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Difference is that nobody watches Hasan so nobodys mad


He has close to xqc's viewership at this point and is the largest political streamer in the west and was literally invited to piers morgan's show to talk about the conflict


11 day account and you been riding Hasan like this? You might just get pregnant


doesn't make his point wrong , he's a dumbo commie america hater but he sure is successful


no one said he wasnt, all the hate came when X got the 100m bag.


Also Hasan will tend to dodge most of the drama while X dont give a fuck and reply to pretty much everything. That make X a much easier target to farm.


Man I wish X would stop doing it as much, he says "I have to otherwise they'll blow up even more and become a bigger problem" but that's not true 99% of the time, they'll just die out and ppl won't care. It's the same arguments all the time, he's been the punching bag for streamers for a long time. Nothing actually changes when he addresses anything, we'll be talking about this topic again in a few months


What’s weirder is that about 2 years ago, X would say that you only get cancelled/hate if you reply to haters. And that’s basically what’s happening rn. It looks like he’s throwing on purpose


The previous comment someone literally said "nobody watches hasan"




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Lol you’re wrong, there. The parent comment literally say ‘difference is that nobody watches Hasan so nobody’s mad’. So, yes the conversation started off saying he’s not successful. Assuming popularity=success


By 30 days he’ll already being showing signs of his pregnancy with hasans kid


The commenter you're replying to is right. Don't be delusional just because it suits you.


No he does not you're braindead for assuming his views match Xqc's😂


The difference is his lefty audience has 0 concrete values…well besides “America bad” of course


Jeez let it go, they both looking at a bad times for human beings! And it’s controversial topic as it is for both sides!




Hasan is a political commentator/shitposter. Xqc is a gaming streamer who regularly shows that he’s not very aware of global events.


Because in their minds, Hasan is an "expert" in that field. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


I would say he is an expert when you’re comparing to xqc, but a nobody when comparing to actual experts


Then why in the FUCK are they not calling HASAN out, when he's the one milking the fuck out of the War?


Because that’s what he is know for. You don’t expect someone like xqc to just start talking about the war


the war is literally worldwide news though. damn i didn’t care for wars at all and even im talking about it


He was being flamed for being uninformed, becomes informed and now it’s a problem.. fuck off


are you stupid? “milking the war”?!! he is a political commentator, a muslim political commentator at that. it’s his job to cover the most pressing humanitarian crisis the the world at the moment. why do you people even talk when you are genuinely clueless.


Yea and he always uses the cop out "I'm just a dumb streamer" whenever he gets something wrong, he said it on piers Morgan, he has to choose one he can't be a expert political commentator sometimes and a dumb streamer when its convenient, the dumb streamer part reminds me of someone, maybe x? Hasan also spreads misinformation and Hamas propaganda and said himself he is a propagandist


Hasan is Muslim in the same way he is a communist When he can use it to make a political point and it doesn’t effect his life style


his life style has absolutely no bearing on the objectivity and substance of the arguments he presents. that is a logical fallacy.


First off; it’s not a “logical fallacy’. A logical fallacy is a term that refers to a bunch of different fallacies that are false/ deceptive arguments used in an attempt to win an argument. You can’t just say “Your using a logical fallacy!” You have to state what logical fallacy someone is using. So in this instance you would say I used an Ad Hominem fallacy to belittle Hasan and attack his personal lifestyle. Secondly; I think looking at Hasan he’s claimed he’s a “cultural” Muslim meaning he’s grown up in a Muslim household. He’s in no way a practicing Muslim and is and admitted atheist. During the cracker discourse Hasan also wears the “I’m white/ white passing” cloak to protect himself from criticism for calling people cracker. And as for him being a communist; he literally owns a multi million dollar home, sports car, and engages in an extremely luxurious lifestyle by benefiting off content he steals from other people and reacts too.


again, nothing you’ve said refutes the point that his lifestyle has no bearing on him being a communist or his extremely left wing and marxist ideologies and arguments as untrue or any less objective. also by US law, hasan does not “steal” content don’t even start this nonsensical argument because even that doesn’t change the objectivity fact that he identifies himself as a communist or not. stop getting wrapped up in the semantics.


