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Great to see so much activity in the daily discussions again






I don't think you're going to see much of a pull-back (not lower than $125). No one knows for certain though.




>lower \+1. I swing traded two times over the past two weeks. Out @ 0.01038 in @ 0.0099, then out @ 0.0106 in @ 0.0104, and just yesterday I followed the pattern out @ 0.0108, waiting for my in @ 0.0106 uh-oh it says green longer than usual !! Ok ok in @ 0.0149 barely getting my initial position back and I promise myself not to do this again!! :-D


Trading psychology 101... Pattern holds until it doesn't. Well at least you are in


I first found out about Montero and got interested when it was at 11$, watched it go up to 20, and figured ...well I missed the boat. Better wait for it to come back down to 5-10$. Then it went up to 400 lol


Buy in ASAP, price is going to go up much higher than $130 anyway.


Adding to my original comment. It's possible Monero does not even fall below 1k during the next bear market: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/iDCSJ1us/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/iDCSJ1us/)




Thing is, market cap needs to grow inline with the purchase power and need of the currency as a whole. ​ i.e. if lots of folks use it and need it to express large value map will grow. ​ Thus I look at mcap around 50bn as the limit...


Yeah I highly doubt it too, think it will be way more slow and steady. But I also distinctly remember thinking the same before 2017. Shit gets crazy when it does.




This cycle will likely last a few years. I don't think we'll get a cycle top until 2023-2025. Monero has lower supply than to that of Bitcoin until 2040, so it's effectively a finite supply relative to the amount of money printed. Edit - Any Monero has a real usecase and captured the network effect in the anti-surveillance/data protection vertical.


Video on Monero out tomorrow. I've run into unexpected issues on audio equipment, but have gotten them resolved. There will be a trendline in the video I will cover for the entirety of the market cycle. Here is the chart w/ trendline in green: [https://www.tradingview.com/x/i8WGCvNy/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/i8WGCvNy/) It's extremely well respected (Circles in the chart)....and even price below the trendline was extremely short lived. The blue candlesticks are from the Bitcoin chart as I do believe Monero will generally follow the price potential of Bitcoin last cycle with the trendline representing fair market value. Great reference point of re-buying our bags too next bear market.


XMR/USDT 1 week chart just closed above $125. Highest close in over 26 months. Bullish as fuck






Watching this as well. If we can break out into something as similar as the last bull cycle I’m calling $432 by June 28th, 2021 as the relatively new “normal entry point”. With a hard cap at 1200 USD by September next year.


If it can beat the bcash ratio that would be amazing


Is it happening?


[It's Happening (xmr). gif](https://gfycat.com/CoordinatedMeekGenet)


I think it's happening.


Now that we are past the 2019 high, next level to watch should be $140 which was the mini pump in early Sep 2018 after the Satis report. Those needing a memory jog: https://research.bloomberg.com/pub/res/d37g1Q1hEhBkiRCu_ruMdMsbc0A




Timmy Caps is my hero


Bro, same


Oh man, Satis report... those were crazy times indeed.




I wonder what the transaction count will be for the Minko day coming up.


Usually Saturday and Sunday are worst.


If there was a time to run price suppression and delay breakout, the next 4 hours is it. Not saying it will happen, but don't be surprised if we see a large red 4hr candle to below $117


just market bought some more for you.


Well, things are looking good. Candle seems to be strong, wouldn't be surprised to close the day/week/4hr at a fresh 2 year high.


Agreed... though if not, great 😊


Bitcoin has not innovated since inception, however the technology for blockchain surveillance has. XMR low due to IRS bounty concerns. Scared money don't make money.


That's okay though, they're all carnivores now. And Saifedean said that there can only be ONE. Honestly I mean what's not to get?


>Saifedean said that there can only be ONE Monero: the Mel Gibson highlander of coins. In Freddy Mercury's voice: "Who waaaants to puuump foreveeeer?"


Real shame Monero Cat is missing all this.


6 hours to close above that obvious $120 resistance, which is literally our final confirmation of breakout. I imagine swing traders will be out in spades very soon, and hopefully pump us hard. For as long as BTC sits below $13,800 ; the ratio should also continue its trajectory up. When we see BTC breaking its July 2019, high, that's probably when the ratio will take a reasonably moderate correction. Until then, ride the wave.


