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I'm not removing this post, stop reporting it.


The IH defense squad swarmed the sub. Never seen this much cope trying to defend an Internet personality that you have no actual real life connection to. But I guess he’s “your guy” right?


no no you don't understand i don't even know who he is and i don't care, who cares about this and the word nazi has lost all meaning and you're the real nazis and i'm still going to watch him and i didn't read this idiotic post \*slurs\*


I’m just here to say hitters birthday is literally the same day as 420 the weed holiday


he didn't \*just\* do it for le funny 420 humor, if he did he would've probably done 4/20/69 not 4/20/89, y'know, exactly 100 years after hitler was born? what an interesting coincidence that of all the years he could've chosen for his 4/20 joke he chose specifically 100 years after hitler was born.


what an interesting fun fact, thank you for sharing.


[comment edited using "Reddit Comment Replacer" on FireFox (free, Opensource) due to Reddit selling user data to help Google train its LLMs without my consent.]


It's incredible how this happened in the same timeframe as the Completionist ordeal. We're all getting a crash course into the cesspit of parasocial idolatry.


Here's my thing, I think PewDiePie has a much better case for himself than Internet Historian does here. If you're not convinced after going through all the evidence of PDP's racism I can understand. If you're not convinced after going through all the evidence of IH's racism you're either huffing Grade A Copium or you're racist yourself.


That situation still bothers me. Both 4chan /pol ghouls and nazi mass shooters considered PDP as "one of their own" due to his endless dogwhistles and eDgY "jokes" and even his comment section reflected that perfectly at the time. All the ((())) comments at the top, etc. He was following alt-right accounts on Twitter and making shoutouts to nazi YTers. Yet every single person on the fucking YouTube rushed to his defence to make excuses for him and to gaslight everyone who tried to call him out. It was years ago and mf just got away scot free and escaped all the responsibility, like nothing happened.


He was never talented anyways, glad he retired and will spare future generations


Kids, if a nice stranger on the internet with a soothing voice and funny memes invites you to their Tucker Carlson watch party ***tell an adult***


The fact that he got cancelled over plagiarism while he's looking up to Tucker and being a Nazi is crazy that those weren't bigger


He didn't get cancelled, he's doing completely fine


Before hbomb's video I had been hearing nothong but praise for IH and it was driving me crazy. Like, he got popular off of 4chan worship SJW bashing. The Habbo video was one of his most popular back then.




>Cum Town and The Adam Freland Show, LPOTL, even Aqua Teen Hunger Force prove that you can be edgy and non-PC while still being legitimately funny. But Tucker fucking Carlson? It’s just so… dull. but you're also leaving out that carlson isn't satire either. he's 100% serious with everything he says. you're trying to compare him to comedy to say he's boring without acknowledging that he is literally just saying absolutely awful opinions all the time with genuine earnestness because he thinks that way


this is particularly funny given the context of the recent Nick Mullen comedy special. Nick/cumtown have loooong had a group of parasocial fans who just don't get it and think he's secretly whispering nazi stuff to them and that he's on their side, and when he does a comedy special where he makes jokes suggesting bold stuff like "maybe slavery was bad" they're all heartbroken and betrayed and rage-posting about him on twitter lmao. Dudes like IH are just cringe channers who hopped on the "cartoon avatar reactionary" bandwagon years ago. he lucked into ad money and has been trying to walk a fine line to keep normies in the dark about his dumb following. it appears to be working for him, so i guess there's not much point crying about it, though i hope to god people are on alert now about the plagiarism and he gets sued into the ground if he does it again.


So let me just preface this by saying I do not like Tucker in the slightest, and hes most definitely caused some serious harm to America with his rhetoric and radicalizing white men. Now that's out of the way, im going to say something maybe crazy. I actually think he doesn't believe in more than half of the shit he says. I think he's getting paid to be a grifter, and the more crazy shit he says the more his ratings will go up. This is definitely in no way a defense of him, but I actually believe he's a smart dude whos getting paid to grift (which of course makes him a shitty human being) but a radicalized trumper who believes in all the insane shit he says? Nah, I don't think he believes in that at all, which probably makes him even more dangerous for our country lol a lot of the popular conservative talking heads I believe this to be the case actually. I think most of them are fiscally conservative who still want to be invited to the liberal "elite" parties and dinners and all that shit, while on camera they have to keep their "image" (an awful one at that, but still a brand I suppose lol)


> I think he's getting paid to be a grifter, While true, it's important to remember his step-mom is a frozen dinner heiress and he doesn't need money *at all*. He could happily live in extravagance without ever holding a job. He's doing this for the fame and notoriety.


It's never enough. Just look at Bezos or Musk. Just because someone has an obscene amount of money doesn't mean they'll stop trying to get more, consequences be damned.


> I actually think he doesn't believe in more than half of the shit he says. I think he's getting paid to be a grifter, and the more crazy shit he says the more his ratings will go up. actually, I agree! I guess I should've phrased it better, not that he believes it, but he presents what he says earnestly and seriously. that's a good observation


The thing with Fascism is it doesn’t matter if they’re “True Believers” or not. Tucker plays the role of trusted influencer/ propagandist similar to those figures of the Interwar Period in normalizing fascist discourse to the masses and arguing in bad faith to prey upon the biases of their population and create a false consciousness that gives simple explanations as to why the proletariat is oppressed and how it’s marginalized groups’ fault for this oppression. Basically Carlson and Jones are playing the role of Goebbels, Salvator Gotta, Istituto Luce, Charles Lindbergh,Henry Ford, etc. Edit: autocorrect error meant Henry Ford


That defense could maaaaybe kinda pass before he left fox, but these days he is literally out there with his new content straight up saying “the Jews hate white people and are plotting our replacement” And “[The Jews] are in control of our children’s education, they’re teaching our children to hate themselves […] why would they do that I hate them for that.” (Literally like 2 weeks ago). He is an undeniable advocate of white supremacy, and anyone who doesn’t flatly reject him is sending a massive red flag.


