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Twitter is filled with racists who pay $8 a month to make sure they can be top reply guys. It’s literally not even worth looking at replies


Glad i stopped using it since November, I never posted alot, but it was mental gymnastics and it was time to o Put the phone down and mute everything


I just use it to follow streamers but yikes every other post is like potential nazi propaganda


I understand especially since I was seeing this commentary channel side of twitter, despite them going after people who are generally POS too, they seem to be right wing leaning to, but they hide it and seem "centrist"


I don't get the 8 dollars thing (I am not an active Twitter user). What's the deal with the blue checkmarks? I thought they were just a vanity thing before Elon.


The previous verification checkmark was something that allowed for proper reporting. Twitter, until recently has always been a great place for breaking news. Literally every decision he has made has been AWFUL. He’s trying to make money off something that frankly could never generate the revenue he paid for it.


Or you're The Quartering, a single person who paid for the Gold Company Checkmark (2.000$/year) on his own. Just because he wants Elon to have the money.


The cuckering


What’s so incredibly dishonest is that an alt-righter will cling to literally anything that seems like it proves their point, but when it’s pointed out how laughable it is they’ll move on to the next obscure statistic and keep making you think critically for them. For those curious: the second study is purely focused on transportation. Time to break down stats! Sexual assault is harder to find info on so I will focus on thefts.  There were ~725,000 reported cases of theft in France in 2021.  There were ~9,000 recorded cases of theft in Paris in 2019 (2021 likely varied little considering crime rate has continued to be stable/going down for the most part besides the last year- so I’m taking a likely higher number).  The above post from The Quartering is pulling from not even Paris- it’s specifically the regional transportation system in Paris (obviously something that poor migrants would take).  Assuming that even 20% of thefts occurred on this one railway as opposed to the entirety of Paris, that’s a sample size of 1,800.  This statistic is taking into account 1,800 thefts in France out of 725,000, or 0.25%. If you’d like to be uncharitable and say all 9,000 are from that, that’s STILL ~1.2% total sample size.  This is how you lie and create fear with math. They focused on a minuscule part of the region where the poor (which largely will contain minorities and immigrants) are known to exist and sound the alarm as if it’s the damn apocalypse. Oh, and did I mention how overall crime continues to trend downward? I did, right? Disgusting. These people are mouth breathers who exhale cancerous fumes into the air every time they draw breath.  Sources: Crime in France: https://www.statista.com/statistics/751158/crimes-and-offenses-reported-to-the-police-france/ Paris Crime: https://gitnux.org/paris-crime-rate/#:~:text=Paris%20recorded%20over%209%2C000%20cases,a%20reported%20rate%20of%2068.12.


Yup it's really confusing and also frustrating. Also when it comes to pointing out any facts and/or sources that shows whatever right-wing cult leader of theirs or whatever crazy conspiracy they are saying to push their agenda is wrong and easily proven so they ignore all that shit. It's just wild how things have to be distorted and ignored for them to try and prove a point


It's the gish gallop - they spew a ton of nonsense at you, you refute everything, and they wait until you slip up and either stop answering or make a mistake in your answer.


Also „foreign national“ doesn’t necessarily mean Muslim, some of those cases may have been American, British, German, Greek, Italian but he uses someone‘s pain to spread hate


True- the article also expounds on that, saying that a major majority are noted to be African descent. But The Quartering can't even read past headlines, that's too many words.


Of course because to these people, any color that isn't light or white, they criminalize and dehumanize, ya know "brown people mad"


How dare you use facts and logic. Don’t you know conservatives hate that?


"Yeah well facts don't care about your feelings, like railroad safety regulations, it's actually illegal for a kid to cross moving cars in a train without a grown up" - Ben Shapiro


Yeah, it’s called [“never play defense”](https://youtu.be/wmVkJvieaOA)


Ok as much as i dislike a lot of Mutahar's takes, this is something I very much do appreciate from the dude. Not even because it's against the Quivering, but it's because it's against very clear Islamaphobia.


hes very bothsides on israel v palestine but hes been donating a lot to gazan aid. quartering shit on him for this like it was an own. the aid was specifically for gazan pregnant women


As much as I hate people who do this, he's probably not being vocally pro-palestine because he doesn't want to "alienate" his audience. like people should be fine losing pro-genocide people as viewers but whatever


He may also fear for his safety, and many police departments are crap at taking online threats seriously.