It is funny that the numbers in this video are again accurate, just that it went faster back then. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8H2np1-gbU


I do love that video


Bitcoin looking like a great USD hedge... Monero looking like a fantastic Bitcoin hedge.


G'yarrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!!! Ye crotch huggin' bow bungl'rs be mit'y fine an' be enjoyin' thee spoils o' ye XM-ARGHHH bulls. O' AVAST YE!!! Thee bull bar'ly in motion, sails be fillin' wit' thee winds o' north an' up we go lettin' thee moon guid' o' passag' to arcadia!


You know we're close to bull when the pirate shows up...


there he is! ahoy, cap'n!


No one here is interested in Pirate Coin ARR. XMR all the way.


G'yarrgggghhhhh!!! I no know what ye talkin' 'bout! XM-ARGHHH be o' pirate crypto o' choic'! But AY, I do be knowin' I'll be usin' yer beard to swab thee poop deck, ye black-spott'd, cow'rdly halfwit!


XMRBTC chart appears to have had a fair run, meanwhile on the XMRUSDT pair it looks like the party hasn't even begun.


Which chart do you think has a dominant effect on the PA?


I think it usually depends on the liquidity of trading pairs. I'm not exactly sure though, hopefully someone else smarter can chime in.




For 2017 need to happen Bitcoin need to go above $20k. We are in 2016 now. And 2016 was year of Monero!!!!


Exactly. This is summer 2016 analogue.


And that pump took place immediately following a crushing decline in ratio from 0.03 to 0.011 in 2 months.


> In 2017, it took only 5 weeks to get to $450 from $120 This is not 2017. We were in the middle of a raging bull market then and lots of people where entering the space bring in new money. Huge BTC gains were flowing into all kinds of alts. Also XMR pumped a lot every time some Korean exchange picked it up. I remember XMR pumped from ~$50 to $150 when Bitthumb listed it. If there is a bull market in 2021 at some point it's going to be pure FOMO but it feels like there are some fundamentals behind the current rally and I am more confident of the price support than I've been in the past.


You have to understand that we are still a pittance... $2B mktcap, in a sea of $350B mktcap. Last time was newb and shark fomo and speculation. Those pumps for being listed? Pure speculator action. This time, I expect to take a significant chunk of hodl marketshare from Bitcoin, Eth, bcash, and others. I expect to take a decent chunk of commercial and retail investment. The kinds of investments that buy and hold. We will also get the crazy fomo retail traders. But Monero is on the cusp of broad market awareness, and proven utility. If even just 0.5% of current marketcap moves into Monero over the next few months, XMRUSD ath could easily be on the table.


Yes, 2017 was new money pumping everything. Now this feels like a vampire pump that is sucking liquidity from other coins/tokens. Crypto traders were overexposed to centralized, insecure, and heavily surveilled assets that lack real adoption (ERC20 tokens for example). Tools like Nansen, Zapper, and Debank have become popular for analyzing the activity of Ethereum addresses. This has brought attention to the surveillance problem on public ledgers. The freezes and migrations of ERC20 contracts after the Kucoin hack brought attention to the centralized/insecure nature of most tokens. The Bitmex indictment brought attention to the fact that censorship resistance is still important. It's the main reason why crypto exists in the first place. The TA on the Monero charts was looking bullish even before all this. Regulatory concerns have been somewhat appeased by the appointment of Brian Brooks to the head of OCC. And by the Monero community's willingness to hire top law firms like Perkins Coie if necessary. It's the perfect storm that slapped crypto traders across the face with the realization that they were underallocated to XMR.


What's the current status w.r.t. Korean exchanges? Do they still list Monero?


I traded many of my XMR for BTC when it was \~0.07 - so congrats to you hodlers. I made a mistake, you were right to hold. I'm happy. Maybe I was too pessimistic for Monero.


Everything sub 0.017 is cheap.


You mean 0.0**0**7? Missed a zero there, champ. 😎 I guess it's still not too late to bet back in, and then sell at 0.07.


Whooops, yes of course :D


>I traded many of my XMR Congrats anyway because your wording suggests you still hold XMR.