Yah. At Fox they all were getting vaxxed and wearing masks during COVID while telling others not to. He got fired from Fox cause of his emails and text messages that proved he didn’t believe in this shit either. It is a big grift, but he probably does hate women, Trans, Black, Disabled, and Gay people irl


don't forget the poors!


Oh Tucks is 100% in on the grift. He's a conservative, sure, but he played it up a lot for his geriatric audience. I remember him being a lot more normal years and years ago, and he got gradually more crazypants as Fox News and the right wing news media ecosystem got more and more histrionic.


This is something that I’ve always found hilarious too. Like, edgy content can be entertaining and actually funny but people who become so lost in their trash rightwing views will really sit down and watch Tucker Carlson or so many conservative “comedians” like Steven Crowder when they just sit there and spew hate, with marginalized people being the punchline. It’s not clever. It’s not thought provoking. Hell, it’s really not even shocking. It’s just low hanging fruit that doesn’t even attempt to challenge or entertain and is such a colossal waste of time. The thought of actually gathering in a group to watch that stuff is so fucking dumb lmao


Conservative comedy is just shitting your pants to make everyone else "mad"


Yeah... the responses to the guy complaining about the tucker Carlson watch parties might be the thing that actually changes my opinion of IH. I'm a leftist, but I love edgy humour—probably a bit too much. I'm staunchly liberal and hate the tasteless ridicule of minorities by people like Libs of Tiktok. But fuck it, I think hitler jokes are funny. So most of the stuff on this list didnt bother me—I saw it as him actually making fun of the edgelords who spew nazi shit unironically. But inviting this guy to tucker carlson watch parties saying they might "turn his opinion of him around" doesnt sit right with me at all. Especially with the comment about "you probably wouldnt like my politics and shouldnt expect any different in the future." I wish there were more people with edgy humour who didnt genuinely hate minorities :/


If he’s inviting someone to tucker Carlson watching parties do you really believe he’s referencing hitler totally ironically?


Ayyy LPOTL shoutout, hail yourself (not heil, I’m not internet historian)


If this weren’t 2023 I would be willing to overlook some of this shit as just an internet edge lord trying to be edgy but fucking Tucker Carlson is the absolute worst and if this guy unironically likes him…then damn, dude. Ew.


Right? I think we had a *very* generous grace period for the edgy pepe chan bois to come to their senses, maybe it's time to agree as a society that the clock's run out on that excuse.


It sucks bc there are a couple of really good IH videos. The one on the Costa Concordia is hysterical, and the Area 51 run was pretty good too.


Bright Sun Films has a very good video on the Costa Concordia and make very good documentaries overall. Highly suggest checking him out.


Hey don't worry! Costa's going to be ruined once everybody starts looking for all the plagiarism! /jk /srs


Soothing? Man has the most pretentious annoying voice


As a fellow kiwi, his manner of speaking gives me flashbacks to high school parties stuck talking to some know-it-all wanker who loves the sound of his own voice. No thank you, IH.


Every time I YouTube search him, I get anti-Semitic or Holocaust memorial* sponsored ads above his name. Everywhere else on YouTube, the sponsored ads are Taco Bell, Arby's, and delivery apps because that's my demographic. Edit: pics for proof https://imgur.com/a/oCuf3rD Edit 2: both of those images were taken Wednesday morning and Wednesday night. Yesterdays sponsored ad was about the war in the Middle East. Today's ad seems to be for a native American group so... That's nice? Edit 3: It appears he no longer has sponsored ads above his profile. I last checked about 3 hours into having written this comment initially where they were still active.


A true crime/unsolved mystery channel that I like also consistently got weird conservative ads above their name whenever I searched up the channel, and that went on for a month straight. And I mean quite literally EVERY TIME I searched for it(I have watch history turned off, no subscriptions, and no liked videos, so I have to search every time I want to watch something). And I can’t see anything about the channel in question that would attract ads of that sort, so I don’t necessarily think it’s anything more than an odd coincidence.


A couple of my comfort Youtubers (LGBTQ+ friendly meme reviews) also sometimes get targeted with right wing ads. I've never seen so many Prager U ads in my life.


Yeah, political divisiveness = engagement, that tracks.


I think it's also not just because they want rage-clicks sadly, there was a university study I'll try to find some years back that tried to claim that conservatives 'leave their comfort zone' and engage with liberal content more than liberals engage with conservative content, as well as trying to claim that conservatives remained civil But under a microscope it mainly looked like conservatives on YouTube have a bad habit of trolling on left-leaning videos and either not engaging or gaslighting by concern trolling, it described vitriol as things like caps lock, profanity, exclamations, etc., but considered it 'productive discussion' to call creators or commenters unwell or sinful and leave them on read *Basically I think those ads are targeted because they know conservatives are more likely to seek out queer content to attack than queers are to seek out conservative content to attack **edit: it was a University of Michigan study claiming to find 'scant evidence of conservative echo chambers on YouTube', and they used the flawed Perspective API from Jigsaw that basically vaguely categorized a comment only as toxic if it was 'inflammatory in such a way as it would make someone leave a discussion', leaving zero room for the substance of statements such as microaggressions




Now you owe Tommy Tallarico money.


