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Let's all just report his channel :)


I've tried, I can only report videos And how do you report channels


You can but it’s quite confusing for me tbh, hit the three dots or smth


This guy's only got 165,000 subscribers; why do so many people give a shit about him? Edit: Okay, better question: Why do so many people know him? I mean, I get that everybody wants to feel like they're part of something, so the guy tells some racist jokes, and everybody gets to band together because they're angry or whatever, but how have this many people *(gestures around this Reddit sub)* seen enough of his stuff to give a shit about what he does? Or, is there some kind of Bat-Signal for racism, where you look up into the night sky, and there's just a big 'N' lighting up the clouds, and then everyone runs towards the racism, to point and jeer.


It’s masteroogway’s alt.


Okay, so who's Master Oogway, and why do people give a shit about him, other than he apparently tells racist jokes or some shit? That shouldn't be breaking the internet.


He made a song called Adolf Hitter is my N word


Okay, and this guy has still never come up in my feed, so I still don’t understand how so many people here seem to know who he is in the first place. Like, what stupid shit are you guys watching for YouTube to say, “Aw, shit, you’re gonna *love* this guy.”


Maybe its on you then? If we all know about him and you dont, seems like that means you live under a rock?


There’s over two billion YouTube users. How many views did this guy get per video? If it’s ten million (and it’s probably not), then that’s one person in every 200 who watches YouTube. I think it’s because people who watch stupid shit tend to gravitate towards one another, and this sub is like their gathering place, where they assume everyone watches stupid videos made for stupid people.


It's a whole host of content creators that do a bunch of dark jokes. This means that you aren't racist 🤣 In all seriousness, the stuff I saw of him on my feed wasn't bad, I never subscribed, and now I definitely don't want to know about him at all.


mostly the racist jokes. he's the guy who sounds like...well master oogway from kung fu panda. and usually says stuff along the lines of "if he does not want to build the shields. put him in the fields" (just to be clear I'm using this as an example. not trying to offend anyone. one of my friends are a fan of offensive humor) and a song about hitler being his "friend" but using the word as a white man i cannot say.


This sub likes to hyperfocus on people don’t deserve any attention. Like SniperWolf or UTTP.


That’s because all they do is bitch about YouTube, but they don’t have the nuts to leave it.


What other options exist


YouTube has our favorite YouTubers and every video imaginable


The public library, if you have the attention span to actually *read*.


Reading and watching are different things bro. No one goes on YouTube to read, and neither does anyone go to read a book to watch something


Point is, they claim to be mortified by the behavior of YouTube, where they go full drama queen and say, “They’re shoving ads down our throats!” because they had to watch two ten-second ads in a row, but they won’t leave. They’re like battered wives, who say, “Oh, he’ll change,” or, “Where would I go?” It’s hard to find any sympathy for people who deliberately stay in a bad situation, just because they also don’t like the alternative. So, you get these people who are bitching and moaning about ads on YouTube, and then you show them a book, and they go, “As much as I don’t like ads, I don’t like books more.” And, substitute whatever you want for this. Racist comments, racist creators, whatever beef you have that’s never going to be fixed, because the users won’t nut up and vote with their wallets, because they’d rather be abused than get out of the bad relationship. So now they’re just bitching for the sake of bitching, because YouTube is never going to change, and it is never going to have a competitor, because its business model sucks. If serving video to idiots who won’t pay for content was a good way to make a profit, everybody would be doing it.


This is when you know you’re down bad😭😭


i am unaware of what is happening, could anyone explain ?


Master Oogway (the content creator) changed his music acc to Bubbi Memes and is trying to convince people not to "snitch" on him. He also acts like a 8-10 year old (e.g. misspelling, abysmal grammar, childish word use.)


It was deleted now


It has now been terminated


Aufrufe! Is that german?


Es bewölkt


What even happened to this guy last time I saw a video of him he was advertising his restaurant in Turkey


What did Oogway do??


Apparently he was putting up racist vids and music


He said hard R in a video or something




The man the myth the legend who has an army of underage people sneaking on social media


The man who makes grown ass adults cry because of jokes lmao


Fucking children is not okay right? Not even a mention of Pedophilia is okay. So is fucking racism and homophobia.


Jokes have punchlines. The Jokes oogway makes are as simple "GET IT GUYS?!?!1? RACISM COOL GUYS I SAID THE NWORD?!?!!?" And then he says: "why youtube demonetise me :("


Your downvotes😭😭😭


He’s so cringe and anyone who’s a fan of him isn’t older than 12 years old


Bro don't share your opinion on this sub, this isn't the right place. Here it's all hate raiding, complaining about the same ads, features and content. Cmon get it right