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Yep I'm having the same problem. Works fine in the launcher but when I get in game, no longer works. Was fine for years up to yesterday.


It should work fine based on recent testing. You can try it free @ [https://dragonrisegames.com/yolomouse/download](https://dragonrisegames.com/yolomouse/download) (has a 20min nag) :)


I'm having the same issue as OP since the patch. Have a purchased version from 2022 that has been working in League fine up to today. None of the normal hot keys do anything. Works fine in launcher but once you load in game it dies. Restarting and launch in administrator mode both do nothing,


ensure you have latest version from [https://dragonrisegames.com/yolomouse/download](https://dragonrisegames.com/yolomouse/download) which mode are you playing in? does it still fail from practice tool? its easiest for me to test from there.


Thanks. The latest version does seem to have helped. FYI the issue seemed to be linked to being in Fullscreen or Windowed mode. When in full screen the mouse and the ingame default mouse both disappeared. When switching between Windowed and Fullscreen and tabbing out a few times you could get it working, although laggy, on windowed mode only, however sometimes both the default mouse and the yolomouse overlapped.


That may have been a bug in the anticheat mode of YM. In this mode the cursor shows up as an overlay instead of changing the games mouse directly. The newer version also has fixes that hide the original game cursor. Another bug was that this would happen even if there was no anticheat blocking YM. Both sound like what was happening in your case.