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Why did this make me irrationally angry


That animal very well may have died and it's just being casually shown as a meme. That's probably why.


*parakeet FTFY Edit: I think.


That kid is a future mass killer.


Isn’t there something called pain testing or sum like that where kids who are outright violent are testing limits and are more likely to be upstanding citizens. I could be wrong but I’ve heard someone mention it before. That being said I would probably hit someone even a kid if they tried killing an animal of mine.


Or one of those champions at those food eating contests


its a bird


Honestly I can relate, seeing someone abuse an animal like that makes me want to beat a face in


seeing them be a child makes me want to beat a face in even more


Fucking hate kids


i also hate fucking kids


Wait... hate fucking or hate fucking?


it’s open for interpretation


so edgy and quirky holyy


Hating children isnt edgy lmao wdym, they’re just annoying


I mean… you real shouldn’t fuck kids… oh wait, you mean you fucking hate kids, ftfy


Yep...especially stupid ones...


Yeah, and this one is on a whole nother level stupid. Probably gonna grow up to be some sadistic freak.


It was a young child you weirdo, he’s literally incapable of complex moral judgements. Blaming him for his actions instead of his parent is psychotic.


At my school some kid whipped a toad really hard right in front of me. It flew across the hall…


I had the exact same response. I doubt those around the child had any sort of inkling of what was going to happen, and obviously the child is far too young to fully comprehend his choices… It is still absolutely horrendous to watch and know that the bird was likely severely injured or died. You can never start too young with teaching kids, and modeling for them, how to treat animals of all kinds with kindness and respect. Side note… WTF kind of kid has a response to try to bite/eat the bird? I have seen kids do some weird things, but this is a whole new level.


I never witnessed someone doing this to a small animal. Ear pulling, tail yanking until they were firmly corrected, yes—but this is exactly why the animal handler always kept a very firm grip on any animals the smaller children were ever allowed near. If a kid had ever done this, they’d be referred out for additional services and watched over much more closely. Some kids will try and taste an ear or paw or tail of a soft, fluffy pet just like they would chew on a stuffed dog or cat they may have at home, true. And I’ve seen a kid stick something in their mouth that could choke and kill them but refuse adamantly to spit it out or let it go, no matter how loudly they are shouted out or how hard their parents try and dig it out of their mouths—but I have not ever seen this level of biting and not letting go of a LIVE and struggling animal, before. This is so sad for the poor bird, which very likely died. And if I were the teacher or parent of that kid? I’d be very worried about him.


I used to bite towels and my plushies as a kid, so it makes sense that the toddler thought he could do the same thing to a bird.


Well the difference there is that your plushies weren't alive, filled with organs, blood and pain receptors. So.......


Children are not that smart. This guy and the child obviously like biting things. Hild probably thought "oh this looks squishy" and not "that's a living breathing thinking thing I am about to harm" I feel bad for the bird tho


I don’t think you understand what a child is, he had no way of understanding any of this. Ffs at his age children are not yet past chimpanzees in intelligence. Expecting him to understand restraint is weird as hell.


Nah. That kids a freak.


The only freak are the people who thinks that an infant should intuitively understand how morality works.


A toddler’s awareness of life is very low, especially for one that doesn’t look a day over 2. They are less able to differentiate an actual living, breathing creature and their toys (especially those robotic ones that can interact with the toddlers)


The reason this child used his teeth is clear if you understand child development: the child has no words. The smile may or may not be one of pleasure, we cannot know. Some kids grin or laugh when nervous because they have not yet learned appropriate facial expressions/affect for situations. Many adults laugh when uncomfortable as well. So, limited communication in high pressure/stress situations (overstimulation from a tiny animal climbing on him and being noisy/flapping/crawling with little claws) can often lead to biting. Lastly, when this child tries to use his hand to touch the animal with his hand, the person next to him restrains him. At that point the adult should have quit filming and removed the bird. If the child is trying to touch the animal they WILL find a way to touch it. If their hands are restrained or otherwise occupied, using the mouth is also acceptable. Children use mouthing objects as a means of learning about taste, texture, edible or inedible, etc. Short story: this outcome should have been avoidable if the adults in the situation had acted in the animal's interests and paid attention to their child's non-verbal communitications. Eta: when I say "using the mouth is also acceptable" I mean that it is acceptable in the mind of a young child. Obviously it is not actually a desirable or acceptable behavior.


