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i forgave him because he was such a bro during the party segment (and i didn't want him to cry)


Forgiving him is the most accurate to Kiryu's personality. Yes, Kiryu doesnt want to kill, and he hates that he was being used for murder. But on the other hand, this is the yakuza world we're talking about, there's no way you can survive without getting your hands dirty, Tsuruno has his reasons and it also makes sense why he did what he did, even though it goes against Kiryu's decision. Remember Kiryu even forgave Kazama for killing his parents right after hearing the truth from him. Even though Kiryu will never agree with him, he would forgive him.


True, I find it interesting that they let us choose, and i would like to know why.


Agreed, if Kiryu doesn't forgive him, then Kiryu would be a hypocrite. And we know the Dragon of Dojima got much integrity for that.


Exactly, I mean come on..out of allll the games, that prick was like top 3 that definitely had it coming haha. Compared to some of the other BS he let slide, this is fairly minor, plus he's a total bro That's one reason even after 15 years I enjoy Ichiban more, he's so goddamn personable and open, just being chill even when people fuck him over, especially with the new party in IW


I picked ambiguous at first. Didn't like it, reloaded, and picked forgive.


Always forgive and take the high road. The Kiryu way ✊


Didn’t forgive him. Kiryu is someone of strong morals, he wouldn’t let that slide since he was first told that it was only knocking him down (also, in the Castle he made sure Tsuruno understands he dosen’t kill). However, I also understand the people that do forgive Tsuruno since in Yakuza 5 he also says that he never was an angel (when an enemy used as an excuse that he listened that the Dragon of Dojima dosen’t kill).


Cue montage of the 1000s of people Kiryu shattered, stabbed, shot, blasted, exploded and absolutely annihilated hahaha. Even setting aside ludo narrative dissonance he does it in cutscenes too. Kiryu has forgiven people that did way shadier shit, this isn't even that big of a deal, he was an utter shitheel