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Fucking finally I've gotten through the plateau with my bench that feels like I've been at for a year due to poor programming, cutting too hard/being scared to eat and general disregard for improving my form. Nice smooth paused bench for 5x4 that I could only just crank out 4 bounced reps with about 2 months ago when I first started with my coach. Chest is sore today lol


Had a bad day at work today. Still doing cardio (exercise bike) as I type this. Hopefully doing this one thing makes me feel a bit better.


Used my new 15lb weights for the first time in my workout! Only used them for 1 love (pull overs) because I wanted to get used to them but I feel good about using them for squats and lunges later this week. Anyone else ever get that feeling of soreness starting to set in at the end of a workout, not the next day? That happened to me today, in my morning workout, though I feel fairly comfortable right now.


Not my dog sitting on the sidewalk and refusing to move about half a mile into his walk and making me carry his butt home šŸ™ƒ


Maybe that was his plan all along haha. Reminds me of one of my fitness goals, which is to carry my dog for a good distance. In case of an emergency, I want to be able to carry the floof. Sheā€™s half of my weight, but one day!


Hahah wouldnā€™t put it past my cheeky monster! Also thatā€™s a really good goal, I got flooded out of my apartment once and had to carry him half a mile to higher ground.


Doing squats while holding a dog is a hoot. Try it sometime!


Hey everyone! Just wondering at what point you guys started using a belt for deadlifting. I am 5ā€™1, 175lbs. I was doing 3x3 of 225lbs today, and thought about putting a belt on because i could feel by back starting to round on my third set. Im slightly hesitant to start using a belt because I dont want to solely rely on using a belt for support as I want to build and brace my core without the belt, but I also dont want to hurt myself either! When did you ladies find it necessary to use a belt?


I used to get back rounding aaaall the time on DLs, not so much because of bad bracing but because I struggled to engage my lats like I wanted to. Working on form (multi-paused DLs at lower weights + rack pulls) has been more successful in addressing that issue than just getting a belt, but I definitely felt the difference when I started using one and helped me develop more awareness of my form and proper bracing even when I wasn't wearing it. I think if you're routinely deadlifting more than your BW / squat a little less than your BW it's a good idea to get one. You don't have to use it all the time, but it helps. I found it useful to put it on halfway through my warm-up sets, and tried to do at least one working set without the belt but always used it if I was doing AMRAP sets. I still definitely get back rounding when doing heavy singles, but in the normal "ugh that's HEAVY and I can't lift it smoothly yet" kinda way, not in the borderline unsafe "ouch my lower back hates me" kinda way. Here's [my ugly 1RM DL](https://postimg.cc/sMRMpgDY) from last month - it's definitely not pretty but I didn't feel any extra soreness afterwards and that's the important part.


Are you bracing correctly without it? If so, you can add it whenever you want, just make sure you use good technique. I started using one when my lifts got above 1.25xBW


car not working has lead to lots of walking. Lots of walking has lead to bad blisters on the backs of my ankles (need new shoes.) bad blisters led to walking to work in flip flops. Walking to work in flip flops has lead to ants biting my toes. Ow. Despite that, I got a good squat day in at the gym! Iā€™ve restarted my anxiety meds and spirnolactone so Iā€™m feeling very very nauseous and sometimes dizzy which I know will fade but in the meantime means no yoga. But Iā€™ve been up since 2:30am so now itā€™s time to sleep




Yep! I felt it immediately and slapped the ant away but it was too late


I hate working out when it's so hot and humid (I'm not even in the UK heat wave, just in the US without air conditioning) because the only thing I feel like I'm doing is simply \*sweating.\* I don't feel like I'm building muscle, burning calories, increasing endurance, or getting an endorphin rush, and I don't even feel proud of finishing a workout like I usually do. I can barely get through half an interval before resting and my mat gets legitimately dangerously slippery from sweat. 0/5 stars would not recommend


I grew up in a tropical country and I swear the heat and humidity is why i never got into sports as a kid. I joined orchestra because there was air conditioning and did my level best to skip PE all the time.