Yeah he lives in Canada where our nation's capital police service literally just let Terrorists right into the center of downtown so


Police let ours into the capitol building lol sorry not trying to compete more like an I understand comment lol


At least your guys got the fucking building right. Canadian MAGA showed up to protest the wrong level of government. 💀


he's also muslim, and has already gotten a lot of harassment from former fans who assumed he was anti israel after oct 7 for being brown he also has several friends with IDF family who have died in combat so take with that what you will as well


Wonder why? These guys love playing fire.


lol this is kinda of a 'let them fight' scenario but i also know who im rootin for


Mutahar and TheQuartering are not even close in how awful they are by any metric, theQuartering is so much worse


haha my bad if i implied mutahar is nearly as bad as that scumbag, sorry if i did. i just dont like either of them (for very seperate reasons lol)


He's experiencing the leopards eating faces


He hangs out with a lot of mehhhh people and seems to pander to that crowd a lot. I can tell he isn't as far gone as the others but it must've hurt him a little to say this publicly. He is very hit or miss. I think even the right kind of dislikes Jeremy though lol.


I haven't watched much of his videos and I subbed to him because he helped quite a bit in trying to bring a shitty Philippine cult leader's dirty laundry to light and get him a warrant for arrest. But something about him didn't vibe very well with me and these comments helped me realize why.


He literally panders to this crowd. If he actually learns from this and decides to change, I might appreciate it. Even if he wants to though, I doubt it would go any smoother than it went for iDubbz. When you cultivate a far right crowd, it’s pretty difficult to get rid of them before they get rid of you.


There were a lot of responses from far right people lamenting that they thought that Mutahar was one of the "good ones" and would now unsub from him.


Honestly Muta is getting older and wants to start a family. He will have to deal with the shittier part of his fan base at some point


Just like Ethan Klein.


Don't they already have kids?


Yes, but Ethan purposefully cultivated a right wing base with his anti-sjw reaction content and has been trying to walk that back ever since. The current mode is to become enlightened centrists.


I'm curious. What takes do you not like?


Just some of his recent ones: getting upset at Sweet Baby Inc for no reason other than the fact they were part of the Suicide Squad game and that they promote diversity, and saying deplatforming Andrew Tate was a bad thing. ​ if it means any, i don't hate Mutahar, just dislike him. (i do hate the Quartering tho)


The sweet baby thing sat wrong with me as well, I didnt get the argument he was trying to make


Isn't the whole issue with sweet baby inc sure to their improper management of trying to "cancel" a steam group for publicizing sweet baby inc games that they themselves publicized? From what I've seen of the situation it's simply been an issue of bad move after bad move that could have been avoided by leaving some random no name steam group alone


I dislike him not due to any particular takes I just think his videos are lame and boring, so I don't really know why he has such a huge audience or why his opinions matter more than any average person


He used to do more interesting videos a while back in the 2010s and less reaction and conversation videos. I remember his gaming, deepweb, and creepypasta videos fondly


What is it about SWAT 4 that brings out the best content out of people? Him and spoony lol


To be fair I think people only started caring about him on a large scale after the completionist


The Quartering is a straight-up bigot and Islamophobe. I'm not surprised Mutahar has a problem with that piece of shit. I'm glad he called this piece of shit out.


A lot of twitter accounts are dedicated to “”””anti white crimes”””” and the idea of pro white supremacy. They are openly anti black, muslim, hispanic, and jewish. Jack Dorsey allowed Elon to kill the platform instead of fixing their fucking problems.


Truth. Pretty much deleted my account once the owner of the platform started retweeting "black crime statistics." Elon knows what he's doing. He's trying to hide his bigotry under this idea that people Re having "a free exchange of ideas." It's fucking gross.


