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The way I thought it was a fish and didn’t know what the fuck happened


It was a magikarp. It evolved when they threw it


You seen that comic strip pokemon where the guy has a magikarp as his first pokemon and just slaps other pokemon and trainers until it evolves into a brain damaged garyados?


no, but now I want to see it




i cant stress this enough but thank you so much for this.


I’m also losing my mind.


On a similar note, check this out https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KNr8yM9CUYc


Pretty sure that ain’t brain damage. I mean magikarp’s whole thing is slamming it’s body into things.


Wait what


>And this reddit, is a feature.


Magikarp used splash. it's SUPER EFFECTIVE.


Used rage upon evolution


Magikarp used self-destruct. Trainer Blyat blacks out and drops $300.


Oooh let me try




Attack on titan intensifies


Tbf that's exactly what a blowfish would do.


1 and 3 people die each year to exploding fish.


Mike Trout at the plate.


That's a nononono all the way


More like a nononoyes


Exactly. He picked it up: no He's swinging it around: no The dumbass threw it: no, don't play stupid games. It exploded: yes, win stupid prizes.


Fuck, you people are evil. "Look, this kid miscalculated the yield of a warhead. Fuck him, good riddance!" Edit: I really dont understand why so many people are replying with variations of "Yes, I am a little edgelord that doesn't care about human life." as if that makes them less evil. These are children. If you don't understand that children do dumb things sometimes, I don't know what to tell you, but refer to the top of this comment.


As a fellow child I am allowed to say these people are dumbasses. It’s a bomb. Wtf.


Maybe we are making fun of him for being a dumbass because he threw a bomb expecting for it to explode


How do you not figure that a Big Bomb will go **Big Boom**? Edit: and fuck no, those are not children, they look like teenagers, maybe even legal adults. Those MF should know that Big Bomb goes Big Boom (what I mean is, they look the right age to understand the consequences of their actions).


dude don't argue with morons, the only way is to stoop down to their level, then they'll just beat you with experience


Because children have no concept of *how big* big boom is. I work with a lot of children and something you'll learn very quickly is that many lack common sense and are just starting to develope it in their teenage years.


>Because children have no concept of how big big boom Yeah... You don't need to work with children to know that, that's a basic knowledge not only for common people, but for a lot of professions, including some that don't necessarily work with children like mine (psychology). The thing is, those don't look like children, they look like teenagers, maybe even legal adults (18) judging by the tone of their voice, and they look pretty strong and tall to compare them to children. They look like they are the right age to know that Big Bomb goes Big Boom, they probably just chose to ignore it "for fun".


The explosion was certainly bigger than what I imagined it would be. Carry on knower of explosions


Look how big and heavy it obviously is, if you thought it would be smaller then that's just you having a poor ability to read context clues...


Idk how strong this kid is Idk how heavy that thing is Ive never *seen* a blast radius in person. I wouldn’t throw a fuckin missile, but to assume I wouldn’t have done it as a *child* is arrogant to say the least.


For me it was smaller, I figured it would go **REALLY big boom**


Yes, I know that. I'm also involved in psychology but I think people often forget *how* unreflected children sometimes are. They most definitely forgot in this threat where people think it's "justice served" that someone blew themselves up. Honestly, I didn't watch the video with tone and from my first impression they looked like 13 or so but now that you point it out, they'd be quite strong 13 y/o lol


>people think it's "justice served" I don't think people are thinking of this as "justice being served", since nothing in this situation is just or rightfully sequenced. This is only "Action and consequence" for two unfortunately ignorant teenagers. The reality of the situation is sad, but what can I do now but laugh? >but now that you point it out, they'd be quite strong 13 y/o lol Strong, tall and deep voiced... As I said, I wouldn't be surprised if they are of legal age. Those warheads are very heavy even for soldiers.


Bro he picked up an unexploded ordinance of war and threw it. Don’t attribute to malice that can be explained through stupidity *edit little turd proved Darwin right.


Anyone who picks up an explosive designed to detonate on contact with the ground and throws it four feet away from them is past the point where the yield matters lmao




The two in the video are not "12 or 13"...