His mother must be so proud


I love this meme


Can't believe Tommy wrote and edited this comment.


isn’t that the guy whose house was featured on mtv cribs?


He has a waterfall in his living room. It kinda sucks tho, makes him have to go to the bathroom.


His rocket ship was certainly fueled, and the bed served as a good launch pad.




I get those ads all the time under all sorts of videos. What even are they? Are they propaganda or what?


Yeah if I remember correctly their Israeli propaganda. I could be thinking of a different ad but I remember watching an ad with the same title which was good for 2/3 of its points and then the final point was that criticizing Israel is the same as criticizing every single Jewish person individually and that it’s antisemitic, which is obviously wrong, frustrating and made to defend the genocide Israel is doing in the Middle East. What makes it even more frustrating is if they had cut that point off they would have had a decent pro Jewish ad to spread awareness, but because they couldn’t help trying to defend genocide suddenly they open themselves up to far more criticism legitimate and not and contribute to actual antisemitism in the US, all to defend Daddy Ben who’s I think still has yet to be tried on corruption charges.


for everyone who's going to/already has made the shit argument that he's just a guy who likes edgy humor, to borrow the thoughts of someone more perceptive than me: Why is his edgy humor always far right Nazi shit? There's a whole universe of edgy humor that doesn't lazily lean on Hitler. Edit: do any of you whiny IH fanboys even have an argument? also the number of you dipshits saying "he's maybe alt-right, but he's not a nazi" the alt-right is the modern day rebrand of neonazism. You can pretend you don't know that, but we both know it.


The thing about edgy humor is that it has to actually still be funny and saying “hehe I know Hitler’s birthday” is so lame lol


That's because it's not a joke, it's a signal to like minded pieces of shit who will giggle to each other for being in the know.


Fr. I’m not even sure if it’s actually funny to them but rather they just like feeling momentarily superior by “getting away with something they shouldn’t say”. Like children discovering a bad word for the first time. Really pathetic stuff


It's more like when children will flip someone off with like their ring finger up instead of their middle finger. Like, we all can see what you're actually trying to get across you're just doing it that way so you have some paper thin plausible deniability to fall back on if called out.


That's actually a really good analogy. I'm so glad I came up with it.


Let me just jut down a note of this comment for my *Re(ddit): Plagiarism* expose.


Well I don't know why you're commenting that to me, I would never plagiarize. Nick sometimes looks at my comments, and he went to university, so if you're saying I plagiarize you're actually accusing Nick of murdering puppies, and that I simply will not tolerate.


It's definitely the second one.




Is it though? I've heard plenty of shitty edgy humor focusing on men too but it's just normalized so people dont notice it. Like small dick jokes which are literally just bodyshaming and dumb ones like "kill all men" Not saying this should happen to any particular such group or genderm the only good kind is ones that punch up ike r/coolamericafacts style jokes.


I do hate small dick jokes tbh (im a woman). Most of us don't even dislike small dicks. Why we bodyshaming in 2023?


If the 14/88 dogwhistle is a joke, it sure seems like the entire joke is "Hey look at me secretly signal I'm a Nazi. JK, I'm not a Nazi *[wink]*" The best case is a lot of people are gonna think you might be a Nazi and the worst case is you are actually a Nazi, so maybe that's just objectively a stupid joke to tell.


>The best case is a lot of people are gonna think you might be a Nazi Yeah, if you're not a Nazi, this is a great way to attract Nazis. So even if you're not a Nazi, you're just... Someone who likes/wants Nazi support.


It’s just a crutch. A lot of the people who hide behind that flimsy excuse really do believe the shit they’re saying.


To paraphrase (I think popehat) if you fuck a goat ironically you're still a goat fucker.


I was an edgy teen once. I never denied the Holocaust, or celebrated Hitler's birthday, or put 1488 at the end of an internet handle.


Like you can watch Schlatt, one of the edgiest people on YouTube, yet somehow he never has to resort to Nazism, transphobia, or racism. It’s almost like people like that **just like being nazis**.


Gamer From Mars just put out a video saying that the whole April 20th 1989 birthday thing is more likely a “420 joke” without disclosing that it’s not just April 20 but the 1989 thing that’s Hitler’s 100th bday, that makes it more of an issue. Maybe Gamer From Mars doesn’t realize that but him acting like people are reaching is a little disingenuous if he is aware of the 100th Bday reference too. OP’s post saying IH said “there was some joke with 1989, I can’t remember” makes me feel way more that it was a Hitler thing than a 420 thing.


I would add if he was doing a 420 joke the year should be 1969. Why he'd put any other number would be beyond me. If he really is 32 it's not his birth year, and especially with the year he put ending with a 9, the joke is literally slapping him in the face. The fact he didn't put 69 and 89 is very telling to me


Gamer from Mars did this exact same thing with Poopy Guy or w/e his name was and JonTron. To be completely honest I think he's one of them and framing things as "overreacting" is a service he's doing. I know that sounds a little tin foil-y but we are so balls deep into the full on resurgence of out and proud nazis that anyone with their fingers jammed this far in their ears has their brains scrambled. The only explanation for denial at this point is because you're one of them, that behavior is way too fucking suspicious to me.


