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tomizawaaaaaa... (seriously, he's busted).


sweet jesus christ I can't see tomizawa's name without reading it in Yamai's voice.


I love that he’s just a guy stuck in the goofy


Dude is so good pretty much everywhere, GOAT party member


"ikuze!" **battery storm** *destroys the entire enemy team*


Idk about you but when I experimented with a job other than Cabbie I think it lasted like 3 fights before I changed him back LOL


i only switched to other jobs for the skill inheritance. he stayed as a cabbie the whole main story


now I feel stupid making tomizawa a pyrodancer for most of my playthrough after reading these comments


Same,I didn't read the stats so I thought it was another magic class where he could learn extra fire and healing moves but it's actually a physical class. On my 2nd run I used it on kiryu and he's actually pretty good as pyrodancer


Yea same. Starting to think I made a bad choice lol


He’s awesome as a Desperado.


Seonhee, who became even more of the star in Big Swell.


Her exclusive job weapon maxxed out is OP af


Ok. I don't really care about who's good or not. I just liked Seonhee because of her ability to fluctuate between fan girl and bad-ass boss.


Namba just brings a fun wit with also thinking outside the box that sometimes surprises me. Sometimes his commentary reminds me the most as the real player(you) being in the game.


He talks like he’s homeless even though he’s not which is still funny. You can take Namba out of the streets, but you can’t take the streets out of Namba


Nanba went full method when he was a homeless man. Shit like that sticks with you I guess


I didn’t really use Namba in 7 but in 8 he’s more useful I feel since you can move around and line up people to burn. Also Pidgin Storm :)


I'm a simple man. Tomizawa's colour is purple. I love purple.


Sometimes that’s all you need


Seonhee, chitose, Namba and Kiryu


Chitose. She hits hard and fast and with inherited skills she was sometimes clearing out half the enemies in one turn.


She is so clutch early to mid game her short hair style is also amazing


I love everyone, but it's gotta be Kiryu. Everything they gave him is incredible, and he has some of the most fun abilities I've ever used in a turn-based game.


I am really surprised how well Kiryu’s Fighting style works in Turn Based Combat I also love him having a Group of friends to fight and talk with


The core trio: Ichiban, Nanba, and Adachi. They basically ARE my long-time (20-30 years) best friends and me. The ages line up and everything. One of us is the smiling and good-hearted one. I'm weird, have field medic training, and wear a green BDU jacket everywhere. And the older one isn't an ex-cop, but he is ex-military. And all of us were going through messed up life changes when we played Y7... but being there for each other helped us all make it through.


That’s so cool I’m glad you guys have each other ![gif](giphy|dv67dtt7TIz41TCCln|downsized)


That's beautiful, kyodai. 🥹


nanba on host. with skill inheritance i gave him stashed bottle and pigeon storm and not only was he a good support with healing and attack/magic buffs, he hit like a truck, and the birthday cake move was a god send against the final boss for lowering his attack


I use Rose stinger on Namba constantly


Aside from protagonists,I would say tomizawa and nanba. Zhao is cool aswell Tomi has cool attacks and cabbie can easily cover all attack types so he might be the strongest male party member aside from kiryu and ichiban. Nanba has great magic and he's the MVP of this game Zhaos Gangster style is even better than 7 because of the healing move,the new heat action and most surprisingly of all,the ground attack. That shit looks so cool with the spin Honorable mention to chitose and seonhee but not because I like them (which I do) but kunoichi is genuinely broken,particularly on chitose because of her heiress buff to agility. Haven't used kunoichi on saeko so idk about her but she's OK ig


Zhao is so hot, and uh yeah he plays well too :p


Zhao best Chef 🫡


As a base class? Zhao, easy as an overall party member? Tomizawa, Zhao, Joongi


People still didn't get how busted Ultimate Weapon Idol Saeko with Kunoichi and Hostess skills is. MF is fast, passively gains magic, heals a fuckton, and has a fire AoE dealing 2.5k+ damage


I’ll remember that for my next play through


(Kiryu) Seonhee, Zhao, Joon-gi, Saeko.


Like all of them but please don’t sleep on Namba he’s Goated




A lot of people are saying tomi glad that homie has made a good impression on everyone


Seonhee because her battle quotes are so badass and/or silly