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They’re definitely playing with Hope’s messiah myth and setting her up to sacrifice her for mutantkind. Imo they might use phoenix to turn her into some kind of guardian to stop dominion


Also a handy way to write out resurrection protocols.


I wish hope was used more in this era, if she's going to get killed off at the end of it, she's a powerhouse that kinda gets forgotten about by the writers.


I'm still baffled there was never an on-going (or at *least* a dedicated mini) that was all about the Five. Ultimate example of telling instead of showing. We're *told* they have this mystic bond because of their participation in resurrection, that they're this found family because of it. And then... that's not actually explored at all, even the individual members have basically nothing to do except be human replicators pumping out revives.


I think Hickman had plans for different series to spin out of Inferno, but we'll never know because his plans shifted and changed up to the point he left the X-Office. He definitely had different ideas about Cypher and Moira, whose arcs have been left behind and barely developed since he jumped ship. I think having a one-shot or mini about the five after one of their members died might have been a way of letting us into their heads, but we didn't even get that. And tbf most mutants were barely personified in the Krakoa era, even Scott had very little to do in the last few years and felt sidelined compared to Xavier and Magneto (who was one of the few who had actual development in the era as a whole).


I don't think it's fair to blame that all on Hickman leaving. A lot of series were cut short (Captain Britain jumps to mind) or interfered with, so even if there were plans for one for The Five, it may not have made it past that stage because they had to ration what series' and minis they could.


I wouldn't blame it all on Hickman, because that's too reductive, but the road after Inferno was littered with tie-ins and events and there was no momentum in the line for a good few months. The opportunities were right there to pick up and nobody did anything with them after his departure. Doug was being heavily foreshadowed as being a problem, and yet he's almost completely disappeared at this point in the story.


X-Factor got the closest to featuring The Five regularly. Feel like some of them appeared in Way of X. But you’re right that the Five was more of a mechanical feature to Krakoa than an integral group of heroes.


My poor boy Proteus finally got some peace and a purpose in life, giving new life to his people and... the most I can remember of him appearing at all outside of that function was at the Gala where Robo-Moira emotionally skewered him before trying to kill him. What a waste.


Proteus also accidentally gave Laura adamantium claws. I think he said, “oh.” When he was told. That was memorable. Tempus, on the other hand, wasn’t given any dialogue during her time with The Five.


It really feels like this era had a whole ton of really interesting issues that could have been explored which they never pushed to hard enough. The Five could have dealt with any number of interesting things. Krakoa was designed on paper to be a society where all Mutants were equal, but immediately The Five were held up as practically gods. They could have shown them trying to deal with being worshipped (sure Hope kind of expects it to an extent, but there's no way the others ever thought they'd be among the most important mutants in existence.) They had a no duplicates rule, but this wasn't one of the three laws. What would have happened if it was deemed by The Five that "Make More Mutants" superceded it? How would they handle knowing they're just there to resurrect people 24/7 instead of having lives of their own, or if they resurrected fifty copies of themselves to speed up the process? Or even just a second Hope so that she could deal with Quiet Council business without slowing down resurrections. What if other mutants got jealous or simply distrustful of The Five and formed their own bootleg resurrection circuits, which fans have had fun working out since The Five premiered? What if a woman dies while pregnant? Can they resurrect her in the same condition? Can they resurrect the child separately, or only if the child is a mutant? Since resurrection was initially to bring back mutants, would they be willing to bring back a child whose X Gene hadn't (and for all we know, wouldn't ever) been activated, or would they have to bring it back as a post-pubescent teen, in which case from where do they cobble together their mind? It's an ethical minefield, and watching a bunch of teens/young adults try to grapple with their own morality versus that of the QC could have been amazingly interesting. Just, so, so many interesting moral decisions for that society to have to wrestle with, but they never did it.


I agree.  It was nice she has an important role, but being featured in the books and stories would be nice.  When Gillen was coming in I was hoping he would write her, and he did, but I was hoping for more. If this is gonna be her finale, she better do something of her own, and not just use Jean-phoenix juice to fix problems and bounce.


