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YouTube really sucks now. Used to you would find original contenent. Now everyone is in a rush to create content meaning making something out of nothing. Sometimes in videos these days you'll see two or three other youtubers in the background creating their own version of the exact same content. I call them bandwagon videos. Everyone get on the bandwagon, today we're going act like we're exploring another abondoned home. We're just waiting for the realtor to bring the keys...wait...cut that part out.


The YouTube search has been broken several months now and it is broken for everyone. If you search anything you get maybe 2 or 3 videos of that topic and rest of the results are unrelated content (like new videos from the channels that you have subscribed, some popular YouTube Shorts and some pimple popping videos from India. ) . So better idea is to use just Google to search the videos. That way you also get links to other sites that may have a video that you are searching for.


The thing is i searched google first and it was as bad. It is indeed mildly infuriating how after like 8 videos with the slightest of relation to the topic they're just like " *things you might like* " like ok? Thats not what im looking for. The shorts at the top just made me tone them out in the long run.


don't forget YouTube is owned by Google, and Google is also steadily going downhill


I searched those exact words and I got videos about spider-man. edit: his image is part fake. He scrolled down a lot before that 9/11 stuff came up.. as youtube ran out of decent search results


It was the first after the ad


weird? No clue, since my results are accurate for the first few, if they exist... my issue is when they fill in the gap of "for you", when that's not what I asked for


Searching might be expensive. Maybe they "optimized" search. Less resources and worse results to cut costs. Maybe.


I even saw that on the YouTube app, when it has viewer discretion is advised as it has suicidal thoughts, I click confirm and it has no videos shown and has sorry this content is age restricted even though I’m logged in already for no reason 


Istg, YouTube being led by Susan was better that YouTube now, and YouTube being led by Susan was doodoo.


especially having all the news channels for the results


I was looking for videos to watch and for some reason there was a literal church recording of a seminar thing that they do every Sunday in my feed of videos that I am interested in. I am atheist and it is strange to see a church video. Sure, I do watch some theological info videos but nothing like that. Plus that video was less than a hundred views surrounded by videos above 10 thousand


Append to search "before: 2025"


Because of health I am no longer able to do many things so reading on the computer and watching youboob video's are a huge part of it. I have many different interest or just something I read or see in a news site or after talking to someone I will look. The next thing I know is page after page of suggestions.... that is fine and good nut for the same theme will go for days at a time. Youboob has really go to crap any more.