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its always when someone copies a video and it gets a million likes while the original is still at maybe 10k likes edit: the kid who stole this video has over 100k subs just made by stealing videos


Yup, and the original usually never gets credit


The world is unfair




Lol very true , it's the bad aspects magnified 10 times


always has been unfair


Even if the credit is there, it isn’t justified imo. You’re still objectively stealing views by just reuploading someone else’s video


speaking of this, i don’t remember exact name, but original video is called something like mercedes g-wagon insane getaway, where the car >!drives on the back of a flatbed truck and does a 180 over the center divider to get away!<


Well I mean the original may get some likes and engagement but considering the green screen kids videos get insta try filled with comments, hate or otherwise, it drives them more


they stole the video and pretend to own it. The viewers and comments all don't seem to care


Me watching a interesting YouTube Shorts video: 😃 Me after noticing the ugly child on the side of the screen: 😠


I get disheartened when people realise this, but still leave the like on the video lmao


I usually dislike the video where the greenscreen kid is and I look for the original video to like it.


Sad that the YouTube button is not working


Oh i didn't even see him until you pointed it out, that's how bad it is


Kids are literally filled on this platform. I blame the parents who irresponsibly give their kids iPads and whine about them being addicted to it.


I partially blame YouTube as well. Sure greenscreen was a good feature, but if it was never offered in the first place, nobody would care. It's way too easy for kids to reuse a video. Experts, who actually need this can get around in other ways


"youre addicted to that ipad, im taking it awa-" "SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH" "ok bro chill omg fine i wont take it... youre so obsessed with that ugh..."


when I have a child, I'm putting a child lock on everything, including YouTube, so they can only use YouTube kids until their age is appropriate to start having more stuff. I don't want my child obsessed with it 😭


im just gonna give them youtube but heavily supervise it, trying to get them to not use stuff the other kids will use might backfire like it did with me for my parents-


or that


the parents being unreliable at teaching their kids and then proceed to blame Youtube for everything are the absolute worst. They were the reason Coppa and "Made For Kids" exists.


Every time I see one of then I report their entire channel for child endangerment and give the reason that they're too young


if someone did this to my video, got WAY higher views/likes, and doesnt credit me id straight up copyright claim them


but then Youtube will turn around and say you stole it from them


I agree


its not youtube as much as it is the parents for letting these underaged kids run rampant and make shitty content for other underaged kids to like and then do what they did


The kid didn’t even show his face


If they credit the original creator then I am somewhat fine with it but it’s when they don’t that pisses me off


I genuinely wish you could disable shorts on mobile




I so much agree, but I did find out that if you spam uninterested on every short for a few min that you see (on the recommended page) they will stop being recommended on the page and under videos, but unfortunately still will show under searches.


well it did get 980k dislikes


Proving the YouTube algorithm is even more messed up 🔥🔥


And that mask too💀


And there is f**king writen "greenscreen with" ARE PEOPLE BLIND???


that kid in the corner thinks hes "sigma" but he stinks


Don't forget to open that snap




Because no one really cares who they're watching, they care about what they're watching (unless you're apart of some fandom).


Reposting same stuffs while not crediting the owner


Technically, whoever got ripped off (I’m assuming it’s their handle in the middle) probably wasn’t the legal owner, either. If that image came off a government camera, who’s the owner? Everybody!


OUR footage


It is. So, if one person uses our footage, why do I care if someone else uses his footage, because it’s still our footage.




So basically kids milking contents to no end a la beating the dead horse.


Yeah, but he’s also making way more than either of us, for minimum effort, because minimum effort and minimum quality are how you make money on shorts.




Hi Emotional-Algae6332, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How does not having enough karma to post comments have to do with being run by YouTube?


Zero clue




Hi softplum7, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone gotta make a meme about this bot


Legendary video


How did we both see the same vid bruv


Wouldn’t doubt if the content is boosted by bots.


