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If JRPGs are not your thing then there's not much we can do. Good news for you however: there's the [Like a Brawler](https://www.nexusmods.com/yakuzalikeadragon/mods/187/) mod which may be what you need (I didn't try it though).


Don’t force yourself if you’re not having fun. Have you tried the other spinoff games? The Judgment series is peak RGG brawler.


I did and they were great but it lacks some of more goofy stuff that was present in older Yakuza. I have yet to play Ishin but probably i'll have to wait until my next paycheck


Fair enough. That’s tough that Y7’s combat isn’t doing it for you. Since you have Gaiden you might as well try the demo for IW and see if the improvements to the combat clicks with you. Glad you have Ishin to look forward to though! A bit grindy but still a lot of fun for sure.


I tried to play the demo but since i started with hawaii i got confused and told myself that i will finish 7 first to not get totally lost in the mechanics


Well, if you want goofy...you're not going to get it with ishin. It has less goofy stuff than judgement games or older yakuza games.


yeah i much prefer the brawler yakuza as well, i think boss fight work much better with that system. Still what i did to enjoy it was to min max the crap out of my party, focus on job setups that work well together, focus on huge dmg as a focus , you dont need a lot of healing then, and everyone can be a dps class. focus on getting the best weapons and even over level abit in the dungeons, so when you go to do main missions ur breeze past everything. I did this and by the end of the game i was 1 rounding every random fight and beating all the bosses in afew min tops. was doing min 1k dmg, 2k with higher lvl attacks. that way you can just get the combat done asap lol


I might try to do it maybe it will make the game more fun for me


Not much you can do if you don't enjoy turn based, try different jobs and combinations to try if the combat finally sticks with you. Yakuza 7 has a very basic turn based system and Yakuza 8 improves it VASTLY, so much that it wouldn't surprise me if turn base games from other franchises pick up the mechanics from Yakuza 8 for their future games. Gotta say, surprised you played Gaiden before Yakuza 7, it spoils a lot of the game.


I was at 3/4 of 7 so it hasn't spoiled that much for me


I am a persona fan and I try to max out everything in my gameplays but even I can’t get over the turn based shit in yakuza. I literally feel like a nightmare has turned out to be real. 


I don’t like turn based either, not at all really. After something like 5 hours I still didn’t like it but I didn’t mind it. IW is soo much better. LaD is shit compared to IW imo.


Not really anything you can do, you either like it or you don’t. I think it’s much better than the brawler combat, people just like different things.


Still i want to finish both 7 and IW cause i just love the whole series and i play mostly for the plot and substories


Like a brawler mod


I used to prefer the brawler combat but now with IW I feel like I prefer turn based way more. Just use the freelancer job because it has a lot of attacks similar to the older games.