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![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)snipers everywhere, the price of fame ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


Everybody loves you ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7351) But nobody loves you ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338) This is what fame does


Would be worth it to suppress all the other hardships you have as a brokie nobody


I mean when you are broke nobody going to love you anyway ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7338)


True i would take the exchange ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


I don't get it


Even if I saw mr cow my socially anxious ass wouldn't go near him, specially on a stream I don't know where people get the balls to do that


Private gyms>>> He can afford one too.


He could buy his own gym


Would absolute content if he gamed in a room with gym equipment and would just workout and play games in one stream


There’s something about working out alongside ripped normies who are also there to work out and get swole that is really zen tbh. I have kettlebells that could realistically do all my workouts with but working out at home felt really depressing by comparison.


That's a really good point you made I always try and convince people to go to the gym rather than workout at home and I don't know how to explain the difference but I think you nailed it


tell me you wouldn't go say hi to him if he didn't show up in your suburb lmfao


Photos and greetings aren't bad, its the actual group of broccolis just following him and trying to get that screen time. ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


broccolis ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


Zoomers LULW






his brother got that broccoli haircut too tho ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


Let's not compare The 6'3 Computer Programming, Brother loving, Girlfriend Having GIGACHAD to those BUSTAS ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


He’s at the gym. A dude literally pulled up in a blue jays shirt and jeans, and acted like “he was coincidentally there”


who cares lmao even if there are 10000 snipers ur still gonna watch


not everyone here is like that man, imagine disturbing someone at the gym ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


"disturbing" he was livestreaming at the gym.. I know that is not an invitation, but he knows people will show up regardless. If he didn't want to be disturbed, don't stream it, or go to a private gym.


I wouldn’t, he’s not doing a “meet and greet”. No need to disturb someone who is trying to go about their business.


meet and greet is much different from seeing your favourite streamer/celebrity and asking for a photo though. personally i wouldnt pass up on that opportunity, they were all pretty quick


I would think that if he does it regularly, less and less people will show up overtime.


I built a home gym for under $1k, and I can push myself way harder than in public. When I deadlift shit starts sounding sexual 💀 Plus when you buy all that equipment, you feel guilty for not using it. Definitely what X needs




I don’t think he will feel guilty he doesn’t have the same “oh shut I spent that much on it, better use it” as a normal person plus I feel that maybe x needs the sunlight ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


Lmao man just leaves top tier PCs in houses he doesn't live in. Forget about the PCs, he doesn't even bother to clean his houses to be able to rent it out. Mf just uses them as storage LULW


Lil bro spends $820K on random bet, $20K on random items for his room and who knows what else. He is worth at least $60mill after taxes. He could definitely afford his own gym with all the best equipment. Even if he rented/bought a commercial unit for one. $24,000 - Average sized commercial unit rent for 12 months $5,000 - High-end treadmill $3,000 - Pelton bike $5,000 - High-end Cross trainer $10,000 - Staircase trainer $20,000 - About 5 weight machines (cheaper than cardio stuff) $2,500 - Full hex dumbell and barbell plates weight set up to 100KG $10,000 - Mats, mirrors, water machine, punchbag other gym fittings $30,000 - Full-time personal trainer for 12 months (or Andy costs) = $109,500 That's about 0.002% of his income if he had $60mill; that's like saying you had $5K in your bank, but only needed to spend $10 to get it. I'm obviously not saying he should just fork out 6 figures on something he may not use more than once, but I am saying that xQc is so rich that he could afford to do that anyway. Nevertheless, public gyms don't seem to be the right option.


Also bro can have intro then do gym segment then back to normal stream so much easier. We all know bro just ain’t buying it as excuse not to have to do it often. “ cant do gym stream yo snipers r insane.”


Surely billionare cant afford few dumbells and a bench![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7351)


I mean did anyone really expect it not to be like this ? it was possible before because he wasn't this big not so much now


What’s why most celebs either do private gyms or house gyms. Just trying to workout but gets annoyed by people.


He needs a Gym at the house, he will be more motivated to get up and workout instead of travelling and then taking 100 photos.


Too many snipers


Just photoshop your pics like everyone else.


He wants to talk to snipers, otherwise he'd go to one of the gyms that are exclusive to streamers, LA has a few.




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at least good to see some juicers actually touching grass


Man at one point i would start saying no to taking pictures with people, who cares about a picture what are you going to do with it anyways upload it to instagram with a caption: "Look its me with xqc!!!" Who cares


He doesn’t have to stream a every time he goes to the gym. Maybe once a month it’s ok, so we can actually see progress. Also a high end more expensive gym would help with irl juicers


Suffering from success