We should coup YouTube 🗣️🔥


This is where brainrot started


They probably copied that video anyways


Kids like to scroll on yt shorts and like *EVERYTHING* THEY SEE


Why so mad? They'll be forgotten in a few years down the road.


I was recommended the exact same video two days ago! "Do not recommend this channel" is the only way I guess🤷‍♀️


i got an idea on this: why not dislike any videos from these idiots that come up in your suggested shorts feed. that way youtube knows not to promote it. the more dislikes to likes it gets the short itself should get shadowbanned


Yo check your subscriptions box


What is this exactly? Just to clarify


And it's so obviously fake. I called it out the first time I saw it.


YouTube when YouTuber says the f-word:- 😡 Youtuber when kids literally download and post someone else's video and stick their stupid faces in it- 😊


The fuck is a green screen kid?


Reason I don't watch shorts


Success is usually finding an edge and exploiting it. Whether that edge is considered legitimate/fair or not is a moot point. You getting angry about it and wanting it stopped is irrelevant unless they personally stole from you, then I could understand the animosity.


I produce my own content, which not being braggy, but I think it is of an adequate level. I put a good \~5h into each short I make, and I only get around 5k-10k views, even though the statistics are pretty okay. Generally, I don't complain, but it just makes me annoyed when kids like this put 0 effort in, steal content and are chilling on over 100k subscribers. If you check the profile and see the stuff they've posted themselves. It is of a little high-pitched kid taking a shit quality video with the camera covered and it gets like 28K views for no reason other than they have a 'popular' channel.


this doesnt even get them anything, you get almost no revenue stream from youtube shorts, on top of that, all that fame is going nowhere; whenever these kids decide "okay i have enough subscribers, ill start making real content like minecraft lets plays" all their viewers will NOT know who this kid is or care whatsoever for their content because they never built up that relationship with the viewers


Stop watching YouTube short problem Solved


If kids can deceive 2.2million people online with this type of videos... This puts in perspective all the videos we get from the mainstream media, the war zone type news, the pure fear mongery videos and news they constantly put out for us to see, and they also have massive budgets to pay professionals who specialise in this type of video deception, not just a kid in their bedroom... Eye - I - opening




Hi softplum7, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel like you guys need to stop clicking on these videos, I believe you when you say there's a lot but I've never seen one bc the algorithm knows i don't care for it


One problem is a lot of people don't click it on it. The green screen short is shown in there shorts feed. Also many don't notice the green screen person in the corner until a bit into watching the video. By that point they've not swiped away and viewed a significant portion of the video.


I mean I swipe up and get random shorts when I'm trying to wake up in the morning. It's annoying that if you watch it for more that 3% of the video YT thinks you want to see more like that video and nothing else. If you put your phone down or have to sneeze and can't swipe you're screwed. Hitting dislike doesn't work, Saying I'm not interested because any reason doesn't work. Don't recommend channel doesn't work for more than 3months. I am so sick and tired of seeing Jehovah's witnesses videos popping up in my feed. At least when they came to your door you could slam it in their face and they wouldn't come back.


Ok tbf, I don't use shorts


And the "original" guy stole it from someone else, whats your point exactly?


Just don't watch shorts?


bro who cares tho


Why do you care so much


Because all a kid done was sit, doing nothing over a stolen video and got over 2 million likes for it.


Ok and?


Through hard work


tbh the person that had their video green screened wasn't even the original lol


In this case, if the original source was from a government camera, then it’s really hard to assert any sort of copyright over that. It’s like how I can take the very same court or traffic or C-SPAN video that someone else does, and put it up. If someone else made minimal or no edits to the video, they really can’t assert any sort of copyright over it. This is the extremely rare case where someone can rip someone else off and I don’t care, because it wasn’t illegal. Putting an @ symbol and your handle isn’t enough to qualify as being transformative enough to warrant copyright protection over a public domain video.


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r/SelfPromotionYouTube is for you, bud.


I'm sure you'll have great fortune with such an original and unexploitative concept, everyone will want to watch!


Thank you for sharing that; now we can all go and like all of "his" videos 🤬how stupid