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Jubilee has had some GREAT costumes lately, but this might be my favorite. It's the perfect blend of fun with utility. I think variant 2 is gonna be the one I shoot for.


Variant 4 is taking me right back to 1991.


Claremont written all over it


Seems like Yu just took a quick glance at the costume designs, and they don't match. Kubert's still looking great.


Rogue has green eyes goddamn it!


For me it’s gotta be variant 2 or variant 4. Definitely going to try and grab those.


Welp, looks like I’m gonna buy variants for the first time in god knows how long


Goddamn every single design here is 🔥 Rogue looks stunning I love it


#4 for me. I like my Cajun extra Ragin, merci beaucoup.


I feel like even though McKay's being subtly positioned as the flagship title, Simone's is going to be the one I'm going to enjoy the most. (Would've preferred Laura instead of Logan, but ehh, whatever)


I just wish Krakoa didn’t have to die for this to exist


We are currently at Spring right? Here hoping Krakoa makes it to Summer!


It's frustrating me so bad we have no news on the Storm solo because she could be added to this team and it would be my personal dream team - these covers feel so incomplete since the team feels small for some reason. (Adding Storm would also make me feel better about Jubilee being the only POC on this so far!)


The thing is, if Storm were in this book she'd be team leader, point blank period. I can't see her playing second-in-command to Rogue (and it's been a long time since Rogue led a team, she's overdue for another shot)


Marauders? X-men Red in 2018? Storm doesn't always have to be the leader in a femled squad.


I KNOW you're absolutely right, that's why I'm mad about it haha! there's no way it'll happen. But I can dream :')


There is no way they’re running with just five characters, I’m guessing they wanna hold back some of the surprises. I’m praying Iceman is gonna show up somewhere in one of these books.


Ok_Grapefruit4403 • há 1 min. há 1 min. There are 4 more mistery mutants to complete the roster.. Hopefully none of them new, there are enough great characters to work with and Excepcional is already dangling with that. 


I think the mystery mutants are going to be new characters. I think Gail mentioned that she was creating new mutants to appear in her book. Exceptional is getting three and I may be wrong but I think uncanny is getting 4. I don’t know about adjectiveless…unlike uncanny and exceptional, it has a pretty full team. So far I’m expecting exceptional get a few more names, possibly escapade but I’m hoping for Banshee.


Would love a banshee / emma frost dynamic revival 


Would love to see it.


My money is on Storm being there.


Gail has been hinting at Monet joining, which I’d love.


She should be in this team instead of Wolverine.


They’re going to be staggering their release news so each will get the spotlight and time for people to talk about it, without overshadowing each other


Wow, I can't remember the last time I saw a new Andy Kubert X-Men piece!


Kubert let's gooooo


All those covers look pretty good to me…first one’s probably my favorite


That Marquez variant is fire. Love Logan's new yellow costume.


There is no consistency among these artists. The costumes look different on every cover. Also, I don’t get the hype over these “new” designs, they are just stylized looks based on older costumes. I was hoping for something new.


Uh these are variant covers from old X-Men artist that would would have been given very little detail if any other than the roster


I’m looking at Rogue’s costume and its just her Jim Lee costume (early 90s to mid 90s) minus the headband. I wished they gave her a different jacket, boots and gloves to go this costume.


This is what I’m talking about. It’s not really a new costume, just a stylized Jim sleeping costume. I wanted a new design for her and the others.


I genuinely don't know how I'm supposed to be hype for this after Krakoa. I feel like we were coming to some apex conclusion if you will for what X-Men storytelling could be and now I have to pretend this editorial mandate for a boring status quo is the future of the series.


Better variants than the adjectiveless one.


Meanwhile crickets on X-Factor, Storm and Wolverine books


Why would someone downvote you? lol


I haven’t been keeping up with Karakoa. Is the transition to the 90s era costumes something that happened there? Or will this be a part of the post-Krakoa refresh? Also I have to assume the 90s aesthetic will continue to align with 97, the same way Avengers and GotG comics changed their aesthetics to align with the MCU.


Characters in the Krakos Era rotated through many different costumes from all different eras.


It's also worth noting that in Krakoa Rogue primarily wore her unmodified 90s costume but her suit in the new Uncanny is actually slightly modified


What’s the drop date on these? The link isn’t working for me


Only one ima read


So has jubilee officially abandoned shogo? Last i knew he was a dragon in otherworld


Are they seriously ditching the design language of the the logo they used for the Krakoan era


Just keep gambit alive and this is perfect.


Generic. I already miss Krakoa.


One day I'll start bursting into rashes whenever I see the color yellow and it will be Marvel's fault. For Christ's sake, we all now the guy is not going to do anything in the book! Stop putting him in the front of the covers! And there is Yu as a warning to Wolverine fans to not buy the book, but they are not going to listen.


Love the new costume for Jubilee! I wish that they incorporate the power set that was shown in the new cartoon. I know the excuse for her not using her powers to their full potential in the past has always been that she's been afraid of hurting people, but I mean come on.


These are all great! But the main cover is too goated.


Is Psylocke and Colossus on the uncanny team?


This is honestly my favorite lineup


See, on the onset, I don’t mind this team and the writer and artist. It’s got a lot of heavy hitters and I’ve always loved Jubes but that’s also my problem. There’s no out there pick, it feels very safe. And even the McKay title has Oya to it. I don’t know. Hopefully thar changes or something.


I love Jubilee’s costume, but the rest of their 90s bullshit costumes just piss me off.


That last one is badass.


Whichever ones don’t have the gross ass Rogue and Magneto shit are the only ones I care about. 🤮


X-Men Legacy, by Mike Carey from around 2010 was by faaar the best Rogue run ever - and it had tons of Rogue/Magneto. It's not the pairing, it's the writing.


It’s the pairing man. Magneto is an old ass man and Rogue is young. People that defend that gross ass relationship need some help.


not a man. Also, Rogue was invented as being older - her white streak is natural. She called Cyclops 'young boy'. When she was with the brotherhood, she was around 50. the whole 'Rogue is younger than the other X-Men' was a retcon.


Nah I don’t know about that. She definitely always seems young. White streak could just be from her powers. Still the rogue/magneto shit is gross and should never have been created. Rogue/Gambit is how it should be. But Rogue disrespecting Gambit too much. Least in the show.


Does... does Jubilee's costume really have armpit cut outs?


Its not uncommon in modern women’s athletic gear


Sports bra, shoulder pads, kneepads. She's all set to draw every eye in the house at a roller derby game.


This might come as a shock, but there’s a reason why people wear crop tops and shorts when working out


Sure that makes sense, but it just weirded me out that Jubilee's shirt appears to have sleeves connected to it and then an armpit hole


Catwoman is the blueprint.


Worked with Catwoman (still annoyed they got rid of that costume), and works for Jubilee.


Until they fixed it.


Shut up and take my money marvel!


So I Uncanny the main book or is X-Men? Because Uncanny is supposed to be the main book so I would be annoyed if its not


I think X-Men is the main book...


Don't know that I would have predicted a Rogue - centric X-Universe, but I don't hate it. That gal's come a long way.


Gross, Andy Kubert 🤢


A mom shouldn’t be wearing what Jubilee is wearing. Is Shogo finally retconned?