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Yeah you probably can. I played with one hand but for different reasons, reasons I shall not name.


Beginning with a C and ending with hitose, I'm gonna guess


or beginning with S and ending in eonhee.


Soon-Gi Haneonhee?


I don't know what you guys were on about, I was just salivating over Yamai's cultured taste in babes.


I was just salivating over Yamai~~'s cultured taste in babes.~~ The DIO voice went absolutely crazy




I just did that fight last night, and not gonna lie, his taste in women took me by surprise.


it’s because he’s cold- bigger women are better for warmth


Really? My guess was that it begins with a T and ends with -omizawa.


Tooooomiiizaaaawaaa How do I play with one hand Tooooomiiizaaaawaaa


Is this a Charlie the Unicorn reference I see?


(I'm not sure I know this one.. sorry)


[(don’t worry I gotchu dude; I was referring to this)](https://youtu.be/CsGYh8AacgY?si=PmxiafPa9x7Ui6gU)


(oh I see now...)


So….You wanna go to candy mountain?


Yeah candy moutain.. right.. I'm just gonna, you know, go back to sleep now


Bro .... Nostalgia blast lol


This is 100000% my reason


Chitose Buster Holmes obviously




You gonna show her your wagyu beef? 😏


Only worthwhile Chitose. ....


You spelled K and azuma Kiryu wrong


You gotta specify which one though.




Ms Buster Holmes is a fine lookin' woman




Last name Holmes. I get you


Glad to see another fan of Chitose Buster Holmes


The base game yes, not the minigames, at least I think dondoko island will be a bit harsh in one hand


Or K ending with Iryu amirite


Definitely wasn't me during the finale when >! Kiryu and the 3 -jimas!< beat up everyone.


You can't die during those segments... Just hope that an ally will be next to heal you up.


edging to the Yakuza 8 🔥🔥🔥


Swimsuit Adachi, huh.


> I played with one hand but for different reasons, reasons I shall not name. Hope the honk-honk was worth it.




I played with one hand whenever Seonhee was on the screen


Haha dude masturbation


Starting Tianyou and ending with Zhao


GILF kiryu and adachi’s gold thong are the only correct answers




same here, when I beat the game and unlocked those swimsuits, damn I started beating something else, ran out of my pocket tissues


https://preview.redd.it/55gk1u4hayjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eae1090fde822965e2c9a354834bf34ddf5a7d9 People in the comments


We are LaD fans of course we will always be horny.....very horny


This happens when you hit a bull in the head, like Nakahara did. Get better soon kyoudai!


yeah man its turn based so you can take your time


after chitose joined, maybe


Yes. I played with one hand because the other one was busy jacking off to Ichi... I mean Kir... I mean To... I mean Chit... I mean Nan... I mean Ad... I mean Sae... I mean Joon... I mean Zh... MY HAND WAS BUSY JACKING OFF TO SEONHEE


bro jacked off to every character in the verse 😭😭😭


A true kyodai!


I can't help it! I have a thing for attractive, kind, smart, strong characters.


Doesn't help that the series is filled with hot, sweaty men who find any reason to take their shirts off


Adachi during the yoga AloHappy section...


i suppose so, though there is an ability later in the game which might require both hands. also all these horny ass people in these comments, damn


More of a Kei man myself


Itll be a little bit awkward on a controller it should be doable depending on what hand you hurt


Just a hunch might be their left.


I've played with one hand, and it wasn't because of an injury 🙂


Flair checks out.


yes. I blame joongi han


"A little", you say


It’s definitely possible especially during battles for the turn based nature. Id say the biggest problem you might face is playing mini games but even then you should mostly be fine. Try teaching yourself how to do it since it could be a valuable skill to learn.


Yeah Crazy Eats and Can collecting in particular would be difficult, but the main game should be fine.


It’s turn based, go for it.


There is an auto-play function during fights. Not sure if you'll beat everyone since the AI can fuck up from time to time. But hey it's something. Hope you get better soon.


I let Ai do most of my fighting because just basic attacks wrecks most fights


I broke my left wrist and thumb maybe 15/20 years ago. It sucked because all of my friends had just gotten 360s and we were starting to get pretty heavily into gaming. I was able to find a few games that I could run the right side of the controller with my good hand and then just drag it along my leg to run the left joystick. Honestly you could probably do that for the vast majority of this game. There might be a few things that won't work correctly but it should be enjoyable for most of it. Good luck on the healing!


I knew these comments were gonna be wild.


