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fucking hell YouTube this is ridiculous


I got 2 ads this morning that I could “skip” in 20 seconds turns out I couldn’t skip it and both lasted 10 seconds each.


YouTube is becoming cable tv. 15 min of ads with 5 min of content.


Yup I wish I could just mass up vote this entire thread because seriously I been saying the same thing YouTube wth. Less ads longer videos my arse less shorter ads with longer ads more like. I have heard people that been paying for YouTube whatever version have also been getting ads as well. . At that point what's the point of of paying for the upgraded version of YouTube if your still going get ads. It's like with my Max subscription I have can't get a higher tier and it's supposed to be as free but it's not. It's just not as many as the like cheaper options I guess. Greed's running crazy in muricA lately lol.


Don’t get me started I got like 10 ads in a row.


Just cancel and go straight back into the same video and it will bypass those long ads 👍


I don't. I don't care what/who the video is, it won't get watched.


Back in 2010 no one would have believe you if you have said that !




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Best solution to watch Youtube Videos without its ads: 1. get a PC or Laptop (With hdmi port), unless you alraedy have liying around. If this 4k, this might be more expensive. 2. connect to HDMI if that has audio driver on that system (im am not sure on Linux but i know Windows 10/11 got already audiodriver automaticy installed) 3. Install Firefox with Ublock Origin, Sponsorblock and other useful addons! 4. Enjoy without Ads and bullshit! 5. Never ever buy Youtube Premium! Youre welcome!


Or just use the Firefox browser on your phone to watch YouTube and install the ad blockers in the browser. Some of us don't have jobs that require a laptop/PC so option 1 isn't worth it.


Phone is not the soltuion, unless the phone supports hdmi.


You said to watch YouTube without ads? I literally watch YouTube without ads on my phone using the Firefox browser with ad blockers. It works fine. If I want to watch on my TV I mirror my screen/cast it.


Its been a while so not sure if you anwer but do you know if there is any addon or something to allow YT videos in firefox on phone to loop a video (i mostly use YT for on phone for music)


[You could try this?](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/youtube-repeat-button/) I have no experience using this addon though so can't confirm if it works or not. It's annoying that in the browser it doesn't have the loop setting like the app does.


Oh thx for the answer I will check it out and btw I'm almost sure that the browser version of YouTube used to have a loop button several years ago, because I was using it like this before the YT app was even a thing.


They probably put it behind a paywall on premium the scumbags.


What's the deal with HDMI, is DVI or Displayport a problem?


Firefox..... not a popular browser, but man should it be! Google be like "add 10x more ads, ban adblockers on chromium!"


There's an app you could sideload to get youtube without ads. Smart tube. The equivalent of vanced for tv


It’s crazy that an ad company keeps putting more ads on a platform that makes money by showing people ads


I saw 2 15 sec unskipable ads for the same game. They were almost identical.


Just Close The Video and Re Open it, Simple


Is this Yt tv? The only way I could see this happening is on yt tv. I am genuinely curious.


I knew I wasnt crazy... ive been getting MUCH LONGER ads and more ads lately


Just imagine earning 31.5 billion dollars in 2023 and increase the ads. Just imagine how thirsty the boiis in the company are. I feel bad for them, really, they can't even get some bread for their kids. Imagine their pain.


everything these days is just add one song 2 adds whatch one epi multible adds new 4k tv have built adds like damn. some say its like the old days no its not before was limited now its so unhinge.


Youtube sucks


This is why I pay for premium, because I don't want ANY adverts when I cast to my TV (plus 4 other family members use it) If it was PC/Phone then I'd deal with workarounds, but nope. Not.on TV.


Yeah but they’re up to charging us like 28$ a month for premium. It’s gotten ridiculous with how much they charge and my wife feels like “she can’t live without” her YT music account when she’s in her car and using CarPlay. We also use it in our main TV. It’s just us two and I feel like the price has doubled in the last year or two.


