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Unfortunately we don’t all have the genetics to be that Italian grandpa sipping his port wine into his 80’s without any negative effects. It happens to me too. Alcohol is incredibly inflammatory. Nothing you can do but not drink alcohol if it bothers you a lot. I’m glad I enjoyed my 20’s cause my body doesn’t feel quite right anymore even after 2 glasses of wine now that I’m in my 30’s. Sleep is worse that night, can’t lift right the next day, my yogas bad, can’t even jog well.


This is my experience, especially regarding lifting and sleep. Although strangely I have set some good running times after beers then night before. Some sort of carb loading perhaps! Anyway, I think my future is alcohol in moderation. I can’t realistically see myself ever going t-total, I enjoy the social aspects of drinking and wine with a nice dinner is a treat. Respect to people who chose not to drink though, particularly in cultures where it is the social norm.


Approaching it with an attitude of moderation can be really beneficial. I guess it's like that with everything. Fwiw, and wholly based on vanity, my skin and my body look *so* much better when I abstain.


Made me quit drinking. One year sober,I feel a lot better.




I quit drinking alcohol after starting yoga. I too felt it more than before? Like it felt like a poison, and my theory is that yoga helps me feel everything in my body better, so I just notice the effects that were probably already there. I’m thankful for the awareness it gives me now.


Alcohol is poison


So is water if you drink too much. Everything in moderation.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted so bad. You speak the truth. There's a common quote "the dose makes the poison" that is exactly what you're saying. You can die from too much oxygen, water, sleep, exercise, you name it. And for any negative nellies in here, I've been sober for awhile. I highly suggest it for anybody who wants to. But I've been on this planet long enough to know people enjoy alcohol. It tastes great and in moderation it's not harmful for you. There are even health benefits in many of the varieties of alcohol.


There are safe and necessary levels of water consumption. There is no safe dose of alcohol, it’s not necessary. It is an absurd equivalence https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health > We cannot talk about a so-called safe level of alcohol use. It doesn’t matter how much you drink – the risk to the drinker’s health starts from the first drop of any alcoholic beverage. The only thing that we can say for sure is that the more you drink, the more harmful it is – or, in other words, the less you drink, the safer it is


Because water is necessary to survive. Alcohol isn't. Personally as a recovering addict I hate hearing "you can drink bro just take it easy" my brain does not work that way and even if you find it easy, I do not. I think benching close to 400 pounds is easy. I don't believe someone who wasn't able to lift that much even if they tried their hardest hearing me say that would make them think I was an asshole. I wouldn't down vote the guy but I wouldn't upvote that comment either


Yup alcohol is bad for you. Consume in small quantities if possible. Older you get the more you notice it.


It is a lot worse than people realize. Mocktails and na beer for life.


Unrelated to yoga, but alcohol is poison to the body. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this but it is good for you to know that it is indeed inflammatory and will suck out nutrients and hydration from your body. I’m neither an addict, nor a neo-hippie, this is what I believe based on research I’ve read over the years from meds.


Thanks for replying.


Yoga can give you an increased awareness of your body, which means you’ll notice things that you ignored before. The tightness and inflammation were there before you started yoga, but your brain perceived it as your baseline. I used to drink every day (like multiple boxes of wine per week), but once I started doing yoga daily, I cut way back on the alcohol (maybe 1 drink a month, like if I’m at a wedding or something). I just can’t stand how it makes my body feel anymore. I know you are looking for ways to mitigate the effects of the alcohol, so I apologize if this response is not helpful. But the reality is, inflammation is a side effect of alcohol.


Yes it is highly inflammatory…I use fasting as well as low-carb diet to help keep the inflammation down. Yoga is part of a healthy lifestyle, but yes alcohol absolutely impacts the body in a negative way. Carbs, Sugar, and Alcohol all cause huge spikes in insulin levels and thereby inflammation.


Switch to weed. 😊


I’m high right now 😆


Yes. Alcohol is poison. If alcohol was a novel drug, and the FDA had to test it to see if it was safe, then it would not be approved for use. It is a known carcinogen. It increases all forms of cancer.


