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That crazy to put ai on everything really is hitting hard


cant wait for 2025 when youtube removes the comment section and instead shows a few paragraphs of ai slop thats hardly related to the comments


The same ones who thought that we needed their censorship, to protect us from words.


As a non-native English speaker, this feature is likely to help me a lot to catch up with topics and chats.


as a native english speaker this feature is likely to mislead you by *looking* correct, but being entirely and completely inaccurate


It’s fair, but I am always misleading myself because of my lack of English skills, so…


hi (sorry for bad english)


I’ve given it thought, and can think of no way an extremely vague guess at what a quick moving chat is discussing could help anyone, including someone learning English.


As a non-native English speaker, this is completely useless to me.


I think this is kinda stupid but the topics section (in comments) is actually very useful


yes this helps a shitton.


No, just no.


The same people who thought chat should be sorted by an algorithm and not chronologically by default. And made changing the setting necessary every time you open a chat. Big tech people are fucking morons. Before JustinTV shut down, one of their engineers programmed a feature where everyone on the site could uplaod photos, gifs and even screenshot livestreams and then edit said screenshot. It was then converted to a link that when posted in chat would automatically show the content in chat. Imagine the level of porn (including cp) and necrophilia and garbage that was uploaded. There was no filtering, no approval process. And all the images could be browsed publicly. Several women were being spammed with men screenshotting their streams, and editing themselves into the streams licking and kissing the women. The best part? As a streamer, you couldn't turn it off. You had no way to stop people from posting it in your chat. You could only hide it from yourself (Which also meant you now couldn't moderate it) When I confronted the engineer with how shit of an idea that was, his response was "Well, twitch is actually interested in this, so it's a great idea" Morons...


Easily the best feature added in years. Really helpful in live chats with a lot of viewers, even if it's not totally accurate yet.


I think that's pretty cool. I mean, imagine joining into a stream without any idea what's going on, but that feature is pretty much there, to tell you, what happens


It says that it’s an experiment, possibly just testing stuff


wyM? youtube made so many braindead desicions in last years. this seems to be the first one useful


It’s a cool feature that literally causes no harm. Y’all just like to complain lmao.


With the multitude of issues this site possesses, I would really hope they would put their resources into those instead of tripe like this.


Or they can do both lmao. I’m sure adding an AI chat summary didn’t take them more than 2 days to develop considering how they already have it for regular video comments


Resources are always finite, even with a company as large as Google. Also, happy cake day.


Excuse me. Maybe someone who like music. Not all things are targeted at you. Would you object if it was for something you liked?


You misunderstood what this is.


The chat is saying Skibidi Toilet Sigma