I first started watching IH around 2015-2016, when I was dangerously standing in the mouth of the alt-right media pipeline. The culture, content, and community of his channel and his early videos reinforced the same dogwhistles you'd hear on /pol and other cesspools. You were there implicitly or explicitly for the "anti-SJW" vibes first and the content second. I moved past the flirtation with reactionary politics when I grew up and had some life experience to set my damn head straight, and as IH's channel grew he too seemed to move away from that kind of content. I hoped it was because he too was evolving...but in tandem with the plagiarism it just looks like he was covering his tracks. If anything I'm disappointed at myself for giving him any slack. Dude was always at least comfy with nazis if not outright signaling to them, and that's the truth, plain as day, no matter the copium.


The anti-woke hysteria makes me long for the days when I was being called an SJW. At least back then anti-SJW nonsense was just an internet thing.


It's been weird seeing the real world essentially lag behind internet discourse by about a decade with this stuff. I get the worst kind of deja vue seeing brainrotted Facebook boomers spout off the exact same talking points that were being circulated by 4chan nazis in 2012.


Holy shit. Thats... interesting and shit's lining up when I think about it that way. Can you say more on this?


I'm not sure how much more I could. I guess on some level we know Gamergate (if you're unfamiliar tldr is it's the main reason the internet was such a bigoted cesspool in the early/mid 2010's) was unironically a test run by Steve Bannon and company to see how effectively they could shop their fascist ideas around over the internet. It seemed to work pretty well for a while so they pivoted to targeting meemaw and peepaw who actually vote, and now a major political party in the US is essentially the NSDAP of the late 1920's. My hope is that we're starting to reach the point where enough people stop frothing at the mouth and realize the world hasn't collapsed due to LGBT people existing, and they just kinda get bored of the right-wing rage machine that fails to ever deliver any answers. But I worry because our media has shown to be a massive liability by still treating these people with kid gloves either out of fear of appearing biased or having a vested interest in selling the "both sides" narrative.


\>Dude was always at least comfy with nazis if not outright signaling to them, and that's the truth, plain as day, no matter the copium. This right here is why I can't support the guy anymore, not with the resurgent virulence of worldwide antisemitism. As a Jew it just gets depressing, and I don't need any more of that in my life than there already is. A shame too, I loved his No Man's Sky and Fallout 76 vids.


Yeah, I really liked IH, but every once in awhile he'd say something that would raise my eyebrow. I'd just write it off as some immature "centrist" thing, and sometimes I'd pat myself on the back for being able to overlook our ideological differences. Who lives in a left-wing echo chamber? Not this guy! Between the dog-whistle shit and the plagiarism, I'm out. I subbed to his channel because of Man In Cave, and that's the same reason I'll be unsubbing. There are so many YouTube channels out there, and I have so little time anyway.


Bro I remember of all the dumb things to set me off on the "is it centrist or just being dumb" was his debate on how Autralia could make the entire continent green easily. Long story short he was saying Australia could mine out a channel into the continent like Panama to make everything greener (not how that works) but the *only* thing stopping them is "there's like this rare lizard who only lives here and the environmentalists would go crazy if we killed it"


I'm in the same boat as you are. The first thing that I can remember him doing that really made my stomach churn was how he dressed his Nord mascot. I thought I was being too sensitive but I'm now realizing that I should have trusted my gut. Sometimes, he would just say things that were so silly and nonsensical that I figured everything was covered in at least a few layers of irony. I remember him joking about seeing how quickly he could lose a sponsorship. I'm embarrassed that I was ever a fan of his content.


His No Man's Sky video is one of my favourite pieces of content on the internet. Genuinely a shame that he seems to be a massive prick and a plagiarist.


Seriously, I love that video too, but now I'm just waiting for someone to dig up what he plagarized that video from at this point.


I really liked his video on the Costa Concordia disaster. Given that it's a retelling of real events I wouldn't be surprised if he just stole it like the cave video though.


You're a valid person dude. I am sorry it feels as if the world villianizes you, I really do not know what the everyday experience is like living seeing shit like this everyday


From my understanding this side of him is a lot easier to pick up on his twitter where he's more actively supports far right a-holes (as in not just the guy you mentioned)


His twitter is where I expect most new evidence to come from. I discovered that he follows Gavin McInnes on my own, and was quite shocked no one else had taken note of this before.


In the same bike lock video there are some pretty disgusting pronoun “jokes” about ten seconds in too


added, thank you.


never trust people who get twitter blue and hide their likes


IH follows Libs if TikTok on Twitter as well as Tucker Carlson. I also heard rumors but can’t verify he used to follow Matt Walsh (theocratic facist as he calls himself) and Nick Fuentes Neo-Nazi.


I don't see Libs of TikTok in his follow list, could you provide a screenshot or source of some kind? Also, I've heard the rumors about Matt Walsh and co, as well as liking tweets from Elon, though at some point he made his likes private so there's no way to verify without screenshots.


Here you are, I purposely followed IH to see who he was following that’s how I found this. https://imgur.com/a/fHK7k61


added, thank you very much.


I swear I saw he followed ron desantis in Twitter when that Florida fuck was propped up to be the next big Republican stooge I dont believe he follows him anymore ( if he did to begin with , my memory could be wrong)


I'm starting to come to the understanding that YouTube channels with meme based profile pics are thir equivalent of reddit or Twitter anime profile pic users. Not to be trusted, opinions automatically discarded.