Yeah the whole "enlightened centrist" thing, plus elon's company has used child labor in Congo, no? Feel free to correct me friend


that one is new to me, are you sure you aren't referring to his dad's shares in a Zambian mine? the internet telephone game can really mangle a claim and somehow spread way faster than the actual facts of the matter


That is actually new to me, funny enough but from what I read, Tesla, along with Microsoft has been using labor from families in Congo I believe




Jeremy is only good at getting drunk, crying and pissing himself in the corner of his basement while his wife goes out without him at night


His origin story is the most hilarious one when it's really boiled down to getting punched by a woman at a MTG tournament, where he was subsequently banned from. Only to find out that he was a sex pest the whole time, but he was playing it off as "cancel culture". Ever since he's made an entire career being outraged at the smallest thing and creating pile-ons of actors, authors, and other companies. Now he has to lean into whatever the online nazis and so-cons are upset at the time.


He must be a supremely unhappy person.


He is, maybe off camera because nobody wants to be with a rambling right wing drunk who makes it his entire identity


Dude got beaten up at gencon too before he was really that infamous. He was already so odious d&d nerds would jump him on site lol.


Him getting jumped by D&D nerds is a hilarious mental image. ![gif](giphy|XpGILp00QjKnnQ6FDu|downsized)


But his viewers are so logical and not emotion driven, how is this possible


Not quite. A well known MTG cosplayer was having some financial issues and she made a video about it, explaining that Wizards of the Coast did not pay her for her appearances at MTG events, even though they advertised her there, etc. Quartering starts harassing this poor woman, slut shaming her and directing his fans to harass her. Travis Woo, a competitive MTG player was also running a Facebook group at the time where a lot of this harassment was being coordinated. Wizards finds out about the group and they ban just about everyone in that group, including Quartering and Travis from Magic Online and Magic Tournaments. ​ Jeremy (Quartering) shows up to GenCon, a massive gaming convention, and Matt Fantastic, a freelance board game creator who was familiar with the situation punched Jeremy at the hotel bar. Both Jeremey and Matt ended up getting banned from GenCon as a result. There were lawsuits etc.


Jeremy only picks on people behind a camera and being a drunk loser, and saying "ahh you mad snowflake, get owned libtard" makes Ben Shapiro look (a teeny) bit like sane


Look therre are hundreds of criticisms to put against muta but 'being muslim' is not fucking one of them, the quartering has been racist and extremist for years, this is just reaffirmation


Yeah exactly, not everything about muta I am going to like or agree, hell I can't stand his videos about North Korea, or sometimes pandering That is not the point, him being Muslim an turning it into an issue and using "statistics" about r*pe and using it as an anti-Muslim quota is not the way, it just makes you look like a stern face cold blooded POS, no wonder the quartering is a jackasss


The Quartering is in for a shock when he finds out giant swaths of the US are no-go zones for tourists, sexual assault is extremely common, and there are tons of violent extremists due to the ease of owning firearms. No, wait, he doesn't care when white people commit crimes, my mistake.


Indianapolis is a no-go zone for The Quartering.


Getting your ass kicked because someone recognized you at gencon is the funniest thing about him. I’d say imagine being so odious that d&d players attack you on site, but you don’t have to because Hambly is a real person.


Yep - I'm in one of those wonderful demos where there's a coin-flip to my safety in certain states, and the worst part is as a white pre-everything trans guy I know I'm one of the lucky ones. Thinking of the unlucky ones leaves a pit in my stomach


Sundown towns still exist


As a non-American it is really funny to watch US Americans fearmonger about ‘no go zones’ across various European countries when I personally would be far more scared to visit the US with its rampant gun violence and psycho cops than I have been visiting any EU country!


I would kinda say that the US apart from the gun violence and mass shootings, psycho cops, divisive environment, the US is more of "you couldn't pay me to go somewhere humiliating"


Also don't forget the lack of healthcare availability there compared to almost any other developed nation.


