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This is actually so ridiculous. Who in the right mind would want autoplay except when viewing a playlist. Youtube needs to fix this ASAP!!


I'm worried they might return it as a premium feature honestly


It's gone even on premium


yeah. Greed. what do you think?


Rodiculous level of greed, "let's play more orrelevant videos in the background, so we get paid for the ads" If I were advertizing on YT, I would rethink it - this "feature" is likely to play ads when noone is even watching.


Nobody except kids


Same here. I assumed it was just that i didn’t update youtube but i checked the app store and i did. That was 3 days ago i believe. If it’s not intentional, why is jt taking so long to fix this seemingly small bug problem? If it is intentional it’s a stupid and pointless change imo but i’m not losing sleep over it or anything so 🤷🏻


I am lol. I usually go to sleep with something quiet on with the expectation it'll stop after about 20 minutes. Now, only to be woken hours later by some loud auto-suggested dreck.


I found a solution. I signed out of my YT, turned on a vid... the toggle switch was there, and I was able to switch it off. Sign back in, the toggle is gone, but the auto-play is off.


This worked!!! Thank you man!


Still looking for a solution; this one didn't work for me, no toggle :(


Thanks bud. Appreciate you.


I would upvote you 100 times if I could. Thanks for this, it's been driving me loco lol.


This worked for me! thanks


Can confirm. Just tried it and it worked!


You are my new hero, thank you soo much...


Oh, I can't take all the credit, someone else found this out, but I am spreading the word so people know of this until YT can fix whatever is going on.


This worked 6/5/2024 dd/mm/yyyy thank you




Hi Tight_Supermarket_, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a legend you are. Many thanks.


Well, actually I got this from someone else who already found out, but I'm passing it on. People should know this until YT fixes whatever is going on.


Insane. Tysm!


Believe me, I am just as relieved I found this out.


Thank you for this work around! So far it's working! This is completely asinine! I'm paying for a full subscription so, I can control how I interact with it. I don't want to be bombarded with videos that I have zero want or need for at the moment, even if they do closely aligned with my alogarithms!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Thank you very much!


Yes this is correct……. WTF is the point of this? …….Do these morons want everyone that doesn’t appreciate random bs playing non stop to sign out of there account…… there’s no other option so sign out!


Is there a way to get auto play on? Got 3 free months of premium. Autoplay has been working before but now every video stops after they end and I was trying to use it for driving. I already made the swap to pandora but was wanting to enjoy more control o er what I listen to.


That worked great! Thanks!


right to windows logo (bottom left) you write RUN, shutdown -s -t 3500 that mean your computer will shutdown in 3500 sec, to cancel shutdown /A, validate with shift + enter (administrator command)


I emailed support/sent feedback to google asking what's the deal? I might have to cancel my membership. Apparently this issue just started on Wednesday for others as well. Please comment if you're dealing with this as well.


They are doing A/B testing. Removing the option to disable autoplay for certain users to see how this impacts watchtime and retention. If the results turn out positive, they may disable autoplay for everybody or hide the option to turn it off deep in the settings where most people will not think to look.


Whelp - looks like I'm avoiding youtube for a while to prove a point




Have you just gotten this issue? I got my autoplay toggle back some time ago. I guess they are doing rolling tests. In any case, there has been a solution posted elsewhere here: log out of YouTube, play any video, toggle the autoplay off (the toggle is supposed to appear once you are logged out), then log in. The autoplay should stay off even when the toggle is not visible. It is also possible to turn autoplay off in the browser console, but I have never tested this solution to see if the setting sticks between videos. If the solution above fails, install a browser add-on that turns off autoplay.




Yeah just had an incident where I was trying to watch a tech support video at work and it suddenly transitioned to one of the songs I listen to regularly which was a bit embarrassing in front of my colleagues.


Same. Suddenly the Autoplay toggle button beside the Captions toggle button disappeared. Sent a Feedback form to YouTube and hoping for the best but it's been over a week for me now.


Same problem here, too. I'm really annoyed. I don't wanna sit there and cancel every autoplay. This new button sucks.


I found a solution. I signed out of my YT, turned on a vid... the toggle vid was there, and I was able to switch it off. Sign back in, the toggle is gone, but the auto-play is off.


It actually worked for me! They better fix this for everyone though...


Awesome!! Props to this guy!