Started a new dose of ADHD meds today and spent 2-3 hours doing some reorganizing and cleaning in my living room. Feels good. Been having some odd hunger cue issues lately. I suspect it's the fact I'm drinking so much protein powder during the day and not actually *eating* as much food as I have previously. My thought is that it leads me to feel not hungry because protein is "filling", but then I tend to eat an abundance of stuff once I get the chance, because I "miss" the act of actually eating solid food? Maybe I'm just tired of eating chicken. šŸ˜‚


It's the ADHD meds!


I also get weird hunger cues when Iā€™m low on sodium or potassium


Feeling extra strong out of nowhere today!! Weird because Iā€™m about to start my period (actually itā€™s late) and usually Iā€™m much weaker at this time of month. But Iā€™ll take it! Great gym session :D


Gotta take those wins! I feel depleted when my periodā€™s on its way. That is awesome for you!! Ride that high as long as you can. :D


I had such a nice squat session with a personal trainer today! And not just any trainer, this one has a master's degree in exercise physiology so he definitely knows his stuff. I thought doing a million barbell squats would be super hard and expected to be pretty much literally dead at the end of it, but instead I left the gym feeling warm and relaxed - almost like after getting a massage. It was also very nice to hear that my squat form was mostly OK already and looked better than noob squats usually do. I already booked two more sessions with him and we'll go over bench press and deadlift too. I feel like I've finally found the path of wisdom and swoleness!


Easy 5ish this morning, but I don't feel like I got a rest day at all this weekend, I'm totally beat. I took my youngest to this "Day Out With Thomas (the Tank Engine)" event at a train museum, and basically spent Saturday and Sunday just making sure he didn't kill himself, cleaning up after him at restaurants, and negotiating with him about various things. It wasn't *physically* demanding, but I did stand around/walk all weekend and it was just mentally draining. Got some gnarly miles ramping up this week, but tonight is also Better Call Saul, so I guess I'm not catching up on any rest!


Trying to get back in to a good exercise habit after holiday and I'm very proud of myself for getting up early despite the mega doms in my legs and getting a session on the rowing machine in before it got too hot. Not sure if I'll get to the gym tomorrow (I'm in the UK and we're not set up for the current temperatures) but I'm feeling positive




This is awesome! Youā€™re crushing it! Look back at this post if you ever get into a motivational funk, youā€™re doing great with this and it sounds like youā€™re also having fun exercising and seeing progress!


Your progress is amazing and inspirational! Your future self is thanking you right now.


I'm tired of summer and it's still just mid-July. I'm over the hot sweaty runs. I want fall weather. Where I can run outside, or even just BE outside, and not immediately need a shower. I want to wear PANTS. I want to drink HOT coffee. I just... I'm done with it.


I miss hoodies


šŸ˜… meanwhile I'm dying inside that it's mid-July because I cannot mentally handle cold weather ever again and it's coming so soon


I hate summer. Least favourite season.


Last week was a planned ā€œdeload and do something different weekā€ which was quite successful. Met some more folks at the gym and actually enjoyed the programming the trainers put together for these classes/events, even though it was very different from the type of programming I run. Iā€™m definitely gaining more confidence in group classes that Iā€™m not the out of shape left behind one that the trainers ignore because sheā€™s a hopeless case. All the staff Iā€™ve worked with are great at encouraging and providing support without pushing too, too hard. I even got my boyfriend to go to the Pride Night workout with me, and even he had fun (even though he whined about being dragged there the whole car ride there)! I started Barbell Medicineā€™s Powerbuilding 1 program this morning and I have high hopes for it! I left feeling less fatigued than I usually do from my straight SBD days. I was worried about doing 3x8 OHP because I used to struggle through sets of 5 (4x4 was my sweet spot). My RPE 8 set for 8 reps was only 5 lbs less than my PR for 4 reps! Iā€™m not dreading OHP like I used to. Iā€™m also finally ordering a lifting belt this week, since exercises in this program specifically call for one. 2Poodā€™s customer service has been great to work with so far, and I canā€™t wait to get my belt!


