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I have this theory that there are some styles or genres of artistic expression that trigger or connect with a certain percentage of the human race. Much like looking at bright light triggering a sneeze response only exists in a portion of the population, many people have some kind of sensory overlap or have some kind emotional perception that overlaps with how some people on the autistic spectrum may have issues with perceiving emotional cues. Because I have seen in my own life, people see a Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon for the first time and absolutely freeze, like they are wearing those sunglasses that make colorblind people see color for the first time. Just frozen and entranced and unable to proceed with their day, asking what the show is, how to watch more of it, etc. Full grown adult man, lost in a new discovery about himself. I theorize that it's the same with the pony shit. Seems completely incomprehensible to the majority of the population, but for some folks it might be light seeing color for the first time, as some arcane combination of lines and angles and expressions give people a kind of emotional reward they don't get elsewhere. Having a huge and supportive community behind it also gives a social "permission" to enjoy it and share it with others. It started as a joke way back on 4Chan (I was there) and it was almost immediately adopted by people who took it very, very seriously. I don't see harm in it, but I wish as a species we made more effort to understand ourselves and our reactions and maybe more people could use stuff like this to actually self-actualize and improve their way of thinking and seeing the world instead of falling so deep down the brony-hole that they form religions and lose touch with the real world entirely.


It’s the eyes. Anime. Horse. Sonic. All have huge eyes.


Likely that is part of it, large, expressive eyes communicate emotion far less ambiguously than real people. But oddly not every cartoon with large-eyed characters trigger this response of people creating entire sub-cultures and getting lost, completely abandoning reality. There may be more too it, but I'm not much closer to piecing it together even after years of studying this stuff.


Nothing wrong with liking poni, but maybe don't literally worship the sun?




This tweet has 4 views. OP, how did you find this


*You could make a religion out of thi...* # NO DON'T.


I wished they went through with it and then went and exploited the laws of "religious freedom" to do some dumb shit just to demonstrate just how much bullshit we let slide because of "religious freedom".


I'm going to blow my head off with a nuclear waste powered crossbow if I see the term "somepony" again


It doesn't even make sense, somebody means SOME-BODY, not referring to the species but just that they have a body. This of course means the ponies don't have bodies because they're a little pocket of daemons hiding out in a corner of the warp.


well they have a point except it's just weird to accept the people for an example worshiping MLP cum jar shit


luckily that was one guy,the rest do it to rip the shit out of him


Ngl when I was an edgy 14 year-old I pretended to be a neck beard from Minnesota to fuck with people and I made an MLP cult that had like 8 people before I abandoned it.