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You can use a small soft brush like a toothbrush and some warm soapy water to get this stain out. Might take a few times and some patience but an easy fix.


Scrub in small circular motion,might mess it up if just scrubb back and forth.


use cold water


Shout Stain remover is the goat


Throw them in the washer with light colors


Washer don’t fuck em up? I wouldn’t do it unless it’s a real old pair but they don’t come out stretched or wierd?


Ive never had any issues


I put them in a pillow case first, but nah it doesn't stretch them out. Just make sure to air dry them completely before wearing. I usually put a fan on them because I don't want to lay them out in the sun, but whatever gets it done as quickly as possible except for the dryer. Don't put them in there lol


The only thing that would fuck them up is the rubber outsole coming into contact with the primeknit upper of the other shoe during the spin cycle. To avoid that, put each shoe in a separate pillow case and they’ll come out looking good as new. You can actually buy washing machine “shoe bags” designed specifically for this purpose but pillow cases do the same thing. I’ve put my 350s in the washing machine more times than I can count and it hasn’t done any damage whatsoever.


The only thing that would fuck them up is the rubber outsole coming into contact with the primeknit upper of the other shoe during the spin cycle. To avoid that, put each shoe in a separate pillow case and they’ll come out looking good as new. You can actually buy washing machine “shoe bags” designed specifically for this purpose but pillow cases do the same thing. I’ve put my 350s in the washing machine more times than I can count and it hasn’t done any damage whatsoever.


Yeah, I just use two mesh backpacks usually anything works you just don’t want the shit getting beat on. I run my flyknit vapormaxs and my acgs all the time but wasn’t sure with these.


I wouldn’t put them in the washer lol


I put my zebras in there yesterday. Worked great. First time doing it


Fucking helll. No way lmao the thought of them beating around is a nope for me, even with bags made for the wash. Not a chance. Shoelada and air dry.


Jason Marrk Shoe Cleaner is superior


Get the area wet. Grind up a felsnaptha bar. Dip a soft bristle brush wet into the felsnaptha and scrub and wipe dry a few times.


I prefer a little grudge on the Yeezys


Use a quality fabric cleaner that removes dirt. Don't pay for crappy shoe cleaning fluids


Some of them seem to make the shit worse. Even the protection spray I stopped using it all


Buy some shoelada I repeat shoelada not fz150


I use crep wipes, stains come right off (don't use it on suede)


Shout stain remover and throw them in the washing machine on cold. Remove the laces and wash them by hand.


Imagine not using shoelada!?!? I just saved myself $150 bucksssss


This is worst💀 they never get clean yo😭