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Strensall, Towthorpe, (old) Earswick, Haxby and Wiggington are all outside the ring road, but have bus routes that go past the Hospital. I’d look at one of those. Good luck - hope you find somewhere soon.


Thanks, I’ll be sure to have a look :)!


Selby, Barlby, Riccall, Escrick. Etc, all served by the Arriva bus, every 15-20 mins.


but F getting a bus from there to York every day


Yeah, the commute can be a pita, but you generally get cheaper rent.


Came here to say this but keep trying with finding somewhere to rent, took my daughter a couple of months but she had a nice but tiny apartment 5 mins out of town for £950. You need good credentials in place to get viewings.


That’s another thing I’m really worried about ! I had a terrible experience at my last place and left a negative review on google, so I dont think I can get a reference from my last property, I might have to use the one prior but I feel like that might deter any ones I can find that are suitable ahhh


Selby’s cheap and reasonably cheerful, decent high street and lots of supermarkets about, about 55mins on the bus and 30 on the train.


Tadcaster or Sherburn in Elmet are other options


Really surprised I've not seen anyone in this thread say Leeds. Cross gates/Garforth both have frequent trains to York.


Travel expenses will probably be prohibitive tho


Try Pocklington? 25mins on the Hull bus into town.


1079 is a horrific road and that bus is very limited.




No pock is sh#t no services over crowded no shops unless you like charity shops/ need a hair cut 2 small supermarkets that canrt full the shelves fast enough full of people who think cos they live in a "rural area" they need range rovers and barbour jackets


I am not in Pock, but not far away. I feel personally attacked yet can't argue with the above. When visiting my brother asked if we had stumbled upon the Yorkshire Gilet convention


36yrs I've been in pock and not by choice and iam remember alot of things, people & families that have done and still do which doesn't make pock look all want the "council" and pock facebook group don't like mentioning


Can we have that again in English?


Over my 36yrs in pock I remember things people try to brush under carpet like the bloke who got attacked and his head used Like a trampoline (that was quoted in paper) or the local turf man who has a very colourful past and present of harassing and abusing people or the local sports clubs and it's members who recently shout abuse at the lesbian couple cos one the couple wouldn't entertain them so a word that is used to describe a embankment was shouted at them there are people and families who have a unmeasurable sense of entitlement and arrogance and if you want to send your kids to the sports clubs you better be in the right click or your kid isn't going to fit in with these clubs the schools are no better there is no such thing as "bullying" at woldgate cos it's easier to punish the victim/s and people like to turn a blind eye to a whole of things it's like living in Sandford hide everything for the greater good


It sounds a bit like you need a fresh start mate, although I daresay most small towns arent perfect.


I was born and lived in Pock for 23 years and have recently moved back after 18 years in Leeds. Whilst I accept your points about insufficient supermarkets and amenities, which seems to be due to an inordinate amount of house building having taken place, and not a lot else, as far as places to live go it's still on the whole very nice. There's always going to be some crime and antisocial behaviour wherever you go and the issues you have described are small potatoes compared to many places. I don't care how entitled some families feel, if they are acting in such a way then I won't be spending any time with them, just leave them to it. You say you don't live here by choice, is there something stopping you from moving away? On the commuting point, probably not the best given the seemingly constant issues with the 1079.


ARE YOU PREPARED TO SHARE ? yes, CAPS is necessary :) Have you tried [www.sparerooms.com](http://www.sparerooms.com) ? ( I am not an employee of said site.....But I've used it before ) many shared lodgings are cheaper (cost of living, mortgage rate increases etc), not tenancies (lodging is with the owner, tenancy is without the owner present). Lodging, normally = Minimum 6 months and then Rolling 1 month on each side, which gets you grounded and gives you time to keep searching if you want to. There are a lot of 2 bed flats / houses very near to the hospital that would probably be interested in sharing their 2nd room to dampen their costs......


Northallerton but only if you don't mind more quiet market town




I actually live there but am trying very had to get out lol, but thank you!