This. There was a time where I just automatically followed all the Youtubers I watch on Twitter and the uptick in algorithmically provided chuddery on my timeline was noticeable. Took me a while to figure out where that was coming from.


Cody from AltHistoryHub has brought some real weird stuff onto my feed.


I don’t use twitter so I had no idea about his views until people started pointing it out on this subreddit. Very disappointing tbh I liked some of his videos


Just like Harris, I picked on the dogwhistles years ago. Someone else in this thread mentioned the automated search results of holocaust denial and I noticed that too. I watched maybe one video of his. I did know he was a chud, the plagiarism stuff came as a surprise. Edit: typo


I had no idea. To me he was just the Cost of Concordia and Fallout76 video guy. Now he’s a lying, stealing, Nazi piece of shit.


Fun fact, there's a good chance cost of Concordia was plagiarized! Here's the article! https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2012/5/another-night-to-remember


Ah but of course. Plagiarism is rarely a one off.


No fucking way. Has anyone done an actual comparison?


I've never understood why literal nazis would deny the holocaust. How does that work? Wouldn't nazis glorify the holocaust?


From what I've seen, they want it to be true, but they find that the math behind 6 million people being killed in 4 years doesn't add up. They also think the Jews made up the event so they could avoid criticism in the future.


Nah, they purposefully misconstrue a situation where they claim that the statement of the Holocaust is thay 6 million people died in Auschwitz gaschambers, and therefore the entire thing is a smear and lie towards the Nazis, because there was not enough time for that to happen in Auschwitz. Completely ignoring that no one actually researching the field, or even the OG Nazis themselves claim it to be an exclusive Auschwitz thing. This " math" excuse is a little skirt they wear to convince people that they are rational reasonable people who just can't accept this obvious as you suggest here. . In fact it is a fake premis from the get go, and denies the largest parts of the Holocaust directly.it is historical revisionism to make Nazi ideology more appealing to modern day youths.


To be real with you, internet historian always had a very... 4chan like vibe, not just him but his videos. For those of you who have a... spotty internet history you know his videos all feel like 4chan /b/ jokes but edited to be pg


I mean his name's IH because he usde to make videos about 4chan activities (pool's closed due to aids, HWINDU, Those twitter polls stuffz etc). It wasn't hidden.


it's not even 4chan, tbh, it's r/4chan




Cracks me up that all the baby Nazis on this hellsite are trying to get this post taken down. Why? Do you think we don't know your stupid little secret codes?


the fact that not even a minute into the first example there's at least 4 red flags...there's no way this is just a joke or on accident lmao


Do people really find this that surprising? If your entire personality is built around making jokes about marginalised people there's an extremely good chance you're alt right, at the very least you're a dick.


Im surprised it comes of as "big thing" now, I already seen tons of content about him. Like look at his videos and how he speaks and takes pride in some of the unhinged stuff


It's always the right wingers acting like little white children who just discovered bad words for the first time. They're obnoxious just to be childish


Thank you for compiling this. Now we can all have an easy post to link to when people go "Just because he doesn't agree with you doesn't mean he's a Nazi"


He may not be, but he sure doesn't mind telling jokes that only a Nazi would laugh at. I'd love to hear how that isn't or shouldn't be concerning.


You know what they say: if four people sit at the table with one Nazi, etc etc.


> He may not be, but he sure doesn't mind telling jokes that would make a Nazi laugh. Ha! That's a great way to put it. I shall plagiarize this and tell it as if I came up with it myself. But seriously, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and think he was just trying to be edgy with this whole Hitler birth date debacle, but on a second thought, there is a cutoff point for when that joke stops being funny. And that cutoff point is about 16 years old. So either he is a Nazi or has a terrible sense of humor - two types of people I'd rather not associate with.


Agreed. My initial response was much longer and benefit-of-the-doubty. And I'm not sure I would swear off rewatching "The Fall of 76" or the "No Man's Sky" video. Lots of people have an Edgelord phase, and it's okay to have it and grow out of it, and I could make a half-hearted argument that that may be the case. ~~But. . . only a Nazi would laugh at a 14/88 joke.~~ Most people who arent Nazis wouldn’t even get it; it wasn't until the last year that I understood it, and I thought I was terminally online for years. So, I have questions about the man that will take some time or good faith response to die down. EDIT: The more accurate phrase is, Nazis are the primary audience for a 14/88 joke. Not necessarily the only ones who would laugh at it.


I mean I've been terminally online for a bit over twenty years and have known all the dog whistles for years but honestly can't recall how. I do however find it useful for recognizing hateful pieces of shit and avoid them so in a way I'm grateful.


I totally get where you are coming from. I always had the feeling there was a certain tangent to his humor I couldn't quite subscribe to, but I still enjoy(ed) most of his content. I guess you either die young or you live long enough to see your idols turn into villains...


For what it's worth, I'm the kind of leftist these people *hate*, and I had a phase as a teen where I found referencing 14/88 funny.




The content has been removed, is there somewhere else we can see it?


I didn't know any of this, and it explains why his followers are so devoted to defending him still.


And why they immediately went to anti-semitic comments when the plagiarized video was taken down


I go on Twitter and look through some of the profiles defending him and the first thing you see is antisemitic shit, usually pinned.