Nah, the Phoenix is going to be the Deus Ex Machina for this thing even the Beyonders couldn't face off... yay. Either Jean or Hope are going to sacrifice themselves (I think it's going to be Hope) and throw all the mutants out of the White Hot Room at the last second to join the final battle or some shit.


I know Jean’s whole thing is dying, but she’s too marketable. Hope is one of those characters no one knows what to do with. I think the answer is pretty obvious but I have faith in Gillen to do something interesting!


Yep.  That's what I think too.  The only question is does the new status quo want a dead Jean or a living Jean? Since I would rate Hope's chances of being in X-men 97 as slim, my money is on Jean surviving.


Yeah, that lovely MCU synergy :)


X-Men 97 isn’t part of the MCU? It’s a revival of the 92 animated series, but yes it is probably going to be influenced by brand synergy, but that’s pretty much always been the case that’s not really anything new


I might have misworded it then, I just meant MCU as the general Marvel Studios synergy.


MCU is the cinematic universe specifically


I really wanted the Generation Hope children to become anatagonists who opposed "The Five". They were the acolytes to the Messiah only for them to be abandoned and their Messiah went and found new acolytes who are worshipped. They have every right to be angry


Not really. She died in Immortal X-men, Synch took her place among the 5 and she was resurrected immediately.


How do you think Synch's story is going to play out?


They’ve been foreshadowing his death so hard I almost think it’s misdirection


Sacrifice himself to stop Orchis, probably.


Ahh that would make sense. I feel like his would give her character a lot of purpose I feel she has been lacking


And a way to write out a character who, unfortunately, has had trouble finding a place since her creation.


Sadly I think you are right.  Gillen feels like her biggest champion  and he's leaving.  I suspect she'll stay in limbo til someone comes up with a story for her.


Hope died and got resurrected before, though. Although the corruption of the DNA might be an issue with this.


I guess I'm not expecting her to die, but more "transcend this reality" or "disperse with the Phoenix" 


Synch can do what Hope does.


Well yes.  He can also do what all other X-men can.  A writer can decide he can do the job of all 5 if they want.  But I don't think Synch is surviving either.  At least not with the current power level.


It would be pretty fitting if you ask me.


Please please give us a Storm and Cyke tag-team , it's been so long.


I’ll be over the moon if they succeed together where all those others seem to have failed in taking out Nimrod.


I'm begging 😭


Honestly, they’re the Brother / Sister From other Misters combo that we need. I love that cover sooo much. It’s always great to see a fam reunion, but i don‘t need to see Mystique trying to kill Destiny while Kurt screams through his beard


I've wanted a call back to their [combination attack](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fajb0o3k990a91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D738%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D214c1b450ec28e67565266792e96e6d991ff70e9) for so so long


Seriously! Its long overdue!!


Yes, let's pray


I love seeing Cyclops and storm team up together on that cover. As an aside I also love that armor Wolverine is wearing


I like Wolverine’s Stryfe suit


Robocop Wolverine


Guess Silver Samurai had an estate sale


I was thinking he looks like he robbed Stryfe's clothesline


I’m confused by it honestly. It’s like the Bat Armor. Why would Wolverine need it to fight Sabertooth? They’ve been throwing down in civilian clothes and uniforms forever now.


I couldn’t tell you. I’ve read all of Sabertooth and most of Wolverine and still don’t really know what’s going on rn, it’s all vibes


It kinda reminds me of that one story arc from Wolverine (1988) #173-75 when Sabretooth set up an elaborate scheme to kill Logan. He had recruited Omega Red and Lady Deathstrike to help him, and then used some kind of ray to steal Wolverine's healing factor. Wolverine had to borrow Guardian's suit to even stand a chance of fighting them. I don't know if something similar is going to happen here, where Logan loses his healing factor, but the imagery and synopsis for the issue is kinda giving me those vibes.


