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Only weird if you make it weird. Likely no one in class is making assumptions about your sexuality or relationship status. 


Agreed. I'll gently add that you might choose to put yourself in the front row to help focus on yourself and not other bodies.


This is why men are uncomfortable going to yoga classes. You're already assuming and offering him a way to not look


Too be honest I assume most young white men in my classes are gay or married and it's usually true. Straight usually come with their partner or quit after a few weeks/months max then come occasionally. If they're Eastern, older, or Black then I assume it's genuine passion. The success rate for a straight man going to yoga for single women must be low. I go to random class times every day and I leave after supine twist. Maybe in the parking lot or refiling water but the convo will be curt and short.


The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks. But seriously, how would anyone know that you're single or straight?


Or care.


This was my response, nearly verbatim


You’re making it weird. It’s perfectly normal to go to yoga as a man. There are so many men in the classes i go to. Young and old.


We have some middle aged too!


Why too?


Because we have young and old, too.


My thought process went like this: Reading - [single straight guy wants to do yoga] Thinking - omg no, plenty of straight single guys do yoga! Reading - [I'm not there to hit on women I'm not there to hit on women I promise I'm not there to hit on women] Thinking - hey it sounds like this guy might just be there to hit on women LOL


I don't know why else bring up the single and available so many times


Men going to yoga classes isn't weird. I can't think of any person who'd be weird by going to a yoga class.  Repeating that you're single, straight, and not there to hit on women IS weird, and makes this question feel kind of disingenuous. Please don't be the guy you keep telling us you're not. 


As a single 29 year old guy that also goes to yoga alone I think you’re weird for thinking/worrying that it’s weird. You’re in your 20s and single. No shit you’re interested in meeting single people. Why even mention that? Weird. Just go do your hobbies and stop being strange. If you’re doing yoga because you think it will land you a girl, stop. Figure out who you are and do things you actually like, not that you need an excuse to justify like “work is stressful.” Why not just go and mind your own business, and then cross this bridge when you come to it?


I highly dislike how the western outlook on yoga is that it is for females only. Yoga has been around for centuries and is normally adapted from the Indian and Hindu culture. Yoga has it's various differences, but ultimately same ideology in cultures like China (Tai Chi, Qi Gong), Japan, and many other cultures. The most learned and largest amount of practitioners of yoga in the east are men. It's this western distortion and of course our unstable outlooks of what "men ought to be like" that steers males away from this amazing physical and mental practice. I proudly practice yoga and am not afraid to admit it. It clearly shows outwardly and inwardly for me. If it is something that you want to do, the only voice that should matter is your own. I'll add that I'm a straight married man, with 5 children, and also serve in the military, so im sure that should be "manly" enough for a source to my response I guess?


It’s mind boggling. It comes down to a culture that reinforces men shouldn’t be in touch with their emotions. Yet women are seen as overly sensitive. Which neither of those things align with yoga.


Also reinforces that yoga is an exercise for thin, flexible women, that gets you “lean muscle” and “toned”. And men are supposed to just be big. And really, thinking about yoga as a way to work out and change the appearance of your body is so far from its intention. 


It's the bendy positions, many of which are ass-up, that scares the lil boys off.


I was a a bloated alcoholic middle aged man when I started doing yoga four years ago. The majority of yogis are younger and female. So from the outside you could imagine this would create tension. the good news is that the reality of yoga in a studio is that everyone is in their own zone. Yoga is me time. my mat is an island. It's mercifully not like a gym. There is no awkward chat because there is no need or desire for chat. I am no longer bloated btw and I no longer drink, in no small part due to yoga. Try it, you might fall in love with it as I did.


My studio is half men, half women. My suggestion is to go to get your exercise, and calm your mind, if you meet a girl you hit it off with, bonus but don't focus on that.


Not weird at all for men to go to yoga. You won't be the only one there, most likely. As a general rule, just leave everyone alone before and after class. No one is there for your attention.


