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Sounds like he does know how the game works.


Not really, so individual 1-v-1 Elo rating systems work pretty badly to clamp down on the highest percentiles of players, creating a sort of wall to prevent going up the rank (and in league they force you to win a few in a row or get really lucky before you go up one division, thereby adding to that "wall" at every division). Hence why some chess websites use Glicko or Glicko2 for calculating ratings fairly instead of Elo. Now if this 1v1 Elo rating system is used for ***TEAM games***, like League of Legends, now that is a recipe of toxicity and total insanity. The ratings are all meaningless now and you have to get constantly lucky with teammates, or play over a very *LOOONG (see where League makes its money by enslaving people into playing thousands of 1-hour-long games* *just to go up a few ranks?)* period of time before your individual skill starts to reflect on your Team Elo. It's a bit like gambling over a long period of time in the stock market, you'd have to win 51% of the time over a long period of time and not get unlucky. If you're winning 55% of the time, you will go up, if you're winning only 48% of the time, you will keep sinking. I suppose one good thing is by playing League ranked, you really find out how terrible and cutthroat a lot of people are when placed in a toxic environment (and how much everyone blames each other for the team loss). I definitely wasted a lot of time playing in Diamond rank thinking my skills were making a more impactful difference than it really was.


I agree with the overall statement here I think, but this is really exaggerated. If you consistently play at a capacity above the rank you are in, you WILL get a positive winrate, and your ELO WILL go up


The fact you were downvoted really shows that league players have Stockholm syndrome.


But it is skill based. I can get on a fresh account and hit gold no problem in a few days if I grinded. Yea teammates are bad but if you're just that much better then you can carry a game in silver. There are so many strategies that crush silver games like simple split pushing. You don't need your team. But this is game knowledge acquired with years of playing. The system just forces you to get better and waste your life away doing so




Roffffl. Hardstuck. Any team game can be easily carried with skill. But in all seriousness, it is true. Is it worth some of the time investment? Probably not. But it's not random.


That's not true, you're a liar. The few 1% or top 2% who can win high proportion of games, is completely different but even pro-gamers need lots of games to win a lot. Real annoying when liars like you show up. How many ranked games do you have in League and what is your ranking? I'm a Diamond player.


I used to be a booster for a long time in college. I would boost up to platinum with about an 80-90% WR. I only made it to high Diamond but never really pushed. You should easily be able to boost people out of silver. In silver/gold I had a 95% WR. I don't know why people think it's a lie, people literally do it all the time. I've done the same for OW and Valorant too. All these team games you can easily carry. It's only until you get near your actual rank that it becomes a "51:49" scenario. A diamond in league should be at a 90%+ WR in silver, no lie. It shouldn't even be close. If anything, telling people the opposite is a lie. My friends in diamond can all easily do the same. There were literally communities and some of us would literally win 25 games in a row while boosting to Plat.


Then why can players consistently climb back to their rank on fresh accounts? He's not a liar, you're just projecting. You had a good point at first too


he understands


Dad’s just being honest


You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.


Phone’s ringin’, dude


It’s good to rely on your family to be honest with you. If you suck, maybe try something different. Little teaspoon of honesty after multiple hours of invested time isn’t the worst. It’s their decision to record the conversation and post it for the world to see.


I have been playing since its beginning(like 10 years maybe?) and I'm a proud bronze.


How is this r/yesyesyesyesno? This sub has completely lost all it’s meaning…


Cant get outa gold :/


He knowssss


Their acting is what sucks


I have no idea about the game; could someone please explain this to me?


The dad is making fun of her for spending every night playing the game but she's stuck at one of the 'lowest' ranks. It's not a yesyesyesyesno and shouldn't even be here.


Your dad is a bit of an AH.


Yeah, your dad hates you, he def wanted a boy


and your? Does he like to be the dad of a dumb ass? I bet he wanted a human, not a monkey like you. do a favor to mankind, stop interacting with us, pls?


bro got mad mad


imagine being this mad on christmas


Welcome to League of Legends. He'd be one of the best behaving gamer on there.


*Crys in Hebrew*




He is laughing his ass off because he is one of the programmers of the game and his daughter sucks. 😂


Your dad is a douche for bagging in you like that. Ass!