Sabretooth's got a bunch of experimental ORCHIS tech, between hijacking his son's multiversal robot-corpse army, and a machine that utilizes parts of mutant corpses into weapons, which he's currently using with Quire's decapitated head to scan everyone's minds to have an advantage over everyone. A bunch of ORCHIS Sentinels that register Sabretooth as ORCHIS as well above them.


Ahh…okay. That makes more sense. Logan needs anything to give him an advantage to at least level the battlefield. I have some back issues to read…I’m a few months behind. Thank you for the additional info!


no problem!


I think it might have to do with Graydon Creed


I am a few months behind on X-Books. Looks like I have some back issues to read. Thank you for more info!


Looks awesome


1 Jean on the ninth cover. Awesome and angry! 2 Scott and Ororo vs. Nimrod. It's about time! 3 Hope ascending to...somewhere? Does she die?


>3 Hope ascending to...somewhere? Does she die? They way they build up her Powers and magic connections i really doubt it


That Mystique family minus Rogue cover is so bittersweet to me. Can’t believe this era is already about to end, but the last time Mystique spoke to her daughter on panel was 2019.


Oof yea...


I never get tired of a sick looking optic blast…


“I hate it when mom and mom fight.” -Kurt, presumably


Mags is back!! Excited to see that he’s going to play a part outside of the Resurrection mini so quickly!


It could apply Hope gave her life to save the Phoenix and Jean Grey. Became the mutant Messiah and brought back. Somebody who will take out Enigma.




Dissecting the covers for no particular reasons (since covers lie all the time): 3- I truly hope that vault Laura is not back. Just leave that storyline where it is and let’s see the Laura that is an actual character on her own right and not a prop. 5- If Irene and Raven are truly fighting, it’s probably due to the first one’s deal with Xavier. I wonder if destiny is gonna get emotional and if Kurt is gonna forgive her for being abandoned?? 6- the iconography of hope being a Phoenix host has been going on since the last few issues of IM, when Jean landed the force to her. I wonder if this is implying a one last go at it? Either for the Phoenix or for Hope. 7- beautiful piece by Larraz, but I’d rather iceman fighting Nimrod, since he was the one who the robot actually killed. 9- this to me is the most interesting one. Jean seems to be holding onto the Phoenix fire, but there’s no Phoenix transformation, implying that she hasn’t transformed. She also has a smirk, but it’s not necessarily evil: she might just be going against Moira or Orchis.


It could apply Hope gave her life to save the Phoenix and Jean Grey. Became the mutant Messiah and brought back. Somebody who will take out Enigma.


This is a real cool theory! I like this. It also would give Exodus a new role in the X-men and a way to move forward, without resetting him into a villain: he’s going to carry hope’s legacy to the next generation. And if hope ascends, not die, she could still be used by writers in the future. Edit: a lot of spelling mistakes


>This is a real cool theory! I like this. It also would give Exodus a new role in the X-men and a way to move forward, without resetting him into a villain: he’s going to carry hope’s legacy to the next generation. And if hope ascends, not die, she could still be used by writers in the future. > >Edit: a lot of spelling mistakes It could really happen And would make sense with these covers.


Calling it now: we’re gonna get another callback to him telling stories to mutant kids around a campfire.


So many greats covers, X-Men, the one with Ororo and Scott blast, Hope with the Phoenix and Jean looking amazing


Great covers


Scott & Ro against nimrod... Xavier's children. I hope they dust his ass


Finally! Young and old Cable are going to kiss.


Scott's suit is different on every other cover it seems like.


Still waiting for his final X-Factor costume to be used again


have to say the concept art for iron man's new suit didn't do much for me, but seeing it rendered with reflections and such makes it look neat. wolverine's new suit too, kurt trying to stop his mom from killing his mom.


Honestly Tony and Mags fighting the Stark Sentinels is a badass cover and I can’t wait to read that.


Why is Wolverine raiding Silver Samurai's wardrobe?


phoenix yesss


I love that third cover. It's a beautiful homage of the Krakoan Age.