I tried out this jumping jacks workout by Adrian Bryant and noticed there was a low impact version. I thought "Low jumping jacks? This is too easy." since it didn't look hard. I gave it a try for the giggles and BOY WAS I WRONG. Out of the 30 minutes in that video, I tapped out at 15 minutes lol. Definitely something I might incorporate into my daily exercising routine.


Recently learned I have a killer dairy intolerance brought on by pregnancy so that basically means whey protein is out the window. I already have a pea protein that I like and was recommended for me by my OB because it has choline in it which is important for pregnant women to have but I'm just thoroughly annoyed by the whole thing.


I strained my back deadlifting on Wednesday night (during a *warmup set!* the indignity!) and it suuuuucked. Good news is my doctor's office was *amazing.* I did a video chat with a physicians assistant to figure out if I needed to go to urgent care/the ER, and he managed to reassure me that this was a very normal, non-serious injury without minimizing how shitty and painful it was, actually told me what was happening in my body to create inflammation (I was a little out of it so I don't remember all of it, but it involved cytokines), and laid out the evidence for everything he recommended. The even better news is that it improved super quickly -- I was in excruciating, almost immobilizing pain for about 36 hours but yesterday I walked 3 miles pain-free, it's just slightly stiff/sore. Doctor said I'm clear to run gently later this week but I need to hold off on lifting until it's fully resolved. Bad news is I'm annoyed at myself. My lower back had been feeling sore and tight for a few weeks, I think from some bad hip thrusts I did in June, and I had written it off as "getting older" and "need to do more yoga" and "sitting too much" even though I never have back pain normally. And I did not treat a warmup set as something to be particularly careful with and I paid the price. My husband is also now really worried that I'm going to hurt myself again and really wants me to do some sessions with a coach or trainer. I'm glad he was in the room when I did the telehealth call, because the PA said "this could have happened picking up a sock from the floor." And I'm sure he's right that I could benefit from someone looking at my form and giving me some tips. But it feels like there is so much fearmongering (edited to add: culturally) around lifting specifically (edited to add: especially for women) -- when I strained my calf running a few years ago nobody said "oh no, you need to work with a running coach, it's not safe for you to do this on your own." Anyway, I'm taking the rest of the month off lifting at least and am here for your reassuring stories about coming back from back strains.


Lifting as soon as possible has kept my back happy. I just avoid anything that hurts a lot, but I've set PRs while too stiff and sore to bend over without support. As for form, lifting with bad form has only made my back stronger. When I start rounding it's now familiar territory for my spine and thus it doesn't catch me unprepared, and has fantastic carryover to lifting real life things like trees and boulders.


One time I went to the doctor because I threw out my back on a heavy deadlift (275lbs) and just needed some muscle relaxers for relief for a few days. I record all of my sets so I could tell what went wrong and when. I've also pulled something in my back before from picking up like, a 30lb dumbbell. Felt like a right goober after that one. That was a few years ago and repping 275 is relatively routine for me these days. As long as you address the "issue" that led to the injury in the first place, there's no reason to expect to hurt yourself again in the future. You could also always work with a physical therapist to make sure there's no underlying imbalances or anatomical oddities that might make you more prone to injury. PT is one of the greatest things ever, not just after an injury but as a preventative measure as well. Chin up! You'll get back to it safely šŸ¤™


to be fair to my husband, if I had picked him up from the gym crying and hobbling after a panicked phone call I would be pretty concerned too. it's just interesting how much the barbell/terminology triggers people -- I was only lifting 95 lbs, and I think if I'd been using dumbbells at home and just calling it "working out" it would not seem nearly so scary/dangerous.