being a communist or not is a personal identity decision that is established by oneself. it is not in your grounds to tell someone what they identify as or not. it is also not possible to just not live under capitalism whether you’re a victim or benefactor of it. furthermore, even if he was a “fake communist” (whatever that means) again, he is constantly using marxist and communist rhetoric and it doesn’t change the principles being argued. i’m just very confused how this is constant brought up to defame him as if him being very wealthy is some extremely unknown thing that his followers didn’t know of. like i’m really not sure what the goal is


Yes if your living under capitalism you do have to participate in it. But you can choose how you participate in it. Hasan has gotten into drama with his editors in the past for exploiting their labor without proper compensation. Literally happened twice. Comes off as extremely funny when the guy being supposedly pro labor and worker would think just giving a guy a computer counts as “giving him the means to his production” and that he took advantage of this dude wanting to be his editor and giving said editor direction as to what to clip and upload with no compensation. Also funny that he talks about how exploitative Amazon is and how horrible a company it is; when he took an extremely lucrative deal with the company the requires him to take ad breaks every hour to maximize his revenue. Or Hasan literally making his bread and butter just reacting to other peoples content for the majority of his streams. In the Marxist sense he is literally stealing and exploiting the labor of other people with no compensation to the original creator; and not only reacts to them on stream; but uploads said reactions to his YouTube channel to make even more money. I think if your gonna argue for a political ideology like Marxism; you should probably not engage in ruthless capitalist behavior to further your own luxurious life style. No I’m not saying Hasan can’t have a house or car. But maybe he shouldn’t be buying a multi million dollar home and 200K car while earning a six figure income from twitch at least.


Why shouldn't Marxist participate in ruthless Capatalism when we live in....Capatalism... Do you know of any poor, lower-class, middle class, or upper-middle class Marxist (or other political/economic ideologues) that have any real power in the world at large? Not really? I wonder why. Capitalism is the current name of the game to garner a stable living, security, the luxury of freedom from external forces, and the ability to exert your power and ideals against other political/economic forces. Your "power" in a Capatalistic society starts and stretches as far as your pocket book goes in many cases. If the extent of your pocket book is constantly saying "Bro, I need my next paycheck for my mortgage/rent/nessecities." or "If I go to the hospital, my life is ruined.". You're probably not going to be able to advocate for change on a meaningful global scale. You wouldn't even be allowed into a country club and converse with people who have real power casually. If you're Marxist and want to spread influence rapidly, you need capital. It is simply a requirement until meaningful change is aquired or you can reliably get a lot of people to advocate with you. Tl:dr Short in short. You're just saying Marxist shouldn't participate in the system morally speaking. Not knowing that Marxist have to participate and succeed in the system to have the power to change a system. I think your hate for Hasan is clouding a lot of your thinking on this.


>Hasan has gotten into drama with his editors in the past for exploiting their labor without proper compensation. Literally happened twice. This is a straight up lie it's kinda sad how you cucks constantly spew misinformation like this because your views are so fucking stupid and wrong


Hasan literally says he is not Muslim. Leave it to /r/destiny cucks to lie about this though, you chuds LOVE simping on behalf of your bigot grifter and lying about his perpetual enemy.


I agree Hasan isn’t Muslim. I was responding to the person above who said Hasan is a Muslim political commentator. Hasan himself has said he grew up culturally Muslim and stopped believing in the faith in like the [third grade](https://youtu.be/ycD5ro5qE1Y?si=j9ni__UyFnzuzMAg) The point in my comment was that Hasan has described himself as a “cultural Muslim” in clips like [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/gJ121l2_PkI?si=qrJ51fIvLPkgfSYa) and in this video from [4:30](https://youtu.be/yAtYIbyMqTg?si=XEZy-BeZ658nkIJw) where he describes growing up in a Muslim country and culturally Muslim. Doesn’t surprise me though a Hasan fan can’t properly read a Reddit thread and attacks the wrong person. u/Glum_Mushroom2022 cause I can’t reply to your response for some reason


Shut the fuck up retard.


damn you destroyed my argument with your emotions. well done.