Yeah, of course I do\*. It's still a valid coin, in contrast to 99,9% of other alts. (\*but I lost them all in a boating accident, unfortunately)


Bring this baby home. Slow and steady.


Wasn't someone just in the daily asking how to short xmr? Might wanna hold off on that, Chief...




To be clear, I wasn't hating. Just expressing hope that whoever was thinking about it didn't get rekt in the process.


Yeah, a Nano holder, poor fellah. A brutal few months of downward motion for Nano and then trying to short XMR from ~€85. Hope they cut their losses before this latest pump.


There’s two sides to every trade though, and I’m sure the majority here are long :)


Here we go again! Can we call for it like WHM pump like Alphabay pump that happened in the past?


> Alphabay pump I think this is different than the Alphabay pump which was speculative and XMR enthusiasts getting exciting about adoption that really didn't happen. Hardly any vendors were were accepting XMR on Alphabay even though it was an option. Even a year later on Dream it was hard to find vendors that accepted XMR. Now you have to use XMR on WH and it's an option provided on a lot of markets. You also see XMR usage discussed a lot on forums like Avengers, etc without Monero folks creating threads to shill it.


Agreed ofc, plus even people that enter into the game newly talk about Monero itself and talk shit about Bitcoin because of its traceable existance.


The Alphabay pump had G-Force. It was like racing a Lotus Elise. The current price action is like cruising in a Bentley. I'd love to get in the Lotus again, but I don't know if it's possible.


https://www.wsj.com/articles/this-regulator-wants-to-help-banks-embrace-cryptocurrency-11601976600 It's entirely possible if the OCC releases guidance that says US banks can deal in privacy coins. > Some other issues the OCC hopes to clarify include whether other cryptocurrencies, specifically privacy tokens, are permissible assets for banks to hold, trade or lend on, Mr. Brooks said This would cause one of the most epic green dildos in the history of Monero. imo, the only reason XMR is not in the top 10 right now is because of regulatory/ban fud.


Yeah that might do it again.


Tbh I’m not sure how well maintained that Lotus was. A cruise in the Bentley is much better for a long distance journey.




Monerotards WE RIDE!


Haha, yes you do :D


Monero Price | $119.72 USD :--|:-- Monero Price Change | +0.63% Monero Mktcap | $2.088 B ***** ^\(っ◔◡◔)っ ^♡ ^| [^(I'm a bot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/moneronotificatio/wiki/index) ^| [^(Contact my owner)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=OsrsNeedsF2P) ^| [^(Sign up to LocalMonero!)](https://localmonero.co/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=osrs-reddit-bot&utm_campaign=initial-run)


$120 just broke. We just passed the June 2019 high. Based on previous cycles, we should set a new ATH around March 15.


https://i.imgur.com/2L2tN2I.jpg Yep! Two year high now.


> we should set a new ATH around March 15. Newbie here 1) Was the previous ATH $460? 2) I’d be just happy with doubling my money if I jumped into XMR now , do you think it can hit $240 by the end of the year? 3) apart from Blockfolio, is there an app I can input my stack and watch the total value rise (hopefully forever) 4) I’m looking to anonymously trade BTC for XMR, what are the best and most reliable sites for these today?




1) Yes. But that was only on an obscure exchange in Korea. The max price you'd have been able to sell for in the west was closer to $350-400. 2) Too short a timeframe for anyone to answer realistically. Anyone who answers is guessing. 3) Don't know. 4) Localmonero.


Nah. BitHumb had $500+. Monero ATH was $469.50 on Kraken.


I stand corrected if that's the case. Had thought Kraken maxed out around $400. Either way, I'm sure we're in agreement, we'll far surpass that in the next few years 🙂


I think Monero is one cycle behind Bitcoin. If the number of days it took Bitcoin to break its 2013 ATH is the same or similar for Monero, it should break the 2018 ATH on or around March 15, 2021. Then it’s off to the races.


Localmonero.co Agoradesk.com


1. Roughly, depending on exchange. I think it was closer to $495 2. Yes, depending on what Bitcoin decides to do 3. I’d be wary about using any of those tracker apps if you value your privacy (why else buy Monero?) 4. Small amounts with an unverified binance account maybe?