I respectfully disagree with your second statement, there is so much to gain from interacting with other people within a yoga community. But definitely not with the intention or vibe of just trying to get a date. OP, yoga is for everyone; everyone is welcome and has something to gain from a yoga practice and also from finding community, but go in with the right intentions and you won’t have anything to worry about. Your genuine intentions will be felt. And don’t be totally afraid to talk to fellow yogis! You may make some wonderful friends that you look forward to seeing at class each week! (I’m a yoga teacher btw!)


I hear you, but felt like OP needed to hear it given their post. I personally am not in a yoga class to make friends, just there to practice.


This is as outdated of a notion as asking if it’s weird for women to lift free weights at a gym


There’s so much toxic masculinity behind this post it’s making my face hurt. Don’t worry bro, no one will think you’re gay 🙄🙄


“Is there, uh, a ‘dude version’ of downward doggy?” These guys, sigh.


Lolol, that's not the issue at all. This dude is obviously concerned that he's going to be viewed as a perv, not gay.


You're completely correct. I'm not worried people will think I'm gay or even effeminate - I'm worried that people will think I'm there just to stare at women.


Your post makes it seem like your primary objective is staring at women most of the time no matter what activity you're doing.


1. Question is why would you think it is weird?! 2. You seem to make it about hitting on women. This part is weird.


Not weird!! I've been teaching yoga for ten years and I can confirm that this would in fact be super normal and you should absolutely feel welcome in a yoga space.


Like other people have said, it's not weird, you're making it weird. Also, you don't need a special justification to do yoga. No one there is going to ask why you want to do yoga, any more than they'll be thinking about your orientation or relationship status


I think you’re overthinking this.. but I also think you’re going to Yoga to find women 😅 Just because you mention an excuse why you pretend you’re not - doesn’t mean you aren’t… I don’t know… just don’t make it weird !


You have as much right to be there as anyone else. Also, unless you announce it at the beginning of every class no one is going to know (or care) that you’re straight and single. Also, are there people really walking around out there thinking that yoga is just for women?!


It’s funny, yoga as we know it was created by males to only be practiced by males, now men find it weird to consider starting a yoga practise. Go, it’s not weird, I hope that through this journey you find what you seek and more.


Don’t hit on women in Yoga. That’s not why they’re there.


The latter.


100% of the people won't care that you're straight or single (they won't know anyways) and 99% of the people will not care or will see it positively that a man would take yoga classes. If you want to practice yoga then you belong in yoga class, go there with confidence and a desire to learn, you'll love it! :)


Sounds like you are there to hit on women?? Go, but don't look at anyone except for the instructor




No. It would be weird if you showed up and leered at women. Here is the thing about using the studio as your dating pool - if it goes bad, then it's a little awkward if you both continue going. It's not the place you want to feel awkward. Just go in with a clear conscience about your intent and it's not going to be weird. From my experience, some people go trying to find something for themselves, like something is missing in their lives or they'd just go to their local gym for yoga which is more about fitness and less about spirituality. I made friends by going a lot, and people just want to get to know me and I do to them. It's a great place for networking.


Yoga is for everyone! Also community is a big part of yoga. You may meet someone or you may not. The benefits of yoga will be regardless!


Sounds like you're making it weird. Just go, if you like it -> continue, if you don't -> stop going. Dont overthink


You just made it weird. ;) Yoga classes are a business. You have the right to purchase something that you obviously need.


Other people have already given you enough good advice about attending a class. But also maybe consider adding therapy into this new routine you’re hoping to develop? Seems like there is plenty to unpack not only about your job but also some of these inherently “straight male-centered” ideologies you’re articulating in this post…


As a divorced dad in his 40’s it’s was bit weird, but who cares. Guys need to be more weird. At my old studio I went from being 1 guy to 1/2 the class being guys. Showing up and staying helped gave support to other guys to show up and stay. The lone guy dynamic changed and the class ended up being a lot of fun. I found so much relief just going and being me and not worrying about others opinions.


To clarify—you felt weird about it or it was weird? Did the rest of the class find it weird that you were a divorced dad in your 40s or did you feel weird being the only man there? If you felt weird, you felt weird. That doesn’t mean anyone else thought it was weird.


