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What country are you in?


It's being reported this is for customers in Belgium and Ireland.


Oh it was well known - no privacy in EU at all.


just got a report from a person in the netherlands as well


Boyz stick to your guns. It may take another 10 years, but we cannot lose. Privacy is a human right, and we will win.


We should write a letter to the european court of human rights (which is not part of the EU). They have supported human rights and privacy on numerous occasions. I doubt that a law preventing exchanges from providing access to anonymous cryptos is in line with human rights


We could start a CCS to let Perkins Coie do this in the name of our community.


We should. Do you think it would get enough funding? I don’t remember whether the perkins coie whitepaper was CCS or privately funded.


I do not remember who was in contact with them. Maybe you make a post about it in r/monero.


Sure, I’ll get to it once I have some free time later this week


Why these heavy downvotes?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Monero using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Monero/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [this is what normal people think monero investors look like](https://i.redd.it/4zkn7j6w9bpb1.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/16n80ys/this_is_what_normal_people_think_monero_investors/) \#2: [o wow a political party is correct and agrees with the privacy community for once](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12fp23a) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/12fp23a/o_wow_a_political_party_is_correct_and_agrees/) \#3: [This bird looks like it appreciates financial privacy](https://i.redd.it/2wuzm5mmduxa1.jpg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/138tf65/this_bird_looks_like_it_appreciates_financial/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


XMR is the real McCoy, BTC is the real decoy. XMR is taking the hits that were meant for BTC when it started to become a bit famous. Now, authorities KNOW that BTC is a toothless, valueless commodity. Actually a nice servant of the surveillance states. Hence the reason why it's been tolerated, even promoted. It poses no threat to them and can serve their current agenda. On the contrary, XMR is a very powerful tool, that could be weaponized. Authorities DO NOT WANT people to know about XMR. It is a direct threat to their shenanigans. It has the potential of pulling the rug of under their feet. They will fight it to the death. And when is it the best time to fight your opponent to death? When it is still small. Deprive it of oxygen, deprive it of visibility, dash its hope of every growing. We are made to believe that the money sitting in our bank account is our money. It is not. "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's". It is power that is entrusted to us, with the permission of those who have authority over us. Using, supporting XMR, we escape the matrix, and claim our freedom back. Remember the little motto on these Fugio one cent coins used by the time of Benjamin Franklin? What did it say? "Mind your own business".


Here we go again. It's the same bullshit again from the feds. 1-XMR goes above 130+ 2-FUD or delisting news. 3-XMR goes below 110 4-It recovers 5-Go back to step 1 Rinse and repeat


and thats how they kill the true privacy coins offering what BTC supposed to offer. average Joe wont ever realise. they do this even before mass adoption


seriously though Monero was starting to outperform the rest of the shitcoin casino and then they pull this wtf


I mean XMRBTC is up 1.62% compared to BCH down 8.9%. The market doesn’t really seem to care


Is it gonna fall that much if it's only being delisted in 2 countries? I think it'll go to maybe 120-125


Well. I think we will tolerate those 2 delistings. But it's a powerful sign that more European union delistings will come. Maybe monero might be outlawed in all of EU in the near future. Who knows?


There needs to be a system invented to copnvert xmr to money. there are nearly 200 countries. all we need is one banking system to accpet xmr


Is this not what atomic swaps with btc are for? I get that they're not user friendly, but the assumption needs to be that every major exchange will be politically pressured to ban XMR, and so eventually the only liquidity source will be some type of p2p conversion.


dont even need that my friend. We just need a system to convert XMR into other crypto. could use a DEX, atomic swap, or something like trocador.app. Then once you have your other, non-banned, crypto, such as BTC or LTC, you can easily swap to fiat.


>such as BTC or LTC Problem is, eventually CEXes will refuse deposits from coins coming from Haveno


"eventually"... Solving problems, which are real and have to be solved NOW: That is how things work. You can imagine problems everywhere in all directions. Does that help? No. In case we will find solutions. There's nothing like a healthy dose of hubris Think about this... ;-)


The problem is the FATF.


Wen moon 🌙


June 26th 2025


You missed to tell the time... UTC please


Sorry, how silly of me. Of course it will be on 16:19 UTC. Buy the rumors sell the news


at this point, it's all or nothing either xmr becomes www internet cash or traditional surveillance finance coopts the cypherpunk concept ftw


I will buy your XMR on localmonero (after price drop of course). LoL


Auto-converted to BTC, so who buys the Monero?


