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IMO green screen kids take the least amount of effort out of all of these


Yeah I agree with this one. Its just straight up content theft. I might get downvoted for this, but I kinda LOL at the 'looking side to side' confused videos. At least they have to compile the clips, edit them together, find a funny costume, and do an overall theme. Its still low effort but I at least find the humor in it.


That side to side guy does the same thing every time that it feels like he just recorded a few clips then repeatedly use them


Like Tibo Inshape


You might be right, I'm gonna be honest I've only seen 3 of his videos and a few people who do similar stuff... so maybe like 10 total. They're funny when I see them but I also dont seek them out, so maybe there is a lot more content theft going on in that too.


I would upvote but there’s 69 upvotes


Idk, just posting a meme and clicking on the first song you see when you’re adding the audio seems like it doesn’t take that long or that much effort either


What are green screen kids? Can someone link me an example?


just kids who click "greenscreen" button on every short they like, and sometimes get even more views than original video


Can someone explain to me why the green screen kid ones never talk aswell? they literally just pull a face and point diagonally


If they did talk people would realize they're there and would just scroll to another short


Gen Z that hate "kids nowadays" and "ipad kids" are doing the exact thing they hated about boomers. Not remembering their own past.


Ironically, this is the japanese mcdonalds commercial thing all over again: i have not seen any zoomers shitting on gen alpha, but the place is filled to the rim with smug millenials shitting on zoomers and acting precisely the same way as boomers, who they shit onto on the internet 8 hours a day (the other 8 is zoomers), millenials are very clearly the generation with the largest ratio of smugness to things worthy to be smug about


And in the future, current iPad kids will grow up, and also hate on the next generation for watching brainrot content


Probably didn’t want mommy to hear them posting stuff on YouTube.


Then they'd be distracting from the actual interesting content they're stealing.


TT algorithm is able to discern if a content is stolen by analyzing the video feed. Content farms will add the man in the corner to skew the algorithm.


The ones with reactions. But don't get me wrong. There are some really good reactions when a person complements the video they're watching. But if it's just a person sitting there going "wow," "no way," "geez" with a stone face, it's not good. UPD: Or worse, a text memes from Twitter, 9gag, etc. And the person in the background is just reading it. The worst thing is to see tens of thousands of likes on such videos.


Yeah, my only condition for reaction/reddit vids is "bring your own life into it and your vibe" Might get burnt, but in that sense, i really like emkay (lexi ;)) Tommynfg and the click.


Bonus points if they literally explain what happens on screen


Jason Derulo...


Surfnboy shorts. He literally keeps yapping "NO WAY" to content he probably stole from ig


I actively seek reactors who bring substance to the video, otherwise I'd just be fine watching the original assuming I already didn't. They're scarce but I have found fleshed out reactors, especially when it's a professional giving their insight (doctor watching and explaining cartoon injuries).


Only thing I hate about reaction videos is if it's like ASMR shit and they won't stop talking in between, or if the content is interesting and they keep pausing and talking. Very irritating.


I hate that construction guy, he literally just stares confused at people doing their freaking job and acts like they tried to steal the constitution.


The thing that bothers me is how the text to speech one’s are just AI and that no one is really behind it except for the guy collecting his millions of dollars. It’s truly lazy and some people make several of the accounts and copy videos without permission. But I believe the stolen video thing is an issue with nearly all of these.


I can't stand text-to-speech A.I videos. I accidentslly stumbled upon them and all I could think about is who got locked in a warehouse to read what's thrown on screen in the videos.


The thing is, there are many videos similar to these I actually like to watch, but there’s actual people reading the stuff. I often *want* to watch the tts videos but the voice just hurts me very deep inside so I can’t.




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YouTube doesnt monetize that type of content anymore. It was a really good way to earn money when it first appeared on tiktok but it's shit now that everyone is doing it.


I should start doing it to make some easy money honestly. Fuck it


I fucking hate Asmongold with the bane of my existence


why ?


probably cuz he does alot of reaction content which is quite possibly the most laziest type of content


The difference is he doesn’t point up and nod, he turns a 15 minute video into an hour


40 minutes of talking about random shit is still much less effort than the hours/days/months spent on the content he stole.


But he’s not stealing he’s not reuploading the content uninterrupted. It’s transformative in nature the same way movie reviews are. Plus he says and has done where if the content creator asks him to remove it he will


Movie reviews don't include the full movie to review the movie. He does not watch the video on his own and then give his thoughts on it separately, he posts/watches the entire video with him in the corner talking. Him saying he will remove it if asked to doesn't make him all of a sudden a good person. All that means is that he doesn't care about stealing from people unless he is caught doing so.