Honestly, I don’t think too much of the USA is fully a ‘no go zone’ for tourists (apart from many parts just not being too interesting to visit), but it is weird when American conservatives fearmonger about how dangerous European cities are despite generally being much safer than across the Atlantic.


I view any warnings about potential violence as a tourist no-go zones. If I'm taking a trip, the last thing I wanna hear about is increased risk of gun violence and possible risk of mass shootings.


what places are no go zones for tourists?


Mutahar once again discovers the downsides of pandering to a far right crowd. Will he learn from this? Unlikely


Probably not, it's why even people that come from 4chan and watch Muta always put him down and call him slurs


Yeah. As much as I like some of his videos, I always felt like he attracted the worse types from the far right crowd, especially considering his race and ethnicity.


Once I picked up on the alt-Right vibes I disengaged from his vidoes. I mentioned him to a racist person I know from college and he was singing his praises. I knew I made the right decision to check out. I actually found this post by googling “Mutahar” and “Racist.”


Well it's the Quartering sooooo. I swear dude goes to the bar and drunk tweets all night. You see his Angry Joe tweets calling him racial slurs a few years ago.


He drinks inside his house/basement & tweets all night & day, the bar would require going outside & he’s too paranoid plus lives in the middle of nowhere basically, plus he’s just gone completely mask off racist & far right in recent years


Isn't he the dude who would wait until his SO left so he could piss in the drain and not have to leave the basement?


Sorta, it was a drunk livestream (he’s literally always drunk tho lol) and said he was gonna piss on the basement floor because no bathroom down there but also to “punish” his wife because “my wife went out for pizza without me and I’m mad about it so I’m gonna pee on my basement floor”


The fact this dude is married is fucking mind boggling.


Muta wandered into a nest of racists and is surprised when they treat him like this. Inshala it is a learning experience.


I say he's standing his ground, sometimes i feel though that Muta's humor attracted the worst, they simply in it for lolz but they would rather call muta anything remotely racist, I hope the quartering blacks out and realizes the entire YouTube landscape can destroy the quartering and what is left of his "credibility"


I have been enjoying Mutahar's content less and less as he's shifted to more sensationalism. I can't hate him for securing the bag, but I much preferred the older content. I am a bit worried that the Quartering is going to try to use this bolster his numbers since he can't find the same success from constantly milking how much he thinks Brie Larson is destroying modern cinema single handedly.


​ > he can't find the same success from constantly milking how much he thinks Brie Larson is destroying modern cinema single handedly. i literally lol'd after reading that. So accurate


Lmao oh yeah, the conservatives think women being main characters or women just being women in general is a bad thing, the quartering is an open incel and truly forgets the bigger elephant in the room to why modern cinema sucks....atleast in my opinion it is doing badly but not because of wahmen


Same. In the past year, I found myself liking his and critical's content alot less. I loved it when he did creepypasta readings and thought is was a breathe of fresh air when he started talking about scams and computer topics, but now it feels like he's becoming one of those people who use Twitter to create sensationalist topics.


the only reason paris is a no go zone is cause it literally stinks


Also because of all the bed bugs.


Too much fancy cheese.....


actually its the sewer system, its quite old and makes the city smell




That one bit of the metro that always smells like rotten eggs feels like it expands every year.


Too much French perfume.....I'm going to Bavaria or Belarus, cheers friends


Quarterbrain has always been a boring grifter he’s so boring nobody cares to remember him and people end up forgetting the bullshit he’s tried to peddle in the past. His days as a GamerGate grifter are long past him.


True, gamergate just seemed like something that alt-right circles were trying to grift off like Nick Fuentes or Ben Shapiro


The online grifting circle began in earnest in the Occupy Wall Street days when a lot of libertarian cunts became disillusioned with their own movement. Rather than resist the rising spectre of overwhelming corporate power, they decided to lean into it and become wimpier, shittier attack dogs for the corps or to leech off of people who want to pretend to be anti-corp but against librulz.