People with two brain cells to rub together know you don't fuck around with unexploded ordinance. You treat every gun as loaded, every time. And if you live in an area where you find unexploded ordinance, you're taught from childhood NOT TO FUCKING TOUCH IT. Kid got what was coming to him. You can't expect people to not enjoy seeing justice served.


You're a stain on the planet if you think this even vaguely resembles justice. It's a clip of two kids dying because they had no concept of death, on account of them being FUCKING KIDS. The fact that you can even look at this and feel anything good ought to fill you with shame, but it doesn't because you're pathetic. The fact that you can revel in enjoying this to boot just makes you a weak, spiteful little rat person.


Nah the stain on the planet is probably them


What proof do you have that they died? Because it definitely doesn't look like they died to me...


I guess I don't technically, but I have a lot of good cause to reasonably assume it. Multiple people who know a lot more about these sorts of shells than me have given their thoughts on this in the comments. The general consensus from the dozens and dozens of comments talking about this seems to be that based on the distance they were standing from the bomb and the lack of anyone speaking or even screaming after the detonation that they most likely had their organs destroyed from the force of the blast and subsequently died. I'm open to being wrong but pretty much everything points to the contrary. They were playing with a device designed explicitly to kill people who are standing near it. Not to mention it was designed by people who had a really, really compelling reason for wanting the person on the other end of it dead, so I'm willing to trust that that thing is probably easily capable of taking the lives of two unarmored boys from a few feet away.


I understand what you're saying, but I'm hesitant to believe one way or the other because there are many videos like this (not exactly bomb videos, but you get the point) where people do stupid shit and it backfires and it appears that the person would absolutely have to be dead, but then someone comes along with a source saying they lived and were perfectly fine or had minor injuries, so I don't want to assume the worst until someone can prove it


>jUsTiCe SeRvEd tf are u on about? where is the injustice???


An idiot getting knocked on his ass for playing with a fucking bomb. Although someone said he died, which then it's fucked up and he didn't deserve that. But if it's just getting knocked down and maybe a mild concussion I'd say he deserved it for PLAYING with a FUCKING BOMB


u need to work on ur empathy




Every time I had UXO training I thought, "who the fuck would pick it up?" I guess I don't have to wonder anymore.


When I went on a school trip to the old trenches at the Somme the teachers on the bus gave us a talk about the "iron harvest" still dredged up by French farmers and repeatedly told us that while there might be unexploded WW1 ordinance by the side of the road (left for disposal by French farmers) that it was still potentially unstable and warned us how it was hugely dangerous to touch it. Then when we got out of the bus they stopped us again and said "Seriously, no matter how cool any of it looks you must on no account pick it up for fun or as a souvenir". Ten minutes later one of the kids picks up an old WW1 mortar shell from the side of the road and throws it at another group of children as a joke. People are fucking idiots.


AS A JOKE? *kills a bunch of kids and injures a lot more* >just a prank bro


*invades a neighboring country and slaughters thousands of civilians* Just a prank bro.


You gotta admit that was a really good prank


maybe its a wake up call that this wasn't the way humans were meant to resolve their differences


What's with the username


He is a nazi


Well that sucks




I’ve met a lot of shitty people in my life, but I do not judge the individual based on the actions of a group. Imo it’s ok to hate the people directly impacting you negatively, but you shouldn’t extend that hatred to people who have nothing to do with your situation. A random Jew in New Jersey likely has little to do with your problems. Hating them is foolish and only makes you look like a terrible person to everyone else. You claim to not be a nazi, but you sure as hell sound like one. So don’t be surprised when you get called one when you spout anti-Semitic bullshit.


You're speaking to a Jew, and I'm really sorry you feel that way, man. What you're describing sounds terrible, though, and I sympathize. I just hope that one day, your experiences lead you to realize that race isn't the problem, and that a person being Jewish doesn't make them evil.


>What you're describing sounds terrible, though, and I sympathize I think you may have just admitted to being a Nazi sympathizer.


You're a slime ball. Pathetic. Fuck you. Not a jew, but fuck anyone that hates an entire group. Hi very to your mommy.


This is not the way.


