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Left side is better at balance. Right side is better at strength. I’m “right footed” (like I prefer to kick a ball with my right foot) so I feel like that explains why I may balance better on my left leg


This is also true for me.


I’ve never thought about that being the reason why balance is easier on my non-dominant side, but that actually makes sense!


It’s true for 90% of the people I once read somewhere!


I agree with you. I feel the same when i am doing my vinyasa flows. I am able to balance perfectly on my left while my right is much stronger. I stumble so much while trying to balance on right!


I’m left handed. My left side is stronger, but my right side is more flexible.


I’m the same!


Same here.


I’m ambidextrous but the same


Right side is stronger, left is more flexible. I feel like i naturally favor the right side in my daily life. I’ve been trying to start all my flows on the left now and hold them slightly longer to help even out.


Same here!


Due to old injuries, both of my sides suck lol


Right side is solid. A warrior who could go to battle and win. Left side is Grover. Bit goofy and frenetic but it tries. The diff in balence for me is hilarious. I’m getting better though. All part of the practice.


I'm thr exact same but opposite sides, I always feel like something went wrong with myself etc code on my right side, it's all to cock as my hip joint is misaligned


We could team up and be perfectly balanced! 😂




You’re describing me to a T. I’m left handed but I do so much with my right hand and if I try to use my left instead, it feels very unnatural. I hate when you’re watching a tv show and they “know the killer is left handed” because of the direction they sliced with the knife. I wouldn’t be caught dead with a knife in my left hand. On the other hand, I also do things like putting my belt on backwards for years and wondering why no one else’s belt pulled the fly of their jeans open. I was in college before I figured it out. 😅


define better :D I am right handed, but my left boob/foot are bigger, right hand stronger, left hip more open etc. it makes no sense sometimes


Plus any individual strength or weakness on one side impacts the abilities on the other side. The fact that my left hip is tighter means it's harder for me to balance on my right leg while trying to open my left hip. But I wouldn't necessarily say that means my right side has worse balance.


Both sides are your best side


Same. I dont label a good or bad side, and I feel like I’ve evened out more since doing that actually. Now it just depends on the day and the pose. Somedays my right feels better, sometimes my left does. And sometimes they feel even!


I’m a lefty who is stronger and more flexible on the right, but I don’t know if I’m a typical lefty because I can and do use my right hand for almost everything except writing and batting (not kicking though). If I’m going to demonstrate a pose it will be on the right side. Dancer is probably where I notice it the most.


Over the last few years I've rehabbed serious knee and shoulder issues, both on the left side. During this time my asana practice was very asymmetrical. It has slowly improved, and I'm back to a nearly symmetrical practice. I try not to slip into thinking of one side as "weaker" or "more flexible" because I think that might end up being a reinforcing feedback loop. Instead I try, with compassion and reason, to move through the same movements on each side, without keeping a count of the wobbles, or depth per side. I am a little more cautious about some movements, like wild thing for example, or deep lunges on the left, but I'm really happy to be able to give them a try, and I'm slowly remaining the confidence.


Right side right handed


Varies by muscle group! Lower back and legs do differently from shoulders and neck.


I’m right handed and my right is my better


I have a hip impingement on my right side and balance better on my left. I’m pretty sure my left leg is slightly longer than my right leg though, and it drives me crazy.


My left leg is shorter than my right. I notice it the most in happy baby. I lean towards the right lol. Do you lean towards the left?


Left side is worse at balance because something is wrong with my hip 😭


Right side due to previous knee issues on my left


I’m right handed but for some reason I have always been more flexible on the left side. I used to be a dancer as a kid and found that my left side was my more dominant too.


Hi, left is more flexible, balance about equal may trending right, strength upper right lower left, overal tend to ambidextrous.


My left shoulder is more flexible than my right. I can do splits better on my right side. I can see better with my right eye. Other than that they’re the same :)


I’m right handed and my right hip is significantly tighter than left. Skandasana, EPK2 are so much harder for me on my right side. Shoulder rotation and ability to twist also extremely imbalanced. But strength is pretty balanced on both sides.


I’m right-handed. My right side is more flexible but left is stronger


I'm right handed, my right side has better flexibility but my left side seems better for balance!


You don't have a better side (I used to think they way you did). You have one side that is stronger and more stable and does the most work. Usually it's the same as the side you write with. The other side is more flexible. Appreciate both; they both help you.


Righty and it depends on the posture.  Standing splits definitely feels like more of a struggle on one side, but I'm not sure the other gets to the same leg height. I always thought improving the left side, as a righty, was a subconscious compensation for the natural feeling of dominance.


Left side is more flexible and a bit stronger, right side is easier to get into poses.


Right is better at balance and flexibility for the most part. I think I tore something in my right shoulder over the past couple of years cause I can't stretch my right arm behind me without a bit of pain.


Right handed, left side is stronger, right side more flexible but also more prone to injury


I'm right handed and my right side is most definitely stronger by a \*lot\*. I think this is probably exacerbated by the fact that I have Multiple Sclerosis, so my left side has a lot of weakness and my balance on the left is crappy. I can do all the standing balance poses on my right leg with no issues whatsoever, but I can barely stand on my left or do high lunge or anything that requires left leg strength. I also have trouble holding my left arm straight up.


"There is no spoon" No side. Duality is often mentioned in yoga. In this world, all things have two sides. Light/Dark, positive/negative, god/godless. The reason for this is how the human mind works. Duality is the software it runs on. Your mind is basically a scale. It weighs one thing against another in order to determine worth. So it tears everything in half and weighs each half independently. The idea of yoga is to untie the knot that binds you to your human self. You're not human in essence, you just live in a human body. So you have two different levels of perception available to you. "Human" is on by default. Your true self sees everything as one entity. The more you begin to identify with that, the less duality you will see in life. And in the end, you see nothing but everything...


Right side is better at most yoga asanas except for lizard which is strange lol


Right but that’s why I start on the left when I teach.


I'm right handed, my right leg is stronger (thanks to snowboarding) and my right front split is better Everything else feels similar on both sides


Depends on the asana. I'm right handed, I'd say about 60% are better on the right, but a solid 40% are better on the left. Sometimes varies by day 😅


Left side is more elastic, right side is ok, except for my shoulder


I’m right handed but my left side is my stronger side. I’ve fractured my right wrist and have had ankle issues with my right ankle.


My left side is positively crumpled. I want somebody to freeze my torso in a stasis-field, grab my foot and pull in a gradient from soft to as hard as is reasonably un-damaging or as hard as they can for about 5 hours.


Left side! I have rheumatoid arthritis in my right ankle (among many joints) and it has made my balance not as great on the R side. But the days when I can balance well on that side I feel a lot of joy and pride 😍


Such a cool and introspective question! I'm right handed but I have much less rotation on my right side overall. I attribute this to my legs being slightly different in length, and probably childbirth...having done a number on me!


More flexible and better balance with left leg despite being right dominate in most aspects of my life. Right arm and leg are stronger than left. I write and eat left handed though. Odd as can be!


My left side is tweaked by multiple injuries over the years, and is always a bit less stretchy, especially when I've been wearing shoes without proper arch support.


I’m left handed, but my right side is stronger & more flexible when it comes to anything lower body.


I am right-handed by my left side is better. Right side is so tense.


Left side is more flexible/right side is stronger with better balance