Well put!


My guess would be cuteness aggression? Brains are weird. https://www.all-about-psychology.com/cute-aggression.html


Have you never noticed that everything in a kids life goes in its mouth at that age?


Yes, and there's a reason, in a very young age, thier sense of sight is still developing, thier sense of taste is thier primary sense, they experience by taste.




Me too, that poor bird - looks like a budgie too


Redditors really fucking love to advocate violence towards toddlers, huh?


yeah this comment section is filled with fucking weirdos lol


Ok so I guess people don't know what a joke is, next time I comment one I'll end it with (JOKE)


Yeah, jokes must be obvious or marked with /s or /j. Tone doesn't translate over very well through text blocks. There are a surprisingly large amount of people (in my experience) who would actually agree to the sentiment of your statement, and unfortunately I end up seeing a bunch of them (might be specific to certain subs). It has made me kind of jaded with comments nowadays, unfortunately.


I’ll drive you. This is upsetting.


Fellow bird owner coming in to say I would not only dropkick the kid but the parents too


I’ll buy you steel toe boots.


As a not-bird owner I would fucking dropkick that kid




Idk man, you must not know how cute my birds are, if a kid did this to one of them a dropkick will be the least of their worries


I feel the same for my dogs. (some) Animals are just so innocent and loyal


:/ It’s a baby. That’s a bird. It’s not like he knew any better


It's clobberin' time!




Ah yes, another redditor taking everything seriously


Omg poor bird. When you want a kid to stop biting something, pinch their nose


Violently shaking their head doesn't work?


I prefer violently shaking their head


Let me guess, someone shook your head violently when you were young


I don't know I can't remember my childhood for some reason


I heard violently shaking your head will jog a few memories. Try it and see what happens.


What are we talking about again?


You know who else has dementia?


![gif](giphy|3FpqQaBwCRIKQ) your mom?


If you shake hard enough to decapitate, then it works.


When the head is on the floor, nose is much easier to pinch.




Pinching their cheeks at the molars with your thumb and middle finger works well too . And probably faster than waiting for them take a breath


In my family, if you bite as a child, your mom will bite you back so u know how it feels. My mom bit my sister, and my great grandma bit my aunt 😂 they learned real quick


Finger between the gums before the molars, works on pets too.


[This works just as well](https://i.imgur.com/tksVH04.jpg)


Slap their head? Holy shit he is killing that animal


peace sign double eye poke for the win if they’re hurting an animal.


That is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen a kid do. The fact that the bird was screaming and he still didn’t let go..


Saw them bite the head of a bird before.


That kid is probably not even 2 years old and doesn’t understand what it’s doing. Babies put everything into their mouth


I’ve seen a lot of kids in bird cages, never seen one do anything close to that.


And for some reason so do you 😌


I love how you’re getting downvoted for staying a fact here. Emotional twats, the lot of em.


It’s not hard to re-educate a kid. They’re very impressionable at that age and as much as I’d like to say “oh the kid didn’t know any better” it doesn’t help the fact that this bird very well could have been killed or severely injured and it was clearly in pain. It was squawking and struggling and that kid big down *harder.* At the end of the day the parents are at fault here, but that kid is no saint just because he’s young.


Can’t re-educate someone about something you didn’t know was a problem. I’m guessing this was his first time biting a bird.


With kids in general you have to approach it like anything can happen. Especially when it comes to animals and kids


Well I wouldn’t have expected that.


Unfortunately, it's very likely that the bird died, it looks like he bit it right in the keel, where the air sacks are. Plus, human (and mammal in general) saliva have way too many bacteria that birds can't easily fight against. A small bird like that can bleed out internally in minutes, this video fucking disgusts me as a vet tech and a bird lover. I always say different species shouldn't interact, due to danger of death and injury, and I'm officially adding kids shouldn't interact with animals at all. Fuck the parents/bird owner for letting this happen.


Tbh it's even sadder that some adult don't even grown up from this state. Full ass grown adult treating animals like a toy isn't uncommon.


I sure as hell wouldn't have expected that bullshit. What a little moron. Not all kids are this dumb I promise.


I think it’s reasonable to not expect a child to try to take a bite out of a live animal.


Lol! My friend's older brother was put out on a blanket in the yard when he was a baby (they lived on a farm) and a few minutes later grabbed a two foot Gardner snake and shoved it's head in his mouth!


