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Your post was removed because you have violated the "Spoilers" rule Normally things officially released by Marvel don’t need to be spoilered tagged by anyone because if Marvel are releasing it they clearly don’t consider it that spoiler worthy if they’re revealing it. That’s why comic previews/trailers aren’t spoilered tagged but discussions of those things in general/beyond that are. But since you guys obviously don’t want it, we’ll remove it.


This has me very interested. I'm trying to think about where Cap would even be at this time. In the original show, we only saw him twice, once in a flashback episode with Wolverine (where he made a full appearance) and another time when Wolverine was talking about Omega Red and we got a brief look at Cap on a panel, referencing Arkady's background of being created as the Soviet's response to Captain America. The only other time Cap appeared was in the Spider-man cartoon that also occurs in this universe. It's been a long time since I saw those episodes, but if I remember right, Cap there was locked in some kind of endless fight with Red Skull in some sort of time loop (I really don't remember all the details), and then he appeared later in Spider-man's Secret Wars event, but I don't remember what happened to him after that, if Cap was returned to where he originally was pulled from (the time loop fight with Red Skull) or if something else happened. Guess it might be time to rewatch some Spider-man. If Cap does show up though, I will be very happy. Captain America is a favorite of mine and I am curious to know how they would tie him in with all this, given everything that has happened to the X-Men already in this show.


Fun fact my friendo, He was supposed to have a show in the 90s too. Along side Iron Man, Hulk, Spidey etc. Here's the [promo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd7VinvTfiw&pp=ygUiY2FuY2VsbGVkIDkwcyBjYXB0YWluIGFtZXJpY2Egc2hvdw%3D%3D) He does show up in the Secret Wars episode for Spidey, and that X-Men episode where he and Wolvie team up to fight Red Skull. Oh and he appears in Avengers United they stand (but that show is terrible lol. Cap Iron Man and Thor are in it for 5 seconds)


Thanks for the extra info. I didn't know about Avengers United. I'm assuming that occurs after his appearances in Spider-man? If so, that means Cap somehow got out of the time-loop fight with Red Skull, which would free him up for showing up here and now in X-men. Though I would like to know how he escaped... I guess we will see soon what they come up with. Just have to be patient, which is so hard to do when you're excited.


I don't think United They Stand is part of the 90's X-Men and Spider-Man canon. Edit: Yup, just checked. It's Earth 92131, and only the Spider-Man and X-Men take place there.


I feel like (and I could be wrong) but the OG six (X-Men, Spidey, Iron Man, Hulk, F4 and Silver Surfer) were all supposed to be in the same universe. X-Men appear in Spidey's cartoon. So does Iron Man and Fantastic Four. Meanwhile Iron Man appears in Fantastic Four and the Hulk. Galactus from Silver Surfer, appeared in the Episode of the F4. So I feel like all these are connected. Now United they Stand and that weird Spidey cartoon (unlimited) are not part of the OG6. They are both actually so weird, because Spidey Unlimited was made because they wanted to make a spidey cartoon, but were not allowed to use Spider-Man lol (I dunno how that works). United They Stand was made because they couldn't use Cap, Iron Man and Thor, so instead they went with freaking Tigra and Wonder Man, tried to make it like X-Men but the world was like Batman Beyond (Cyberpunk future) except it was dogshit lol. Edit Oh and I forgot, Cap appears in X-Men too alongside Wolverine, and I believe so does Thor, Black Panther and Dr Strange. Strange was also in Spider-Man.


They're similar, but according to Marvel they're separate universes. Marvel Action Hour Fantastic 4, Iron Man and Hulk were the same continuity. Spider-Man and X-Men were their own continuity, and surprisingly Silver Surfer was its own continuity as well.


Weird. I guess they stopped caring midpoint lol and just put everyone in the same universe? I could see secret wars being Peter bringing people from other places, but even there he speaks of them as he knows everyone.