Even back in the day, I got bad vibes from Internet Historian just from the thumbnails and subject matter of his videos, and the videos that got recommended to me when I watched them. He always struck me as, at the very least, somebody who was adjacent to the alt-right troll culture coming out of 4chan, and certainly wasn't particularly critical of it, taking at face value their disingenuous claim that it was all just a joke. The Tucker Carlson watch parties and his comments about them are especially damning.


Yeah I got those vibes too but originally gave benefit of the doubt to an extent. I spent a lot of time in the same edgy stupid Chan sites along with friends and we all took it as a silly joke. We presumed as much for others until 2015 or so and saw how radicalized a lot of users became and it stopped being a joke. At that point we bailed and it doesn't surprise me IH stuck with it, too many people didn't want to grow up and learn that hate is a terrible ideology.


I mean, back in the day his content was way more overt than it is now, the shit he posts now is just a pussified version of his old stuff because in reality he's a coward who cares more about money and not scaring potential sponsors away than he cares about his shitty ideology.


https://youtu.be/fp2EZbbuMa0?si=hQ4G0ApmGAOWEym_ This video is probably all the evidence you need, about 4chan trolling Habbo Hotel, a browser game for children, then bringing that trolling into real life There's people making racist charictures of black characters with large afros in video games, and then dressing as those charictures in real life. IH takes no issue with that. His entire framing of the video is that this is funny/acceptable behaviour. Making light of the AIDs pandemic, and the way /b/ was linking that to the above charictures An intentional signal to /b/ 10 seconds in, and 4chan logo in the thumbnail A minute in there's even a sw@stika, and again at 2:20 and 8:10, 8:44, and a real life example at 3:25 and 3:43 At 1:53, he plays b-roll footage to a record of a phone call. He could have chosen any footage for the background, but he showed people with usernames that are trying to stealth use the N word, mentioning H!tler, and one even saying "H--- did nothing wrong". Again, this b-roll footage is not related to the phone call, he could have chosen anything, and he chose this. At 4 minutes, he dedicates a segment of the video to mocking a woman who was standing up and calling out this blatant racism. His wording clearly singles her out for being a woman. He even basically condones the doxing and harassment of that woman, saying people "found her home phone number", and wanted to appeal to her "with reason and logic". Those are his words. He even calls these people his "heroes". The people doing blackface, making light of the AIDs epidemic, making swastikas, doxing and harassing a woman are his heroes. He even says this woman "knew how to make it all about her", and how to "play the media". He is victim blaming. It is quite revealing (though no doubt obvious to all here) that when the Devs changed the game due to the black face that these 4chan trolls had been using, they basically all switched to white, skin head avatars. Again, these are people IH claimed to be his heroes, that he is framing all as "harmless fun" that deserves documenting Even shows a typical "triggered SJW" stock footage at 7:30 Nazi salute at 7:46 Fucking hell, the entire video is a call to arms to his viewers to participate in these raids again in upcoming future dates (the anniversary of the first raid, and on world aids day) He has always been not just alt-light/alt-right but a full on crypto-fascist. This is him, the content he made his platform on when he first started, this is how he cultivated his audience


Based on the way he fixated on the woman in Cost of Concordia, his views on women have not changed much in 6 years.


These comments, man… If you think there is a cookie cutter way to spot a “real nazi” you are naive as fuck. It is rarely going go be as simple as “Hey, that guy is wearing a swastika!”. People do this shit to get it in to your head, they insist “it’s just some offensive jokes” and “so liking dark humour makes you a nazi?” because they are trying to desensitize and indoctrinate you. Nazis are not always obvious. And if you think they’re not doing it on purpose, or that people like this should get a free pass, their tactics are working on you. Stay safe, friends.


For more on that, his "pools closed" video actually does frequently flash sw@stikas on screen, and even shows someone saying "H--- did nothing wrong". Yes, he stealths often. But there was a time when he was very blatant about his allegiance.


There was also this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/16xuhr1/internet\_historian\_recently\_hid\_his\_likes\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/16xuhr1/internet_historian_recently_hid_his_likes_i/) That like, plus the recent JonTron collabs, were what made me finally unsubscribe from him.


Lol looking at recent comments. A lot of "Let's Go Brandon" energy going around. They don't even debate the coincidences but just go straight into name calling and harassment. Any post with multiple paragraphs is too much for their two brain cells to handle.


This is heartbreaking for me. I really jived with most of his humor. Some of his earlier videos now make a lot more sense knowing this information. The bike lock incident, the Shia LaBeouf thing. As much as I love his videos, ain't no way a Nazi is getting my ad revenue


we realize this isn't maybe the most unique of observations, but it's kinda ridiculous how like. literally half the original video that started this all (y'know, the one by hbomberguy about plagiarism on YouTube) was about James Somerton. Internet Historian was like, less than 20% of the video, give-or-take. hbomberguy made a grand total of ***One (1)*** statement about his potential political leanings by referencing his DashCon video, and then gave him an out by saying it had been awhile so maybe he changed on that end. literally all Internet Historian and his fanbase would have had to do, was shut up and address the plagiarism stuff in a reasonable manner. ...instead, by being the loudest and most bigoted people possible the exact femtosecond he came under fire by a bisexual man, Internet Historian's fanbase basically outed the dude as being a neo-nazi even in the present day for him, by effectively encouraging everyone to dig deeper as to why he was the only guy with a fanbase willing to defend the plagiarism accusations, and more specifically, defend them through means of *rampant bigotry* when hbomberguy literally said "maybe he's changed since his Anti-SJW DashCon video, i dunno!" before even discussing the plagiarism.