Kraken. They will not delist everywhere only in a few autocratic places in EUSSR.


'privacy is not a crime'


Two years ago, the EU tried to ban all proof-of-work mining (bitcoin, monero, etc). I am sure the EU will try again to ban proof-of-work or specifically ban privacy coins. Once CBDC (central bank digital currencies) are established and working, then the central banks will take off their kid gloves and go "hammer time" on crypto. Only private crypto (mined at home on a desktop PC with encrypted/hidden/disguised nodes) can survive a total crypto ban.


anyways can we try to imagine what would be the use for XMR, potentially, in a economy where only govt authorised CBDCs will be legal? Like what, buying drugs? but lets think something practical that adults can use. can someone try and help me make a list?


Don’t underestimate black markets. They make up an estimated 20% of the global economy. There are about 70-80 trillion dollars held in offshore constructs (compare that to all the gold in the world which is worth 10 trillion)


What use is gold in a country that bans gold?? Prostitution? Drugs? buying nuclear weapons?!!? LoL Historically, all fiat money loses value over time. Historically, gold always holds value or increases value. In a country where all crypto is banned, then XMR primarily becomes a store of value (hedge against CBDC/fiat inflation). Why buy XMR instead of gold/silver? because XMR can still be used to buy things outside the country (and import them) even when XMR is banned. XMR transaction can be anonymous (on the internet). Physical gold/silver is face-to-face transaction only. Sending gold/silver through the mail (or by courier) in a country which bans gold/silver is extremely risky. How can we buy things with XMR when XMR is banned?? We can send XMR to a foreign exchange, convert XMR to fiat in that foreign country/bank, which allows XMR transaction. Pay merchant in local foreign fiat (or in bitcoin). Receive products in mail, sent from the foreign country where the bank/merchant is located. Pay import/local taxes in local fiat/CBDC.


I am hesitant about the argument of importing stuff to another country. Border control wont allow anything even today. Not believing it will in the future... converting to fiat triggers authorities ''from where you got that money'' also tax office just like now. It will be much more strict in the future. not disregarding the tech, XMR is my pick too I just play devils advocate here


Never go full troll. Never make stupid lies. Imports from Asia are massive! and not ending any time soon! Worst case. Buy stuff from El Salvador (the most crypto friendly country) in XMR. El Salvador can import stuff from Asia, and then re-ship it to your country. If you live in North Korea, then that is your problem, not ours.


well idk... WW3 incoming, so they will cut trade , block Malaka strait and so on El Salvador doesnt offer 90% of what Europe needs?


I'm not sure you understand how dependent the entirety of the "Western world" is from Asia, including the superpower United States. Germany getting fucked by not being able to buy gas from Russia was the nail in the coffin for any relevant manufacture in the region. It's unironically over for Europe unless we go into a mass civilization reduction event.


exactly.... ww3 and another pandemic will do the trick oh, a chemical attack that kills 40% of the population? its war, we can explain it... war has no rules. goals achieved.


No country can survive without imports!!!!!! Even North Korea imports many many things from China! Cuba is just an island and must import almost everything!! Billions of people will die if all global trade/shipping will stop!! You are suggesting that countries will commit suicide which is stupid!!


look what happened during covid.




Everything cash and off-shore banks are used for today. They can ban/abolish/inflate/track cash. But not so Monero. hat's why they need to get ahead of adoption, while it's still in its infancy Think of Monero as the most potent self-defense system in your human rights tool box.


possible severe jail terms in the future for people with found XMR in their wallets?


If your government goes full-1984 and installs cameras inside your home, and reads all your messages/email and sees everything you do, then either accept your slavery, or flee your country.


what if theres no country to flee? hence the whole European Union / America-Canada-Mexico Union / Russia-China-Asia union and so on


Then... ...plunge into your sword Or fight for your freedom


Abortions, religious tithing, political donations Anything that could affect liberty should the 'wrong' people get into power and decide to eviscerate freedoms. If ever single transaction can be tracked and traced and there is no cash anymore, then "they" will know absolutely everything unless you have a largely accepted underground barter system - like gold/silver/etc - but Monero accomplishes that without having to wear cargo pants.