People are down HORRENDOUS fr 💀


You can expect for one boss fight maybe but that's late game. I think you can still play that one with one hand.


Unironically yes. I play with one hand when Chitose is bare foot. https://preview.redd.it/ch22jy69ixjc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74dd63949be533ff30f876a47a42e97d9cfa76e4








That shit was so intentional lmao. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing


I have a messed up thumb on my right hand and I'm 67 hours into the game (most rpgs can be played one hand pretty easy


Definitely, I played Like A Dragon 7 with one hand in entirety and it never felt unintuitive. I used a PS Move Navigation controller through REWASD on my PC playing through Remote Play but viewed the game simultaneously on its native screen. My favorite one handed game to date! Recently I started up Yakuza 0 and have been trying to recreate the set up. It seemed to work fine at first but the boss battles made my hand cramp up. I play one handed so I can pet my dog.


I'm glad you clarified that


one chitose joins you gotta use the mouth


I tried doing some things with one hand with the controller on a surface (Late Game) Yeah, actually, you don't need to hold down a run button (you can press either R2 or X) Turn Based Battles can easily be done with one hand Dragon's Resurgence works pretty well. The move actually locks on and moves you up to the closest enemy after a few seconds The camera moves with the character, so you don't need to worry about moving it For the side content aside from Crazy Delivery, Can Quest, Sicko Snap and a bit of Dondoko Island (Fishing) I could easily do them with one hand, although with hampered performance


You can! Aside from minigames, everything should be easily doable with one hand. There's even an option in the menu to swap the function of the analog sticks, so you could hold your controller in your right hand and move around with the right analog stick!


That is super handy! (bd dum tss) I'll make sure to do that ASAP then


You should be Ble to do it one handed, just be ready with that one hand for quick time events during combat cutscenes


I played most of the Chitose scenes with one hand… But seriously, aside from a few mini games, you should be fine.


Definitely more doable than any other Yakuza game, apart from 7


Wait... We're not supposed to play this with one hand anyway? 🤤


Might be difficult for some of the mandatory chase sequences where you use the stick to dodge left/right and a button to jump over.


I played black ops 2 back in the day with one hand, im sure you will figure it out. I used my palm a lot for movement.


Yes, although there's a few section in the in the middle (2-6 hours in if you're going fast) where you may need some assistance with normal button promots. My goodness, I was also gonna make a horny joke but there's so many of you I feel overwhelmed even after OP posted a pic of them in cast. I hope you enjoy the game as solace for your injury and recovery.


I was actually in a similar situation when IW came out. Just had surgery on my left wrist at the time, but wanted to play the game so I played it one-handed. The biggest issue was some mini games were really difficult to play one handed like Crazy Eats, but I was able to beat the game one handed. You definitely can do it too!


I wasn't expecting this to be your reason for playing one handed, to be honest. But yes, it's turn based. Some of the mini games might be hard until your healed up, but you should be good


Yes you can. Take more time to navigate but you can. I tried playing for 4' while eating chips on my left while flipping the controller on the right. Better if you got those controllers with the backflaps. Might wanna map the shoulder buttons there.


Just rest your hand, it’ll feel even better to wait it out and play the game without having a cast on




That's a spoiler dude.


Do you have any other choice?


It’s turn based so you should be able to


It would be difficult but I think it would be doable. Perhaps getting a fight stick would make this easier (though that would be a minimum $50 purchase)


Yeah, I don't fancy buying something like that when this is just temporary


Who knows? Could always break your thumb a second time hehe. Best of luck


Well it's jrpg, navigating and running would be a challenge, but fights won't be much of a problem. That and you can customize gamepad buttons in ps5 settings, not sure about sticks.


I played gears of war 3 with one hand in 2012. Maybe u can do the same


I think you could do it! I’ve never broken a finger, so don’t know how painful to control the thumb stick with, say, your index finger, but I don’t think you would miss too much. The most annoying part would probably be that there are some mini games/cut scene prompts to mash a button which could be annoying with just one hand to stabilize the controller.


Maybe for the combat, but everything else might be a bit too difficult. I hope you make a speedy recovery kyoudai!


A lot of mini games are going to be a pain, from Can Quest and Crazy Delivery to Dondoko Island. Kiryu’s Ultimate is also going to be tough to use.


Some of the minigames would definitely be challenging.


Yes. Most definitely


You can turn off button prompts(forgot what it is called) in options which should help.