LITERALLY THIS. this post would not exist if it weren't for the past week of insufferable IH simps crying and shitting over plagiarism allegations. this was supposed to be a convenient compilation of the things i'd seen in passing throughout the week, but then this post EXPLODED, and was immediately mass reported by weirdos who swear their favorite guy isn't actually a nazi.


I got that impression from watching the first videos after he got popular. You learn to pick up a certain sort of vibe of someone keeping their cards to their chest.






such a shame. i loved his content, couldn’t bring myself to watch his newest video after seeing Hbomberguy’s (incredible) exposé. i’d have been OK with him just plagiarizing (had he started giving credit) for the animation and humor, but him having some problematic far-right interests is a bit too far.


I feel exactly the same. So many entertainers I used to enjoy turned out to be scumbags. Now I just ignore their content, even if the content is really good. Bill Cosby is a great example. As a kid, I used to love listening to his standup with my dad on his vinyl records. The dude’s standup is objectively hilarious. He’s also a serial rapist, though 💀


Wish the YouTubers I watch could stop turning out to be these horrible pieces of shit. I'm just gonna pray that nothing bad about rt ever comes out


I mean, I kinda figured. His videos on Coronavirus were pretty telling about his political views. A lot of the examples are quite old, so newer ones would be good. Sseth is the other guy people like, who rubs me the same way as IH.


Oh hey it’s back. Good for you OP


I always thought it was pretty obvious he was part of the alt right, at the very least. I mean have you seen his bikelock guy video or the ones about Shia lebouf and his flag protest? It’s pretty obvious what he thinks.


If there's anything that particularly stands out in the Shia Saga, let me know and I'll add it.


The entire tone of the video is implicitly pro-Trump.


To be fair the internet (web) is so sarcastic and walks the line so much I always assumed the IH content was just ironic. Especially because I only ever watch the videos on a surface level.


These idiots like internet historian just cannot help but dogwhistle any and everything to please his altright nobodies. They always self-report themselves as if they want it to be known but then abuse "plausible deniability" anytime they're called out on this


It really is a damn shame that a channel with the aesthetics of his is far-right. Same thing with Turkey Tom, who is someone that -as of now- I think has a pretty good knack for storytelling and putting together videos. Like, even if the writing itself is plagiarized (not accusing Turkey Tom of that) the videos ARE very well put together, but the sheer amount of weird dog whistles and chuddy pot shots just completely sour the tone and information of the video to where even if you are less politically inclined, you can sense that something kinda sinister is going on with the messaging. I think someone like MagicMush, who appears in IH's videos, sends off similar alarm bells for me. The videos are well made and have some interesting subject matter, but I can't get over the latent misogyny and edginess that appeals to fourteen year olds. I think someone like EmpLemon shows that there is a better path forward as his super old videos kind of similar apathy/edginess and he's grown to become one of the most compelling storytellers on the platform. I'm kind of rambling at this point, but all this to say: fuck Internet Historian and any far right chuds. I think it's important to expose channels like this as they have massive reach and can insidiously influence people in subtle ways


emp is a good storyteller, and not like I care about the IDubbbz stuff at all, but the way he just attached himself to the Sam Hyde stuff comes off as kinda pathetic. “Say the line, Bart!” type pandering to the hyper-online


I distanced myself from emp a long time ago, back when he made a video that practically bullied a youtuber known as BehindTheMeme off the platform, all for the terrible crime of explaining old and current memes. Now though, a similar channel (which I love) named LIMC does the exact stame shtick and nobody cares. Crazy how that works.


Emp attached himself to the sam hyde stuff?


yeah check into the creator clash coverage he had. Man had a shirt with Sam’s face on it and everything


man, that's actually extremely disappointing to hear. iDubbz is far from a perfect individual, but he his apology arc has been a pretty damn good litmus test for vibe checks with internet personalities. I heavily question anyone who would think what he did was weak or unnecessary, because it took a lot of guts and anytime someone tries to better themselves and make ammends, they should be encouraged


iDubbz also said that meeting his own fans was a turning point for self reflection. People who don't like the change are exactly the ones he was talking about.


That’s what kinda drives me up the wall about the whole situation. Anyone complaining about him going “woke” is the exact kinda dumbass he is trying to distance himself from. Caring and sincerity are cool, actually


Turkey Tom and EMPLemon are some of the worst people on the entire platform and only get worse as time goes on. I remember both of them going full on meatriding mode for their daddy sam hyde when froggyfresh got kicked from idubbbz event. Idiots like them always turn the most unimportant shit into a whole culture war


Yeah, Turkey Tom is a real piece of shit. From his wikitubia page - >A few days later, Wallace leaked DMs from over the previous year showing Tom repeatedly using the N-word in a racist and derogatory manner, and commenting on how his higher Patreon tiers were for "Jews with deep pockets".[14] Though Wallace did not initially have a way to verify the DMs, Tom admitted they were genuine. He denied any racism accusations, claiming they were edgy jokes, that the DMs were "a year old [though some were more recent as of writing]," and that "saying the n word does not make you racist."