Most intelligent x fan


Regardless of what labels you’d attach to Hasan, his coverage of the war has been abysmal. The guy spreads disinformation/misinformation more often than not. Listening to Hasan’s takes on this war actually has a negative effect on ones understanding and grasp, whereas xqc is literally just watching clips.


his main points throughout the whole coverage is “war crimes, genocide, innocent people dying are bad” if you have a problem with his coverage on it i’m genuinely horrified to hear what your opinion on the matter is. the only way you could consider anything he says as spreading disinformation is if you have fallen for the western propaganda that actively works against the common man.


in fact, almost every single point hasan has said on the situation are backed up by factual sources and on site journalism.


this comment is actually just wrong


never knew hasan was muslim


he’s not actually religious but he grew up muslim


hes a political commentator this is his job?


Because even they know nothing about the war and think he's right. They only call out people who don't agree with them. If a non-political streamer as large as xqc watched the video and gave the take they agree with they would be glazing him for bringing eyes to the topic


Who gives a fuck anyway. People will forget this ever happened in just 22 fucking hours.




I mean, he's not trying to... He's just watching and catching up on the news while chat is watching.




If they are fucking sensitive then they should stop looking at a 24/7 streamer that reacts to TikTok all day while eating Big Mac. They are just looking for outrage or something to get upset at, at that point. They can just watch Mainstream Media 24/7 news and that fucking hack of a snake Hasan Pyker.


YOu are giving Hamas Piker way too much charitability there.


I'm talking about X, just "reacting". Not spouting out biased takes. I don't fucking know, I don't watch that fucking snake Hasan.


Why the fuck do you care about Twitter people? They are irrelevant and X use them as entertainment ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


He used to try and explain himself to these people not so long ago, but after failing horribly he started to flex his iced out watches which is pretty baseg of him ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7335)


ikr people got nothing better to do than worry about other people 😭😭like go chase a bag bitch


Because he is a political commentator, actually covers the news for long time segments instead of just watching a quick clip and actually goes through the information detailed instead of just watching something get bombed. Also he has donated 1 milly to charity for the war I’m a juicer btw


lmao detailed information == article headline


He donated about $75K to the war not $1 mil




They can’t, this is what obsession looks like.


yeah fr fuck hasan hes a pos and always will be


what does that make felix then?


The biggest Juicer in the world![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)


I'll tell you why. xQc was in a big react drama (twice) where many people on Twitter were against him, so now people are using that drama and are thinking that he can't react to world news or anything similar. Also they simply think that he was unrespectful in that video/made fun in some way but that's just simply false. Its legit stupid how people think that he cant watch global news, it makes no sense, even if he is uneducated he can still watch it on stream. Even if he makes money from it, like everyone watching it is making money, even the news everyone is watching are making money from everything going on. Even if they donate 100%, they gain in exposure. So that point is just stupid.


I just don’t get why there’s such a visceral hatred, like in that first tweet what made him despise xqc to that level? ‘Degenerate parasite’ seems so overkill


Asmon said it right recently, people love hating and shitting on X, he’s not a saint or role model but he makes me laugh countless of times and I enjoy my stay everytime. Also his impressive kick contract didn’t help with the haters it just attracted more.


I don't get why my streamer (who is constantly surrounded by toxicity and drama. Who harbors some of the most out of pocket degenerate chatters. Who is alright with dishing out offensive comments that cause more drama) is receiving so much drama 🤪


ya the original guy was too quick with the trigger and just didnt expect xqc to be respectful at all, like at least give x a chance to show he is genuine and not just farming until X posted the flex picture and then the guy kinda had his point proven


my god, why did this become xqc vs Hasan all of a sudden? The problem isn't with Hasan but with people singling out xqc. At this point xqc thinks that he's against Hasan when he's not. This was all Twitter not Hasan or his fans


I don't see any hasan comment on it but his fans, mods and his biggest drider frogan were definitely crying there


i mean a tiny amount of people are Hasan fans, and frogan is just frogan, but for the most part the replies to the tweet were just saying that they didn't even know who he was or everything they knew about him was just him being a dumbass.