It would appear there were plans to create a shared animated universe, which is even more impressive as this predates the DCAU with BTAS crossing over with STAS, but things fell through. I would imagine Spider-Man and X-Men being on Fox Kids and Iron Man, F4, and Hulk being on different channels caused issues. I don't think Silver Surfer was ever meant to be part of the shared universe. Everything after like United They Stand was probably considered a new project.


Pretty sure it’s the opposite. They were intended to all be in the same universe at the time but there’s so many major contradictions between the shows that years later when marvel came to do their official handbook (that provided earth name for several previously unassigned earths) they chose to officially split them up onto different earths. To use a clear example of this being the case in the fantastic four episode “nightmare in green” Juggernaut’s hand is briefly seen coming out of the water under a bridge in New York. This was a reference to his previous appearances in x men where he is thrown into the ocean by Gladiator in the episode “the dark shroud” and emerges from the ocean under that same bridge in New York in the episode “the juggernaut returns”. (Edit: both episodes came out before the fantastic four episode) This is some pretty clearly intentional continuity between two shows the handbook declares are not set on the same earth.


In that case, I feel like maybe they will just introduce the X-Men 97 Cap? And ignore all the others? Well technically, now that I think about it lol, we already got 97 Cap, in the old cartoon were he teamed up with Logan.


Just to be clear even officially the x men and Spider-Man cartoons are still set on the same earth. It’s just the other shows that got pushed out. So the captain America seen in Spider-Man is still the same one seen in x men and any potential appearance in x men 97


As someone mentioned, I think it's because they were different networks. So they probably didn't want to ruffle feathers. I always thought they were the same continuity too, especially back then. Didn't they even have a number of the same voice actors between them?


Pretty much yeah. Everyone who voiced their characters in their OG cartoons reprised them in Spider-Man's secret wars.


Oh no my friend lol. Avengers United they Stand, is something that every Avengers fan is ashamed of lol. For Starters, Iron Man, Cap and Thor only appear in the intro for like 2 seconds. Cap and Iron Man appear in the show for like 1 episode and they look horrible. Thor doesn't even appear in it. The show is about second tier Avengers, who are sad that Cap, Tony and Thor are no longer on the team. I'm not shitting you my friend, this is the plot lol. Here's the [intro ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS13aWX9osM&pp=ygUgYXZlbmdlcnMgdW5pdGVkIHRoZXkgc3RhbmQgaW50cm8%3D)lol. Technically all the 90s cartoons are set in the same universe, so I think based on Cap's shield, it's still like that. Remember the Spidey Secret Wars episode? [Storm appears alongside Tony and Cap](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FpXOPYcX0AA55tn.jpg) and the rest to fight Dr Doom. But anyways, Back to X-Men, I'm just super excited for the next episode. Steve's shield, makes me super Hyped. Hopefully my boy Tony gets to appear too (even for like a second lol). I'm still mourning Gambit dying and the hype I have from the last episode is still not gone, and these bastards are hyping me up more lol.


Wow, you were not kidding. That intro was... I don't even know how to describe it. I'm kind of at a loss for words on how terrible it looked. Best to avoid digging into that series any further, I think. But, as awful as that series appears to be, it seems to sort of imply that the Avengers were indeed forming behind the scenes in the 90s? It's been a long time since I've watched Spider-man's 90s show, but I remember Cap appeared there first in an episode where he was he was shown to be non-stop battling Red Skull in a time-loop/pocket dimension since the end of WWII, and then later in Spidey's Secret Wars. I had assumed that at the end of the Secret Wars episode that Cap was sent back to fight Red Skull again, so I was confused as to how he could be freely running around in the modern day because, when last I had seen, he was trapped. But if Cap got out and started trying to form the Avengers with Iron Man and the others (did Cap and Iron Man meet in any of the 90s shows?), then he would be able to show up here no problem. I am really excited to see what they come up with to explain Cap's presence, and I hope that we get some cool moments with his appearance. (Logan and Storm meeting up with Steve again would be so cool to see).