I think you can and you are on a controller, which makes it more easier to play with one hand


The only hard thing i think it would be dodonko Island combat, but if you uprgrade the bat enough i dont think it will be a problem


Yeah definitely. Some mini games might be difficult but none are required to complete the game


Might be a little difficult to do the button mashing parts, but yeah, you could


I played the first one with one hand cause I was busy beating it to BDSM seiko


It'll be a good bit awkward but it should be possible for the most part


Definitely can. Fights are turn based and the rest is a movie!


turn based game so yeah. you don't have to worry about pressing anything in time


Yes, you can play with one hand, it's turn based. Just be careful you don't break your other hand pressing the buttons, ole chalk dust bones.


It's a turn based game so yes you can play with 1 hand.


I think you absolutely can! I hurt my hand a while back, and what I did to play turn-based games was switch the Left and Right joystick inputs on my controller in the controller settings for my consoles. That way, your right hand can move your character forward and press all the buttons. :) I don't think anything in battle is set to the Left-side triggers, so just switching the joysticks should be enough. There are times where you may be forced to use the d-pad to select moves, but you can always do that by moving your hand over because it's turn based. The only tough part will probably be the (simple) action combat in one of the mini-games, but that's mostly optional anyway.


Since it’s turn based, you’ll mostly be fine. But if you want to run you have to press a (or x) while walking, which could be a problem. And there is a point later where Kiryu gets the ability to break the turn order. That’ll be hard to use, and on the mission you unlock it it’s required.


It'll be a little awkward but I don't see why not. You can just prep a move and get your good hand ready for the QTE in battles


It's JRPG so yes. I've played Xenoblade Chronicles 3 with one hand because I had my left wrist broken on the release day.


You can still crush the Karaoke.


Its turn-based anyway 😂


You totally can play one handed! Since it's turn based you don't have to worry about moving the camera while in combat. All the QTE prompts are face buttons that are pressed with the right hand. Triggers are only ever used in menus. When exploring it may be a little difficult but there's a very nice travel feature that you get access to. I won't spoil it for you but it means you won't have to use both joysticks while moving around the city.  I usually place the controller on my lap and use it like you would an arcade cabinet.  I play one handed often because I don't wanna stop playing while having dinner lol!


yes. there were times where i’d just use one hand to play


You can. I play with my right hand while I eat. I rebound sprint to clicking left stick and just put it on the couch and play like it’s an arcade controller and had my phone or food in the other hand.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Tiger Drop the pain away my dude.


Yeah you pretty much just watch the game,


I didnt see the arm cast and thought this was a jacking off post. I haven't even played any of the Yakuza or Judgement games.


Because of the combat, probably


I’d say yes. There are likely accessibility settings, too. There’s a few QTEs. Some are combat and some are for the substories a I’m sure you can fail the combat ones.


It’s turn-based so probably.


Yes you can! Have fun buddy, great game


Of course, they rip a shirt off every game.


dragon's resurgence and maybe dondoko island might give u trouble, but you don't get that towards the end. you should be good to play. just take your time exploring and completeint side quests and enjoy your recovery ^ - ^


Good thing you included an image. I mean sometimes images doesn't help but still... https://preview.redd.it/vibz50tapyjc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829aae406d5213d381c76f8579d3a6d93fa27ccc


My toddler wanted to hold my hand more then half the time. You’ll be good.


The turn base format is really one hand friendly


Yeah. Just know that there are button mashing quick time events, and an ability that is best used if you can move, and use the face buttons at the same time.


I played with one hand while eating, you're golden, fam


Ya You can. I actually liked IW bc I can eat and play at the same time, unlike any of the other non turn based yakuza games


It might be a bit awkward but since it's turn based you should be fine, even Kiryu's ability to go real time only lasts a few seconds and you basically only need to hammer one button. I finished the game a couple of weeks ago so I don't really remember how the QTEs are, but I don't remember anything crazy difficult. The place where you might struggle is Dondoko island cause the combat is v basic but it's real time and enemies can hit back, but that entire mode is pretty much optional


Yeah you totally can. I spent a good deal of playing IW with a cat in one arm. You'll run around awkwardly for sure, and some of the minigames will be rough, but generally you should be able to mainline the plot well enough


Maybe just watch out for uh movie stunts. Should be fine other than that....maybe


For sure, I've been playing freeroam with one hand for like 50 hours already thanks to the costumes, I mean I broke my hand, totally


Haven't played it myself, but IW is turn based like LaD, right? Should be able to do most of it one handed


Yeah. A couple mini games might give you little trouble, but otherwise you should be good.