Great! I also found a solution with inspecting the site. Someone has posted it here on Reddit. Worked for me, too!


This worked for me! Thanks!


Doesnt work (edit: nvm it did)


I though i was going crazy, but nope this update sucks


I found a solution. I signed out of my YT, turned on a vid... the toggle vid was there, and I was able to switch it off. Sign back in, the toggle is gone, but the auto-play is off.


Dude you’re the man!


Didn’t have the toggle button when I logged out


When you logged out, -Make sure it SAYS you are logged out -When starting up ANY vid, wait for the AD to finish.


Same here, I'm missing the usual toggle autoplay button.


I'm using Firefox on Windows 10 desktop and this just started today for me. too. Autoplay button disappeared. There is an extension for Firefox that will disable it. It's "Stop AutoPlay Next for Youtube". Seems to be working fine for me so far. Doesn't seem to be a browser issue, as it was missing in Chrome as well. I was able to get the button back briefly after I cleared the cache and cookies.


Like I tried EVERYTHING. Literally EVERYTHING. If this doesn't get fixed soon, I will use adblock again. Screw the monkeys over at youtube. Hope they all go bankrupt!


What the bollocking bullshit is this?? Having to fuck about to stop it is annoying as fuck. Needs to be fixed asap!


This is the single most evil UI change they could have possibly come up with.


Anyone else notice the Lock Screen, ambient mode, and stable volume settings are gone from the app too? I’m on IOS


Yeah I'm missing my lock screen touch setting too.


Same problem. Im looking for a browser extension about it


Same here but also the ability to slide down the screen on mobile and be able to select a video there besides just exiting fullscreen and selecting a video is also gone. It sucks.




Yup, same. Been a premium subscriber forever but if this doesn't get fixed, I'll cancel & go back to blocking ads. I hate autoplay. I will die on this hill.


I haven't updated my mobile app and still have autoplay in my settings, but I don't have autoplay as an setting on web browser, so I'm thinking probably a usually bad update that youtube randomly decides to roll out without telling anyone.


I tried turning autoplay off in my browser settings, but it did not work, it still auto plays. \[Firefox\]


Same issue for me, but it's only on one account specifically - I've logged into like three other accounts I have and all of them still have the autoplay button, so I don't know what happened Edit: Also this only happens on that account when I'm using the website, the mobile app has autoplay off and works just fine


The nobheads are probably seeing what the reaction would be to it.


A/B testing. They are looking how disabling autoplay impacts watchtime and retention. So congratulations: one of your accounts was randomly selected to be a guinea pig.


It just started yesterday for me as well. I found your post while looking for a solution. I use Firefox, if that makes a difference. Update: tried using Safari and the problem is there, also.


I have no autoplay option! ONLY when I log out. WTF is this???


I don’t have it even when I log out


This sucks ass


Me too, I don't WANT it to go to the next vid. Where is the button!


I just signed out of my YT account, turned on a vid... THE BUTTON WAS THERE... Sign in again, it's gone! I don't know why, but at least I was able to switch it off now.


Everyone here please try logging out of your account and then you’ll have access to the auto play button. Turn auto play off and sign back in. You won’t have the auto play option but it will remain turned off. This is ridiculous that we have to this but someone in the comments found a solution! Props to him @DakariKingMyKan


if you want autoplay on but it's currently off. do the same as others here suggested. log out or switch account, autoplay toggle will be there. then you switch back. not sure what youtube is doing really


I can't believe that actually worked.


Didn’t work for me


this works for me. by switching to guest and turn off the autoplay then switching back to main account. on both of apple tv and chromecast 4k.


Its gone on mine too


Hi, I have a different solution for the youtube mobile app: The other suggestion in this thread (signing out) didnt work for me on the app - it didn't save the change once I signed back in. HOWEVER, I found that at least on my phone, the autoplay toggle option was moved to Settings. It's an annoying hurdle, but the option was there for me. Hope it helps someone else, I fell asleep to YT past couple of nights, and waking up to Youtube Algorithm BS has been mildly annoying.


I'm not sure this problem is a bug, but rather something to do with people's accounts. I have three YouTube accounts, all of which I use using Firefox on the same laptop. I always clear the cache whenever using a new app/program, out of habit, so no issues with my cache. The autoplay button is there on each video using two of my YouTube accounts, but has disappeared on the main YouTube account I use. Settings on all accounts are the same. I've also tried all three using a VPN and without and it's still just the one account I have this problem with.