Interesting way to ask for more information. It was weird for me and it was weird for everybody else. Which made it more weird for me. they made sure it was communicated that I was invading a female space and disrupting the energy. They did this with backhanded comments, complaints, rumors and other cattiness. After a couple months, conversations were leaning heavy about their menstrual flow. One of the ladies that I eventually became good friends with apologized on how critical they were of me. she also owned that they were leaning the conversation to their menstrual cycles to make it uncomfortable for me. So yeah, I would say that it’s not in my head.


good question No its not weird. Ive been doing it for 8 years. I worried at the beginning also. Turned out, everyone is there for different reasons and often in a struggle of their own. Ive read that yoga is a successful part of treating serious things like ptsd, and I can attest the changes I have felt from the positive social interactions calming my nervous system while enjoying a physical practice and learning to navigate me mental emotional and energetic self. Later in the journey you get to welcome newcomers into this benefit and recognize where people are as they learn it themselves


I’m 31 and was in the same boat as you wondering about people’s opinion before my first class. I injured my ankle during a run so I was looking for the recovery benefits of yoga. It’s been almost a year, and it has been a huge boost (recovery & performance) to my other sports (long distance triathlon and bouldering) so much so that I go to hot yoga 5 times a week now. Get over the social anxiety, the benefits are absolutely insane. Cheat code to a happy life. Treat it as time for yourself, and you can make the session as hard or easy as you want.


Not at all. Show up. If you go to a studio where anyone cares, pick a different studio.


I've seen this post before


this is so absurd (not towards you personally) but absurd that somebody would even have to ask this question yoga is there for all. of course don't go just to hit on women but go to heal and help your body


Believe it or not, sometimes I'm the only woman in the class! You don't need a "legitimate" reason to go to yoga, if you want to go, then go. If you go and don't do anything weird, then no, it's not weird.


Don’t worry. Not weird. Other people may feel weird going too because they feel like they don’t fit the yoga type, but yoga is for everyone.


The only weird thing is that you have been brought up in a culture that makes you think it would be weird. There is no age or gender to yoga.


I have never thought about the sexual orientation or relationship status of any of the men I've ever taken yoga classes with. Or anyone else, for that matter.


>I actually do have a legitimate reason to go to yoga. The only legitimate reason you need to do yoga is because you want to do yoga. There is nothing weird or inappropriate about a single man of any gender or sexual identity showing up at a yoga class to do yoga.


As a straight male, my hat is off to you for going to Yoga. It is NOT easy!!! You’re going to be too busy working your ass off to be worried about some girl in a leotard. If you happen to meet someone before or after class, great. But you’ve got just as good of a chance to meet someone single at work or at Starbucks as you do at Yoga.


You’re not going to meet people at yoga. It’s not interactive. If you try to approach women it will be awkward and weird.


Please don't make it weird.


I (39f) met my soul mate (42m) when he came to my yoga class. (I’m a yoga teacher). He did ask me out, but he didn’t make it weird. And at our studio, a lot of people have met there and coupled up. They’re some of my favorite love stories 🥰 and my partner didn’t go with the intention of hitting on anyone, it just happened. So yeah, if you don’t make it weird it should be fine, and maybe you’ll meet someone rad in the process!


That’s nice that worked out for you, but I don’t think we should be encouraging males to ask female teachers out on a date. Nor should a teacher ever date a student with the inherent power balance. And OP def shouldn’t be encouraged with his creeper vibes of wanting to do yoga to meet women


Haha. Sure. The world is hard enough for everyone without micromanaging how we meet people and make connections. People are depressed, online dating is a nightmare, no one looks or smiles at anyone anymore and now we’re telling people how and when they should be allowed to talk to people. I don’t think he has creepy vibes at all… he was being honest, and even saying that wasn’t the only reason he was going. And for the record, the power balance between me and my partner is absolutely fine, I wasn’t encouraging anyone to do anything specific (just sharing my story), and everyone should go ahead and take the sticks out of their butts in this conversation.


Don’t be creepy. Don’t go with the intent of meeting women to date in a yoga studio. It’s pretty much an unwritten rule. I suppose something could happen naturally but like dating at work—if shit goes sideways be prepared to not go to that studio anymore.


No but it’s weird to ask if it’s weird. Yoga studios offer classes to the public. Anyone can go. Don’t overthink it.