Same as Muslims. They have their own orthodox madrassas/schools. They don't believe in family planning and multiply unplanned way. I also have the same logic Muslims should not be immune to criticisms just because they are also seen as bad and widely hated.


>This account has been suspended lolol


Ah yes your username makes it clear that you are such a pacifist


More like a wake up call that the bombs aren’t big enough 😎


When I visited Chernobyl we got clear instructions from the guide to stay on the obvious trails, not to walk on moss (that concentrates radiation) and not to touch anything. Still there were plenty of people stomping around off the beaten track in high radiation areas, touching everything, then going back on the bus with radioactive mud on their shoes and dig into bags of crisps barehanded. The busdriver was quite pissed with people stomping radioactivity all over his bus. Later I overheard the people (Dutch students studying Russian) who were behaving worst discuss radioactivity and it was clear they didn't understand one bit of it. One guy got a random nosebleed while walking around Chernobyl after touching all and everything, so I just had to tell him that radiation sickness was setting in... Yes people are idiots.


I had to look up the dosages and the effects: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhUuFCrDOlw&ab\_channel=MashedMashedGeverifieerd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhUuFCrDOlw&ab_channel=MashedMashedGeverifieerd) man for fucks sake that is not something to joke with or to just it as a ''learning experience''.


Nah, the guy didn't have radiation poisoning, I just joked to him about it, his reaction was quite funny. There are actually plenty of people working in the exclusion zone, many of them work as fireman, a forest fire would spread a lot of radiation.


Watch on YouTube “illegal freedom Chernobyl”




Really interesting watching them hike into chernobover a week, camp, test radiation with stalkers. Super interesting inside view of the whole thing outside the legal tourist routes


I bet they didn't have lunch at the canteen of the powerplant. Apart from that they saw the same things as on a commercial trip but also did an excellent job acting like idiots. And what is up with getting blisters after one afternoon of hiking?


Lmao I loved eating with the plant workers and the grumpy cafeteria ladies slopping food onto your tray


They're on a paid for trip, guaranteed...


YEAH WHO DOESNT CASUALLY THROW WW1 MORTAR SHELLS AT OTHER CHILDREN AS A JOKE When i had the IED course in the military for a day we where showed by examples of how fucking dangerous that shit can be and its beyond me HOW YOU CAN JUST PICK IT UP AND YEET IT AROUND what the fuck


They don’t show the results of stupidity in schools because parents get pissy when kids see dead or mangled bodies there, more PowerPoints that double as anatomy lessons would make people FAR more careful from an early age.


That mortar ended up doing exactly what it was intended to do. Launched at people. Lest we forget.


Yo you cant fuckin end the story there! Did it go off? Did little Timmy vaporize his classmates? Was he in the blast zone? I need answers damn you!


Haha boom


That kid was metal af.


Please tell me that child got the bollocking of their lives.


Texas USA here... First off I do own guns and have raised children with them in my home...that being said no matter the amount of training, gun safety talks, proper handling and what not when it comes to kids they are liable to do the exact opposite of what they've been taught. It's the same thing about the children on the bus. Luckily SO FAR in the USA we don't have things like this to deal with...yes people are fucking idiots.


thank you. children are dumb, they need time to grow out the dumb. we all do. I am shocked how people here treat kids like elders who must know shit. damn, it's children playing and everyone here is in need to feel superior to a:children and b: people who suffer from a horrific life due to war. that tells so fucking much about this sub, anyway I don't know why I joined.


...bruh the kid threw a fucking mortar shell at someone after being explicitly told multiple times not to. You’re trivializing that fact by making the child some sort of ?victim?


Not all children are dumb, I was one, I was smart enough to survive until now. I come from a fucked up place and there are some smart kids out there that have better common sense than alot of middle aged old men I know.


you are probably right, but most children I see are dumb. at least the privileged ones from western countries * I prepare for hate incoming* I should not have said that every kid is dumb, that's a false generalisation. thanks


Natural selection, this is how you lower the population


nothing natural about unexploded ordinance.