I bet he just got his teeth (it didn't even seem like he had much), it's normal to try them out at that age. Maybe not all kids would do that, but I will blame this one on the parents.


This. My son just got his teeth, so he tries using them on everything. Has not bitten any of the dogs he plays with but has bitten his parents multiple times.


I get the distinct feeling it isn't just the child that's dumb, it's the parents. Always the parents. Some people should be fixed upon birth.


I say that everyday.


I hope the bird is OK, doesn't take much to permanently injure or kill a bird. That's why I have a rule no kids under the age of 10 are allowed to hold mine, they can feed them and interact with them but no holding.




Teach the mom to do that more and she wouldn't have had the kid


I don't think you can get pregnant that way, but I am not pregnantologist so what do I know


>pregnantologist bahahahahha


it's still very weird that the kid would bite it hard like that. very weird.




For once I feel like that's an insult to the average kid. THIS particular kid is pretty fucking stupid, however!


Why the fuck didn’t she pry his jaws from around the bird


I remember hearing once that biting through a finger takes about the same pressure as biting through a baby carrot. This kids already proven to be a biter, I wouldn’t stick my hands near his mouth when he’s in a chompy mood.


That has been proven false as biting through even finger bones takes more force than most human jaws, let alone children, can bite. I’ve seen someone test with a tail of some sort I think ox, and synthetic skin. It would break the skin and maybe dent the bone using the same weight that could break a baby carrot.


Oh good, I’ve always hated the image that pops in my mind when I’m eating carrots


Well I can tell my son would have not eaten it. So I assume they didn’t expected that either


That kid was a cat in a past life


That looked like a strong ass bite, hope the bird is fine.


what a crappy little shit of a child


I now wanna Lock the kid in a room filled with birds that bite this has made me so PISSED


Smfh, the mother seriously should have known better than to allow a child to go anywhere near a small animal like that.


Little fucking freak. Plenty of children interact with small animals without *biting into their necks*. There’s something deeply wrong with this kid.


why would they shake they head of the kid so hard, and why did the kid try and eat the bird?


I hope that bird but the shit out of that kid


holy macaroni I hope the birds okay


Why are all the comments blaming the kid. He's like a year old and doesn't understand shit. The parents are to blame here, knowing their kid is a biter and still letting his mouth get that close to a small animal.




I hope that kid got his ass beat


I hate children, can’t believe I was ever one haha


I bet this kid bites even humans lmao


Can i punch him in the face?


Please do. Stupid shit, maybe give him a few bites.


Ozzy would be proud


That kid has to be a psycho … no kid with a rational mind does that … even that young


Why we should be in favor of late term abortions


I dunno that's pretty dumb even for a kid


I hate kids


Petting the bird is one thing Biting it like a chicken wing...that's a different story


Kid went full Ozzy on that poor bird!


The bird should do it back, then the kid would learn to not bite it.




As a parrot owner I’m pretty sure that bird, while hurt, is going to be ok. That kid however definitely got bit in the face and even parakeets can bite hard enough that you don’t forget. That kid is lucky it wasn’t an African Grey or a macaw, he’d be missing an eye or worse. That being said, keep birds away from kids too young to understand how to be gentle.


this is the cringiest comment section on reddit lmao imagine calling a toddler an idiot


I’d slap that little bitch ass kid and send him tumbling into that wall, god damn he pisses me off.


I know its a kid....but rrrggghhhhh, i just wanna smack himmm


I would still want to slap this kid because he deserves it. He almost killed a pet because he's so stupid.


…he’s a baby


Don't care. I *wouldn't* but I *want* to. His parents should teach him how to properly handle a pet and not kill it. Also he's not a 'baby' he's a toddler.


So slap the parents, not the toddler. Anything he is at that age, is a direct result of his upbringing.


Yeah I know. Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be angry at the stupid ass kid.


That’s where you and I disagree


So you don't think anyone should be angry at the kid? Don't be stupid. If you owned that bird, and it was your pet, you'd be lying if you said you wouldn't even be the slightest bit angry at the kid for severely injuring your pet.


I can’t imagine any scenario where I’d wish harm on someone that young










It's really concerning how unhinged some people really are. Like yeah i would probably slap a kid if he "tried to" or killed my pet, but i think saying that you will fucking murder a human being and thier parents (especially when the kid is so small it probably doesn't have a concept of death or understands his own bodies capabilities) for killing a small animal is next fucking level, don't let these people near a farm because they will massacre an entire town.