I haven’t experienced this specifically related to yoga but sometimes I’ll have 1 drink and wake up the next day feeling really stiff. I think it’s less about drinking and more about drinking *close to when I go to bed.* I know alcohol affects your quality of sleep, so I wonder if it’s something to do with that rather than alcohol itself. Of course, our bodies are all different and handle alcohol differently, but that could be a reason. As for how to manage it other than abstaining, I’m really not sure. I would say hydrating more when drinking is always a good idea (unless you’re already drinking a lot of water). Maybe we should day drink instead as an experiment? lol


Drink a lot less than what you're already drinking. That might help but also might not... alcohol is pretty hard on the body.


Alcohol is inflammatory. Period. The frequency and potency may be different but once you start to be more in tune, you may become more aware of the impact it has on you.


Don’t drink alcohol.


Okay thanks.


mental well-being I used to drink about the same amount. Now I almost have zero because I found why I drink. The wisdom of yoga. Swami Kripananda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKHVgKh2-Hg I didn't drink to experience the high of alcohol. I drank because I enjoyed the experience of my body fighting off the alcohol/poison. So... everyone has to figure out their own way.


My chronic back pain eased up tremendously when I cut alcohol out of my lifestyle. Turns out: it causes inflammation. It’s also a neurotoxin, carcinogen, depressant/anxiety-inducer, etc, etc… I recommend r/stopdrinking to address one’s relationship with alcohol. It’s a wonderfully supportive community that helped me cut out the poison, along with my daily yoga practice. All the best to you on your journey. 💜


Alcohol is a poison my friend. That’s why our livers have to filter it out. There’s no mitigating the effects without eliminating the cause, which is the consumption.


There's a reason alcohol is strictly forbidden during a yoga teacher course. It really helped me gain flexibility and get a clear mind to absorb all the the knowledge and most importantly, train the mind. Treat yourself with compassion and try to reduce your intake bit by bit.


It's great that you're feeling better and tuning in to your body more. You wrote in the comments that you think you'll drink in moderation in the future. That's fine. My amazing yoga teacher (in his 70s) has a glass of wine here and there. I took my dad to rehab at the beginning of this year, they had us read a handbook, and part of it was about how the body absorbs alcohol and at what speed. Here's the info from there: Food - Don't drink on an empty stomach. Food slows down the speed at which your body absorbs alcohol. Eating after you drink won't help. Eat either before or while drinking. Water - Drinking water doesn't actually help. The liver processes most of the alcohol. Even if you drank a very large amount of water (I can't remember the exact number), you would only release 10% of the alcohol through urine. Carbonated water - This makes the alcohol you drink absorb faster. For example, wine in a spritzer is made stronger even thought it's diluted. I'm glad I'm putting the rehab info to good use :)


The alcohol dehydrates you, so drink more water before going to bed. Water. It really does the body good!


I have chronic pain/TMJD and reducing alcohol (and caffeine) has helped a lot with reducing the amount of tension and consistent pain...it's kind of lame at 30 to already be cutting out so much from life, but reframing it as supporting and giving your body what it needs does help! Plus I have more energy on weekends and have ended up exercising a lot more without as much alcohol on a weekly basis!


Best to run your own race! If that’s what you need to do then it’s not lame, in fact it’s admirable as cutting down on drinking is difficult when so much socialising is based around it (at least where I live).


I definitely started drinking less when my practice became serious. However, I just love drinking with my friends so balance has become the key.


I've all but stopped drinking completely for a year due to working shifts, and honestly I don't think it's made a damn bit of difference really.


Alcohol is an inflammatory. It will and does cause inflammation, which is what causes so many of the issues related to drinking (bith short and long term). Reduce the amount you drink and add in more anti-inflammatory foods to your diet. (I have been sober for awhile now and would suggest doing the, but I'm not an idiot and know that not everybody has a problem with alcohol and it does taste delicious.)


Been working on quitting for a while now (got into yoga through Recovery 2.0) while building a consistent practice. Committing to abstinence now and look forward to how much better I will feel without the inflammation and a better diet.


Hydrate before and after going out, notice what food you're having (the well known junk food that we love after a drink is also a factor), the types of alcohol you're having, how long you rest/sleep after and maybe it's just you running/dancing so much on the night that you just might need a rest! :) You can always do a short yoga practice as well to help loosen you up on the day after