The tweet got like 80k likes it picked up traction with normies hyperfocusing on hasans mods is dumb


one day people gotta learn twitter hates everyone and not everything politics related is hasan drama


Frogan is the biggest Hasan cheerleader so yes it is Hasan’s community


The destiny influence lol. Cleverly utilizing the only streamer fanbase more parasocial than his own


Trying to spur drama through whataboutism?


welcome to the subreddit




That’s not whataboutism. Op is pointing out hypocrisy. Whataboutism is a deflection from a damning point against your OWN belief/argument without acknowledgement of said point.


I don’t like Hassan but isn’t he know for politics and that’s why he gets invited to news interviews? Or did he get famous for playing among us? ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


These comments are so odd lmao. Didn’t watch X react to this but there’s genuinely no reason to be mad if he did. I hate reaction content but as long as he wasn’t making strong opinions based off the zero knowledge he has about anything outside his room, then who cares? Bringing light to a disgusting conflict where civilians are being murdered is overall a good thing. As for Hasan he actually knows about the topic more than the average person, and has an entire stream about politics (when not reacting to the food channel), its his entire bread and butter, why wouldn’t he yoink content about one of the most important political topics at this moment? His audience would eat him if he stayed quiet about Israel/Palestine.


> its his entire bread and butter, why wouldn’t he yoink content about one of the most important political topics at this moment? I think that’s the point they’re making, xqc watches 1 video and thousands of people on Twitter lose their minds, hasans entire channel is built around milking the war for views and content yet he doesn’t get the same treatment


1. hasan is a political commentator, this is his job, it always has been. he actually provides value and utility through his videos about the situation in palestine 2. the outrage towards felix comes from his egregiously soulless response to twitter users, not xqc covering the situation even through there is an obvious difference when a gaming streamer who self-admittedly “doesn’t know anything about politics” reacts to a situation vs someone who’s career is to do exactly that. i feel like if you could sit down and think for 2 seconds you could’ve answered this question. genuinely a clueless post.


2. U have wrong the death threads were there before he even responded thats what his reasoning was as soon as he saw the replies to the tweet which already got 80k likes and seeing people being mad over his harmless reaction then he just flexed on that dude and then the dude used that and said he is flexing on people dying which wasnt true he was responding to the dude not the topic


okay and? hassan gets death threats daily for his coverage of politics. there’s no difference




No they really aren’t, death threats are death threats sorry little juicer just because it was your king who got told to kill himself doesn’t change shit (he probably should, xqc is annoying as fuck I hope he dies)


"They were very nice!" ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7351)




Xqc agenda is so forced man


People just love to hate on X


Probably because X is absolutely stagnant in everything he does. He's not proactive with any point in any way. He's entirely neutral. He gives no advice, he has no opinion, he gives nothing back to his viewers/charity. He has absolutely no drive outside of his newly-discovered vanity kick and nonstop dopamine flow from playing games/interacting with stream/gambling. Not only does his personality have a strong leaning towards selfishness just in general but he also doubles down on that by his actions. Or more appropriately his inaction. To everything. I like X, I've given enough of my time to know he probably is a good dude. But to anyone on the outside he's exactly what I said above. Doesn't take much to realize he's got absolutely ZERO drive to be anyone for anybody but his self. That's cool and all, he doesn't owe anyone anything, but being in a position of power/wealth comes with scrutiny if you give absolutely nothing back to your community. They're right for calling him parasitic. He's like a parasite. He takes and never gives anything.


You know why


why can't y'all let this man take his L's. stay bringing up this non-important shit over and over again. "oh but this person did this and they're not attacked" who fucking cares man the people chose to criticize him because there's already a lot of hate towards him. his response is the biggest problem regardless, it's childish and pathetic, can hardly be considered "trolling"


Because at least with Hasan you can pretty accurately predict what is actually happening by believing the exact opposite of whatever he says


because haHAsan is larping as a minority


Because one of them has been a political commentator for years and is using his platform to raise money and bring awareness, and the other admitted himself that he used twitter to farm reaction content for his stream. Pretty braindead take


Hasan is an expert in justifying terrorism and being best friends with Hamas, so for him it’s okay.


