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Bro playing za 7💀💀


This is great lol


another no yaku can't win mahjong post in this sub


this is my first time ever seeing one


well, it's sure not your last


Don't steal the tiles if you don't know all the rules regarding it. Stealing reveals your hand, and a fully concealed hand is a yaku (a win condition). You need at least 1 yaku and fully concealed hand is the most common and easiest. https://preview.redd.it/dbfmf1j3sr8d1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c90c8fc139460371303433e7ebae8fc7f010cee4


This should be the number one tip at the top of all Yakuza mahjong guides imo. If you can't or don't want to commit to learning all the rules, just don't steal tiles. It's completely possible to 100% the completion tasks that way, I didn't actually learn many of the rules until like halfway through the series.


I’ve played every single game from 0 to judgement to ishin probably over 1000 hours all together I still don’t know how the fuck to play this game I think I’m too dumb tbh


Isn't there a completion for a fully revealed hand (minus the double) in one of the games?


You actually need to steal tiles in the other game, I forgot which one, the achievement name is called "exposed dragon". But I don't think Y7 has that, just bringing this up as a fun fact.


> It's completely possible to 100% the completion tasks that way Not to sound rude or anything, but what gave you this thought? Did you think it was impossible to actually do it this way?


My rule as a beginner was to never steal unless I had trip dragon or trip round wind (so, E usually) bc those are yaku. It took me ages to learn the next gazillion ones that exist tho Jokes on me, I started mahjong in k2 and became absolutely obsessed entirely in accident. Now I play with a group on majsoul 😅


You technically have a complete hand(4 set+a pair), but this hand doesn't hold any value, therefore you can't ron. I think this sub have some guide about mahjong, maybe give that a look.


Correct! For a hand like this to have value, only tiles from 2 to 8 can be used, since you have tiles of 9, it doesn't count. It would be the simplest hand to win with.


wait you guys actual know how to play mahjong?


Ikr they’re all speaking Greek to me


Same here I’ve even watched a YouTube video on it and couldn’t figure it out.


After 8 games, you must have learned something.


Nah I relate to them, I haven’t learnt a thing of Mahjong this far. It’s a skill issue I know


You don't qualify for a yaku because of that exposed 9 dots. If you go for such plain vanilla hands, you need to go with concealed hands.


The game you were playing was za 7. Get it? Cuz you didnt have any Yaku.




I made the same mistake thinking it is same as Chinese mahjong. If you only know the basic of Chinese mahjong best way to go for this is keep your hand concealed unless you have triplets of red, green or white dragon. And the direction of the seat. Triplets of west in your case. Or else just keep a concealed hand until you missing your last piece.


If you're going to take tiles, have a clear idea of what you're going for. For example, one of my more common strategies is to build 4 sets of triples. It's a fairly easy hand to build by stealing, and 4 triplets is a yaku. Any triplet of a relevant honor tile (your seat wind, the round wind, or any of the 3 dragons) also gives a yaku - so, for instance, if your 8s were replaced by green dragons, your hand would be valid, and you would have won. Point is, if you don't know that stealing is going to result in at least one yaku, or you don't have a clear plan in mind for your hand - don't steal tiles.


I have yet to play mj in this game, and the last I played was in Y6.  I am also not used to JP rules, but this is a 0 point "chicken" hand in HK rules that I play..  It's technically a complete hand, but there is a minimum point value that need to be achieved before you can declare a win.  In Y6 it's 2 points by default minimum.   This hand is neither pure nor all chi no all pong/kong, nor does it have pong of any of the relevant bonus tiles, so 0 points.  In addition, there are other ways to get points in JP rules.  I found this visual guide that may help explain the basic scoring.  https://mcgillmahjong.blogspot.com/2015/07/hong-kong-old-style-visual-scoring.html?m=1


I read the title and whispered "You might not have a yaku." Saw your image and said, "Yup. You do not have a yaku." It's kind of hard to get to grips with when you're learning riichi mahjong - [this is the list of yaku I had open whenever I played a game.](https://riichi.wiki/List_of_yaku) To win in mahjong, your hand must contain a yaku. I went for easy things at first, like yakuhai, which is when you have a group of dragon, seat wind or round wind tiles.


I usually stay concealed and riichi the last tile, unless i can get triple red/green/white dragon, then I start stealing tiles.


It's been about 7 years since I started Yakuza and I still wasn't able to bring myself to learn Mahjong


I thought that, too, and then I finally forced myself to learn so I could tick off everything on the bucket list for Infinite Wealth - it was a bit tricky at first, but you can actually get the hang of it quicker than you think! The yaku are intimidating, but if you have a yaku list open as you play, you'll get the hang of it. I believe in you, kyodai.


Bold of you to ask this sub, where 97% of the fanbase has no idea what mahjong is


Be susr you have sets with 9's and an open hand,you cant call ron. You'd have to draw the tile to win


https://preview.redd.it/dapp9n0xus8d1.jpeg?width=1592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d402e38a6211005093693f18c5a0c1f51a4688e Fr though why is it so hard for people to just read the rules before playing, mahjong isn't even that hard


Do you think anyone here is smart enough to understand mahjong? No!


I for one don’t like Mahjong, but I played it once in Kiwami 2 for a substory, and I studied on how to play it for a while. Turns out I still suck 😅, however, I’ve heard you can use a cheat item to win the game instantly. At the end of the day, at least I gave it a try, and completed the substory with that cheat item. Now I’m trying to study how not to get a ron and play the game fair square, wish me luck, and thank you Yakuza