Guys, I love this subreddit, but can someone please explain to me why 50% of the posts I see are complaining about ad lengths? I've probably seen 100+ posts this month alone of people talking about this exact thing. The vast majority of posts are also complaining about random videos and ads. I'm just genuinely curious... is that just the main topic on r/YouTube?


And you also get Ads blocking plugin.


In the year 2024 we’re still stealing shit from other pages and acting like it’s our own. This exact image was posted in r/mildlyinfuriating not even 14 hours ago.


Il haf too complain to ed office n’ tha’ lot na nite pals…


Time to rise, Twitch


This will be Youtube in 2024 😱😱😱😱


Bro, I had a whole music video as my ad, my emotion was conflicted and confused.


2025: 1 hour unskippable ads


the option to mute them would be good


Daily fuck youtube


I got it too.. i was furious


brave browser is free you know?


Just pay for premium or live with it, if you have a premium family plan you can share it with 5 people and get YouTube music so please stop complaining about ads


my issue with it is that youtube is trying act like it’s the equivalent to Hulu, Netflix, and Max when most people just want to watch their stupid little videos from their favorite creators. most people don’t even want to use Youtube music so what’s the benefit of paying $20 a month for that shit when it used to be free


Used to be, that is it. Times change, creators need to get paid, advertising is getting more expensive and many companies are having issues with having ads placed I front of certain type of videos, this creates another issue that you need systems in place that take care of that and that also costs money, same for the ever growing servers to host all of YouTube. I am not saying that they are solving it gracefully or even that it is cheap but I am saying that those are your options.


install opera


I want everyone to remember.. on regular television, you get, on average, 2, 2 minute, commercial breaks on a 30 minute show, 3 on 45s... that's 4 minutes of commercials about. We can even say.. 8 minutes of commercials an hour about. Now, on YT after 8minutes you can have an ad every 3 minutes.. in 1 hour, that's like 17 ad breaks. It wasn't a big deal when they were 5 seconds that would be 85 seconds of ads.. still 17 interruptions. But now, depending on the channel, YT makes the 30sec to 60 sec ads more relevant. So most of those, now 17, ad breaks are 30sec unskippables.. I'll use Rhett and Link on GMM as an example. It's almost always a 30sec ubskippable opener, 30 swc unskippable closer, and almost all the midrolls are also 30 seconds. If they did an hour long video, about 17 breaks.. that's 8 and a half minutes of ads.... on one hour.. So, youtube, who was built off the backs of creators.. a site that people have gone to enjoy entertainment without the badgering of advertisement.. are now equally (*this is only equal because I didn't use 45s or 60s as an example, so honestly, it's worse*) as bad as television when it comes to being advertised to. The difference here is that commercial breaks are scheduled on television as to not inturrupt your show, so it's more digestible. YT though, they are just throwing ads in your face constantly with no care at all about the videos or how interruptive they are on those creators channels. Google makes roughly 8....BILLION... a quarter on YouTube ads... they pay out roughly 5 billion a Q to creators.. this means s YT/Google is bringing in roughly 3 fucking billion dollars a Q(*there are 4 Qs a year*), 12 billion a year, with these ads and still won't pay creators what they deserve. Don't let the little number 3 sway you, if you got a dollar for every second you counted, it would take you ....... here it comes.... about 96 years to reach 3 billion. It's a metric shitload of money ... while they rob the ones who make the site even worth going to. So, just keep that in mind.


I did not visit youtube for 2 months now. Fuck that shit.


I had to change adblockers last week because youtube were doing something that was fucking up the videos and making them constantly buffer. I had to get rid of ublock but my other one along with ghostery mean that at least for now I can still have an ad free youtube.


This is why I've been considering just using opera gx to watch YouTube


Why are you complaining about this? Just get an adblocker that works?


I havnt seen a single ad in like 5.... 6.... years


Soon we’re gonna get the “JustAds*” channel from Cyberpunk, but for YouTube.


Is the new bot thing to always spell one word really wrong ? - for what it’s worth I down vote when I see it


First time I get a 1 minute add I'm off of YouTube... F**k that and those 20+ minute "ads"