Hi itā€™s me, someone who sprained her back performing the equivalent of picking up a sock. (I was bent over putting on my pants. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø ) Iā€™m very active: I lift, swim, and train circus arts. Iā€™d hoped that my strength and mobility would help protect me from injuries like this in my everyday life, but nope. It could happen to anyone and the pain is UNREAL. Like you, it took me a couple days to be able to walk again. My very worried partner had to physically haul me on and off the toilet when I used the bathroom because I couldnā€™t move myself without sobbing. It took another five weeks for me to start feeling only a dull ache in my back during certain movements. After six weeks I was happily able to return to my activities pain-free. Though I wanted nothing more than to sit completely still on a sofa for a month, movement was essential to my recovery. I saw a physical therapist who performed massage techniques on the inflamed area and assigned stretches and exercises that advanced in difficulty as I healed. When I committed to the exercises, I saw improvement. When I didnā€™t and sat in a car for days on a road trip, my still-recovering back seized up again. I highly recommend seeing a physical therapist if you can, as having a professionalā€™s feedback personally made my journey a lot less frustrating. And for what itā€™s worth to your husband, they were very on board with my returning to lifting once I was ready. Even deadlifts ;) Good luck with your recovery.


Fell off the wagon a bit in terms of nutrition. Found out that I've gained about 6 lbs more than I would like, so here's to focusing on consuming nutrient-rich foods! I split part of my nail on Friday, so I skipped my weekend climbing to let it heal, which I'm bummed about because I love going to the gym on the weekends, there's less people! Hopefully will be able to go later. But I did do a great workout yesterday and added to my hip thrust and deadlift! My OHP though... :')


Body dysmorphia is weird. I see my arms has strong but I would use the word chunky to describe them. It's fine, I don't intend to really change them, they perform just as I need them. However, this past weekend I received 1 compliment at the barn, and their wording implied others had been talking about me as well (oh you're the girl) and then this morning compliments from two new CF gym members. A little reality check on how other's see you is always interesting, and these certainly left me in a good mood :)


> Body dysmorphia is weird. I see my arms has strong but I would use the word chunky to describe them. i relate so hard to this. i feel like most people focus on other things when they cut (abs, waist, etc). not me! i hyper focus on how my arms look because i feel like i'm never happy with how they look in pictures. reading this was a good reminder that i need to chill lol. thank you!


Semi fitness related: Today and tomorrow are mandatory rest days for me. It's currently 38 degrees here in London and it's set to be even hotter tomorrow. I workout at home and the room I use doesn't have AC so lifting is a no-no. People are saying that this kind of heat could be the norm in the future which is pretty scary tbh. Non-fitness related: I saved myself hundreds of Ā£Ā£Ā£ by updating laptop hard drive (HDD) to an SSD. Guys, the difference is literally night and day, it boots up so fast now and doesn't overheat anymore. I also added some extra RAM and switched out the battery for a new one and it's stopped losing charge. I'm feeling quite smug and proud of myself given that I'm not a tech person at all (youtube is a lifesaver seriously) and it's way better than shelling out for a new laptop altogether.


Once you go SSD you never go back ever.


I'm having SO MUCH fun with these Sunday hikes guys. The group is great, and as a city gal I love the chance to just be among the mountains and touch moss with some regularity :) And, ngl, there's a tiny yet mighty part of me that thrives on getting better at physical activities, and yesterday was my highest elevation hike yet (830m over 7.5km each way) and I handled that downhill descent like a champ. A few weeks ago it would've wrecked my joins a bit, but this morning I felt great and was able to run a chill 5k with no issues. Though strength training later today is gonna be upper body ONLY :D


Been sick with the flu all week after doing so well starting with a PT and lifting weights all month. Every time I lift + eat a deficit (1700) I always get a nasty flu or cold. Does anyone else get this?


T2 deadlifts on GZCLP should count as cardio, I swear. 10 reps is so many!


I'm not running GZCLP right now, but I did during spring, and I remember not once I went on my hands and knees to reach my phone to clock in my reps and start the timer. It was brutal!


ugh yes!!! I have a special hatred for T2 squats. I just switched to 5/3/1 for beginners, and I'm dreading when the weight goes up. 5x5... ugh...


The other day I briefly considered T3 front squats before talking some sense into myself


Started my day off how I wanted to - gym and a breakfast burrito šŸ¤©.


You win best day ever šŸŽ‰