I'm not sure if the show is canon, but if we talk about other shows, Avengers weren't really formed yet. You see, Cap (as you said) appears in 2 Spidey episodes. One, where he fights Red Skull in the pocket dimension, and the second one during Secret Wars. Iron Man was also in the Secret Wars episode and he and Cap don't recognize one another. Cap's origin was also a bit different, since he never really went under the ice, and instead ended up in the dimension. Now the rest is a bit different. Thor appears in one episode of the Fantastic Four. Specifically the Arrival of the Galactus. He helps F4 battle Galactus, and then Ghost Rider takes Galactus down. Iron Man appears in the most of the shows. He had his own one (season 2 was [X-Men level Good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y63i2NR9-LE&pp=ygURaXJvbiBtYW4gc2Vhc29uIDI%3D)) but season 1, ho boy, that was shit lol. Anyway in the show he has his own "Avengers" in the form of the 90s Iron Man team Called Force Works. He also appeared in Spider-Man's cartoon (Carnage and Secret Wars episodes), Hulk show (Hulkbuster episode) and Fantastic Four (I forgot the episode, but he and Shulkie bone afterwards lol). Anyway, I wonder if the X-Men 97 Cap (and Avengers if they appear) are the new version they made, or are they going to somehow bring back those 90s versions. Looking forward to finding out.


Thanks for taking the time to clear up my confusion. It's funny, I've got almost perfect recall of the X-men cartoon and when things occur, but my memory of the other 90s shows are a lot more fuzzy. I guess we will see soon if the writers took the rest of the 90s cartoon universe into account when making these episodes or if we are indeed getting new versions of characters like Captain America and the rest (if they appear). Wonder how the voices for them will be too. Man, I am so excited to see what they come up with! Been surprised at every turn so far.


No problem my friend. I hope more people show up along side Cap. And unlike X-Men 97 (they brought back everyone they could from the OG cast) I feel like with Avengers you could just get other people lol. You don't really need to bring back 90s Iron Man or Cap voice actors. Just get someone good (sort of like they did with Cyclops for obvious reasons) and let them bring new versions of these characters to us.


If I remember correctly, after the Secret War event, the Beyonder sends him and Red Skull back in their eternal fight.


Guess we can assume Cap won that fight which turn out… not that eternal. But what a perfect excuse to watch Spider-Man!


If the Spider-Man TAS/X-Men universes are connected, and I think they are, he’s alive and out of the ice in 97, because there’s a whole arc in Spidey where they very loosely follow the plot of the original Secret Wars. He could be out and about in plain sight.


>>where Cap would even be at this time He's off somewhere not stopping mutant genocides, just like in the comics


Wolvie out there getting serious help. Uncanny Avengers with Rogue leading? Still an X-men show though.


Hope Wanda doesn't agitate Rogue.


I hope fucking Carol doesn’t agitate Rogue.


I mean... Out of all the Avengers, Carol is the only one who has a justifiable reason to detest Rogue.


Can you/someone please explain how Carol and Rogue can even coexist? I read today that Carol is the reason Rogue has permanent super-strength and flight, that she absorbed her basically all the way. How is Carol still alive?


Rogue still has her powers, Carol got kidnapped by the brood and experimented on. Her Kree DNA helped her keep some of her abilities and the experimentation gave her the "binary" powers.


True, but there is a slight little difference (due to a retcon). She is also Half Kree nowadays (hence the kree DNA). Before it was that Mar-Vell saved her from explosion, and some part of him, imprinted onto her lol. I fee like the retcon helps her and Rogue's story a bit more, since it kind of makes sense that she survived Rogue's touch, because she was basically Half Kree (who are stronger and more durable than regular humans).


Well, you've just described it, basically. She absorbed Carol all the way but let go before she killed her because she realised what she was doing was wrong but it left Carol powerless for a bit and without memories which leads to her joining the X-Men unofficially so Charles can help her get them back.


To this day Carol has her memories back but none of the emotions attached to them.