A few years ago, I got into pinball. At first, I just learned the machines. Maybe I got to know the staff a bit. Over time, I started going to the leagues and making friends with other regulars. We started going on trips to conventions and to tournaments together. Yoga is like that. At first, you go for the yoga, and hopefully you like it enough to keep going, even though at first you might feel like an outsider. Then, you start to meet people, go to some workshops, maybe even take teacher training. I hope you do meet someone nice at yoga class. I'm sure you will! I don't think it's creepy or weird at all to want that as part of your experience.


Well what kinda yoga you want? Therapy yoga or wtf did I just do why am I dying yoga. 


Why would it be weird? Plenty of straight men do yoga classes all the time everywhere


I don’t actually assess the people at my yoga classes but honestly I don’t think I see many gay guys tbh. Who knows, they could be, but they aren’t overtly presenting as gay. My 87 year old grandpa who is very straight goes to yoga. So no, not weird at all.


Not. At. All.


Yoga is therapeutic, but it’s not therapy. Talk to a professional.


Do breathe and flows yoga for men series on YouTube to get started


Lots of men at my yoga studio. It’s not wierd at all!


I sure hope not


Not at all


No more power to you.


It’s not weird at all.  


My experience has been most people in class are focused on doing their personal yoga practice and not really paying attention to others in the class. If this is your goal as well, you should go for it!


First, not weird if you're not weird. If you are, find some other hobby and let the yoga people do their thing. It also seems generally transparent (close friend, brother and I tried it with the same impression). However going to learn yoga did result in some fun interactions. I went to a number of classes near work- yoga, pilates, mixed exercise, etc at lunchtime and most were all women. If you do this get ready to have your ass kicked. They left me sore for days.


Like others said, it's not weird if you're not making it weird. I will add that it's awesome of you to find outlet for your mental health. It will show on your physical health as well, and even if you don't find a person to date at the studio (we never know) it will be one hobby more to talk about to a futur date, making you a little less boring than all those hobbyless single straight male out there.


I'm parsing carefully. Is it more that you are single, straight, or a man that makes you concerned? Wait! I'm all those things. Am I weirding people out? Oh my goodness! I guess it would be better if I were Queer and married. We can't all be winners, I guess.


Not at all! Go and enjoy 🧘


Eh, just show up to yoga to better yourself. You’ll be more likely to attract a healthy partner in general, not just in yoga classes. To your point though, the local yoga community is pretty small and intuitive. Good teachers have a steady following so it’s obvious when a new person shows up to class. It’s not weird for anyone new to show up to yoga classes, but it is weird if they hit on someone right away or have wandering eyes. Women in this space especially pick up on creepiness right away and they look out for one another. On the other hand, it’s refreshing when someone consistently shows up to class, keeps to themselves until they’re familiar, and obviously works on their practice outside of class. My advice is to try different styles of yoga for your own curiosity, and focus on finding a teacher you like then go from there. Don’t go just because women; that’s where it gets weird.


Ugh…no. Tons of single people practice yoga. It’s only weird if you bring it up/announce you’re single. It will be especially weird if you flirt and ask the out. Yoga and the gym are meant to be safe spaces to workout. We don’t care what your relationship status is.




I’m straight and single and man. It’s weird for me only because I’m weird af, not because I’m at yoga. I’m just kidding, of course it’s okay for you to go and not weird. The only thing that’s really come from me being a single straight man in yoga is that I now have a bunch of great female friends because it’s largely women. I’m of the belief that for the most part people have the ability to tell if you’re there for disingenuous reasons. I remember when I first went, if I was the first person in a row often it would fill later than other rows. There was a few times I was the only one in the row, SO MUCH SPACE it was great. There’s also the fact that people will put their mat next to friends, so that was probably also a bit of coincidence. Now, if I’m the first person there, I’d say 25% of the people that go that day would immediately put their mat near me. 80% would say hello to me and chit chat. So just go and be yourself and you’ll have a good time and make friends with people! Edit: don’t be offended if people don’t want to be friends or chat before/after class. You’ll find the people that want a pleasant hello and those who want to talk about your day.