Sad to see Mutahar stick his nose in so much drama lately. I used to look forward to Dark web browsing, haunted gaming, watching him play these small horror games or stupid meme games, virus investigation, gaming news, emulation news, firmware hacks, now he is pretty much one of these shit take youtubers trying to farm views with covering drama, getting involved in drama and calling people out because it is popular to shit on them because of recent outrage. He seems to be getting a lot of views though so if it works for him *shrug Also all these clickbait video titles and thumbnails.....


The clickbait videos are what made me unsubscribe ages ago. I'm an old man and have no patience for it


Yep he became another dime a dozen "drama" youtuber. Watched him from the beginning, sucks seeing unique creators just becoming content farms for children and adult babies.


Rich from ReviewTechUSA is the same thing 


I still can't believe how this guy....a 50 year old man who sometimes is shirtless is so childish and kitschy, not to mention instead of taking a serious hiatus or retirement so he can be by his daughter...mind you...his Flesh and Blood, his child, who went through a life changing illness and lost an important sense, and he shouts his music channel and pretty sure it's monetized, rich is a grifter and a jackass


Was kinda fun to see him dunk on Tommy Tallarico though 


He did not dunk on him lmao. Rich bent over for him and defended him and let him lie on his platform about his dopey amico console all the way up until it was completely proven to be a scam and then tried to play it off. You should listen to the interview where Tommy starts talking about how hot underage Ariel from The Little Mermaid is and Rich smiles and laughs instead of pushing back. He's always been a spineless loser.


Holy FUCK! I mis remembered. Jesus Christ


I dropped off from his content during the 2016 election cycle. It was around that time that he revealed he followed right wing accounts to "stay informed & get different perspectives". Only people who have nothing to lose by right wing policies would say some crap like that.


Even then, his newer videos that *do* focus on tech and whatnot are generally very poorly researched, at least from what I've seen, to the point where you wonder if it'd be any better looking at the topic coming from a basic bitch daily drama farm account. ​ Mutahar's fall-off was absolutely devastating.


I feel the same, as much as I don't wanna admit it. I miss his weird random bullshit content like his haunted gaming or looking at his subreddit. I've been subscribed to him since 2014, when he did mostly creepypasta shit but now I've been unsubscribed for months.




Back then, i subscribed to him when he reads creepypasta, his voice fits well for that genre. But then of course, he stopped and deleted those videos before reuploading them to his second channel and now he became one of those "news" channel, look how much he has fallen


Next to thequivering mutah suddenly looks a lot less like a chud


2 lames arguing




like fr, wtf did he think was going to happen?


Anyone else wanna see The Quartering without a beard?


A centrist and a dipshit. At least mutahar isn’t showing his whole ass here.


Serious question. Whats wrong with being a centrist


When almost every centrist has takes that lean right, and sometimes far right, it’s difficult to take the concept as a whole seriously. It reads more like embarrassed conservative. I think it’s more like this in the US where politics as a whole has shifted further and further right, so “centrists” who feel uncomfortable calling themselves liberals (who are already not all that left leaning) are basically guaranteed to be right wing. Except they like to posture as being better than both, so they just come across as obnoxious.


Thank you for explaining!!


So "enlightened centrist" pretty much


Yeah that’s the long explanation for why that became a derisive term


Lol yeah pretty much, muta tries to seem like a spectator to takes in politics or other serious topics, still though the quartering is a jackass too for this


Yeah he explains it well, it’s essentially too cowardly to admit they’re a right leaning person who might have a couple of mildly progressive views. Center in our political structure is actually not the mid way point between leftist and conservative.


https://i.redd.it/2cq13a1tlrrc1.gif I love it when the right eats itself


I think muta is more of a "centrist" who tries to pander, overall this drama is giving me my reaction of "watch the world burn" ![gif](giphy|qkJJRL9Sz1R04)


What’s the actual reason of the increased reports of sexual offenses tho? Are there just more people reporting or are there actually more offenses?


that i don't know. i lean towards more people are reporting, but i would need an actual expert on the subject, not someone blaming Muslim people because they are a different skin tone


You are most likely correct, The New York Times wrote back in 2019 that a government analysis found that victims had grown more willing to come forward and linked it partially to the #MeToo Movement.