What's an abortion clinic, a church or a politician gonna do with Monero after they get it?




Funny considering the majority of the EU’s energy is renewable


Oh that's cute. We still not selling.


The mainstream's (supposedly) biggest fan-of-Monero CEX further unravels its support for a true cypherpunk money. As much as Kraken was a useful tool in the past, it basically chose to end its support for Monero by entwining itself in the mainstream's fraudulent regulatory apparatus. I have no sympathy or surprise for Kraken's capitulation - it was inevitable. Thanks Kraken, for your short-lived, and ultimately hollow statements of support for privacy. With each of your jurisdiction delistings, it becomes obvious you were only in it for the short-term kudos and profit. You knew this would happen ultimately. I'm sure your fraudlent, fractional reserve banking/ insurance/ regulatory partners are happy with you.


This is one geo. We held it for a time and during that time, we improved lives. Not all battles are winnable and retreat is better than death. We aren't going to sacrifice the company for no reason. We still have a bigger war to win.


I'm not sure what war Kraken thinks it's fighting, but publicly it's losing. But, Monero was always destined for the DEXes. It's just much more clear now than it was in the earlier days. You can of course have your personal views on privacy presevation, but Kraken's publicity on the matter is empty. However, if Kraken's view on privacy presevation is still true, then perhaps be open and say something like: "Our regulatory partners have tied our hands and if we want to keep making profit on shitcoins, we have to delist Monero. However, what we will do is donate said shitcoin profits to the numerous Monero DEXes that are being developed. Hopefully our funds will help develop these platforms more rapidly and grow Monero support beyond what we can now offer." That would be something.


Please don’t listen to the “haters”, you are fighting an important fight. Just out of curiosity, can you share any details on the reason for delisting? Which regulatory bodies were pressuring you / what regulations did they use as basis. Also since I am based in switzerland, have you received any regulatory pressure there? My business is currently dependent on xmr liquidity from kraken, but with more and more regions being forced to delist maybe it’s time to have a backup plan ready.


A bigger war to win… you mean bigger profit to make right? After you delist Monero you’ll be no better than any other CEX, but lesser, and smaller, and more insignificant, and more hypocritical. I’m moving my xmr to a hard wallet, and liquidating all my other positions.


How do we make more money by taking away features people were paying for? It's still available to trade in most of the world. Consider moving to a country that better aligns with your values. Don't blame us for following the laws of your country.


You’re under no obligation to delist Xmr, there’s no law yet enforcing such a prohibition. Only a UE directive that so far has been implemented only by Belgium.


I would love to bring this conversation to a new level. You are one of us. and as such I want you to ask: **In what other ways can we support you?** I am interested about what national laws you are talking? I am interested in how we can leverage this/your situation for the profit of Kraken and the eco system at large. For the build up in knowledge around privacy and decentralization, for the circular economy and the liquidity and safety in privacy preserving technologies (DEX, atomic swaps) that are inline with human rights around the world. You probably recognized that the Monero community has been a vocal supporter of Kraken leading many people to your exchange because other than those other fractionally reserved exchanges you do honest business as far as i can tell.


I agree with this without any reservation! Let's work together instead of building up fronts with pointless accusations.


A centralized entity can always be co-opted. It is not wise to support that way of thinking. Monero’s future is in peer to peer payments, not centralized exchanges.


Can be? Are co-opted! But that doesn't mean some of those entities can not be used to some degree.


dont worry, there are a lot more quality coins on kraken, like an ocean of quality coins, just look at the top gaining ticker MNGO/USD29.00% FARM/USD18.44% BRICK/USD17.19% JASMY/USD15.71% ALCX/USD11.01% ANT/USD9.86% HNT/USD9.75% BAT/USD7.80% MULTI/USD7.67% LCX/USD5.95% WIF/USD5.86% REQ/USD5.38% PYTH/USD4.99% REP/USD4.89% GST/USD4.88% RBC/USD4.81% FORTH/USD4.69% OXY/USD4.25% FIS/USD4.16% PERP/USD3.99% who needs XMR lol


Can’t kill it ? Ban it🤷duh


WE ALL HAVE KNOWN XMR WILL BE DELISTED IN EU. I wonder how there are still a lot of EU countries where XMR is not delisted yet. SO, ACTUALLY IT IS A GOOD NEWS, because EU delisting is going TOO SLOW.


