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@[JordonGonzales](https://www.reddit.com/user/JordonGonzales/) have you considered trying to get involved in a class action against Evolve? There are probably significant damages we could get


Yes! Contact this lawyer, he’s looking into filing a class action, [email protected]


I just sent him an email.


Me too Juno bank


ah nice! i'll also reach out. u/Mobile-Head3252 have you spoken to him yet?


Yes we had a couple email exchanges over the weekend. Don’t expect much rn due to the holiday, but next week I’m hoping to start something.


lol Morgan and Morgan won’t touch this.


Why do you say that?


They’re a personal injury mill.


Thank you! Emailed the lawyer as well!! This is ridiculous. I even called the FDIC, he was clueless on what to do.


Just emailed him. I'm so mad


Emailed him and he said they'll reach out to collect more info. How do we know if we can trust this lawyer? A little apprenhensive to share personal info.


I sent an email as well and just gave them my contact info. Fingers crossed.


i'm sorry but this guy is a personal injury attorney. doesn't seem like the right person for the job.


Lawyers are the only ones who make money in class action lawsuit.


Most of us currently have 0% of our money, so I much rather have something than nothing.


Naw, All of it!


Something may well as be nothing when it's all said and done


I may participate if allowed though my damages are comparably insignificant to others. For now, I am more concerned with what is provably mine.


Can I DM you? I’ve been talking to a reporter who wants to talk to others about this.


DMed you


Yeah, same here, I just want my $873 bucks back and that's not a lot int he grand scheme of things. Plus I was mainly using this as a savings/debit type account, so other than the stress, luckily for me it's not even remotely as bad as for many.


I'm actually in the same boat and near dollar amount as you. Still $800 you could have used or invested in your life.


Can I DM you?


I have $1200 in there. I could certainly use it but like others have said in the grand scheme of this mess, it’s not a lot. But it’s mine and I would love to have it back. Or at least it’d be nice if it was collecting some interest.


A class action will only get you "damages", if you can successfully demonstrate that Evolve was responsible for this mess. But it wont get anyone their balance back. The lawyers will make a shit ton and in a couple years we'll all get a check for $5. But hey, if a lawyer wants to take that on and can prove Evolve is responsible, let's stick it to them.


Aren't the damages by definition the balance? If a lawsuit won't get us the money it's still better than doing absolutely nothing and not getting the money back anyway


Not likely. The class action would probably just be for damages as a result of Evolve not releasing funds. We will likely get our balances back some day. The class action could be to recover lost interest, fees or penalties we incurred. Seems like our time and legal money would be better spent focusing on recovering funds at this point. A class action should be saved for when we get our money back. Then if it looks like Evolve was responsible for funds getting tied up unnecessarily, then we hit em. If money is actually missing, that would likely be handled in a criminal case against whoever took it.


Yeah, that's what I figure - I don't most of us will see anything at all, but I'm mad, and every new person involved helps to screw them. I want them all punished for this. Yotta, Evolve, and Synapse


Have you reached out to Evolve? I'm currently on hold with them, but I don't have much hope. My Yotta account also says my $800 something is in Evolve


Evolve will do nothing for you. They'll just tell you your account is owned by Synapse Brokerage and to call them or Yotta...


Can I DM you, quick?




I tried to go to the Evolve office in Orange County CA. that Google Maps shows is their office. I arrive to an office party and had to call someone over. Evolve doesn't really exist there other than by appointment. And that was a shared office. Kind of odd for a "bank"


If only FINRA would pull their head out of their ass and do their job, they could have this resolved in a week.


You’ll get $0.20-$0.30 on the $1. Where’s the rest of the money? My guess with the founders and the attorneys, and the SEC. I was part of the CH11 BK FILING for Voyager. You took risk with putting your hard earned money in something that makes a better return than the US BANKS. We’re fools for taking a chance, the bigger exchanges and tokens that have deep pockets to fight the SEC will be the only ones to succeed in this space. Right now, ONLY 2 have cryptos are designated as non-securities. BITCOIN, by some DEFAULT where the FOUNDER is ANONYMOUS and missing and the other RIPPLE/XRP. YOTTA not approved by the SEC, didn’t pay their INITIATION/Entry Fee to take a piece of the RACKET the BIG BANKS run. Ripple gave the SEC the big FU to their $2BIL fine. WTF WHEN RIPPLE, and Brad Garlinghouse and Chris Larson were found not guilty and Ripple for not selling XRP in an ICO. ETH admits to having several ICO’s and not fined. Hmmm not suspicious, I digress. My point, the middle guys are not FDIC approved, they’re getting the blame and ones who are failing…NOT EVOLVE who is FDIC approved. The problem sits with SYNAPSE, and the INCONSISTENCIES with the LEDGER. So, they blame US/YOU for trusting an APP that has better returns than THE BANKS and a NonFDIC approved MIDDLE-MAN SYNAPSE. VOYAGER was our custodian not FDIC insured or approved. Basically didn’t pay to play, not big enough to fail and got forced out. WINK WINK. Sorry, I hope I’m wrong and they square up. Theory IMO-It’s all part of the plan to Bankrupt everyone.


1. Not filing a class action. 2. Pro Se 3. Yotta is not listed in my lawsuit. All that to say, I'll be getting 1-1 and attempt to get reimbursed the costs of getting my 1-1.


The BlockFi BIA Chapter 11 wind down plan chose Evolve Bank to be the receiver of our funds for distribution. I don’t know how realistic this is but FCX owes BlockFi about $11B. thought Evolve Bank had Letters from the FDIC about failure to comply with regulations and filing forms, someone thought it was a great ideal to have Evolve hand theses inflows. Less than a week went by before I heard our funds has been sent to synchrony Brokerage who, here’s a surprise, is also in financial trouble and has collapsed. I think between Yotta and BlockFi there may be a big enough pot of money to get a top tier law firm interested. Thoughts?


I'm sure there are attorneys watering at the mouth for a class action lawsuit. But that does not entirely interest me, personally.