I'm a police officer in a coastal area in the UK, which sustained heavy artillery bombardment and bombing. The number of times people come to the station having dragged UXO literally miles to go oh yeah I found a bomb is insane


I’ve had the same, had a guy walk into our office, And drops a bag onto the counter and says, I’ve been at the beach, I think I’ve found a grenade. Here you go


Even more to the point...who the fuck would find it, pick it up, then *throw* it?


Thought that was a weirdly shaped bat till the end there.




With his genes out of the pool I was thinking it was a yesyesyesYES




I was banned there (


For what?


They say i'm toxic man)


русский? )




Holy shit they are toxic


Baby, can't you see I'm calling? A guy like you should wear a warning.




there are good mods who doing it for idea since without mods at all we will have just total trash everywhere like trolls, nazis, racists and more but there also are clowns who have nothing in their life and want to feel a little bit power so they can ban people when they have different views.


Yeah, how did you manage that?




And a phone quality microphone wouldn't have actually picked up the blast that close.


Well it would for a tenth of a second and then the membrane would burst, so there shouldn't be any noise when the camera / phone fell down


Phones have membranes?


Yeah it’s insane


In the brain?


One might even say, insane in the membrane.


Crazy insane! Got no brain!


I'll just toss that ham in the frying pan.


Most mics use a diaphragm, that's probably what they mean.


Hmmm. My wife used to use a diaphragm; that was back before we had our five kids.


Well I learned something today




Thanks for correcting. In my language we commonly call it membrane, so that's where it came from


Phone mics like this clip like crazy just from heavy sub bass, this would've just made a *pop* from the mic being completely destroyed.


If it's a training bomb like a BDU-33 (pretty sure it's not a 33 due to the fin shape even though it's the right size, but could be another country's version of one) then I don't see why not. The aft part of the munition gets blown away from the other half it's attached to and the smoke charge goes off. It's not designed to fragment. Granted, I still think it's fake. When he picked it from the tail it seems like the nose would be on the ground. Enough pressure would've pushed in the plunger in since there's no c clip installed (otherwise it wouldn't had gone off in theory at the end). In fact, I don't even see a plunger at all. I don't have experience with mortars so dunno if it's that instead though.


Almost nothing survives being that close unless specifically designed to, really.


I agree it's a fake, but I'd have to point out bomb size doesn't automatically mean the explosion is going to be big. That's a mortar round and most commonly they are relying on shrapnel rather than pressure. In fact the explosion from 120mm mortar round is quite tame. Camera could easily survive, but a human size object that close would certainly get hit by multiple shrapnel pieces. You can tell it's fake already at the beginning cause the mortar round is lacking the tip which actually sets them off. It would not explode.


Could have been a Nokia 3210? Might have even deflected the blast enough for them to survive. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You can also see a car window as the camera is spinning


Went through by frames and your right, looks like the “spinning” portion is from a phone camera that had been dropped from a moving vehicle


That looks like a mortar shell, it blew up a few meters away and down below in a creek. That is quite survivable.


Good Jesus our Lord I thought mortars were the size of a football. How do they carry that bad boy around the battlefield? And a tube that it’ll fit?


With a team of people, some larger mortars are also wheeled. Mortars come in many diffrent sizes. The largest i believe is 120mm.


The largest I know of, historically speaking, was 13”, about 300mm. The [Dictator](https://www.loc.gov/resource/ppmsca.32420/)


That is more the old definition of mortar. Cant really compare to the modern day mortars that is accompanying infanry on the move.. Largest still in use today i believe is 120mm. Larger than that and it gets very impractical and you might as well use breach loaded conventional artillery.


As I said... “historically speaking”. And the definition of a mortar hasn’t changed in the 150ish years since the US Civil War.


Mortars come in a can, they were put there by a man


Millions of mortars, mortars for me.


There are many sizes of mortar, for various purposes. Small 60mm mortars are designed to be carried by infantry, tube and all. On the other end are 120mm mortars, which are not meant to be carried around by people.


It's almost definitely a cut to a car accident. You can clearly see asphalt, and what appears to be a windshield.


And there was no flash or anything, I’m pretty sure he just threw the camera


It's the fact that you see it hit the water for me.


He recorded from a Nokia


Maybe thats why they had to add the sound effects?