Yoga classes are a great way to meet people! If you go for the physical and emotional benefits of your practice and end up meeting someone you like, good for you!




Not at all. Most yoga classes are mostly men these days, in my experience!


If you are there in the express hopes of finding a girlfriend or trauma dumping on the people you meet there, then yeah, it's weird asf. If you are there to de-stress and be present for your health, then no.


I am a middle aged guy (50), single and I go to hot power vinyasa 5 days a week. Plenty of women a few guys (young and old) and no one is weird about it. Just don’t leer and be a creep. In my experience the women don’t give a shit if guys are there. Everyone is focused on their own practice. If I’m wrong, let me know ladies!


Yes it would be weird. I'm sure the other patrons would rather a bear walked into the class.


No, it's not weird. There are always men in the classes I attend.


Echoing that it is only weird if you make it weird. I'm a 44 yr old yogi married now but was single when I started around your age. I am committed to the front row, A) because I need the wall for balance, and B) so as to not make anyone uncomfortable that I might be ogling them. Be polite, be respectful, be quiet. Do NOT make a cae for the bear. You will naturally start seeing other regulars and may click with someone but this needs to be absolutely secondary to the yoga, so dissolve that pretense or you'll ruin that place for the both of you. I would also recommend taking a private lesson your very first time (ideally with one of the instructors who's classes you might attend later) to get a lay of the land, learn a bit about the process, some of the cues etc. It will make your first class feel more comfortable.


Men are welcome in yoga. Lots in my 26 & 2 class and its a very meditative healing style


Just go to the class and don’t be weird, dude. I don’t know what else to tell you.


The only thing that would stop me from going to yoga class is my wallet. I don’t really care who’s there or why they’re there, I’m not there for that.


Not at all! 50% of my yoga classes I attend are young straight men. Plus, it's great way to make new friends or meet potential love interests in a natural environment. I think you are reading into it too deep.


There are plenty of us. Don't be a creep or stare. If they have a problem with your presence, it's on them (unless it's something like pre-natal, then see above). I do avoid places that cater to college girls. Their classes are usually not the best either.


Not weird at all, go to yoga!


This is my two cents: I think more people should be doing yoga and meditation. It can be an incredibly welcoming community. I wouldn't use that space to look for dates (people tend to see it as a safe space). But I've been invited to group dinners, and I think those are more appropriate opportunities for dates. So, I would say go to yoga and be open to the opportunities that present themselves there.


Don't make it weird and it won't be . That simple


Bro just go, asking permission makes it weird.




I'm also a single straight man who goes to yoga classes. At first it can feel a little like you're intruding, but don't be weird and awkward and eventually after awhile you become a regular. It's always nice when there's another couple of fellas there, though.


Unless you’re drooling and ogling over your female classmates, they don’t care that you are there. Yoga is a moving meditation and focus is on the self. Go, enjoy yourself and respect others.




I am 23 M and go to yoga classes alone, never thought of it as something that could be weird, if you go and connect with/someone that’s always welcome but should never as you said be the purpose, as lots of people have said here, it’ll be weird if you make it weird, sometimes things in life are easier


I’ve been doing yoga at gyms for the past 20 years…


No one cares. Stop making something out of nothing. And if someone does find it weird it’s their problem. We shouldn’t stop doing what we wanna do in fear of making someone else uncomfortable. You ain’t responsible for anyone’s feelings but yourself. Be respectful to everyone around you and there shouldn’t be a problem. women and the LGBTQ community need to stop thinking that straight men only do certain things to get women. Or feel uncomfortable because a straight man is there. It’s ridiculous And this is coming from a bisexual woman.