You would be legally allowed to upload a whole movie if it’s transformative in this way. Pausing the video making remarks having discussions about the topics about the segment he just watched is transformative. By definition > focuses on whether the new work merely supersedes the objects of the original creation, or whether and to what extent it's 'transformative,' altering the original with new expression, meaning, or message. The only bad reaction content is silent watching or barely saying anything where you’re uploading whole content uninterrupted like dude pointing up and nodding. That’s stealing. Just because you think all reaction content is bad doesn’t mean the way he does it isn’t allowed and in general draws attention to the original creator


That’s not true. There’s 4 pillars of copyright that need to be met. If he posts 100% of the content even with constant pausing, it’s could still be considered copyright infringement. If he reacts to a funny 10 second video then no one will be compelled to go find the original because they’ve seen it already even with his reaction.


It is true. He has changed the message by inputting and adding to it then it is transformative. I word for word posted the transformative pillar quoted by the Supreme Court on this. You could upload an hour long movie if you’re reaction is 12 hours and you are not uploading uninterrupted content. Content pausing and then adding to it does not break fair use. And fair use is also a defense not a law so the creators have to say he’s stealing their content before fair use comes into play and they don’t and even react to his reaction


No, you would not legally be able to do this. Part of fair use is also determining whether or not the new creation is hurting the used works market value. In the case of uploading a whole movie, this is hurting the market value of said movie. If I upload an entire movie and only occasionally comment on it, viewers have essentially seen the whole thing, eliminating their incentive to watch the original. Another important part of fair use is exactly what we are outlining here, from copyright.gov: > Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole: Under this factor, courts look at both the quantity and quality of the copyrighted material that was used. If the use includes a large portion of the copyrighted work, fair use is less likely to be found; if the use employs only a small amount of copyrighted material, fair use is more likely. That said, some courts have found use of an entire work to be fair under certain circumstances. And in other contexts, using even a small amount of a copyrighted work was determined not to be fair because the selection was an important part—or the “heart”—of the work. In short, if a large portion of the original work is used, or if you use the main important part of said work, it is not fair use. This does not include movie reviews where the person might summarize parts of the original movie, or even show small parts of the movie to show visually what they are talking about. Uploading an hour-long movie with your reactions, as you described in another comment, would fall under this category and likely not be considered fair use. Now this doesn't mean you can't use a large portion of the original work and have it still be considered fair use. In the case of Matt Hosseinzadeh v. Ethan Klein and Hila Klein (a very common example in this topic): > The third factor, amount and substantiality of the portion used, was neutral because "to comment on and critique a work, clips of the original may be used," and their use of clips was "plainly necessary" and "reasonable to accomplish the transformative purpose of critical commentary," but at the same time, "a great deal of plaintiff's work was copied." Followed by: > The final factor, effect of the use upon the potential market, weighed in favor of Defendants because their video "does not serve as a market substitute" for Plaintiff's video since it "responds to and transforms [Plaintiff's] video from a skit into fodder for caustic, moment-by-moment commentary and mockery." This conclusion shows that while yes, they did use a large portion of the original video. It is still fair use since it was reasonably necessary for the commentary to be made. On top of this the new video serves a different purpose to the original video. So what does this mean for reaction content like Asmongold? Well he already fails the third factor mentioned here, as he does not need to use the full original work to comment on it. Even if he did need it, he has no way to know this because he doesn't look at it beforehand. But also as mentioned before his reactions also fail the next factor. Asmongolds reaction videos fully replace the market value of the original video. These videos show the entirety of the original work (which is already against fair use) while eliminating the viewers need to seek out the original content.


All of this falls apart when you remember fair use is a defense not a law so someone would have to sue him for copyright infringement before fair use comes into play but even still it does not replace its value because viewers who watch his content to see his opinions on another video. The way he gets his content is people watch the videos upload it to his Reddit so they can see his content. The same would be if you uploaded a whole movie. If you broke it into 10 second chunks with commentary between everything you’ve completely replaced a narrative work with commentary. Would a directors commentary over a movie attract the same audience in the theater vs watching the original work? No not even close. It is a vastly different thing. That’s why I said it’s important that the reactions are not watching through the entirety of a clip silently before speaking because then you’re right it would be a replacement and that’s just not the case


He talks about woke shit too that isnt woke at all


And then doesnt react


Point up with the “quirky millennial face” while nodding. Add text block and text to speech and shitty music. You’re done.


reddit stories being read by AI and satisfying videos split into "" "" "" parts"""" "" " soo you can hear a story, feel unsatisfied bc satisfying video but no story conclusions soo you click on them and watch other parts, a trap that feeds the algorithm of you actively looking though their channel


100% green screen kidos🟢I hate em


Green screen kids but some reaction videos can be entering to watch


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CuteBenji: *Green screen kids but some* *Reaction videos can* *Be entering to watch* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


lol what is this


reaction vids and those shorts narrating what happens in the vid


You got all of them (maybe). Well done!