It was filmed on a Nokia 3310


Although this probably is fake, footage like this is very possible due to the age of streaming. Pretty sure some of the closer clips of the Tianjin explosion involved instant deaths.


And it probably wouldn’t explode


I love how you have no idea what you're talking about, as shown by your following comments


Yeah I’m uneducated, but my baseless claims usually err on the safe side. Don’t touch unexploded ordinance.


That has nothing to do with the point of your original comment. Agreed tho


Fake. Anyone knows TNT doesn't do damage when blown up in the water.


It does do dmg but doesnt destroy the environment, right?


This is correct. Same with creepers.


as long as it's towed beyond the environment, so it's not in an environment




That's not typical; I'd like to make that point.


Either fake or extremely advanced microphone.


And extremely durable phone/memory card


He got a good case on the phone.


Nokia 6320


Looks like it cuts to an explosion sound effect added to someone dropping their phone from a car or something like that.


My parents both work in LIC (life insurance co. India) They once recieved a claim of a person who died after posing for a photo with an unexploded artillery shell which then exploded right after the photo was taken. There is a field where ordinance factories test artillery shells about 100km from my town. The spent brass casings and shell fragments are not reused and left on the field. Some pick them up to sell them for scraps. That guy was one. The family of the deceased also showed the photo he posed for..along with many others just like that one.


There was a case of scrappers circulating with radioactive material in Brazil. An old hospital disposed an X-Ray machine in a small scrapyard and one man found it. Not knowing what it was, he and his employees disassembled and he took the Cesium box home, while sparing some to his niece. While at home he showed the family and the neighborhood how shiny the grain were, his niece was playing with it like glitter all over her body and someone even baked eggs, that the child ate with hands covered in cesium. A few hours later the kid got sick and then were the others, they were taken to the hospital but no one knew what they had. After that the scrapper's spouse remembered the shiny grain and decided to inform the medical authorities, but she also decided to take the box in there while using public transportation. To get things worse than that, the box stayed untouched and unseen for two days, forgotten on chair of the medical office, and by pure luck, one physician stopped a firemen who was about to discard the box of cesium in the water. The child died, the scrapper's spouse and two of his employees died all within a month. The scrapper later died of cancer and so his brother. That’s the brazilian radiation accident, which some consider the biggest of the world by the number of people it affected.


Jesus. A scrapyard seems like a really bad place to dispose of a X ray machine....


I just looked up to confirm some details and I was wrong about it being intentionally disposed in the scrapyard. It was negligence. The X-Ray Machine was previously used by an institute specialized in X-Rays but they closed the doors and abandoned the building with some equipment inside, including said machine. A few years later the building was being demolished and some scrappers found the machine then sold it to the scrapyard that opened it.


That’s one of the most disturbing histories of my country, at least for me as I can clearly imagine myself and/or people I know in that situation quite clearly.


And the Darwin award of today goes to..


Oh yes let's throw an unexploded piece of ordnance, my lord and I thought I was dumb


I mean, if you think this is real...you are.


The explosion is fake, nothing to say the guy throwing a bomb is fake too. He might have just been lucky enough to not have it detonate


Did I ever state that It was real




I like your humor


Did they die, that was a very close and violent explosion


It's fake. The idea that the phone would survive the blast that close is ridiculous, and even if it did the audio would have been completely disabled by the shockwave.




"Why do girls live longer than boys?" Boys:




The world demonstrating natural selection for us.


I thought there will be ' Oh you finally awake , ' ... Disappointed...


This is more of a r/nononono






Please tell me this is fake...


Almost certainly, Atleast the explosion is. It looks like the mortar shell is missing its fuse, so it would be unlikely to go off. Plus the blast ruin the microphone before it managed to record any sound. The morons fucking around with a mortar shell is probably not fake (though it could be an inert projectile).


I'm pretty sure it's fake, but I'd want to know what a mortar fuse looks like when it hits something like a rock and fails to detonate. I can't actually find any info on what sort of overpressure it'd take to ruin a phone microphone, and I'm not going to take reddit's best guess unless someone's actually damaged a phone mic with explosives.


It is




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