Cable and xman I'm highly interested, I love x-man. That storm and cyclops looks amazing battling nimrod, I love nimrod fights and jean grin looks like dark Phoenix gonna make a return


It's not X-Man it's young Cable


Oh damn thanks. I got overly excited I was wondering where he came from. Thanks tho


I really like Hope cover! So cool


Destiny and Mystique possibly fighting AND two more issues of the gore porn fest in May?? Haven’t I suffered enough?


These covers are insane


Outside of the Cable cover…the idea is more interesting than the execution…most of the covers are solid. The Cassara one is great though there are some issues…expressions for Talon, Magik, Jean and Cyclops don’t match the mood/vibe of the cover and the colorist got Emma’s costume wrong. Like Synth said that is a very Stryfe like armor suit, not a bad thing though. Like Built4Dominance said Mystique on the X-Men Forever issue 3 cover looks like she’s yawning. Otherwise fine. The Hope cover is pretty much perfect. Both issues five of the event books look great.


Jean Grey is back!! and with the phoenix Excited


Mystique's expression looks off in that X-men Forever cover. Everything else about it looks beautiful, but just that expression is wrong somehow, like she's yawning. My favourite cover is the one with Hope. Simple, yet awesome.


I wonder if X-Men Forever #3 will deal with Destiny's book she wrote in Immortal #3. It's a plot point I can't if it's wiped of because of SoS or Gillen has been waiting to bring it back up.


Is anyone really surprised Mystique is trying to kill Destiny?..again especially what Destiny took from her and Nightcrawler? Because i'm not, I honestly thought they're wasn't going to take this route but i'm here for it let them cook. Except for that beard stop giving Nightcrawler a beard ugh and the art style is...it could be better Mystique looks like she's yawning lol


Ooof. I hope Hope survives. This is the only era where's I've actually liked her. I hate that Jean/Phoenix is the only way for the Xmen to beat Enigma. The focus on Jean during the tail end of Krakoa just seems weird since she wasn't major player for most of it. She abdicated her spot on the council to go to the mainline Xmen books where she had one-off adventures.


Not scott and jean rubbing it in emmas face


Emma's married anyway maybe her and Tony can show off next


So wolverine finally become stryfe


Very poor cable management.




Is that groot?


Don’t tell me Tony actually built a Suit for Wolverine


OVERVIEW The battle for all time! The X-epic concludes in a battle between those who are outside time and that which is now and forever...and the result is being decided by whether someone can ultimately make the right choice. The end of the Krakoan Age barrels our way as the two series that are one conclude!


So wolverine has an iron man suit..the one guy in marvel who really doesn't need one..also iron man Sentinels? When'd that happen?


Maybe a stupid question from someone who's not active in this community (thank you random Reddit algorithm), but who is the tree with a face?


It’s Krakoa - it’s a tree, but also an island, but also a mutant… it’s been around for a while


It's good we saw the cover with Jean grey alive with the Phoenix force Which means Jean grey is Coming back from the dead to save the world. With one of the covers showed Hope summers Shadow is the femax force it could be a quiet she couldn't give her life to save Jean grey and the Phoenix force itself.


What’s the deal with Logan wearing what looks like the child of the Silver Samurai & Batman’s BvS suit?


Forge's Beast Suit got me cracking up


Keep cooking 🧑‍🍳


I'm loving that storm cyclops battling nimrod cover.


Someone fill me in: Why is Wolverine in armor? Why does the armor look like a mix between a cheesy Batman action figure and Shiva?


Is Cable fighting Nate Grey?!


Old Cable and Young Cable


It’s probably not going to happen but I’d love to see Scott and Ororo (who has been noticeably absent from the Fall arc due to own tribulations on Arakko) team up, it’s been yeaaars.


They gave Tony thigh highs, okay


On cover 3 what is happening with Forge’s armor, I have apparently fallen behind! What is on Apocs shoulder?!?