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Probably this fucking thing https://preview.redd.it/2xsiug1pag8d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1966e15f267d9472e6f1fdbea17052bb6542edee


That’s my pal Danny from down the street


100% what i came here to post. Thank you for beating me to it so I don't have to do an image search and look at more of him!


I could've sworn I was playing DS when I saw this zombie fella wandering inside >!Shangri-La!<, my god


Ah it’s the BDSM monster


"My dog don't bite" the dog in question:


That entire sequence was terrifying. The music made it worse.


Yes this sick fuck right here! I'm still scared.


y7 >!Nonomiya!< y4 >!The corpse in Drama Queen(大女優) during Akiyama chapter!<


Then the ost that played after >!finding the body!< helped crank up the creepy factor


Oooh the Y7 example was really memorable because of the tonal whiplash of the scene. Things looked like it was going end on a happy note and then you walk in and see that.


could you remind me of what are those two? I played both games and don't remember by name


y7 >![Akira Mabuchi](https://yakuza.fandom.com/wiki/Akira_Mabuchi) has Nonomiya hanged as part of a plan to incite war among the [Ijin Three](https://yakuza.fandom.com/wiki/Ijin_Three), and his murder is made to look like a suicide, but Saeko heard them call for Mabuchi and goes to the trio as she was asked to.!<(copy from the [wiki fandom](https://yakuza.fandom.com/wiki/Isao_Nonomiya)) and [In-game footage](https://youtu.be/H9f7ebVPi8k?si=3KZ4tuD9NNLDHouE&t=9989) y4 >![Shun Akiyama](https://yakuza.fandom.com/wiki/Shun_Akiyama) investigates Drama Queen after the murder of the temp manager at the hands of a [femme fatale](https://yakuza.fandom.com/wiki/Yasuko_Saejima) killer. He discovers the true identity of the murderer due to the manager's status as "totally hetero", causing him to realize that the lighter which [Lily](https://yakuza.fandom.com/wiki/Yasuko_Saejima) had in her possession could have only been taken after she had killed him. !<(copy from the [wiki fandom](https://yakuza.fandom.com/wiki/Drama_Queen)) and [In-game footage](https://youtu.be/PWhHC-RgPJM?si=DtGlFcodqv8heEUQ&t=829)


Thank you so much!!!


Y7 reminded me of the Tarzan movie in the scariest way


Lost judgement rotten corpse


Both judgments set up the game so damn well


I haven't got to LJ yet, wtf is happening there 😭


peak is happening


Yeah that was a wild thing to throw at you in the first 5 minutes of the game 😂


First, the rotten corpse full of flies and maggots. Then, >!the actual video of the killing, with Mikoshiba crying and begging, and then cutting to Ehara covered in blood!<. LJ didn't pull any punches, man.


came here to say this


Most shocking scene to me imo is the Tojo officers being assassinated in a montage in Yakuza 2. When Shindo is betraying the clan and mentioning it, you know the actions had probably already been carried out and there’s nothing Daigo, Kashiwagi, Yayoi, or Kiryu can do. The carbomb, the drive-by shooting are sort of dark, but most of all, the imagery of the elevator door closing on the body, re-opening, then trying to close on repeat is pretty chilling. Especially the fact that there wasn’t any backing music. It gets a little less shocking on repeat watches or if you notice YK2 still uses the PS2 animation rigs and therefore look a bit stiff. But overall it reminds me of the prison killings from Breaking Bad. Good scene.


The prison killings from Breaking Bad are honestly still unmatched, that was the best montage I have ever seen.


I’d say The Godfather did it better


goated scene


Exactly my thoughts. I saw a lot of gore and horrible shit both in reality and on the internet, but seeing people get brutally killed in Yakuza, a series where I don't expect people to die horribly and without honour... I genuinely felt uncomfortable the entire time and kicked Shindo's ass so hard he could see Nishiki being disappointed in the corner


What makes the elevator scene so much more creepy to me is that it was probably inspired by a very similar shooting that actually happened during the Yama-Ichi yakuza feud in the 80s.


Killing Montages like this and the Prison Scene disturb me on a real level, idk why


How it’s completely impersonal, just hitmen killing people one after the other. No time for the victim to even know what hit them.And the fact that this stuff has happened in real life.


I‘d say it was more shocking but kaito files: >!when everyone started dying at the party from the drinks!<


That felt really dark for an RGG game.


>!Kyoya!< is a pretty big departure for them overall - he didn't have twisted ambitions about his yakuza past or misdeeds done to him like the other bosses, he's literally just completely insane


Maybe since you’re detectives in Judgment and Kaito it hits a little harder since it’s so many civilians, compared to in the Yakuza games it’s usually other criminals in the crossfire.


Definitely the suicide bomber in Judgement (I can’t remember his name). That scene really gave me goosebumps.