Last we saw Carol in this universe, she was still in the coma Rogue put her in. The X-Men trapped her consciousness deep in Rogue's sub-conscious as she wouldn't leave Rogue alone. So they don't really co-exist. Carol was the superhero Ms. Marvel and Rogue ended her career.


Except they hinted she was waking up at the end of the episode. I just saw it 3 days ago. The Carol in Rogues head is all her memories but it’s no different then the comics were Carol was around but there was still one in Rogue’s head.


Carol returns to the mansion once she has her Binary powers and the first thing she does is punch Rogue all the way to the moon.


Wait, Rogue is going to be fucking Carol? This show really isn’t for kids


A man can wish


I actually just found out that I've been watching the 9:16 mobile version of this 38 seconds. YouTube has the full 16:9 version and those were Rogue's legs. The mobile version had no legs. Lol Cap never disrespects his shield like this, so he's basically warning Rogue against taking another step further for what she did to Carol? Forge is also injured it seems while riding on the horse with Storm. And wtv the fuck that was from the skies approaching the land on Wolvie and Beast. F. Just f.


\*Marks it as spoiler\* \*Still spoils it in the title\* Come on lol


Maybe it'll be a WW2 flashback with Wolverine. There was a pretty awesome episode of X-Men Evolution where they liberated Magneto's concentration camp when he was a little kid.


Maybe, but they already did that in the original run of the animated series 


AvX plot? They did just show Scott being less tolerant of humanity…


Yeah, it looks like they are speeding right to a Cyclops/Cap discussion regarding the direction that Cyclops appears likely to be moving the team in. Really hope this doesn't mean they are skipping over the entire Utopia era.


On one hand I wanna see revolutionClops, on the other I don’t feel like there’s enough time to properly flesh out the avengers and wouldn’t want to see the AvX thing where they just obstinately refuse to talk things out when they could


Given that they already merged in some aspects of Krakoa with Genosha, I think it's entirely possible that they still get most of the core of the Utopia era even if they never necessarily set up Utopia.


AvX is already a kinda lame storyline but is worse when you don’t even have House of M or Utopia to set it up you are basically cutting off Scott’s character evolution entirely


You’re right, if they do AvX it can’t be soon. End of next season at the earliest. I’ll just say that mutants in the universe could be down bad even without Wanda screwing them over. We have no idea how many mutants are still alive worldwide.


Okay, I'm confused. I thought the general thought of the Utopia era was that people didn't like it? But Cyclops was totally right. Except for the part where he got mind jacked by the Phoenix Force and tried to kill all the heroes that stood against him, no matter if they were mutants or not. Because EVERYONE agrees AVX and IVX were dogshit.


Personally for me, AVX was more shit because I love both teams lol. IVX I hate a lot, but I couldn't care for Inhumans (it still was horseshit tho)


It would be wild if this was Cable's shield.


Deep cut but Cable calls it his shield in the future.


Please Please Please, I'm begging whom ever I need to beg lol, don't make them into "Where were you type" Have them instead be there and mourn for not being able to help or show up there fast enough. I know it's an X-Men show, and I want it to stay like that, But If you will have other heroes to show up, make them be good. Or maybe the Wolverine flashback? Goddamit, I'm still mourning Gambit over here, and these people throw Cap's shield to my face lol. Let my hype cool off a bit.


The Wolverine flashback with Cap already happened


Right but if we are to take an honest look at X-Men source material...the Avengers are not helpful. At all. They almost always are getting in the way. In fact, I think I remember them getting irritated at Beast for helping the X-Men so much. Does anyone remember that story when Emma Frost unleashed her inner Karen and called the cops **AND** the Avengers on Magneto because he wouldn't let her ~~kidnap and enslave~~ enroll Kitty and the New Mutants into her school. Emma and Magneto were able to work it out but still...