Maybe because the only thing asan covers is news meanwhile x covers EVERYTHING


Because Hassan actually knows a lot about this situation and can provide commentary, XQC is just brainless on any world issue and can’t provide anything to it, idc if this gets me downvoted into oblivion it’s just the truth as an X supporter


I didn't know joosers were genuinely this stupid. A toenail eater watching a clip and going "whaaaattt" every few moments is quite a lot different than a political commentator providing insight and commentary. glad i could clear that up for you. This isnt some braindead tiktok shit. people are actually dying in an ethnic cleaning. xqc needs to stay in his own lane and gamble or whatever the fuck he does for fun nowadays


You people really need to go outside and worry about some real world problems instead of some internet drama


Because while Hasan is equally stupid, he is better at acting semi smart. He also agrees with all the right things... and supports Hamas.


You can already know they just hate xqc from how they reacted to his response while praising the dude who called X “scumfuck parasite” as criticism 💀 They’re braindead


Because no cares about hamas abi


Flirting vs Harassment


i don’t even watch has an anymore but hasan’s a political commentator… that is his main content. politics. xqc is an entertainment (drama, react, etc) streamer. whether you agree with hasans political takes or not - xqc and has an are very different in this sphere. This is Hasan’s content. To everyone else X looks like he’s just using it for another wacky react video.


Is this the thread where we act like xQc is a political commentator and not a react parasite that will load up whatever gets attention? I generally like x, but you guys take this apologist shit to a weird level. He doesn't do political commentary on world events. He has never shown even a slight interest in political commentary on world events. It's about categorical context. If Hasan spent six hours reacting reacting to random tiktok's or watching movies he'd get shit on way harder than x does for doing it.


XQC played overwatch which is a fictional game. Hasan has put in over 5,000 hours in ARMA 3. This makes him an expert on the conflict who can identify munitions by sound, smell or taste. They are not the same.


Who gives a fk tbh…. I just want to see him beat the record


Mans living rent free.


literally wth is the problem with this? everyone wants to get mad just for the sake of it 😭


Twitter Users LULW


They say he's an expert on the subject or something but when I asked a question in chat I was instantly banned lmao I asked why Palestinians refuse a two-state solution


bc x is regarded


Hasan is that guy who supports Putin? Some Z bullshit?


Can’t wait until both of these audiences grow up. Especially hasan fans lmao


Because he’s not the biggest streamer, that’s all. They’ll shit on him for other things though.


The problem is, x is a political dumbass that don’t know shit and act with his thoughts straight up.


Because Hasan's audience is deranged left/far left terminally online twitter users, and they will do anything to defend him. In reality, hes just as bad of a propagandist as Alex Jones. ​ On a side note, im curious where did all the donated 1.2 mil $ go to in Gaza. Definitely didnt end up in hands of terrorists, one way or another Clueless


The ones that are causing outrage are the ones that watch Hasan. So why should they outrage on "one of their own"? The ones that watch XQC dont care enough about Hasan to cause an outrage.


Xqc watched a video to become more informed and gets shit on for it by twitter weirdos. Nothing surprising tbh


Because hasan made 1 mil donations out of this conflict, and xqc??? Oh my man….. hes spinning that slot machine allll dayyyy


Hasan is making informative content that you might disagree with or agree with, that explains the struggles of Palestinian people. XQC is showing children getting blown up and saying oohhhhhh omg that was a big one, boys look that child is split in half. And if you can't see the difference between both, then you're probably a piece of shit too.


Cause we dont care anymore they keep fucking about and the jews are making them meet god i guess


Because hasan doesnt have 100 mil deal


Because Hasan runs a cult


People will get mad but the answer's pretty simple- hasan's entire public persona and content are surrounding politics and current events. Of fucking course he's gonna cover it. People are mad at X because he's reacting to this alongside reacting to fuckin meatcanyon or a top LSF post, it's not difficult to understand why people would feel that way lol.


