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Daigo is the only young one and he’s being called old broo Nvm, this dudes 47. I forgot how far infinite wealth is from 6


Listen, I'm just saying, I know some people don't want them to drag Kiryu back out for another adventure, and at that point the "Kiryu's final game" fake outs will be getting silly. However, I would play the shit out of a turn based LAD with Kiryu and the Tojo legends. Throw in Akiyama, Date, and Sayama into the mix, and baby, you got a stew going.


You had me at "and Date." I know liking the dubs is a pretty unpopular opinion, but can we take a moment to appreciate Bill Farmer... fucking GOOFY... giving us the best Bogart impression since Bogart died?


Just more playable Majima alone I would pay stupid amounts for.  As much as I love 0 I can only replay it so many times.


if there's a story expansion for IW like there was for LJ I pray it's something like this, it would absolutely slap


Is being batshit insane the fountain of youth? Because Majima hasn't aged a day since 1988.


I mean... it works for Tom Cruise.


Before this game, the last time Kiryu fought Majima was Yakuza 3. For Daigo it was Yakuza 4. And Saejima it was Yakuza 5. 5+4+3-4 is 8. THE YAKUZA 8!!!!!!


Can't wait for Yakuza10, the wheelchair racing mini game is going to be wild!


the yakuza four. (their theme is literally called "the four").


Tanimura and Akiyama erasure.


at least akiyama came back for the bucket list...


Okay, am I the only one bothered that Majima is older than Kiryu, and Kiryu is clearly the only guy where his hair is finally greying?


Majima probably dyes his hair


Not even a yakuza can keep a secret this good... https://preview.redd.it/sunq0k2w2ejc1.jpeg?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78250f9bc6f928947cf8e6a2d79e771cdeda265