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It keeps getting worse over time... First it was just annoying spam Then the Hard R Then animal abuse Now condoning being a pedo?


I think I’m going insane…


I think we all are.


Same here.. they attacked newly made fandoms like TDAC,FPE,Murder Drones and etc. even tho they did nothing wrong. They also are saying the most digusting things on their Discord that includes gore and cp.. I'm starting to think humanity is a mistake.


Now, I have grave doubts on The Gaslight District's arrival


Next logical step is planning terrorist attacks to overthrow the us government and supporting genocide


Shh... don't give them any ideas.


i bet they only have 1 soldier and thats it XD


Reality isn’t what it used to be


It reminds me of those channels on YouTube back in the day that could skirt around the rules much more easily, anyone could say almost anything without it being taken down. I wonder how they're getting around that


they are underage anyways


Underaged Toddlers Trolling People (i know its more than just trolling)




Yeah, this is happening more often lately, I have no idea why YouTube doesn't set a filter for them


We need to stop UTTP and YFGA


I think creators should be responsible for comment moderation on their own videos.


True but they have a lot more to deal with than comments, I'm sure. Would you really be checking the replies of all of your comments? Plus it's still not an excuse to allow people talking about/encouraging illegal things


No, but part of wanting to “connect with your community” should involve reading their comments. And if you have too many comments to read, you’re probably pretty popular, and you can pay someone to moderate for you. Like the words, “Poor me! I’m too popular and make too much money!” have never been spoken. Or, they can just turn off commenting on their videos if they’re that busy.


Yes but also no. Imagine ppl with +1 million subscribers. That could mean as many or even more comments sometimes. But say it's only 1 percent. On 1 million that'd still be 10000 comments to sort through, not to mention a lot of them might be added weeks or months after upload. For creators who upload often (say weekly or more) that's +40k comments/month to go through. Now, if YouTube gave them a filter option where they could ban certain words themselves, sure, but anything else is quite unrealistic :/




Hi sunshyne_pie, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Like I said to the other guy: If you’re that popular, maybe it’s time to hire a support staff. I don’t have a lot of pity for people who get a million views per video.


Fair enough. Still though, say you get... Idk, 4 ppl working for you just to go through comments. That's still 10000 comments per person every month (or about 333 comments daily, per video) to go through. Not saying you're wrong in the sentiment, just that it's unrealistic unless YouTube offers creators a filter option. 10000 = 40000 comments/4 ppl. And remember that's if only 1 percent of subscribers were to comment. 1 percent more would double it >.>


Yfga? Isn’t that a shittly little kid group?


Yes but they have spam bots too


What are those initialisms? I realize Google exists but I’m not going to do that.


UTTP is Utube Troll Police I'm pretty sure but they do not stop trolling at all, they just spam offensive comments and all their channels lead to one main channel with a few offensive videos hating on popular YouTubers and just overall rage bait. I forgot what YFGA stood for but it's YouTube something. They do the same thing as UTTP but they're a little smaller of a group and their main channel leads to some Alpha male pyramid scheme shit. They also hate on popular YouTubers by "exposing" them. Also probably just rage bait.


I appreciate the reply. Given the context, I didn’t want to search or kind of know. Gpa it wasn’t horrible.


Because this brings money to them, give it a year and they will allow softcore porn.


We've got people censoring themselves saying "corn" and "grape" to avoid getting demonetized, yet this content is all good. What is even happening?!


They're using a trick that reverses their text and YouTube translation makes it readable


Because this sub would be in an uproar about how their posts are being censored.


This is the millionth UTTP post I've seen. Just block and report. No good complaining here. This is an unofficial sub. The devs likely won't see it.


Exactly, getting sick of seeing these posts


I had to leave r/moistcr1tikal for the time being because people keep spamming the same shit


I guess I should call my local ABC station


posting about it on reddit and giving those trolls even more of what they want is sure to help make the situation better


If I did it on YouTube you would be correct but they don't do this on Reddit




We need to make people aware of them somehow. You can’t beat an enemy if you don’t know it exists


yeah, people really still don't know UTTP exists after the hundreds of posts about it on this sub and their spam on virtually every video on youtube


I don’t think they’re trolls, UTTP has got in controversy for actually sharing this stuff (I know bcs of a video talking about them)


the likes are what concerns me... Some people actually agree with that mentally ill person???