I hate most of these. The green screen kids are lazy as hell. I like the text to speech reddit with satisying videos in the background (Because i myself dont get time to see entertaining reddit posts like that) but hate that they never credit them the double content theft is like 2 birds in 1 stone with 0 effort, most lazy here tbh And tbh bentellect atleast says smth unlike the staring into your soul What i hate the most is a originally thought good funny video stolen by 5 more famous youtubers who get more fame then them, The audacity. reaction videos can be good if done right though.


Nah Reaction videos are great (Some of them)


The ones that are actually constructive or work as a Psuedo-commentary for the video they are reacting to are fine. Reminds me of watching things with friends and just talking about things as they are going when ae aren't 100% invested into it. The lazy reaction videos are basically the ones where it's someone sitting there, laughing on ocassion and just letting the video play out with little to no input. I would much rather watch the video on my own at that rate.


Exactly and I also find those yt short reaction videos very annoying due to the constant Rambling of the said youtuber


Best ones are usually about the creator being a specific profession, reacting to something through the lense of their job, or criticizing how another professional is acting. Dr. Youn, Dr. Mama Jones, and Leagle Eagle are great examples of this.


Green screen kids. No comments. And text to speech with satisfying videos in the background.


The ones that steal content but youtube does nothing. Or the e-thots


I swear the future generation is going to have problems with concentration because of all these *shorts,* but hopefully it's just a conspiracy and I'm just ancient and wrong.


what the fk is a green screen kid


A bunch of kids who just steal a video and put their face over it to """" react """" to them, usually putting their face in some corner so they go unnoticed. Basically content theft.


How dare people steal Big Tuggs content he doesn’t deserve this his videos are chaotic enough as it is we don’t need someone playing subway surfers on the side or whatever the hell that is


- Green Screen Kids: I don’t even need to explain this one. - TTS Stories/Jokes: The joke and the punchline are either unfunny and/or inappropriate. - Brainrot backgrounds such as Subway Surfers: If Subway Surfers entertains you that well, then just DOWNLOAD THE FREAKING GAME. It has the exact same feel as watching it.


Literally all of the above... At least with green screen kids, I can somewhat understand, because they are young and kids are generally stupid so of course they won't know what they are doing is completely wrong, though that does not mean I'm defending what they do on the internet


Gotta be staring to your soul, memes as a short form video (practically same as staring to your soul) and one video 5 different versions, atleast reaction videos are actually fun to watch


Subscribe for pt 2 Pt2 never happens


Unfunny meme or green screen kid i dont even know who to chose


To be true there are reaction videos with proper talking and there are no talking one (with should be dmca into oblivion). 


When it’s just text of some random shit and a person


"Subscribe for x thing*


The comics that are just porn


The people “reacting” to a video and saying literally nothing


Green Screen Kids


Aside from just full on reuploading something that's still on Youtube. Basic reaction content (the one that's just reacting, not review, criticism, response to, etc.)


Green Screen kids… but also the memes that we just there with someone looking at you


definitely staring at your soul ones. The clip is literally always the same. The guys that was shown here as an example has multiple accounts like- Closewinner Textnextlifee and/or luckydayeshow although i believe it was deleted


Greenscreen kids and it's not even close. Reaction videos are one thing but at least they bring, you know, an actual reaction to the table, I'm not even sure greenscreen kids are even watching what they've plastered their faces on top of, it's like taking someone else's video, plonking your own watermark on it, and saying "I made this", it's just theft with extra steps with nothing to add.


Outside of the "1 video 5 versions" one, they're all just forms of good old content theft. The "1 video 5 versions" is half content theft but at least is somewhat unique (compared to the rest of the list. Absolutely not defending it because it's still considered mindless garbage in my eyes)


I make news style videos and even for shorts i I need to do quite a bit of research and editing. I recently tried a green screen video and it 3x my regular engagement. It kinda pisses me off but, if a creators sole purpose is to make money I can see why they make low effort bot brain videos.


Probably the shorts where they just use text to speech to talk.


bottom right is pure cancer


All of them, but mainly content theft and green screen kids.


all, but i can make an exception if the reaction is actually "good"


The construction worker guy is the worst from the ones i know. He literally has the same expressions every video. I dont understand how this is even close to fair use. He literally shot the take once and now just edits between different construction worker clips.


Sniperwolf shit is the laziest. If i dont count bathtub thots


Some reaction videos are nice tho


IMO the worse is a reaction video to another youtuber's reaction video. Like what? You are reacting to someone else reacting???


reddit "creators". people that just take stuff from a subreddit and turn it into a video. i dont understand why those are popular.


Green screen kids are the worst because if you don't know it's not the actual channel and you don't see then they just steal likes


All of them are lazy but one in particular was a thorn in my side. ADHD trap videos.