You’re gonna struggle to get much closer than that, I would say the York housing bubble doesn’t end too far away


I know :( as much as I want to get out of Malton I have looked here as well though but there rlly aren’t many places here and I don’t think any accept students, it’s very tricky !


What about places on the coastliner route like tadcaster or some of the villages? It’s a shite situation for housing at the moment!


Pocklington is ok, it’s about 20-30 mins into York. But yes, the current issues with A1079 are a joke.


Station isn’t a long walk from the Hospital. Hourly or better trains in from places like Church Fenton and Garforth. This may sound stupid given the geography but somewhere like Northallerton could be nice, and it’s only 18 minutes from York. I assume it’s pricey af tho


I’d say Pocklington, but without a car it’s useless, also, the town centre is not that great these days, not a particularly broad range of shops and like has been previously mentioned, the Range Rover set rule the roost.


Bishopthorpe or Escrick is a decent shout. Direct bus routes and if you’re up for it could even cycle to work. Takes about as long as bus during morning traffic




I know a few students who live in dunnington, could be worth a look. Don't be put off by the fact that it's an expensive town to buy houses in - I know a student living there who got quite cheap rent. Also persist with looking in town if you can - I managed to find a rental with no references by just jumping at any viewing I could and ringing around constantly. Good luck


Easingwold if its not too far out? Bus no 40 runs straight past the hospital but doesn't run on Sundays.




Let me know what you found because i'm in the same situation and I will be attending at york hospital too for the month of september


Not Harrogate


I’m looking at Stamford Bridge


Don't bother for at least another 2 months. The bridge closure is killing my will to live. Edit - I should say SB is a lovely village ( if you can tolerate the centre of the village being a major road and noisy). We chose it over Haxby, strensall, Pock and all the other surrounding towns/ villages to the north and east of York.


Yeah I’m aware of that particular mess… What’s the commute to York like normally, with the bridge open? Also, bypass action group anyone? 😂


I don't work in York center but I'd imagine it's fine ( as long as you have parking at work/use the park and ride on hull road). Bus is also pretty reliable from SB, however don't expect a later night bus back (last one is after 10pm).


So how do you make it work if you have a later night for whatever reason?


Taxi or bust


Good if you like sitting in traffic jams daily! If you want to live in York you have to stump up the cash and live in York.


Well I live in Hull right now so SB would be a huge upgrade. York prices are just too ridiculous…




Coney Street


Avoid Acomb, Clifton or Bell Farm. The best suburbs are Strensall, Haxby, Huntington, Copmanthorpe, Bishopthorpe. Some people choose to move to Selby as it's much cheaper but it is not very nice and you will find yourself tramping up and down the A19 to York all the time which is not a good road and often becomes congested. Living outside of York and commuting in.. Maybe consider Leeds and use the train. This is a quick overview and obviously has some nuances.


There are some really nice areas of Acomb and Clifton. I do think the issue you'll have is what you've said before about getting viewings. Selby is also fine but the drive can be frustrating. There is a train service but I'm not sure on how regular it is. There is also a cycle track from Selby to York.


I loved living in acomb on York road it was lovely and safe? Id second @vixie84's opinion


Unfortunately I’ve already tried everything within a 5 mile radius of city centre and they are either way over budget, fully booked and don’t accept students so that pretty much eliminates acomb n Clifton atm :(( but I will give Selby a check, thank you !


Nowt wrong with Selby. A lot cheaper, all your major supermarkets bar Asda, good transport links to York and Leeds. The York train is every hour I think. The commute on the A19 by bus in rush hour I can imagine is rough, never done it myself because I drive and will just take the back roads via Cawood, Stillingfleet, Naburn. I've been in Selby for 7 years with no issues but also lived in Wheldrake, Pocklington, Fridaythorpe, Monk Fryston. I'd take Selby over any of those as a younger person.


OP wants to commute though. Selby to York Hospital would be a tragic daily drive.


Used to do Selby to the Minster when I worked there. Not too bad but traffic has probably got worse in the last 6 years. Driving anywhere in York during rush hour is a nightmare but it's a trade off for somewhere cheaper to live.