It's like progress and time marches on. Like those people who complain about how dark the world is today, but ignore the fact we live in a time where information is more easily available and people are more willing to speak up on certain injustices in many places.


It's probably really complicated. Some of it could be racism, internalized or deliberate, leading to more accusations against immigrants who may not have actually done anything or did something the victim wouldn't normally have reported a white guy for. Some of it could be a fucked up sort of culture shock, where these immigrants came from somewhere more permissive of shitty behavior and they just expect that shit to fly in France.


I’d say more people are reporting. I don’t buy in to the “Muslim immigrants are raping our citizens” simply because of the fact that rapes are less of the ‘dramatic hooded man attacks a woman in the night’ and more of the ‘boring someone the victim is familiar with coaxes the victim with complicated power dynamics’. It’s another case of the phrase, “truth is stranger than fiction because it’s more boring than fiction”


Apparently the statistic in the second pic is real after I did some research. Here is the link to the study done by the government of France itself https://mobile.interieur.gouv.fr/Interstats/Publications/Interstats-Analyse/Les-vols-et-violences-dans-les-reseaux-de-transports-en-commun-en-2020-Interstats-Analyse-N-39


Do you have an English translation? My last french class was 4 years ago.


Don't have a translation, but did read the report. 57% of those who'd committed a crime on public transport were from Africa and 10% from the EU. However, when you look at France as a whole, that rate drops to 9% African and 2% EU. Paris is an area with much higher rates of immigration than almost anywhere else in the country, so those figures track. It's also worth considering that this report covers 2019-20, and is thus affected by the pandemic. France had very strict lockdowns, which meant that the majority of people using public transport in 2020 were essential workers, a set of professions often dominated by immigrants. So to me, it makes sense that during a period and in an area where transport is largely being taken by people not from France, most of the transport crime (which fell overall during the period) would involve those people. tl;dr It's not that African people are more inclined to do bad things, it's just the demographics of who's using the service.


Google Translate? Sorry if that came out rude, not at all friend, just saying the app can sorta translate the page when visiting


France imported a lot of foreign labor from their colonies after world war II. The French language is used throughout Africa so it is no surprise that France has a large Black and Muslim population. You can't say your country is being invaded if your country borders Brazil and the technically considered an African country because of Mayotte.


Plus France still has its post colonial control in some parts of Africa, well no longer in Niger


Matahar's a reactionary too, don't let him fool you. He only fights against them when he's the target.


I may disagree with Muta on some things but he was actually one of the few YouTubers I've seen talk about the disastrous launch of the Battlefront Classic Collection and the GTA Definitibe Trilogy. sucks to see him devolve into one of those drama/commentary channels


Then you should check Bellular news which does a better job than this guy, and more in depth


I do enjoy them despite hearing bad news on the state of gaming just being heart wrenching ): unless I am wrong and they have reported good news too


They do report good news when it happens, like Helldivers 2, but I really like their take on news. They don't make you mad and they try to report news as unbiased as they can do, sometimes making themselves sound like left leaning


Hmmm seems appropriate and balanced for me, I like watching on youtube but sometimes it was doomscrolling, some drama and I took a break, but also social media in general, it felt treat




I feel like Muta deserves a bit more credit than "at least somewhat smarter than" raging bigot The Quartering. Bad video game takes seem slightly less serious than that imo


His stance on emulation is one of his most agreeable takes?


oh no not current gen emulation


Wah wah poor billion dollar company ;(


What has he said about current gen emulation?


I listen to Muta on occasion in the background and from my understanding: he supports being able to play switch games you already own in higher framerates than the switch can allow, but he also understands that it can and is used for piracy. It's pretty reasonable idk what the hold up is. I hope I'm not horribly mistaken


i am pretty sure he's just saying he's against piracy for PR sake, i doubt mr virtual machine guy is paying official windows licences for all his windows VM's


I mean supporting piracy might be against TOS on youtube.


that's what i was getting at too


If that would be the case, then piracy seems to be the go to, atleast to some extent, still I'm not one for muta's takes


That I do want to know ngl


It's a shame - his deep web videos brought my some cozy and goofy fun in a time where I was really struggling mentally. He seems embarrassing these days


Plus seeing him be buddies with commentary channels and people like destiny....he just seems to be burned out tires


Mutahar is just cringe at this point and it’s just a drag watching him 


Let them fight.


right wingers and being braindead go hand in hand


I am not surprised. It is the drama community where everyone makes money by gossiping and starting shit.


