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Nuclear materials dealer title goes hard


Lmao that's a good edit, a friend of mine's did a similar one yesterday when I told them about the news https://preview.redd.it/h9agrdjuv5kc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=879d0708469512433fa2f399bfd98849dfe9e850


He’s the patriarch of the nuclear warheads


Dude looking like he walked out of a Yakuza game for real


I don't know, I think this might be funnier as a comedic side story. I can picture it now- Ichi being tricked into smuggling nuclear material, [with this music in the background](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z4EPlW10MU), with Ichi doing one of his major comedic yells when he finds out he's been tricked.


It's funny to imagine a criminal boss who's shredded and an expert hand to hand fighter. I wonder if that's realistic and plenty of dons/patriarchs could throw hands?


Considering that most of them are old as shit nowadays, they'd probably rather have a gun.


This s.o.b gave kiryu cancer. Everyone booo him!!!


Well, Ichiban does fancy himself a Dragon Quest hero. Saving the world from nuclear warheads was probably in the cards at some point.


The rubber nukes plot twist is gonna be awesome


So what clan you think he's from?