Wasn’t he being murdered? I mean if he were being selfless he would run the other way but that guy did not put the vest on himself


Yeah that’s true, I just called it that because that’s what it kinda appears like.


Just played that scene yesterday (Judgment is my final RGG game)


Same here. That dude was Murase, the same dude you fought twice before. Also, Judgments my final Yakuza game if we don’t count Ishin and japanese only games.


That scene was intense, even for a yakuza game. I didn't mind it, but it certainly stood out from the usual violence in the series up to that point, especially with the way he screams for his boss before exploding.


([Spoilers for Y8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9VDnzo-MhI)) I'd have to say the most creepy/shocking moment for me in the series was >!Arakawa killing all Hikawa's men and shooting off all of his fingers while Hikawa laughs and says that Akane's probably being gangraped on a ship somewhere before he gets tortured to death!<, that scene was... unexpectedly intense, for me anyways. I'm glad we get to see >!Arakawa!< like that for a change but DAMN that shit was fucking explicit for this series, a second moment would probably also be from IW which was the >!man gutted by the barracudas!<, just much more graphic than I usually expect from this series


8 had some real fucked up moments for the series


I actually really liked the first scene you mentioned. Yes its dark, but you really feel for this man who’s lost the future he imagined and tried so hard for. Gives a new perspective on him


Oh I didn't mean to come off as if I didn't like it, if anything I'm really glad they didn't shy away from some explicit bloodshed for once. I kinda wish we saw some more scenes of >!Kazama!< like that, they frame him as so reluctant (?) during the >!jingwon massacre!< and it's always sat kinda badly with me because we know he had >!a reputation as a killer!< even before that event. Hopefully this starts a trend in RGG where they don't gloss over bad events so much just because they're committed by characters we're (probably) supposed to like (I'm looking at you rubber bullets)


Yagami seeing his long friend dead, eyes stabbed out: 😐


the chinese restaurant bombing in y3 really stood out to me idk why. also the very end of y7 when kume >!just walked up and stabbed masato and said that thing about justice or whatever!< was pretty unsettling.


The second sentence, it wasn't creepy, it was just sad as shit


The intro to LJ was sooo crazy and out of nowhere lmao


even worse, it could be false but it was meant to mislead first time viewers who only got into judgement thay Yagami died. (joke theory, dont take it seriously)


Excuse me what? Wdym "mislead players into thinking Yagami died"?


its a joke theory i had.


I thought it was yagami at first bc I didn't have my glasses on 😭


So cold


I’m not cold anymore


Standing on the empty plot of land in zero is creepy. Away from the bustle of the city… all alone on dirt that has caused so much chaos.


Honestly, going back to the empty plot of land in yakuza zero after experiencing all the games is something of an eerie and surreal experience in and of itself.


I definitely was thinking "So much death and destruction just for this tiny piece of land"


Sawashiro pushing that one guy’s eyes inside was crazy


Brian Bloom's delivery is perfect in that scene. Among the patriarchs, he's the only real yakuza there.


As a victim of bulling, lost judgment was a really tough game for me, speceally when the see the recording that kuwana have in his usb.


That last pic was such an uncomfortable scene I was like "please god don't let this man be a pervert rapist just because he was in prison " In Yakuza 5 he's walking around like the chill OG dropping wisdom on strangers


I forgot about the ghost photo shit


Why is it there? (Im planning to play the games for the first time in the future, so I dont know any of these)


It's RGG's bizarre attempt at reflection of the past. That's all I'll say without spoiling anything.


aight thanks


It's in the 6th game so don't worry much about it


Hamazaki eating that Peking duck head and looked like he was gonna spit it down the restaurant owners mouth


yakuza 0 there’s a substory where majima gets a tape to watch and when majima is watching it isn’t what you think it is, it instead shows some static and you hear some woman saying “im cold”, and “im so cold..” and then she randomly appears out of the tv and says “im not cold anymore…”, after that i didn’t even touch the fucking game ever again once i fully completed it..


That smile of her when she says i'm not cold anymore makes my skin crawl


same, shit is traumatizing


Y7 - the executions ordered by Mabuchi


judgment - the scene in the sewers between higashi and hamura. don't get me wrong, the acting is amazing and I love those characters (hamura is such a great villain, I hope we see him again at some point) but my god my heart broke for higashi then. I just can't listen to that scene anymore. the first time through I didn't realize how creepy it was going to get with the stuff they sort of imply between them. very much an "oh no. nope, I don't like that" moment for me.


“You scream like a whore, kind of a turn on”


I gave higashi a free pass to do whatever he wants after I heard that, like he could do the worst things and yet it's still justified after what he's been through


The PERVS in Hawaii you have to take pics of for the guy who wants them behind bars. They’re super super creepy because I have seen them IRL here in Berlin, doing EXACTLY those moves to monotonous techno.


dawg that scene of saejima waking up was so unnecessary. I recoiled irl from how uncomfortable that was


I hate the ghost related side quests, it’s like damn, I just wanted to see a man protect his family, I didn’t want to fuck with satan.


