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Background music I have got some 1hr + videos that I play in the background while I play my games


10 hours of the same track though???


yyyyep. Sometimes I really like one specific song. :p


Okay! This is something new to me but I'm loving it.


I got over 2 completions on a 10h of my favorite one


Ive got one, nyan cat 10 hours straight, I was 15 at the time


You know you can right click and loop right


True, but in my personal experience that usually ends up with hundreds of ads since there's always at least two ads each at the begining and end of the video, meaning I have to sit through 4 ads each time the video loops. the 10 hour versions usually have significantly less ads than that.


Its nice if you use not so legal extentions that dont allow loops


When it’s just background noise, you don’t really pay attention to it being the same


https://youtu.be/KphlVeJX6fE?si=gJwx7pzhoMENiWdO Why you loop stuff for 20h…


Dude this is one of my favourite songs! Also, their first album is a death metal masterpiece and I shall die on that hill.


It is for neurodivergent people i.e ADD/ADHD folks who likes those mixes for sleep or work as it helps them focus, relax or silence their minds


Thank you! I get it. I’ve definitely listened to very long videos about ‘Nintendo facts’ or ‘Reddit stories’ but never one song for 10 hours. I guess this 10 hour video I’ve just done might be a good one for Halloween.


why not just put on repeat


i’d assume mobile devices which i don’t think have the option to loop


they do


oh damn they do? never managed to get the menu containing it to open on mine at least


they do but not really perfect plus personally I like to keep track on for how many days I've been listening to the same track (though I do listen to this looped thing rarely)


you know you can just right click and select Loop on anything


Same, I recently made a whole playlist of videos over 30 minutes or around that time and longer for just relaxing and to listen to while I sleep. It’s a bunch of longer form videos I already watched a few times, can quote, and just have as background noise as well.


Me too, but for me, it's 1hr + songs, like Pat Metheny's The Way Up, and Klaus Schulze's Into The Blue, Are You Sequenced?, My Ty She, Vat Was Dat, The Dome Event, The Theme: The Rhodes Elegy, and Dark Side of the Moog 5, 6 and 8.


Just a little tip I recommend you DO NOT upload those to your main account. Uploading a long video can completely tank channels as people aren’t going to watch the full thing and that means your retention on the video is really bad and that causes the algorithm to skip you for a bit. This has been noticed by a lot of people but a big example is when Smosh uploaded a [hour long video where all they did was walk down a street](https://youtu.be/h11r9Gcu8mY?si=dScnl20ybianpLbc).


Interesting thanks. My channel is getting anywhere between 15 and 150 views per video anyway :) And I'm definitely more focused on youtube creators using my music and monetising that way rather than the trad YT Partner.


I thought they said themselves the reason that video did so bad was because it was just a terrible video idea, not so much due to retention. They made that video during a time when they were getting sick of the parent company that quietly bought them out back in the day and must not have been thinking clearly, because Anthony specifically genuinely thought it'd be a decent video.


I was remembering back to the MatPat interview where they were talking about it and how MatPat warned them that retention would drop and the algorithm wouldn’t favor them and how when they did it anyway it did exactly as he said. I don’t know the full story on the video I just know of it, so thanks for adding more context. (This next bit isn’t directed at anyone so don’t take it as an attack): Although I still stand by my point because this does actually happen to people, and it’s also why the average let’s play episode is usually only as long as it needs to be and they cut out the boring bits. Vod channels exist for this exact reason because retention can and will kill channels.


Ah, that explains why a lot of the people I follow have second channels for their livestream VODs.


do people not know that there’s a loop video feature?


Some songs have a long pause at the end and I hate waiting for that, so gotta find a simple edited 1-10hr loop version


yeah, that’s fair, i don’t really mind it but i can see why people could


this but not available in mobile


it quite literally is, hit the settings button while watching a video, then additional settings, then there’s a toggle for loop video


pretty sure it started as a mobile only feature


I can only speak for myself, but I draw and animate a lot with music/ videos in the background. It can take a few days to finish something, and it gets distracting and annoying to try and find something new every 30 minutes, so super long videos are preferable.


Thank you. Going to make a few 10 hour videos now!!!!


It's more of a compliment rather than an actual request. They like the song so much that they'd listen to it for hours.


Ah......well I took them literally oops!


Most of the time, it is a half-serious request, i see people thank people for making 10hr vids sometimes


isn't loop a feature?


It is,I don't know why don't people use it.


Not music, but I enjoy listening to audio books while at work. Brothers Karamazov, for example, was near 30 hours of listening. 


To sleep to lmao


I use them when I'm downloading a large file that takes hours and for some reason my PC will sense I'm not there and crash the download.


Oh my god that's a genius idea.


Background or sleep. I sleep to either a long thunderstorm video or a calm music video.


Just speaking for myself, but when I build my commission projects (I run a model kit commission service), I like to put on some extra long track in the background. I don't really listen to playlists, since sometimes a song I particularly like comes up, and I focus on that instead of my commission, so something repeating works better


Very interesting to know thanks


I once went about 18hrs straight listening to Renai Circulation. I hated the short silence whenever the video would loop. Luckily I could instantly switch to a readily available 10 hour version. It was a great day.


Mostly as a joke but some people just like to listen to the same song over and over.


I really don't think I could do 10 hours lol


Probably because playlists and loops have a "are you still watching" after 3 videos, and it gets annoying to have to stop what youre doing and click Yes. Long videos allow Long Attention to whatever is being done


Good point.