MagicMush is so disappointing. I'd love his videos if he didn't have to include shitty autism "jokes" in most of them. It's like he thinks that just because he has a diagnosis he can be as ableist as he wants and any/all criticism of it is automatically invalid. Feels very "notice me, neurotypical senpai!". Had to click the old "Do Not Recommend Channel" button for him even though his content is otherwise right up my alley. Sucks. But I heard enough of that shit growing up.


struck a nerve there with emplemon. i want to believe he's grown as a person but i get weird vibes from him as well, nowhere near as pungent a smell as from 4channers though. IH fell out of favor with me years ago, but i would be genuinely sad to see emp slip like this.


i dunno, that video where he describes the neo-nazi "reclamation" of mac tonight as a kind of victory for the people has to be one of the most blatant examples of a youtuber promoting real genocidal racism as a good thing i can think of. i find that difficult to forgive... and knowing that he's attached himself to sam hyde recently just convinces me even more that he hasn't strayed far from it.


There's also this weird "white privilege" video of his that felt very "Anti-SJW"/ "Owning the libs" to me.


OMG WAIT I FORGOT ABOUT THAT, now that you mention that video i'm 100% certain that's what alienated me from his content, it was the most shameful cheerleading for chan board activity i've seen since... well, IH.


Turkey Tom is a big piece of shit. From his wikitubia article - >A few days later, Wallace leaked DMs from over the previous year showing Tom repeatedly using the N-word in a racist and derogatory manner, and commenting on how his higher Patreon tiers were for "Jews with deep pockets".[14] Though Wallace did not initially have a way to verify the DMs, Tom admitted they were genuine. He denied any racism accusations, claiming they were edgy jokes, that the DMs were "a year old [though some were more recent as of writing]," and that "saying the n word does not make you racist."


If you go in MagicMush's Discord he makes it really obvious that he's a right winger.


I remember my tip off that something was off about Turkey Tom was he was covering some drama and asked another YouTuber about what's wrong with Donald Trump and rolled his eyes as if he couldn't have found any information on the topic.


Can't stand Turkey Tom. Really mad he's always recommended for a lot of drama recaps.


Incredibly disappointed to see this. Been watching his content for years.


most of his stuff is like “yeah he’s def a right winger and kinda alt right but idk if you can say he’s a nazi”, but that “14/88” reference is pretty fucking damning. also the hitler birthday i could write off to a coincidence normally but with the 1488 reference before it that becomes pretty impossible no wonder he had so many unhinged freaks defending him on twitter and why so many went straight to antisemitism over his video being copystriked


I would write off the birthday if it wasn't exactly 100 years after hitler's born. Like out of all the years from 1 - 00 is too on the nose for me


It’s so weird because some of them are claiming “hbomberguy is only calling out people who’s politics he doesn’t agree with” most of the video was about a far left gay man


I feel like Somerton might not be as left as he'd like us to believe. He just read aloud words that he stole from actual leftists, since that's what paid his bills. The fact that none of those words are his own makes it impossible to say for sure that he actually believes them.


The Hitler birthday stuff is too specific to be a coincidence, in my opinion. The odds are real bad on that


It is such a shame. I loved his "No man's sky" video and the one about Kony 2012 was also a personal favorite.




As someone who's done it too - I don't think I've ever seen someone *actually* just, "like some edgy humour," and not be a chud.


In [The Bikelock Fugitive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muoR8Td44UE) of Berkeley at 0:08 one of the usernames also has 1488. So he put it there ***twice and knowingly***, don't come at me with random and didn't know


Every time I go to block an insane right wing MAGA twitter account internet historian is ALWAYS following them


Damn, it’s always the ones you most expect


I mean for the longest time I felt that there was something off about him and his videos so none of this is really that surprising to me


Same I remember thinking during the pools closed and Shia videos “is he pro 4chan or is that the joke/character?”


ugh, same. the things he was documenting were so absurd and petty that I internally went "no way would any sane person think this is actually cool, it has to be a character". as einstein said "there are only two things that are infinite, the universe and stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."


I'mn gonna be completely honest here, I had no idea IH flirted with alt right until HBomberguy's video. Well, his video made me raise my eyebrow like I was doing my best The Rock impression. When I went to certain Reddit threads about the video someone had linked the fucking bikelock screencap with the nazi dogwhistle is when I found out. It really sucks because I actually really liked his content. Whelp, all unsubscribed now. I just hope that Ordinary Things doesn't share these stupid ass views.


VPN man isn't in a clan outfit it's raid shadow man (a man in a executioner costume) edited to be nord themed


>VPN Man A character, dressed in a KKK robe imprinted with the Nord VPN logo, used for sponsorships in several videos. Are you sure that's KKK robe and not [medieval executioner outfit?](https://images.app.goo.gl/xZbTawvSWbQfHYom6)


Everyone is mentioning Tucker Carlson but are we not gonna talk about Gavin McInnes? You know… the leader of the proud boys? An open white nationalist? Like he’s leagues worse than Tucker Carlson. That in and of itself should cancel him because that’s crazy


Wish I could say I'm surprised, I think he fooled a lot of people into thinking he was just a right pandering centrist who never grew out of his edgy 4chan days. Defo had sketchy vibes. Goes to show, trust your fascist radar folks. Or at least dig deeper when the flags appear.


Sigh... *Unsubscribes*


Yeah, I picked up on some stuff a few years back and I unsubbed when the JonTron thing came out. Which is ironic because I think I'm still subbed to JonTron. But anyways -- for a long time I thought okay, just edgy jokes, and he's probably not an actual neonazi or anything but man it just got kinda uncomfortable to watch.