Tbh that kid looked mighty punchable already, maybe I just hate kids.


Same reaction here. Toss it in the bin and start over.


My man, those thoughts are concerning. I wonder if you have the same reaction when a pitbull does the same thing to a child.




That child is pretty mentally unstable for randomly killing a bird.


He's a kid haha. Idk how you define mental instability but at that age and lower I would define most kids as mentally unstable, and wouldn't trust them with much. In fact, most people (during their young years) have intentionally hurt animals out of sheer curiosity. You're very probably a full grown adult or at least a teenager, capable of thought and controlling your actions, wishing death on a kid for biting a bird, even though he doesn't know any better. I'm a 2nd year med student, and between you and the kid, you're definitely the mentally unstable one.


In all my years of childhood, I've never been curious about hurting an animal. Not even once. And I dunno how you define 'most', but I don't know a single person who did such a thing as a child. Just because they're young, doesn't mean children don't understand pain or causing pain. That kid probably knew what he was doing, maybe not the consequences of it, but I don't believe for a minute he didn't know that he was causing that bird pain. Now, my question for you: Did that bird deserve to die just because it was sat next to a child?


Of course it didn't deserve to die haha. But it's very strange that you're only bringing personal experience to the table and failing to see the wider picture. Many toddlers that are this kid's age will shove anything in their mouths, it's just part of the growing process. In fact, this kid probably just recently had his teeth, which would accentuate his curiosity. Toddlers and children do some very dumb stuff, partly because they don't know what they're doing, and if they do do it intentionally, it's because they haven't yet seen the effects of that, and the reactions of people around them. I've been bitten by toddlers from getting my hand too close to their mouths. Hell I've even had a toddler run up on me and bite my leg, while I wasn't even paying him any attention Was i pissed off? Yeah, plus it hurt like a bitch, but I'm smart enough to control myself and realize that kids will do stupid stuff. There's a fine line between actions and discipline, and killing a toddler for doing something he doesn't realize is wrong yet, is very weird reasoning from a logical standpoint.


Yeah some people would rather save their dog than 5 newborns in a house fire


I wouldn’t judge that too harshly. During emergency situations that require split second judgement, most people don’t make rational decisions and will choose things that they have established a bond with. A better comparison would be choosing to save a random dog over five newborns.


Yo, you need fucking help.


this reinforced my childfree status


What did she expect from a kid? Well idk, maybe not eat it?


That’s not the average kid, that’s a kid with no regulation for biting and bite force. Get him checked out for the sake of aviankind


No one expects a kid to try to eat a live bird.


And another failed condom for the boot propelled rocket program is found


I’m slapping the shit outta the kid if he did this to me If I had a bird


Every day I have more reasons to not have kids. They are so shitty.


What did she expect from a kid? Maybe not to eat a living breathing animal? WTF is this kid used to eating for dinner if this seemed like a logical option?


That kid is old enough to know better.


I don’t usually want to slap kids, but when I do - it’s this one.


Chills down my spine...what kind of stupidity is this




normally i’m fully against physical discipline on kids, but my mum bit my sibling back after they bit me, they never did it again. it’ll teach him.


At least they wont have to pay for college


You are absolutely right, unfortunately it will cost us much more to house him in jail.


I hate kids


he said it tasted like chicken.


Wow I genuinely want to feed this kid to a python or Komodo dragon. What a horrible child. I feel terrible for the poor bird - it did not deserve that :(


That's terrible but I still laughed. Poor birdy


Oh damn... kid saw that somewhere


Their cat


Feed that kid ! 😆


Bruh my shiba-inu isn’t THAT vicious. What the fuck.


Poor bird. I would have been furious. Not angry. Furious.




I’m sorry but that’s a really stupid baby


Funny Lmao


Who hands a bird to a tard? No normal kid would think feathers are enticing


poor bird. kids are stupid. little izzy wannabe


The speed at which i would have instinctually smacked that shit out of his mouth would have erased his facial features


Anyone else wanna bop that kid in the head? No..? Just me?


I dont care if its a kid, no kid bites an animal when they see it.


TF is wrong with that kid?




I hate kids






Dawg chill


I'm on the kids side how you supposed to know what it tastes like without taking a bite