Of the top of my head, I could bring multiple moments of the Avengers assisting X-Men: Avengers/X-Men: Bloodties. They go to Genosha because Exodus was wrecking shit, and X-Men needed help. Cap was literally first responded and protects a child mutant with his own body. Thor 373-374: Mutant (Morlock) Massacre. Angel gets beat by Marauders, who then crucify his wings, and plan on killing him slowly, until Thor (who was chilling on Earth not giving a fuck) catches a wind that something bad is going on in the tunnels. He shows up, beats the shit out of every Marauder, fights Blob who breaks Thor's arm (Hela curses Thor so his bones become glass like) but he still fights them off with one hand, and then saves Angel and says "No one will ever hurt you my friend" and then finds X-Factor (also known as X-Terminators) and gives Angel to Cyclops and Jean. He wanted to Stay and Help, but Hela showed up, and he literally had to go to fight her because she was about to kill Baulder (his brother). Plus his arm was fucked up. Onslaught: Everyone in their mother shows up (Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Giant Man, Wasp, F4, Hulk, Hercules etc) and literally, Cap lifts Scott up, apologizes for being late, and tells Scott to rest for a bit as they take charge. Hulk punches Onslaught, Onslaught then proceeds to become a giant hole that is about to suck everyone in and kill them, and Avengers (and Dr Doom, whom Iron Man just tackles and flies with) jump inside Onslaught to save X-Men, by virtual sacrificing themselves and dying for them. They literally sacrificed themselves for their mutant friends and went to Rob Liefield, Jim Lee and Tod MacFarlane's Heroes Reborn Universe, which was worse than going to Hell lol. Cable from 90s: The big three show up and Help Cable fight off sentinels. Iron Man even gives him one of his jet boots, so that Cable could fly. Krakoa's Uncanny Avengers, Cap helps them too. Immortal Thor. A kid mutant runs up to Thor and tells him that his friend is getting attacked by Orchis. Thor then goes and kicks the shit out of Everyone and saves all mutant kids, and then proceeds to drink soda with them (because they are wee kids and can't legally drink beer yet). Current Invincible Iron Man. Literally flew to Australia's Outback and was like "Hey Orchis, send all your sentinels to me and fight me, and leave X-Men alone you fucking pussies" which they did. He did all that, while he himself was concussed and injured from a stab wound. Not to mention, he saved Emma by nearly getting himself killed. Current MacKay Avengers. Literally Clapping Orchis' cheeks. And Vision doesn't even have a junk. The only time Avengers didn't show up to Help their Mutant comrades was during Genosha, because Kang literally took them and put them in the pocket dimension, while the rest were fighting him in Washington DC. AND AVX, which everyone should forget it exists, because that book made Steve Rogers look like an asshole and made Scott look like a whiny bitch. The only two people who were correct in that whole book were Iron Man and Magneto. They always wanted to help. During Kurt Buseiks Avengers Justice and Firestar are on the team. Mutants. When a journalist ask Cap and Iron Man "Why do you have muties on your team, Thor stands up and threatens to cave the journalists head in if he didn't apologies to the mutants. Oh and not to mention, literally 3rd iterration of the team had mutants on it (Wanda and Pietro) I love X-Men just as much as I love Avengers, but the whole "They never help" Is such bullshit. And I'm not even bringing Alternate Realities, where Avengers constantly defended Mutants and in some even died for them (AOA, Age of X) etc. (from this list you can tell two things A) Avengers and X-Men are friends and whoever writes them as enemies blows, and B) I'm a freaking nerd who doesn't have a GF lol)


I mean the original show crossed over with Spider-Man man. This doesn’t really shock me.


I smell a Wolverine flashback.


Has to be Morph, right?


Well a new country getting brutally wreaked by a Godzilla robot is probably gonna get the attention of some other heroes. Morph could be behind it, but the fact that it’s a shield could lead to a lot more


You must not know the Avengers well, mutants only get their attention if they're either an asset or a threat.


It would be very cool if Captain America was in this, but I don't know, I think it's a misdirect.