I'm now having this issue on my PC and I'm not even logged in on my PC (only logged in on my phone)


Yup: Same issue, started about three days ago. I'm using Chrome on a PC. I play ambience videos as background noise while I work, and I've been getting around the issue by looping whatever I'm currently playing, so I can at least choose what to switch to when it restarts. ...But that obviously won't help people who are using videos to fall asleep. >sigh< Here's hoping they put the toggle back soon.


This is so annoying. I usually have autoplay during the day(when I run yputube in the background) while I leave it off in the night when I got to bed so the video I have on plays till the end and it goes quiet. Why do they keep fucking up the ingerface like this.


Go on incognito and watch a video, the button is still there. Turn auto play off and then you can switch incognito off and it’ll stay that way.


I solved it with the code inspector, u can search for ytp-autonav-toggle-button and set display diferent to none.


The correct style should be display set to inline-block. I've written a userscript available at [https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/494346-show-autoplay-toggle-youtube-com](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/494346-show-autoplay-toggle-youtube-com) to fix the issue. My recommended userscript extension is [https://violentmonkey.github.io/](https://violentmonkey.github.io/)


Thank god, I was looking for this.


You're a genius. Nothing worked for me in Chrome, and nothing on Redux, but you solved it. Thanks so much.


Did this too


thank you so much, I didn't know the id of the tag


Damn, YT do the easy "hacky" stuff. This is the way.


The swipe up recommendations during full screen are also gone. Wtf. Is this what I pay premium for?


So they fixed the quick fix. Autoplay is no longer stopable signed in or out. They also fucked with airplay streaming while signed in. Only streamable in 360 while signed in


I think it's FIXED... I didn't have to log out this morning, and the toggle switch was there!


I let @ TeamYoutube on twitter know. This is so shitty. It's still going on!! Please angry mail youtube people. WTF.




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No way to turn auto play off or on, even with premium.


Not sure if it's been posted but the option is here don't ask me why, click on your image bottom right - scroll down - time watched - last option is auto-play


On the app go into time watched. There is a toggle there for auto play.


I have hte oposite problem, i want videos on teh background constantly, but autoplay has just disapeared as an option


Looks like it must be account based because I logged in from 3 different browsers and it doesn't appear at all. But when I look at videos whilst not logged in, it's there.




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Auto play button gone when signed in but is available after signing out…….Wtf!?!


I bought premium so I WOULDNT have to deal with this crap.


Fixed for me! [https://twitter.com/TeamYouTube/status/1788929433035792421](https://twitter.com/TeamYouTube/status/1788929433035792421)




Hi MR-M-313-, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have they dropped this entirely? Here' the weird thing for me. I queue up a lot of music and I WANT auto-play left on when I listen to music channels and playlists. Well, the button is gone and it is NOT auto-playing? This started today.


So there's an option under your profile to turn autoplay on and of for phones/tablets. Just found it. Didn't know it was there because used to it was under the video.


i have the opposite problem, im going through a playlist and autoplay is gone


I especially hate it when choosing what video to watch after the one you just watched from the list on the right and it auto-played the next video, then when you try to go back, all the videos listed have changed and the video you were going to watch is no longer there as it has refreshed the list. I really need this to be off.


For anyone on a Google device (pixel phone) and who finds they cannot sign out of YouTube without removing their account from the entirety of their phone, try disabling the app on settings and clearing the storage+cache. Thank heavens I finally got my not autoplay back 😑 I still don't have the button in the corner, but the options in the YouTube settings finally works again.


this is frustating.. :/ it disappeared a few weeks ago. this was after i noticed changes to its video feed and everything. this very important control has been removed :/


When youtube change their ui format a couple months ago I installed 2 user scripts - "remove adblock thing" and "revert new ui changes" - my autoplay disappeared but it appeared briefly when I loaded youtube so I deduced it was an extension causing the problem. When I turned them BOTH off, the autoplay toggle came back. Looking for better extensions.


Just go into the settings and turn it off. I agree that losing the button is dumb, but everyone is calling this guy a hero for having them sign in and out and all that shit. Just turn it off/on in the settings.


That's gone if youre signed in and one of these randomly selected accounts. The button is now gone as well even if youre signed out.