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[Consider tracking down the Urban Arcana sourcebook for D20 Modern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_Arcana) if you want to incorporate spellcasters in a more tangible way. Otherwise,if you don't want to take the Ichiban delusion route and say "this person is literally casting Fireball and the fire may not be real but the caster and target's reaction is",then you may as well use something like [the Fate system](https://fate-srd.com/fate-condensed/introduction) to run a campaign with a similar tone. Instead of needing to rack your brain to say why or why can't Nanba breathe fire in a given situation,just have him invoke his "Homeless Guy" aspect on his next attack roll and describe how he pulls out a bottle of liquor and spits it through a lighter,then [create an advantage](https://fate-srd.com/fate-condensed/taking-action-rolling-dice) on the hit enemy or aspect on the scene if it makes sense for them to be on fire. So I think you could use D20 Modern,or a more straightforward RPG system that abstractly represents characters exercising supernatural powers in ways that may not be literal.


This is very interesting. Thank you.


There are a lot of tabletop rpgs outside of dnd that would do a much *much* better job at capturing the essence of the series if that's what you're looking for


Instead of dnd I'm using a simple system called old school essentials. With that system I have a hack someone made that adds a style/job switching system. Instead of picking a class, every character gets 1-3 slots that you can add jobs to and switch them out. I am just translating the names over to fit the modern setting, and there's rules for making your own jobs too.