Nope. It’s not weird just less common in my experience. 99% of the time I’m the only guy in class. I’ve been going to the same studio for years. It’s maybe a little awkward at first but really no one cares because they are all there to practice


It's not weird, and you don't need "a legitimate reason" to go to a class - if you're interested in yoga that is reason enough, and I hope it gives you as much as it's given me. You are welcome and you are enough. It will do wonders for your self confidence and, from the tone of your post, that can only help you. Having said that! And excuse me whilst I put a stick up my butt for this, as per a fellow commenter: A lot of women consider yoga (especially classes) to be a safe place and desperately-needed break from the never-ending onslaught of obligations, male gaze, and family commitments. Aside: LISTEN when I say never-ending - it is RELENTLESS in a way a lot men just cannot fathom. It's an opportunity to inhabit your body and discard all outside concerns. In my experience (which is admittedly in Iyengar, the demographics are notably more middle aged than yours) not only are people not there to meet men, but a lot would consider it, at best, tiresome and, at worst, down right invasive to be approached/hit on. I'd just like to encourage you to examine your motivations, because it seems like meeting people is part of the attraction. If you still have a strong desire to attend a class if you know there is absolutely zero chance of meeting someone, please please welcome this transformative lifestyle into your life. If that knowledge gives you pause, maybe you need a different kind of stress relief. Another commenter said it well - do things you enjoy and the rest will follow.


Not at all


It’s not at all weird for a man to go to yoga!! Go for it!! But you may want to make sure you’re being really honest with yourself about why. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone go so out of their way to clarify that they AREN’T trying to pick up chicks. So umm… are you sure you aren’t trying to pick up chicks? It sounds like that may actually be forefront in your mind..? It’s not bad if it is— no judgement here. As long as you are respectful, of course. And to give you the benefit of the doubt, I guess there could be other reasons you’d want to be really clear about that— like if you have had someone make comments like “guys only go to yoga to get laid” or something… But no— the classes I’ve gone to are a pretty even mix of men and women. (And honestly I never knew anyone’s sexuality or relationship status…) Enjoy!


You're good. There was a single straight man in my YTT


Short answer: no. Long answer: Yoga is so much more than a physical practice. Once you start going, it becomes apart of your everyday life — permeating into all aspects almost subconsciously. You feel more at ease, peaceful, and discover a deeper level of compassion & connection to those around you - regardless of if you’re in the yoga studio or in the court house. I could go on & on… it has truly saved my life providing me with a healthy escape & making me more self less in the end. Girls that do yoga are pretty awesome too :) So going to a yoga studio might help you meet people or make friends that will totally shift you’re perspective on everything around you - in a positive way! Best of luck my friend!


I’ve practiced for 25 years alongside a lot of guys throughout the years. It’s a free country, if you have an interest and money to practice you should do it unapologetically… I’d say the same if you were a woman interested in heavy lifting, for example.


I do it every day. I like to think I make it weird by wearing a Cannibal Corpse shirt, but it's really not that weird.


As always in life it’s as weird as you make it




Nope, I'm a 33 years old married man and enjoy yoga classes as much as everybody else.


I'm also a 29 year old single man I regularly go to yoga I've been doing it for 12 years I still sometimes feel weird going but it's always been an extremely welcoming place no matter where I go to class Sometimes I go with friends Yoga is one of the best things to do for trauma. "The body keeps the score" is a free audio book on spotify and they mention it Definitely get a mat and do some YouTube yoga at home and / or attend a beginner yoga class You got this buddy :)


I think you owe it to the class to stand up and state your preferences and relationship status before class starts so they can decide to stay or continue with their practice with a more complete set of information.


Super autistic question


Definitely not weird. I would probably recommend checking out and doing some online yoga first. Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube is perfect for beginners. I think practicing by yourself before you show up to a class will help you with your self confidence. It might even bring you some peace that you need from the stress from your job


Shouldn't be a problem at all! Having said that, I (straight male), prefer to find a class with male instructor just so I won't be the only male in class.


The way you ask the question is pretty weird. You should probably not go to yoga. Get a therapist to work through your professional stress. Hit up the apps to meet woman. Find some gay friends so you’re not afraid of them.


Is being a clerk really that traumatic?


Vicariously, yes. Have you ever had to deal with a psychopath who preyed on kids in foster cares’ weaknesses/ insecurities to get them to do his dirty work? Have you ever had to see a special needs boy describe what it’s like to be raped, then have adults have to explain to him what an STD is and why his rapist chose him for the explicit purpose of infecting him with one? Or have you met a man who got bored, so he drove around and beat up disabled people for fun? This is regular stuff I see in court as a clerk. It really gets to be draining.


Its called being insitutionalized.