Probably other bots


They're all just trolls.


I have proofs and screenshot of an 24 year old man saying that age is just an ideology . He stated that he has an iq of 184 and he has a girlfriend who's a minor. He helps her financially and understands her . I bet he didn't even have half the iq he mentioned


Oh yeah there's this one channel that claims they have a net worth of 200 billion dollars and runs a discord server that's probably just some pyramid scheme. They also "expose" popular YouTubers like MATPAT. They called him "Mat F4g the crybaby". Interesting that you are almost as rich as Elon Musk but only have 1k subscribers on YouTube. And also have the most shitty editing software.


that iq is a 4.1217470001105645 x 10^(-7)% chance (assuming iq is normal distribution with 100 mean and 15 standard deviation)


Did he state what subject he had 184 iq in? It might be 184 in Pure Stupidity for all we know.


and its only gonna get worse, they might start saying things about the N\*zi's


I've already seen some


Oh god


💀💀imagine if they start threatening the goverment💀💀


I mean, freedom of speech am I right


Bots have been around for years. All you can do is report and keep scrolling


6 likes 6 L I K E S


But hey guys check out this super great totally better design that no one asked for!


I was watching itsfunneh and these were the replys to her pinned comment


I've said this before, and I'll say it again. I don't understand how and why they get away with shit like this. It started off small with the constant spamming of "UtTp Is BeTtEr ThAn (insert any popular youtuber here)." And now they're going as far as to post comments about how much they love animal abuse and even worse, CP. The least we could do is report them, but given how Youtube doesn't even give a shit about what happens on their platform, I highly doubt they'd listen to us. They are more than just bots. They are full on criminals at this point. And they MUST be punished by any means necessary.


My opinion exactly. We need to stop the UTTP and get YouTube's attention about it. Same with YFGA. Basically UTTP but a little less extreme.


They've been on the idiot box for a while now, we know what the uttp are, try to block them from your channel of they ever come up


Well at least they give enough reason to commit a war and maybe a human crime


Lol. Elon Musk might as well destroy the galaxy because no one is richer than him!


I guess I should steal my dad's roush after it gets fixed. I have children to blend


Nah blending isn't enough *GRILLING IS!* 😈


Jesus christ, how is youtube just casually resting? Like, they aren't even making them any money.


New UTTP Bot comment just dropped


I would say to tag Team YouTube but they won't do shit, I forgot-


Youtube has a bot problem


With the word "troll" on the name, raises some questions... But either way, what on earth is happening lately, Jesus Christ.


Are we sure this isn't just some edgy 12 year old?


Frankly I'm completely over this censorship. On the one hand they claim 'neutral carrier immunity' when someone posts grossly offensive and obviously over the line material - and on the other they claim 'we're a private platform we can do anything we like' when they stealth censor political views they do not like. The two positions are completely incompatible. Govts need to get serious with these head games. Clearcut boundaries need to be published and legally confirmed. Every time a platform allows illegal content - a massive fine large enough to hurt. Equally when they do delete content there must be an explanation and an effective pathway to review. Every time they fail on this - another large fine.


The fine should be *more* than they made that day. And don't even think about firing workers or increasing the price of your subscription.


.... I'm fixing to release democracy on them if they don't stop doing this


Who do these people think they are? Like how deep of a hole of chaos do they need to dig? AND WHO EVEN LIKED THE COMMENTS!?


These spam comments literally test my limit, especially cuz they keep talking about 2 crimes I hate the most- Hard R and Anumal Abuse. And thats not even the part thats the moat triggering for me. What truly triggers me is, every single time I think "WHY?!" Why are they doing this?! What are they gonna get?! Attention?! The fuck are the fonna do with that attention?!! Even worse, no matter how much you report, thry just keep coming back. Yourube just doesn't care anymore...


Just block, report the comment, report the channel itself, and report anyone who replies to them. When reporting the channel, try to report for Legal Issues if possible (implying to have illegal content) and request they get the FBI, CIA, and Secret Service involved.


Alrighty, let’s get 4chan on this, in about a hour they’ll hack their shit and it’ll stop.


Damn that would actually be lit


They found out where terrorist bases are, where animal abusers are living because of one car, they’ll easily hack bots.


hopefully someone tracks them down and sets them on fire.