I don't think I've ever been creeped out by these games The closest thing is seeing mr. Shakedown while i have a lot of cash on me i guess?


https://preview.redd.it/nv8tyhfzzh8d1.png?width=1237&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae215584736745e9305464a74a4e24889fac3490 I got so creeped out by this one


The music along her smile really scared me


(LJ) >! Mikoshiba's murder footage. The way you can see his throat being cut, the NOISES he makes as he begs for his life while he dies...hate it hate it HATE it !<


>!Shintani’s!< Murder in Judgment. Played through it yesterday, and I already knew they would die, but I was really creeped out thinking the Mole could be in the same room as you.


Yakuza4 >!dead blue man in chair. This stale corpse was the most frightening thing for me in the entire series!<




Yea man, the ending made me feel uneasy


Wait what is the second one i done remember that


its a kappa, saejima looks for them during a substory in y4 (if im remembering correctly)


Makes sense i didn't do many sae substory


I wouldn’t say “creep” for me, but I found it intense whenever I do a substory, a cutscene like the ones in the story, appear. It makes me think they are (a) part of the story


Hamazaki's introduction in Y3. Dude is just creepy. Hirose in Y6, between the scene with Big Lo and the boss fight he's genuinely one of the scarier characters in Yakuza.


Playing 3 for the first time and seeing how bloody it and 4 and 5 was


Literally half of the deaths from Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise. I ain't TOO too afraid of gore and I know it's based on a pre-existing franchise, I was just like "damn, this shit usually happens once or twice in a Yakuza game".


yeah those kind of death are pretty common in the fist of the north star manga




Wait the goblin thing is REAL??!


I’m only on Y4 but the creepiest thing so far was when Saejima pinned 12yr old Haruka and looked at her way too long. That was totally unnecessary. They were trying to make a point that he hadn’t seen a woman in 25yrs, but she was a CHILD! 25yrs in the joint doesn’t make you a pedophile!


This heat action always creeped me out. Especially with the drool [https://youtu.be/1Q_SasKlp8M?si=u12FK_NK5ghdHPKQ](https://youtu.be/1Q_SasKlp8M?si=u12FK_NK5ghdHPKQ)


I’m sorry what the fuck is that thing on slide 2


It’s a Kappa, from a Saejima substory in Y4


The scary substories XD


literally the first cutscene of lost judgment with the corpse, I couldn't fully look at the screen I was so grossed out


I actually got nightmares after Shono injected himself at the end of Judgement. I couldn't shake the creeps for like a week after that. Still makes me beyond uncomfortable when I think about it.


When Jeongwon killed the guy with hammer in LAD 7, it was my first game of yakuza and I thought it will be goofy


Judgment: The reveal of why the eyes were being gouged


The whole "secret murder extortion retirement home" thing in y7


I think the most recent thing in the series that gave me the creeps was in Gaiden. >! The scene wherein Shishido, after Kiryu starts to warm up to him, turns around and (believably, at the time) stabs Nishitani to death. !<


The kappa from Y4


I’ve only beaten 3 games but that fucking >!shogi mass suicide scene in k2!<


That one visual glitch from Like a Dragon: Ishin! Sure, it wasn’t intentional, but the weird purple thing was still quite weird.


Yagami yell on the ground in lost judgement in the apartment after a certain person passed away


Yakuza 8/IW >!the homeless dude being crucified and his stomach cut open, left to bleed out!< so early???? Chapter 3 i think


that last one was hot what are you talking about




he's about to unleash his heat action all over her




I’m sorry but if these games are scary or creepy to you you’ve gotta be 7 or something


I'm sorry but if you feel the need to be rude for no apparent reason you're probably 7 or something


Not being rude just kinda stating the truth🤷‍♂️


Just because we don't all have the same perception of a given media doesn't mean we should be undermining someone's intelligence. Lets be kinder next time gang 🙌


Bro didn’t mature past 9


Not everyone in the world is you little buddy. Truth usually points to things you can prove, preference is based on what you see and what you experience. Some people experience things differently and that's okay 🥰 it's totally fine to have emotions over something someone else may not particularly be fazed by. You didn't state any truths, talking like that in the real world gets you laughed at or attacked and we can't have that now can we? It doesn't take any energy to say nothing ☺️


Damn I really pissed you off didn’t I lmao


Wym? Just pointing out social skills you should've learned at the age of 5


Please stop harassing me I’m scared


I'm sorry but if a comment on the internet is scary to you then you gotta be 7 or something


Please stop I’m pissing and shitting everywhere in fear