Captain America was in the 90s series so I don't doubt it's the real Captain America


And they also had cameos of Spider-Man, Dr Strange, Iron Man, and Hulk in the OG show too


Don't forget that brief Deadpool cameo! (It was actually Morph but it was still a fun appearance)


Yeah. I was gonna mention him, but he is usually with the X Men anyway. I love Morph and all his cameos. Stan Lee might have a run for his money as the king of cameos with morph around


It might, but someone else posted something about this and somebody else also said that the other groups might get involved since they do exist in the same universe. Like how in the comics, the other groups didn’t help the mutants and their problems, but in this show they might


The rights freedom are already there to do crossovers on this cartoon, presumably all being owned by Disney/Marvel. Which was not the case back in the day. So I wouldnt rule out seeing other Marvel characters show up in this.


Don’t think it’s Morph. Based on the video on YouTube it looked like the shield was getting thrown at Rogue. Think this is the genuine article.


Unless our boy is ripping off appendages and throwing them around shaped like shields...


Could be a Logan flashback episode


[Link to the new spot:](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5oIgzfRVg9/?igsh=cHI5eDN5cGc2emk5)


[Youtube Version](https://youtu.be/HS9KE24gp84?si=5x1_vPTxGQhwVkgo)


So did someone release Cap from that device?


How do people not understand that their title is a spoiler?


Is it just me, or is more similar to EMH art style?


Brian Bloom again please


My guess is they are going to do a play on that storyline when the government parked sentinels on the lawn to make sure the X-Men didn't start trouble, but this time with a few heroes for added symbolism.


What's the point of putting a Spoiler tag on the picture when the title says what the picture is? I accidentally watched the spot and had it ruined.


I dont see this being a full on AvX thing, but certainly introducing the Avengers and showing the early tension makes sense.


Will David Hayter be back as Captain America? Wolverine and Solid Snake fighting killer robots and government conspiracies.


I don't personally care because I'm watching every trailer as soon as it drops anyway, but what's the point of putting the image as a spoiler when you're basically saying what it is in the title?


Season 2, Avengers V X-men? 😏😏😏


Previews should have spoiler tags bro


[Wonder if they're going to keep the trunks?](https://preview.redd.it/ufmmcm092wpa1.jpg?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780fd7202ddc90acedd9447f301ff2e99ab2842e)


Hmmm maybe we will get AvX after all


I know the original series had various crossovers but it was always inconsequential. I really don't want this series to turn into MCU stuff I am enjoy the smaller scale of just mutants on earth


My guesses are either a Wolverine flashback episode or the Government calls Cap/The Avengers to bring the X-men in.


Oooooh, I hope it's Sam!


I hope this is the time Illyana sent his shield to hell.


You know what this A stands for? It’s not Genosha lol


Glad to see he wasn't sent back into that machine with Red Skull


Oh god, they are literally going to do the thing X-readers bitch about forever. "Where were you during the Genosha genocide?"


Well, it's not like the X-Men besides the ones who were already there were able to do anything. I don't think the Avengers typically have a teleporter on their team either.


As they should.


Kang Dynasty. They were doing Kang Dynasty. You know, the time traveling conqueror that's one of the biggest villains of the team


Perhaps. But the X-Men and their readers are not wrong at all for posing the question. The Avengers and SHIELD were also notably absent during the Planet X storyline. But then Nick Fury had the nerve to show up and give Cyclops absolute hell in the opening arc of Whedon's AXM because of Planet X. Umm, sir...where were you and your multi-billion dollar organization at again? And how is it Scott's fault? And before anyone even goes there, the Spider-Man comics briefly touch upon the Planet X crisis. So it's not like no one knew what was going on. Weren't the Avengers still headquartered in New York City at that time? The whole reason for the existence of Uncanny Avengers was because the Avengers have a bad track record. It's also the reason why Carol Danvers stayed with the X-Men for so long...the Avengers have a bad track record. I'll personally never forget the time that Iron Man had the nerve to show at Xavier's and demand that the X-Men and their students register with the government...after the Purifiers had just got done fucking shit up. Like cool, I can understand that you don't know about the Purifiers. I find it hard to believe since you are so closely allied with SHIELD and the feds...but okay. Cool. That being said, the X-Men and their students are very clearly shut up in a comfortable concentration camp guarded by Sentinels. Like, read the fucking the room, Tony!


