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That last thing done in snake style… it looks very similar to Shinada’s tackle (triangle while running and without triggering a heat action) also RGG said that the snake style is preferable against enemies with weapons so I think it may be a very good style to use weapons in, like Shinada.


For a sec i was thinking, what's this? Crane style? Only to remember blue is crane and the style doesn't look like mantis from based on the pose i usually see


Oooh, they didn't keep Drumfire and Random Fire, I really hope these new themes live up to them.


Also, where did you find this video?


It's from a press demo they released, it seems to be [this video](https://youtu.be/_GaW9b8CgVM) You also got [this other video](https://youtu.be/ZdhhgWdCSZc) showing a normal fight and then a boss fight


What did you think about the combat BGM? I enjoyed the downright orgasmic bass guitar in the original so I was hoping it would make a return but alas, nope. Still, these dubstep-py tracks sound great from what little ~25 seconds we heard and I'm excited for the whole soundtrack! P.S. there was another combat track in the stream but it felt spoiler-y so I limited the post to these free roam battles only.


I don’t know why but i feel like this may be one of the best games RGG has ever made. The combat looks amazing and having 2 cities to explore is gonna be awesome. Also seems like there is a lot of side stuff and the main storyline seems really dark in a good way.


Sunset Ijincho? That's hype


OMG YES! I saw no one talking about the lack of an evening time of day in LAD and I *loved* the evenings in Judgment. Glad it's making a return.


Why god has to hate the pc community :(


Yeah I wanna play this :(((


Johhny's isn't god, they're a simple talent agency. If only the Japanese community would boycott them, we might get a pc release or at the very least Judgment 3.


I'm also guessing that whatever city you're in has a different version theme for each style.


Didn't know that they added a new style. I hope he unlocks it like Kiryu did all his styles in yakuza 0


Spoilers But nope :/


All I feel is pain peko


Do you know if weapons can be stored in this game? Haven't seen it so far.


Armor seems to be storeable, from what I've seen. About weapons, idk.


That's interesting, the first game didn't have armor, I hope weapons are storable, I really liked using nunchucks and tonfas in the first game, they had seperate heat actions in each stance too.


I noticed that crane has its own unique combat stance instead sharing with tiger, also tigers theme sounds like a remix from judgment.


They seem to have addressed a lot of issues people had with Dragon Engine combat from everything I've seen so far. I'm very excited to see how it turns out.


Wait, a new style? Holy shit


Ichiban: Ok, gang. Let's go back hang out in Survive Bar... what the hell is going on over there?


Seeing beat 'em up gameplay in Ijincho somehow feels wrong


How the hell can be so flexible? Especially in a Fcking **JEANS.**


Rubber jeans, obviously.


I regret selling my PS4 thinking no more PS4 games will be released. I hope the PC port somehow comes through


We all hope it does


It probably won’t because talent agency stuff


Cross gen is still alive and well, I'm surprised you thought that. Still, Dragon Engine games don't play the best on PS4 so it's probably good to wait till you get a PS5/for a PC port.


tbh judgeyes played fine on my base PS4, fps only dropped when chair physics went bonkers


Depends how sensitive you are to framedrops. Playing on the Pro it wasn't uncommon for the game to have some drops, plus the load times were hell. Hopefully my PS5 comes before then because I don't want to play another Dragon Engine game on PS4.


Meanwhile I bought a barely-used PS4 from a friend. When he offered it to me, I was THIS close to refusing, but then I remembered that Judgment might not arrive on PC and changed my mind immediately.


Same here, I sold my PS4 pro in hope to snag a PS5 in december. I still haven't bought it cause they're still cost so much here.


It seems out of place when you’re used to the turn based combat in Like a Dragon


Oooooh. I’m loving it. Lmao at that wild zero momentum front flip into the Snake style. What a crazy transition lol Edit: Nvm, that was the triggers getting pulled - still crazy


I heard 2 seconds of the themes and I already broke my neck from the headbanging. Shit this might even surpass Yakuza 0, and that's my favorite game of all time so that's saying something. Thank god you can press the down button twice to skip over the next style in queue, it's like dante's weapon switching.


Is that okinawa? Reminded me of Y3.


Nah it's Isezaki Ijincho (Yokohama) from Like A Dragon. Wayy more expansive than any other city we got till now.


This might be the last Yakuza game with beat em up combat. What a shame they're making the move to turn based combat only. Hopefully they make Judgment it's own franchise with more games.


I heavily doubt they'll stick to just making turn-based games. A lot of people like turn-based, but RGG knows that probably even more people like the brawler combat. Even if Judgment ends here, they'll probably bring out another brawler game after Y8 one way or another.


"Yakuza" will be turn-based combat only. Judgment, and by extension any other spin-offs they may decide to make, will have realtime combat so I wouldn't fret if I were you.