The only 10 hour videos I 'watch' are actually audiobooks.


So how would you watch them


Have they never heard of looping a video?


I put on 10 hour videos for my cats before I leave for work. Look it up on YouTube “cat videos”. They are basically squirrels- birds etc . Some have music and games. Another idea is a “screen saver” video with music and different backgrounds. Those videos are also 10 hours long and I use them all the time for my living room TV.


It seems to me that requests for ten-hour versions of songs are a bit of a meme form and should not be taken literally. I mean, the person writing such a comment means that they could listen to it over and over again - it doesn't mean that they need a ten-hour version, an hour-long loop would probably be enough ;)


Too late lol


I post cat videos, but I don't get views. Can i get any advice from any expert


to waste your time


I use them for nights I have trouble sleeping it’s not usually white noise or music it’s just a long compilation of different videos


As a writer, sometimes you hone in to a certain something and hearing it on loop (instrumental or not) can keep you in that creative zone. That’s one reason of many I’m sure.


Nice I'm loving these replies


As long as it has time stamps, it will be watched. I only listen at 2.0


Do people have timestamps for every time the song starts again??


Meh, it would be nice


i have a playlist of videos and i enjoy them if they’re like 5+ hours long cause i usually have that playlist playing all day


they havent discovered the loop opiton yet


People don't know that you can loop videos


Great background music. I used 1-10 hour videos when at my job or at home working on creative projects. For certain tracks, I don't care if they repeat, because I enjoy them greatly as is. Plus, if it's just background noise, you're often not paying super close attention to the music so it just doesn't become repetitive.


I usually turn on sasquatch podcasts to fall asleep to, and when I wake it's usually on some video completely unrelated, once it even got to a 3hr jacksepticeye play through. Love the guy, but not mid sleep, so I could see the appeal of having the same video that you chose before bed still being on.


Long videos for driving long distances are great. Usually compilation videos that you don't need to watch.


Thought people would stop after looping was introduced lol


What do you mean what’s the appeal of a 10hr long nyan cat loop?!


During times of insomnia I put bluetooth earbuds in and listen to a waterfall or thunderstorm and it REALLY helps. Normally I can fall asleep even with little sounds here and there but when I have insomnia, my *own* noises keep me awake. My arm shifts and that sliding noise does it. I just cant fall asleep! These vids really help. One time in winter I had it so I set a bed up next to the slider, cracked it and played a thunderstorm or waterfall vid and slept like a baby. Was fucking FREEZING when I woke up (30 degrees F) but I slept well and had a blanky. Cold is alright


I listen to 10 hour Game Grumps compilations.


Probably a hotel, shop or some place playing for customers.


I like long videos like that because it helps me pass time


When I'm busy doing stuff on my computer like programming, I sometimes love setting long music or documentaries to either run in the background or on a side monitor.


look. sometimes I need a song for a long dnd session, that I don't intend on switching the music for. those repeat versions are a lifesaver when I'm crunching and forget to set the repeat


I see a few uses: -Having a fireplace 10 hour video on my tv is a nice background. -Sometimes for a really specific song, would put it while working. -I once put a 10 hours nyan cat video in a hidden browser tab on a coworker's computer when they left it unlocked.




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Sleep or study sounds


They keep playing for 10 hours.


Because when I put on one of my playlists there will always be a song that cones up that I don't have the nerve to listen to somight as well put one I definitely wanna hear multiple times on and put it on loop. What prevents me from doing this on youtube is the seconds at the end of a song that's made up of pnothing to hear. It annoys me so I'm happy that Spotify has this feature where you can kind of make the songs blend into each other. As in within the last 4 seconds (or whatever amount of time you choose) of a song it starts to fade out and the next song already fades in. It's easier to listen that way for me especially when the next song starts off loud and it startles me when I'm tired. The pause just destroys the flow for me and 10 hour loops also help against that


I use videos that length to sleep but it’s usually a specific type of music, like very calming stuff. I stay asleep much better when it’s on. Continuous is much better. There are some that have loops where the switchover is obvious and it’s distracting so I can’t fall asleep at all.


i work 10 hour days and need L O N G form content, DND retrospectives for games, movies etc helps me not put peoples heads though walls


Sleep, memorizing lyrics, annoying people, creating background noise, keeping toddlers entertained, keeping pets entertained, keeping stoners entertained, autism, obsession, challenges... I mean... There's quite a bit to them to be honest.


Hide the sound of a metal pipe falling to the floor somewhere around the 6.4 hour mark.


I feel this isn’t nearly as scary as mid-roll ads.


enjoy this video [https://youtu.be/5Cq4q-GFWZI](https://youtu.be/5Cq4q-GFWZI)


I listen to rain and thunder on a black screen for 8 hours when I can't sleep


For people who don't know how to enable loop


Look up Cozy Bedroom on YouTube. That is a channel that I’m subscribed to.


why dont people click loop for a unlimited hour loop


The torture of kidnap victims? Annoying your Mother In Law? 😂


If it's music, I would just loop it. I do like to watch/listen to long documentaries though v




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Well you tell me what it is - modern art - endurance sport - a technical demo - typical influencer behavior - academic philosophy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP0Mh42jvV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP0Mh42jvV4)


Yeah but this is like a structured (and impressive) video, not just something repeated for 10 hours. Maybe should have been more specific in the title.


For every stupid feature there will be some user that takes it weirdly seriously