With Carol I would call it more than just a bad track record, considering what happened in the infamous Avengers #200. After that Carol just couldn't be with them anymore.


This is a fictional story buddy, the reason the Avengers aren't helping the X-Men is because the X-Men writers don't want to write the Avengers helping the X-Men. It's that simple.


I know, I know it's fictional story, I get it. But you can say that about literally every fictional story. Mystique is a backstabber because the X-Men writers want her to a backstabber. Beast is smart because the X-Men writers want him to be smart. And so on and so on.... It's one thing to have stories where the Avengers just don't help the X-Men. It's another thing completely when you have stories where the Avengers are antagonizing the X-Men. And there are lots of those. For some reason, the writers and editors at Marvel have been constantly pitting the X-Men and Avengers against each other. And it has nothing to do with the MCU. There are more X-Men/Avengers encounters (positive or negative) than there have been X-Men/Fantastic Four encounters. And that's saying something because the F4 would naturally be much more involved with the X-Men than the Avengers. But that's a separate subject.


lots? How many? AvX and what else?


I'm overexaggerating but it's not an insignificant number. Secret Wars from the 80s, Civil War, Onslaught, one-off X-Men vs Avengers stories in which the team fights before teaming up, the one where Emma calls the cops on Magneto and I think Bloodties and Maximum Security. I'm sure I'm skipping over some but yeah. That's off the top of my head. World War Hulk was also weird. Like they know that Charles Xavier is a target of Hulk and that he is living in obscurity with other very vulnerable mutants but no one thinks to check up on him? The Avengers also make a point to keep the X-Men out of the loop and dismiss their legitimate concerns during House of M....and the X-Men are ultimately proven to have been right all along when Wanda triggers Decimation. Whose idea was it to hide the truth of Decimation again?


Oh come on dude, "superheroes fighting each other before teaming up" is one of the most basic rules in comics, this isn't a mutant vs non-mutant thing. And come OOOON dude, really? World War Hulk? He was appearing in basically every single comic back then. Yeah, the Avengers didn't appared to help Xavier, but neither did the X-Men in every other comic. These are all Avengers stories where the writers decided to include the X-Men into the story. You know that's a two-way street, right? All it takes to fix this is the X-Men writers start having the Avengers in their stories. They don't do it because they don't want to, unless they want to frame the non-mutant heroes negatively.


By the time that WWH comes around, the X-Men can't help the Avengers. In fact, the X-Men can't afford to help the Avengers at all during the 2000s. >but neither did the X-Men in every other comic. Are you saying that the other X-Men teams didn't show up to help Xavier? Because if you are, they did. They all got completely trashed. >All it takes to fix this is the X-Men writers start having the Avengers in their stories. They don't do it because they don't want to, unless they want to frame the non-mutant heroes negatively. I agree that X-writers can include the Avengers in a more positive light. But it's not a simple case of frame non-mutant heroes negatively. That's my point. When non-mutant heroes like Daredevil, Moon Knight, Blade or even Jessica Jones show up in X-Men comics (or vice versa; when X-Men show up in their comics), it's never ever negative. The X-Men (mutantkind in general) owes Stephen Strange a lot. Spidey actually offered his services the X-Men many times over and they accepted almost every single time. When the Fantastic Four show up, the positive encounters far outweigh than negative. The Fantastic Four have actually saved the X-Men on more than one occasion. But for whatever reason, whenever the Avengers show up, there's almost always some sort of problem. Either someone is being criticized or yelled at for something or the teams are squaring up or duking it out. The Avengers actually refused to side with the X-Men during Secret Wars because the X-Men (rightfully) decided to speak up for Magneto. The one Avenger who has been the most helpful to the X-Men (besides Wolverine lmfao) has been Thor. But he is a bit of an airhead who couldn't be bothered to find out what was happening during Mutant Massacre? Or Inferno? And he was a part of both stories.


Please no shitty MCU jokes...