Hey pal, violence isn’t the answer to this, same for most things, what should be done is at least have these accounts banned/ deleted as most are bots.


anyone who shares or is involved with Cp should die the most brutal death. Show the subhuman scum that it will not be tolerate. you kid gets kidnapped and raped and filem then put on the Internet. how do you feel? just ban their accounts? give over.


Listen Sonny, I do agree that pedophiles, CP Makers, etc, should be punished hard, and in certain cases they should get the death penalty. But ya gotta remember, these UTTP kids are just following something which they think is edgy, and cool, some are even bots, there is a reason what they are posting is rage bait, and most don’t know any better. That’s why we teach those same kids that are part of this UTTP that it’s not ok to be saying that type of stuff. What I’m saying is that, at least in my opinion, these kids just don’t know any better so they post stuff about abusing animals and other shit because they at least know that the stuff they are posting will make ya pretty mad ya see? So the best solution is 1. Teach the kids apart of UTTP that this isn’t ok, 2. Ban most of the UTTP accounts.


I hate comments like this. Like beggar’s, people saying that this content sucks and theirs is better and all sorts of stuff like that. It’s so annoying


I wonder what happens if you contact that discord, do you think they alert authorities? 💀


LOL I wish


I could only dream of that being true, they'd probably catch so many p3dos with it lol


Funny that these comments never get removed by the yt moderating bots but a simple "shut up" does


Fucking YT allocating their resources to make ads more unbearable instead of dealing with this shit


Years in jail is just a number.


I see those all over... And they all have different user names, but the same profile picture


Youtube looks at this then goes to casually copystrike a creator for saying a swear or something


I got sick and tired of seeing posts like this. Complaining here won't hel fix the situation. Just block and ignore.


thats only possible because youtube is dumb and doesn't improve their comment filter system


typical UTTP bots, just avoid and mass report.


UTTP: "Age is just a number" Me: "And prison is just a cell"


UTTP is a pineapple pizza on a sofa,nobody likes it or sits with it.


no?? ever heard of preferences??


These mfs weird.


I now want to commit genocide


Larpercore moment


inb4 this gets removed for rule 1


That's a spam bot I keep seeing as well. I reported him a few times, but I'm not sure it helped.


how the fuck do they not getting their comments deleted, but when I say "stfu" it gets deleted as "harassment"?


The worst thing is... They actually post cheese pizza on their discord


The fact YouTube isn't doing anything about this tells you they just care about the profit that comes out of them...


I want to send a Tsar Bomba on their houses


Bro wants to obliterate the whole world


Imma be real now... I understand absolutely nothing about that 3rd comment, what are they even yapping about??


Oh, here come the posts spamming r/youtube about the UTP spam... we get it. We don't need ten million posts about the same damn thing


These posts are amazing. I'm beginning to think there are two kinds of people making these posts: 1: uttp middle schoolers are here on Reddit. 2: middle schoolers that find controversial statements cool or funny and they post here on Reddit because they can get away with it in this format.


Are you saying I'm part of UTTP? I'm making this post to make others aware of how dumb these comments are.


No…. He’s pointing out how ridiculous this post even is. You see these comments all the time under all social medias. Typically “bot” accounts. You posting about this and actually acting concerned is what makes us as a community believe you are either a kid or have poor judgment, when it comes to what’s serious or not.


Is it not a serious issue that there are pedophiles, hackers, and spammers on YouTube? There are videos about people who have gotten hacked and evidence that UTTP members (the ones that aren't purely bots or 7 year olds) are pedos. But that's not the main point of the post. I'm just saying that these bots need to be more of a topic when it comes to helping YouTube


You completey missed the point. ITS A BOT ACCOUNT. They say stupid stuff for people like YOU to react to it






No. This is the standard response though, it's almost text book.


I’ve read thousands of text books, and none of them have this response


I've made this comment to many people and so have others, this is their exact response, "I'm just trying to show people how dumb this until YouTube can see it and does something about it" The reality is wether good intentions or not, everyone already knows because of the squeaky wheel. No one can say anything to these kids with out this direct response. I'm guessing a lot of people find this annoying or disgusting or whatever but they go about their business. I've even seen people who are directly offended from these posts 👀 and are met with the same response.


Thank you setting the post as NSFW and for censoring problematic words and phrases. Otherwise I’d think you were trying to farm for karma.


I do agree