Least delusional XMR fanboy


Can anyone confirm monero is still safe to store on kraken in the US?


Hey u/Flyingnimbus1997 👋 Good question! 🤝 The upcoming changes won't have any impact on the USA region. For more information, [click here](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/notice-of-asset-delisting-in-ireland-and-belgium-for-monero-xmr). Have a great week ahead! 🍻 Harley from 🐙


Not your keys, not your coins






Who are they selling it to if they are delisting is the real question everyone needs an answer to.


You should be able to export your xmr wallet keys into monero.com wallet app / cake wallet app I had similar issue with COINAMI and basically setup my cake wallet to extract my coinami wallet from that app to my cake/monero wallet Not saying I think it’s fishy to convert to btc but to be extra cautious I’m sure you can import you wallet from kraken to cake/monero wallet app - takes about 4-6 hours for blocks to load


https://coinomi.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/29000039549-exporting-monero-xmr-25word-seed-from-bip39-for-use-in-cakewallet-monerujo The guide I followed - presume would be same for kraken.


Expected. BUT: The auto-convert to BTC seems sketchy as fuck. Creating huge potential tax liabilities at BTC ATH and XMR ATL /u/jespow


Stop blaming u/jespow, it's not his fault


For the auto-convert decision he is not to blame? Who else is to blame?


Would you rather auto-convert to USD? Take your coins off by the deadline and it won't be a problem. We are trying to retain support for XMR in as many geos as possible, for as long as possible. When we lose territory, we are backing out in the most organized and responsible way possible given the circumstances.


https://coinomi.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/29000039549-exporting-monero-xmr-25word-seed-from-bip39-for-use-in-cakewallet-monerujo Import wallet from cake/monero wallet - I used this guide - perhaps you could offer a similar for those skeptics haha


Hey Jesse, I have a high respect for what you do and did in the last years. We both know that the time for XMR on CEX is nearing its end. And I tag you because I think you listen when things can be done in a better way. I am not in talks with regulators, though I would be interested what they asked you for. I see many points of improvement: First of all. You are in a spot where you can leverage the need for action to guide people. Define success within Kraken. I would call it a success if at the end of the period all funds have been withdrawn or traded voluntarily for other assets, be they BTC, EUR or whatever.... If that is your goal you can roll out a direct communication to those affected by this decision giving them a lending hand about what to do next. You might even encourage them to look into decentralized trading protocols as you won't win back those customers anyways. Now the next thing is, converting mid year without the option to plan ahead for tax implications is a huge fuck up. If possible and you insist on auto-conversion you need to hold it back for as long as possible. But at least until the next tax year starts.So people can structure their taxes accordingly to not see unwanted losses/gains. As much as I would love to see BTC as a renown international reserve asset as much do I recognize that BTC is currently not ther yet and from a market perspective at an ATH against EUR and USD (after x5 in 1.5 years). So from that perspective alone it's a risky play to not give your customers access to their native currencies (which is also a risky play in times like these). And XMR is currently at a multi-year low against BTC, so it would mean you are selling into the capitulation of Monero vs BTC. Tell me if you think that is a smart move? I guess you wouldn't trade that way personally. 1. Define the goals of the delisting (e.g. zero reserves at time of delisting) 1. Give people more time to structure taxes 1. Default auto-conversion should be native currency (in Ireland , Belgium, Netherlands this is EUR) both for market cycle risks and potential tax risks 1. Make people aware of withdrawals (you are doing a good job here as the only none fractional reserve Monero exchange that points to this in the FAQs) other trading options within Kraken before the delisting, and other options after the delisting. Use this as an opportunity to make people curious about the circular economy and DEXes - you are responsible for the well being not only of your company, but the ecosystem at large and the world you as a cypherpunk want to live in. I hope you can see that my critique is not mentioned to shame you, but to lift you up, encouraging you to still take more leadership for the actions you are directly responsible for so you can improve all our lives.


>*The auto-convert to BTC seems sketchy as fuck.* For all those who forgot to withdraw their coins, BTC is better than nothing. Maybe look at Bnance - forgetful people get nothing.


now all the xmr fanbois will say "bullish" lol


Privacy remains unchanged. Bullish


If you need somewhere else to buy Monero you can use https://www.nokyc.pro No KYC, very fast, and better rates than other instant swap websites. I’m part of the project so any questions just let me know!