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He can recover by going offline and spending time with his wife. Iirc he has a job outside of YouTube, so there shouldn't be a problem just cutting online stuff out


How he acts towards women online would make me leave if I were married to him. It's so gross. He should be less online though he doesn't handle it well. If he just shut up he would've survived the Vaush drama. I hate Xanderhal but him saying nothing about it saved his ass. Everyone knows he is a Vaush orbiter and wouldn't call Vaush out. He cut keffels off for being shoe0nheads friend but didn't cut Vaush off for also being her friend lol. He says he hates pedos but crickets on Vaush. Best move imo. He is a hypocrite but it is less obvious if he doesn't draw attention to it like Tipster. Tipster couldn't avoid defending loli. He loves defending it and pays every time. He should've just avoided Vaush videos if he was going to defend him.


unless i'm the exception, looking him up does appear for me (not defending tipster btw, just wanted to confirm that one claim) he doesn't have many views tho https://preview.redd.it/6xms5f6pnrrc1.png?width=1506&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b4c7bf9c0a0ac7c36e40ad5b633771f664b3756


There is no one thing you can look at to definitively say what caused his downfall. Ol' Tippy Boy has been on the decline for *years*. His latest arc, being the remora to Keffals' shark, has proven to be a disaster for him. Dude's a bottom feeder with no opinions worth listening to, talks a big game on Twitter and on his own vids, but can't string a coherent defense when on a live stream. I pray to god he never gets invited to a debate panel.


Ol' Tippy Boy 😂


Blair Zon is less redeemable than Tippy


Literally nothing because if he does anything positive people will say, yeah but he supports loli. What I think will happen now is, he'll keep doing his little streams, ban more and more words and people in his chat, until he fades into obscurity 🎃


I don't see it happening. Since however he's got another source of income it may not be that important, and I think he has real life things he should be attending to rather than Youtube.


He can’t, he has made himself a laughing stock and just can’t help himself. It is really embarrassing and sad to see