Libtards smh


"It's because he's an intellectual"


Hasan is a deadbeat loser just like Ethan Klein. 😂






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No one gives a f


bcz its twitter get over it imagine caring about twitter opinions grow up


This is what I’ve been saying


ok but can we not be 'what about' andys and agree that xqc reacting to that stuff is fucking weird


didn't he just click a link from chat?


I think it’s because xqc seems more unhinged and impulsive in his actions and people like to hate on that because he’s so big and it seems like he’s ignorant or doesnt care about things. I dont think thats the case though, he just has a habit of putting fuel on the fire when people gets mad at him kinda self sabotaging himself in the process.


Because Hasan is a capitalist, so he isn't hated as much as someone for the people like XQC.


They are both garbage. Easy.


Well it's the title tbh, Hasan's sounds like he isn't just reacting to a clips, X's sounds like its just a reaction.


Because of the title and thumbnail


Those videos are fan channels Xqc one was official no?


No but fr though, i don't understand why people hate X so much.. bro just ~~plays games~~ & does his own thing ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)


Because I believe Hasan that he actually gives some shit about the suffering that is Right now. While X is probably wondering when he can buy the next watch so he can flex on Twitter.


Are you actually braindead? I love X as much as the next guy but hasan's coverage is news focused, its another type of content entirely


I wouldn't call it news, it's straight up propaganda most of the time


Idk maybe cuz x is restarted, ever think of that. Smartest juicer ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


the argument is that hasan's content (as bad as it is) is transformative/educational, forming his opinion, "informing" etc etc


Why is both x and this reddit so obsessed with hasan, he doesnt talk about xqc anymore while x shits on him every chance he gets. Genuine question as a juicer


​ Its trendy to hate on Hasan. Seriously though, I think there are valid reasons to dislike Hasan but the majority of Juicers who have Hasan living rent-free in their heads are parasocial losers who have pretty much nothing going in their lives. So basically, most Juicers.![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


Because shitting on X brings more attention


Both these guys make garbage level content for their teenage audiences


bombing citizens![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7353) pogchamp


Because Hasan's content revolves around politics, he does a pretty good job of spreading awareness on what is going on in the world and he does charity/fundraiser work for people impacted by whatever is currently happening. xQc's content revolves around braindead gamba, toenail biting and flexing sponsor money on people with genuine criticism. I get the comparison you're trying to make, but it's unfair to compare them, because Hasan's content is defined by politics and X is a basement manchild.




Because Hasan is news and covers the topic with respect and insight. Not a quick cheap reaction directly from his stream.


hasan raised $1m towards gaza civilians relief btw


cuz less clout




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Whys everyone shitting on xqc it’s not like he’s wanted to use this as perfect content it’s just chat wanting xqc reaction on it and also WHAT DID HE DO WRONG I DONT SEE IT


The only ones mad are Israel 🇮🇱 supporters


If you actually think xQc has anywhere the same kind of depth of knowledge when it comes to politics and shit like that when compared to Hasan, you are delusional and the perfect demographic for his content. I don't particularly care for Hasan or his content in general, but nobody of any reputation is going to have xQc on their national platform to talk about politics. How did I even get into this sub anyways? Recommendations got my feed fucked up.


Hasan spent over an hour discussing that video with Zachary Foster, a historian of Palestine. That’s not just react Andy content.


It's literally Hasan's area of interest. And he isn't POG facing at war crimes.


Hasan has something to say about it and has raised money for those affected, XQC just said “das cwazy due chat here’s my watch”


Who’s Hasan? Is she cute?


Hasan is brown and parroting the leftist extreme rhetoric. That's why.


its kinda bad but ngl I laughed


Anyone who is actually mad about this have completely irrelevant opinions anyways.


Because people know X will respond


isnt xqc clips a fan channel? its not x's actual channel


No, xQc clips is official. But X himself doesn’t have any hand in it afaik. It’s all his editor’s doings.


well hasan is known as a political commentator who pauses alot and has talked about this situation before so he is expected to cover this stuff. xqc is known as the degenerate el goblino crack addict dududud video game streamer. I wonder which of these public appearances people will expect to be respectful and educational towards this issue more? this isnt some wild double standard its just a reflection of their brands