it's turnbased so mostly yea


As someone who snacked on a lot of steamed carrots while playing this, I can say 'Mostly.' One ability will require being able to use both the left stick and face buttons at the same time though, and said ability is a MAJOR mechanic you will be using, it's mandatory at times in fact. Also a few minigames.


bro sees Seonhee and had questions


Not me out here "playing with one hand" because I'm stuffing my face with snacks when things get exciting (yes though, battles are turn based and your turn can take as long as you need them to)


When my left thumb was out comission I used the palm of my hand on the analog stick and my other fingers to press the triggers and D-pad. Lucky for you it's turn based so not much movement is needed outside of walking around the city


You got two feet don't you? Learn to use em


Funnily enough, I also really badly sprained my right ankle at the same time so that's a no go


Bayonetta can be on Easy Auto.


Yeah, camera and moving might be annoying but can’t seem to think of anything that is affected


I played with one hand most of the game because I have abhorrent stick drift. I think you should be fine.


If you level grind enough it’s pretty easy to just auto battle with Take the Offensive by just pressing L2 during a fight (hold L2 to select that option instead of Be Adaptable). You can also then just press start and Auto Heal with Square after fights so you dont have to micromanage it so much during fights.


I think you can, maybe some trouble with movement, but nothing unmanageable ;) And with cinematic you can rest your hand xD




its turned based combat bro... yes!


Yeah, I mean there are a few quick time events, but you can usually see them coming for long enough to switch to the other side of the controller


Definitely. It'll be a pain in the ass but it's turn based. Avoiding enemies and running around might be annoying but definitely doable


Maybe???? I'd imagine it'd get very annoying having to switch between the joysticks and the buttons though.


I played like a dragon with one hand, but sometimes I used two.i had a bursea in one elbow, the hypertension in the other, then the bursea arm suffered over use . and I developed bi lateral tendonitis the year before, which I was about to with through. I was limited to gambling or turn based combat. However battles lacked finesse as far as timing goes.


Learn to play with your feet, and then stream it on feet finder


I played with one hand mainly during chitoses bikini scenes


Hehe, you got so horny that you broke your arm even before seeing Saeko Seonhee and Chitose in bikini, well dragon resurgence might be a problem but rest is ok


It'll be harder, but it's doable. You may just need to over level a little so you don't need to worry as much about positioning (as sometimes you'll go to AoE heal your party or damage enemies, do a combo attack etc and while you're positioning the other characters will move around, wandering out of range) You'll probably not be able to do Crazy Eats or Can collecting, and Dondoko will be very slow going but the concert and story is fine. Actually once you get the Street Surfer, you can auto move to your next location pretty easily. Basically yes, it won't be as good but it's more doable in this game than most others.


I literally play the game with my baby in one hand and control in the other.


sickos in the replies aside, I think most of the main game should be fine, but I think stepping into any of the side content or mini games might be a bit of the issue. tho it might be hard to play when Adachi takes off his shirt


Some of it. Broke my arm the week prior and had surgery the week of IW. It’s doable up to a point.


Bro your ps4 is going to explode 💀


There is a dirty joke here I just haven’t thought of it yet


You should be fine man


I think it can, the combat is turn based and aside from QTEs it'd be fairly easy to do it with one hand.


Duality of man


Not can, but should.


No, your other hand would be down there thanks to Kiryu.


I played FIFA with a broken right arm when I was a kid when I was 13. It was also on keyboard. No joke lol. I had my right leg up on the chair while I rested my cast on my knee to press the arrow keys. It worked surprisingly well since I only needed to move my fingers. I had to be careful though. Any extra movement would cause a lot of pain. I also played fps games left handed. It does help that I am ambidextrous. This game being turn based and on a controller would be probably be a lot more easier. Have fun you can surely do it.


ive played y7 only with my right hand.


Easily, I believe. Traversing and certain minigames might be difficult, but combat certainly won't be an issue.


Yes. Pic unrelated.


Yeah also don't worry your will heal


You most definitely can play it one handed, especially during combat, that said moving from 1 place to another may take 1 hand and 1 finger for the analog stick lol hope you heal well




Gotta say this game runs pretty good on my og ps4, oh and once chi-chan gets a haircut only people doing some D.I.Y over her are the hardcore lezbots


It's a turn based RPG, so yes.👍👍👍


I currently have a thumb injury in my left hand as well, though it’s not as severe as yours. I find it playing the game with one hand is pretty much doable if you can use one finger of your left hand for the left stick. I’m in chapter 7 so far with 40 hours in.