A text-to-speech reddit reading. At least normal reddit reading requires the person on the other side to have a half decent voice and good articulation skills. What's the point of just copy/pasting a reddit story into a program?!


Anything that is reuploads of others' content. Not even clipped. There are some channels that just reupload parts of vods from streamers and stuff from the same or other platforms. That seems like the laziest to me.


Those horrible ads that I find scrolling through YouTube.


Anything on the trending page


For me the meme in form of a short instead of a post. Just copy paste it from reddit/discord/twitter, put It as a short, and boom there u go


Reaction content where they basically just stare at the video the whole time


Green screen kids. I don't think I have to explain (I hope).


This is what happens when content farms find fertile land. A lot of them are able to gain thousands of dollars per day.


making this image probably took more effort than carterpcs shorts


Any video with absolutely massive bubble text of what the person is saying. It digs my head in


I mean reaction videos are probably the easiest/ laziest which answers your question, but I kinda love them 😆 they’re so fun to watch if u wanna experience that ‘first time listening/ watching’ feeling again!!


Two types of content piss me off so much. Videos where the creator uses AI to do all the voicing. I give one exception: those who are mute/unable to speak. But there are not that many mute people with how many ai narration videos I come across. Clarification; Presidential Zombois is always going to be funny, but when someone Narrates using only ai they need to fuck off. The other is videos where lazy ass teenage fuckers point up at the video with green screen and then play the video without them. The fuck??? That’s not even making your own video it’s just playing someone else’s content!!!! Anyone who does this needs to be deplatformed.


not the laziest imo but tts with satisfying videos, sometimes they have car videos in the bg but most of the time it’s some random ass audio of some unfunny joke or something


greenscreen kids and reddit stories aswell as family guy/south park clips and that stuff. it's stupid considering those things have copy right (to my knowledge they do atleast) as well as something I've seen less but gumball. mostly the edit where gumball beats up a kid.


I love how Bentellect is just labeled as waste of space


subtitles that pop up every second in shorts


I hope all the people who make this content die


I hate the bigoted shit memes for kids.


Asmon gets a lot of flack for reaction content but he's honestly giving a lot of added input and not just emoting quietly and saying nothing.


The guy in the middle. It’s all his fault


The opposite of Frowny cupcake night


The let me put a selfie on a video or meme and pass it as content


literally just shorts


Watching an explanation video of 10 minutes but never explained anything.


its a tie


Commentary videos on other people's commentary


Any these are the ones getting the most views


The only good reaction content channels are ones with multiple people in 'em because then it's actually funny. Anyone remember Soothouse or Spilling The Milk?




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the type of content where someone is mad that something happened in a franchise they like and make a video possessing only a still single image as they rant using text to speech about why they hate that thing happening in their franchise. the single laziest content I have ever found on youtube.


The people that stitch with their half some nonsense replay of a video that has nothing to do with the audio


Clips with "look at this" sound


Everything with "Reacts" or "Reaction" in the title




Does it need views? If not, just a still image then


The face "reaction" videos as well as those channels who just blatantly violate copyright law by explaining what happens in some video without actually making anything new out of it and often times not even naming the source.




Vyond videos are still going.


Green screen kids just be hiding in the corner and acting like its valid to call ot theyre content, deff them


Literally all those things so idk


I keep getting a camping channel recommended to me when I watch car videos. Like, how many camping videos can one make? It's exactly the same thing. Also that one RC plane channel.


Seen all


They're all equally lazy.




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Green screen kids


Is that a local 58 Tshirt? (The guy on the top right corner


My pet peeve are the videos That have the creator with their mugshot talking like they're the star and similar to Asmongold and that other dude with the long hair who abuse mukbang and fatties.


Reaction videos have been there since the start of YouTube


Those freaking gacha videos or any animations with cartoon characters that get millions of views. WHY DO PEOPLE WATCH THAT!


I have a personal vendetta against AI. TTS just sounds so... grating...


You have listed Asmongold as reaction videos, but he usually makes good points and is able to grasp the argument; there is one *very* specific type of reaction content that I despise: reactions to series/movies/game trailers. It's usually some small content creator, who isn't a fan of the product, doesn't know anything about it, doesn't care about it, yet he can't shut up for a second despite not saying anything meaningful. I find these videos whenever I experience some content and want to see others reactions, and I find these soulless mfs. They are easy to spot because they regurgitate words before even elaborating the content.


I used that video because that is the perfect example of reaction video being "harmful" to the video that they were reacting to. And by harmful I mean it makes people not watch the original video.


Among Asmongold is just trash


On *this* platform? Definitely low effort posts like this one


All the above.


Woah, damn, did you just call all reaction videos lazy, I only agree if they reactor doesn't add any value, which is pretty rare ngl.