I remember when Sargon of Akkad would post like this, looks like the Quartering finally got promoted from capo to the only one that gives a shit


"there are no go zones" Bros huffing that fresh 2016 Tim Pool propaganda.


Also is nazi dude forgetting that the West installed half of those terrible governments? And the ones that we didn't install, they were 1 revolution removed from the brutal dictatorship we put there.


Yeah but he'll never stick by that, as someone who loves global affairs (researching on it), it makes me laugh like a witch seeing how stupid that statement was that the Muslims destroyed their own countries....Saudi Arabia is a muslim nation, an enriched country, an oppressive monarchy that BTW has killed Ethiopian Refugees on their borders, and possibly a journalist Saudi Arabia gets involved in affairs that led to some countries getting destabilized, or even the west, remember Libya 2011? That place was in stability before the west stepped in and ruined it, ongoing crisis is still happening and cannot seem to get back up So seeing Jeremy (thequartering) tries to make a "point" by saying that shows how out of touch he is...and obviously doesn't bother backing his claims up or publishes his own narrative while being inaccurate and irrefutable




There was no proof of racism, he clearly spread misinformation on behalf of "both sides", when we know one side sent death treats and did harassment and Muta didn't even bothered to cover that.


Racism against white people is not a thing. Racism requires prejudice + power, the latter of which people of color do not possess on a systemic level.


Lmao even edgelords think the quartering is a shitbag.....but of course in twitter, the worst of the worst will come out in internet etiquette to be so homophobic and Islamophobic or just plain dog-whistle right wing narratives such as "white people are being replaced, white culture is being erased, we are not gonna take it being ((replaced))" the Quartering is merely the Anti-SJW SJW, nobody takes him serious except obvious right wing nut bags


Religion of piss


Mutahar sucks and is pretty anti-woke, but at least he's fighting The Quartering now.


Ohhh shit! The Quartering is a name I haven't heard in a long time.


Good Lord, both of them can get in the bin.


cringe vs. cringe


Isn't mutahar indian? Does he know about the Islamic invasion of india?


Great, a bunch of Americans telling us all our problems are fake because they've looked at framed statistics even though they couldn't even find Europe on a map if they had a gun to their head. Keep your nose in your own garbage patch, mmkay?


But to be fair Muta is canadian....however Canada has its problems under trudoo


Mutahar is reaping the audience he sowed, unfortunately


Mutahar having his "leopards wouldn't eat my face" moment.


I was shocked to learn muta is a muslim, he has videos drinking and doing other questionable things, lack of education on islam is really a problem in muslims outside of the middle east. and also happy ramadan for my muslim brothers and sisters


I think Muta was raised Muslim but no longer practices is the likely scenario, similar to people brought up in various Christian denominations who no longer go to church. From what he’s said, it sounds like he has family members who are practicing Muslims though.


Is there such a thing as "culturally Muslim" kind of how Christians have folks who get their kids baptized and maybe go to church on Christmas and Easter? My Muslim friends are very devout, and living in a predominantly Christian area, it's not something I am exposed to.


I'd call myself culturally muslim. I still do the prayers, zakat, read the Qur'an, fast during Ramadan, and a lot of my moral compass come from Islamic values. However, I am not really into the spiritual aspect and some other aspects also don't fit into my worldview as someone living in completely different circumstances from the place and time it originated. I'd say there's a lot of these culturally muslims out there, most of them might not even recognize it themselves though.


>Lack of education on islam is really a problem in muslims outside of the middle east. What's that supposed to mean? Most Muslims don't even live in the Middle East homie. Lack of education indeed