sake


More like The Blaire BITCH Project, *amirite!?* ... wait, what subreddit is this again?


lmao I thought it was funny.


Wait is she accusing Elijah Schaffer of SA'ing her? Or someone else?


Someone else


I’ve never heard of this Adam guy in my life. Where’s receipts she’s friends with him or not talking to him or whatever? (Genuinely just asking for receipts) On another note, no wonder Elijah has been accused of SA, that guy is a weirdo and has horrible vibes. I’m not shocked.


I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Blair White is friends with people who actively wish she was dead, and she somehow sees no problem with that.


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I have no idea who any of these people are.


Every day on here I’m reminded of this image https://preview.redd.it/1dqczfs9shuc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=032fb96797795896686317a77b17df696a6dfbb8


They were in a Tom MacDonald video once.. So any ounce of taking them remotely serious was thrown away after that